Mapeh 8 q3 Health
Mapeh 8 q3 Health
Mapeh 8 q3 Health
Quarter 3 - Module 1
( Communicable )
Discussing the Stages of
1 Infection
We always observe the signs and symptoms every time a person feel sick, in order to
prevent the spread and further developing of the infection. That person may also stay away
or isolate him/herself and better to take advice from a doctor or a physician. When a person
is sick, its severity depends upon the extent of the infection.
What I Know
1. what do you think are the cause of the problem in the second picture?
2. What can you say about the person in the picture?
3. What does the picture show?
What’s In
What’s New
In order forus to track the development of a child, we need to monitor his/her physical
progress through stages of human growth and development. By doing this, we may discover
their strength, and weaknesses. We may be able to help and guide him/her to improve more
their physical, mental, psychological, spiritual and health development.
Early monitoring of a child will help us also determine and can act early if ever there
are potential delays of a child’s development and will be given treatment and proper care
because these are very important in the development of a child.
What Is It
ACTIVITY 2: A Life – Changing Letter
Dear Students,
This life-changing letter is about the course of infection by stages. Read it carefully
and understand how infection manifests through its various stages.
When a person is sick, the first stage of infection is .It is the period starting from the
entry of the pathogen until the appearance of first sign. For example: chicken pox, it takes 2
to 3 weeks of incubation. For common cold, 1 to 2 days of incubation, influenza takes 1 to 3
days, and 15 to 18 days for mumps.
The second stage is called the prodromal stage which starts from the onset of non-
specific signs and symptoms such as fever.
IIlness stage begins when more specific signs and symptoms appear. For example,
common cold is characterized by sore throat, sinus congestion, and rhinitis, mumps
manifested by earache, high fever, and salivary gland swelling.
The last stage of infection is an interval when acute symptoms of infection disappear.
The length of recovery depends on the severity of infection and the sick person’s general
state of health. Recovery may take several days to months and is called the Convalescence
By understanding the chain of infection, the sick person must intervene to prevent the
infection from developing any further. When a sick person acquires an infection, he / she
must observe signs and symptoms of infection and take appropriate actions to prevent the
spread like staying away from other people, and taking the doctor’s advice seriously.
Infection follows a progressive course as explained above. The severity of the sick person’s
illness depends on the extent of the infection, the pathogenicity of the microorganism and
susceptibility of the host.
I hope that you were able to learn something about the stages of infection.
-Michelle Ziegler, Contagions,
What’s More
Direction: Copy in your activity notebook the table as shown below and pick the
answers from the choices. Write the signs and symptoms under the correct stage.
Length of
recovery depends Chickenpox, 2 to 3 Common cold
on the severity of weeks Common manifested by sore
infection and the colds, 1 to 2 days Malaise, low grade throat, sinus
patient’s general Influenza, 1 to 3 days fever, fatigue congestion, rhinitis,
state of health; Mumps, 15 to 18 mumps manifested
takes several days by earache
days to months
Activity 1.2
Direction: Read the column “When this happens...” analyze if you will do or not the
statement in the column “What will I do?” put a check mark (/) on the column that
corresponds your answer.
1st If you checked four (4) yes, then you are really a disciplined and health conscious
student. You are ready to be a model for others to follow.
2nd If you checked two (2) yes, then you have to go back to where you started and
internalize or analyze what a sick person should do when he / she is infected. So that when
you are infected, you know what to do.
3rd If you checked one (1) yes, then you have to read the module again and
research on other health information to understand what to do during the course of
P.E. and Health Module 8, pages 333-334
1. Locate where the arc starts and where it ends. Explain what it means.
Critical Thinking
3. Is there anything we can do in the stages of infection? What do you think is the best thing
to do to in order to stop the flow of infection?
What I Can Do
Activity: Draw and Label
Directions: Draw the graph of stages of infections inside the box and label it.
Stages of Infection
Analyzing the Leading Causes
What’s In
We have learned from in lesson 1 the different stages of infection, and that most of
the leading causes of death are caused by disease / infections such as heart attack,
diabetes, acute respiratory infection and etc.
A lot of people die every day because of different reasons and causes. Some die
because of accidents, natural death and some are because of different crimes committed by
friends, enemies, even a family member out of a lot of reasons. But there are also people die
because of different diseases which some are communicable and acquired through lifestyle.
