Crafting Performance-Based Assessment

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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education
PCK 4 – Assessment in Learning 2
2nd Semester, AY 2020-2021
Name Guerrero, Jerry Jr. V. Score
: :
Course, Year Level & Block Section: BSED 3A Sciences Date: April 30, 2021

Task Description:

I. Choose a topic related to your field of specialization and create a performance-based

assessment following the guidelines and principles of crafting meaningful performance-based
assessment and using the GRASP Model.
II. Create a scoring rubric from the task formulated. Show how each element of writing and
implementing scoring are presented. Follow strictly the steps presented in designing rubric.


Subject Matter: Ecosystem: Cycling and Preserving of Materials in Ecosystem

General Competency: The learners demonstrate knowledge and understanding of preserving of materials
in an ecosystem
Specific Competencies: The learners should be able to explain how materials in an ecosystem are being
Performance Task: As a group of 5 members in a Grade 8 Science Class, your task is to raise public
awareness about means how to preserve water and its importance, in general. In order to do this, you
should create an e-collage showing at least 5 ways to effectively preserve water and a quote about the
importance of water preservation. Real-time images captured from the community and a self-constructed
quote shall be used. Any online sites or page lay-out software may be used as a platform in creating the
collage. Final output should be posted in social media to reach mass of audience. The e-collage should be
creative, informative, visually appealing, complete and relevant to the subject.

Goal: To raise public awareness about means how to preserve water and its importance through a
digital collage
Role: Group of 5 members in a Grade 8 Science Class
Audience: Teacher and Community
Situation: Informing and persuading the community using social media that preservation of water is
essential by posting digital collage that presents ways to preserve water and motivational quote that
calls for individual and collective action. Real time images captured from the community and self-
constructed quote shall be used. Any online sites or page lay-out software may be used as a
platform in creating the collage.
Product/Performance and Purpose: A digital collage showing at least 5 ways to effectively preserve
water and a quote about the importance of water preservation
Standards and Criteria for Success: The e-collage should be creative, informative, visually
appealing, complete and relevant to the subject.
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education
PCK 4 – Assessment in Learning 2
2nd Semester, AY 2020-2021


CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Good Needs

(4) (3) (2) Improvement
Relevance to the The output is The output is The output is The output is not
theme strongly relevant relevant to the somewhat relevant to the
to the theme. theme. There is relevant to the theme. All items
Every item has one item that is theme. There are are unclear.
established clear unclear with its two items that are
relationship to the relationship to the unclear with its
subject matter subject matter relationship to the
without need for and requires subject matter
explanation. explanation. and requires
Concept and The images used 3-4 images are 1-2 images are All images used
Design are real-time and real-time and real-time and are not real-time.
appropriately appropriately appropriately The design is
displays the display the display the ineffective to
information. The information. The information. The emphasize the
design strongly design design somewhat key concepts.
emphasizes all emphasizes all emphasizes all
key concepts key concepts key concepts
using the required using the required using the required
principles of principles of principles of
design. design. design.
Completeness The digital The digital The digital The digital collage
collage shows at collage shows at collage shows at shows at least 2
least 5 ways to least 4 ways to least 3 ways to ways to
effectively effectively effectively effectively
preserve water preserve water preserve water preserve water
and highly and motivational and somewhat and a quote about
motivational quote about the motivational the importance of
quote about the importance of quote about the water
importance of water importance of preservation.
water preservation. water
preservation. preservation.
Creativity All of the graphics Most of the Only few of the None of the
used in the graphics used in graphics used in graphics reflects
collage reflect a the collage reflect the collage reflect student’s
degree of a degree of a degree of creativity.
student’s student’s student’s
creativity in their creativity in their creativity in their
display. display. display.
Visual Impact Overall visual Overall visual Overall visual Overall visual
impact is very impact is impact is impact is limited.
effective. The effective. The somewhat The social media
social media post social media post effective. The post generate 25
generate 100 generate 75 care social media post care reacts.
care reacts. reacts. generate 50 care
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

College of Education
PCK 4 – Assessment in Learning 2
2nd Semester, AY 2020-2021

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