Fabric Cutting Assignment by Amir

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Department of Fashion Design and Technology

Course Title : Garmnets Manufacturing Management

Course Title : IE 3011

Assignment On : Fabric Cutting In Garments Manufacturing

Submitted By Submitted To
MD.Amir Hossain Hafsana Yasmin
ID:2171401011 Senior Lecturer
Semester :11th Department Of FDT
Batch :14th Uttara University

Serial Number Name of Topics

1. Introduction
2. Definition of Fabric Cutting
3. Stages of fabric cutting
4. Objectives of Fabric Cutting
5. Method of Fabric Cutting
6. Requirements of Fabric Cutting
7. Factors affecting the cutting process

8. Different types Fabric cutting

9. Working Flowchart of Cutting Room
10. Function of cutting department with process
11. Machines Used in Cutting Room in Apparel

12. Conclusion
Cutting department is one of the most essential sections for garments manufacturing in the
apparel industry. The fabric cutting is started after completing the fabric spreading. In cutting
section, fabrics are cut according to the pattern. Perfect fabric cutting depends on the method
of cutting and marker planning. For making quality garments they have to follow a working
procedure of cutting department to continue their work.

Definition of Fabric Cutting

In garments manufacturing fabric, cutting means to cut out the garment’s pieces from lays of
the fabric with the help of cutting template or marker. Cutting is one of the major steps to make
a complete garment. For cutting of fabric generally, the marker is applied to the top ply of a lay.
The term fabric cutting is only applicable for garments manufacturing technology .

Stages of fabric cutting

Generally, fabric cutting is carried out with two stages. They are as follows:
 A cutting (Separating the individual pieces.)
 A final cutting ( accurate cutting of the individual shapes)

Objectives of Fabric Cutting

 To separate fabric parts from the spread of lay according to the dimension of the
 To make the garments according to the required design and shape.
 To prepare garments pieces to go forward with the next process of garments
Cutting Section in a Garment Factory

The requirement of Fabric Cutting

To achieve the required objectives by cutting fabric in the garments manufacturing process, the
following requirements must be fulfilled.
 The precision of the cut
 Clean edges
 Unscorched, infused edges
 Support of the lay
 Consistent cutting

Factors affecting the cutting processes

 Nature of fabric ( grain line shade, twill etc.)
 Thickness of fabric.
 Design characteristics of finished garment.
 Machines and tables used.
Different types of fabric cutting
There are mainly three types of cutting techniques. They are as follows:
Completely by manual
 By hand-operated Scissor.
Manually operated powered knife
 Straight knife
 Band blade
 Round blade
 Die cutter
 Notcher
 Drill
Computerized technique
 Knife cutting

 Cutting by water jet

 Laser cutting

 Plasma torch cutting

Working flowchart of cutting room in garment industry

Received the fabric from dyeing finishing

Received the cutting ratio from apparel merchandiser

Make the cutting quantity plan

Lay planning

Marker making

Make marker ratio

Decide the quantity of fabric spreading

Fix the number of lay per cutting

Take the fabric from store

Check the fabric

Fabric spreading

Marker setting on lay

Fabric cutting


Cutting quality check

Storing & Bundling

Bundles are sending to sewing section for bulk production

Function of cutting department with process sequence

Received the fabric from dyeing finishing

When merchandiser confirm about the work order sheet, then cutting section received the
required fabric from the dyeing section.

Received the cutting ratio from merchandiser

Merchandiser sends a cutting ratio for every style of garment to do this job smoothly.

Make the cutting quantity plan

Cutting manager should make the perfect cutting quantity plan.

Lay planning
Before fabric spreading, cutting manager and in-charge make a plan about fabric lay.

Marker making
To finish the accurate cutting process, marker making must be needed for each style of

Make marker ratio

In this stage marker maker prepare a marker ratio to complete this cutting process.

Decide the quantity of fabric spreading

Before spreading, cutting in charge take the decision, how many fabrics spreading are required?
Fix the number of lay per cutting
They also fixed the number of lies which are appropriate for each cutting.

Take the fabric from store

For cut the every style of garment, cutting in charge receive the fabric from store.

Check the fabric

Cutting supervisor inspect the fabric faults like, fabric holes, color shading, and any other
defects on fabric.

Fabric spreading
In this stage, fabrics are spread on cutting table according to correct lay height and ply tension.

Marker setting on lay

When fabric spreading completely done, then the different size and styles of marker set on the
top layer of the fabric lay.

Fabric cutting
Finally fabric cutting is done here.

When the cutting process is finish then numbered the every style of fabric parts to avoid the

Cutting quality check

In this stage check the all cutting fabrics quality.

Storing & Bundling

Fabric cutting parts are storing and bundling here according to color, size and style.

Bundles are sending to sewing section for bulk production

Finally all bundles are sending to the sewing section for completing bulk production

Machines Used in Cutting Room in Apparel Industry

 Automatic spreading machine
 Automatic cutting machine
 Manual cutting with straight knife
 Round knife cutting machine
 Band knife cutting machine
 Die Cutting machine
 Computerized automatic cutting machine

Automatic Spreading Machine Automatic Cutting Machine

Straight Knife Cutting Machine Round Knife Cutting Machine

Band Knife Fabric Cutting Machine Fabric Die Cutting Machine

Computerized automatic fabric cutting machine

Cutting is an important department in garment industry .In garments manufacturing industry
the term cutting is used in a different meaning. Here the term cutting is used in the sense of
cutting room which indicates an area that normally includes the activities of marker planning,
spreading, and preparation for sewing.

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