Definition of Terms
What I Know
Direction: Think and analyze the graph that shows the leading causes of mortality
and morbidity in the Philippines.
Mortality: Ten (10) Leading Causes
What’s New
ACTIVITY 2: Think and Share
Direction: Analyze the graph and write your answers on the space provided.
1. What are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality based on the graph?
What Is It
The leading causes of death are diseases of the heart, diseases of the vascular
system, pneumonias, malignant neoplasm/cancers, and all forms of tuberculosis, accidents,
COPD and allied conditions, diabetes mellitus, nephritis /nephritic syndrome and other
diseases of respiratory system. Among these diseases, six are non-communicable and four
are the major NCDs such as CVD, cancers, COPD and diabetes mellitus.
What’s More
Activity 3: Supply Me
Direction: Study the relationship between each pair of words. Complete the
Information in each succeeding pair of words.
3. Morbidity : Pneumonia
________: Disease for vascular system
Excellent Good Average Poor
4 3 2 1
The poster
includes all All required All but 1 required
Several required
Required required elements are elements are
elements were
Elements elements as well included in the included in the
as additional poster. poster
Students can
Students can Students can Students appear
accurately answer
accurately answer accurately answer to have
about 75% of
all questions most questions insufficient
Knowledge questions related
related to facts in related to facts in knowledge about
Gained to facts in the
the poster and the poster and the facts or
poster and
processes used to processes used to processes used in
processes used to
create the poster create the poster the poster.
create the poster
At least 7 6 - 5 accurate Less than 3
3-4 accurate facts
Content Accuracy accurate facts are facts are accurate facts are
are displayed on
displayed on the displayed on the displayed on the
the poster
poster poster poster
The poster is The poster is
The poster is
exceptionally The poster is distractingly
attractive in
Attractiveness attractive in acceptably messy or very
terms of design,
terms of design, attractive it may poorly designed.
layout and
layout and be a bit messy. It is not
neatness attractive.
1. What are the leading causes of death and leading causes of morbidity in your locality?”
What I Can Do
1. Why do we need to know the reasons of mortality and morbidity in our country?
Lesson Signs and Symptoms Most
3 Common Communicable
What’s In
In order for us to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, everyone must know
the common types of communicable diseases particularly the signs and symptoms in order
to identify the infected individual and will be given proper assistance to prevent the spread of
the disease. Some individual have less obvious signs and symptoms.
In some cases, children may not able to express their discomfort. Others, if they have
high temperature, children may express the condition of discomfort through crying, nagging,
lack of energy and sometimes loss of appetite.
What I Know
Activity 1: Say It!
Direction: Describe the following pictures and write your answers below.
____________________________________ 13
What’s New
Activity 2: Scrambled Words
Direction : Arrange the scrambled letters below to reveal the words. Write your
answers on the space provided before each number.
______________________________ a. ecutarestorypirafectionin
______________________________ b. niamoneup
______________________________ c. tischibron
______________________________ d. flueniza
______________________________ e. culosistuber
______________________________ f. gueden
______________________________ g. sexllyautransttedmiseasedi
______________________________ h. VIH
______________________________ i. SDIA
What Is It
The Common Communicable Diseases, Sign and Symptoms and Effect
Pneumonia is an infection in one or both of the lungs. Many germs, such as bacteria,
viruses, and fungi, can cause pneumonia. You can also get pneumonia by inhaling a liquid
or chemical. People most at risk are older than 65 or younger than 2 years of age, or already
have health problems. Symptoms of pneumonia may vary from mild to severe. See your
doctor promptly if you have high fever, have shaking chills, have a cough with phlegm that
doesn’t improve or gets worse after a cold or the flu.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes, the airways that carry air to your
lungs. It causes a cough that often brings up the mucus. It can also cause shortness of
breath, wheezing, a low fever, and chest tightness. There are two main types of bronchitis:
acute and chronic
Influenza commonly called the flu is a viral infection that attacks the respiratory
system. This type of flue is not the same as the stomach “flu” virus that causes diarrhea and
vomiting. Young children, older adults, pregnant women, and people who have weakened
immune system are highly susceptible to flue. Incubation period is 1-3 days. The common
signs and symptoms are fever, headache, runny nose, sore throat, cough, or other
respiratory manifestation
Dengue fever is acute viral infections that affect infants, young children, and adults.
Signs and symptoms are onset of high fever which may last from 2 to 7 days Joint and
muscle pain and pain behind the eyes, weakness, skin rashes, nose bleeding when fever
starts to subside, abdominal pain, vomiting of coffee-colored matter.
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that are spread primarily from
person-to-person during sex. Causes are bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Some of the most
common infections are; Gonorrhoea (caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae), Chlamydial
infections (caused by Chlamydia trachomatis), Syphilis (caused by Treponema pallidum,
Chancroid (caused by Haemophilusducreyi), Granuloma inguinale or donovanosis (caused
by Klebsiella granulomatis, previously known as Calymmatobacteriumgranulomatis) and
AIDS (caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV), Genital herpes (caused by
Herpes simplex virus type 2), Genital warts and cervical cancer in women (caused by human
papilloma virus Hepatitis (caused by Hepatitis B virus); chronic cases may lead to cancer of
the liver, inflammation in the brain, the eye, and the bowel (caused by cytomegalovirus),
vaginal trichomoniasis (caused by Trichomonas vaginalis), Vaginal yeast infection or
vulvovaginitis.Signs and Symptoms Symptoms vary and some STIs exist without symptoms.
, soreness, unusual lumps or sores, itching, pain when urinating and unusual discharge
from the genitals
What’s More
Activity 3: Infection Bank
Direction: Matching Type. Match column A to column B. Write your answers on the
space before each number.
A. B.
1. How can you stay protected from communicable diseases in your daily living?
What I Can Do
Activity 5: Communicate and Define It!
Direction: Define the different communicable diseases below. Explain how it affect
your community.
1. STI
2. HIV
3. Dengue Fever
Lesson Misconceptions, Myths and Beliefs
4 about Common Communicable
What’s In
We have learned in lesson 3 about the signs, symptoms and effects of common
communicable diseases. There are different communicable diseases in which the signs and
symptoms are less obvious, but most of the diseases brings discomfort and make a person
unwell and uneasy.
Definition of Terms
Myths are a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to
unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural
Beliefs are conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or
phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence.
There are different myths and misconceptions we heard from our parents,
grandparents and older individuals, and most of us easily adopt and believe in it. There are
also beliefs and practices at home being taught by elders regarding the common
communicable diseases on how and where they acquire it, just like for example,
grandparents don’t allow their young children to go outside when it is already 6’oclock in the
afternoon because the bad spirits are out and they cause harm to people. Stories like these
bring fear and children easily believe in it.
What I Know
Activity 1: Define Me!
Direction: Define the following terms using your own words and write your answers
on the space provided below.
1. Misconception
2. Myths
2. Beliefs
What’s New
Activity 2: I thought it was!
What Is It
1. By touching alone to someone who has HIV, a person cannot contract. All types of
physical contact will not transmit the virus.
2. Oral contraceptives cannot protect you from having STI’s. Abstinence or not having sex
from the infected person are the only way that can protect you from HIV or STI.
3. HIV cannot be transmitted through sweat and tears. Only certain body fluids, blood,
semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk from a person who has HIV can transmit the disease.
4. There is cure for Tuberculosis. Tb is fully curable, as long as you take your full medication.
5. TB is not a family sickness. TB doesn’t have anything to do with your genes. TB infection
is spread from person to person through the air when people with lung TB cough, sneeze or
spit. When a person develops the disease TB, the symptoms may be mild for many months.
This can lead to delays in seeking care, and results in transmission of the bacteria to others.
An individual with undiagnosed and untreated lung TB disease may infect ten to fifteen other
people through close contact.
What’s More
Activity 3: Be a Poet
Direction: Make a poem about the topic myths, misconceptions and beliefs of
common communicable diseases having 2 stanzas with 4 lines each.
_________________________________ ________________________________
_________________________________ ________________________________
_________________________________ ________________________________
_________________________________ ________________________________
What I Have Learned
Direction: Read the scenarios below. Write your dos and don’ts in every situation.
What I Can Do
Misconceptions Facts