The document discusses color and weave effects in textiles. It describes simple and compound color and weave effects, order of coloring including simple and compound, and different weave patterns that produce stripe, check, and crossover patterns when combined with color arrangements.
The document discusses color and weave effects in textiles. It describes simple and compound color and weave effects, order of coloring including simple and compound, and different weave patterns that produce stripe, check, and crossover patterns when combined with color arrangements.
The document discusses color and weave effects in textiles. It describes simple and compound color and weave effects, order of coloring including simple and compound, and different weave patterns that produce stripe, check, and crossover patterns when combined with color arrangements.
The document discusses color and weave effects in textiles. It describes simple and compound color and weave effects, order of coloring including simple and compound, and different weave patterns that produce stripe, check, and crossover patterns when combined with color arrangements.
• A colour and weave effect is the form or pattern in two or more colours produced by colour and weave in combination. It is frequently quite different in appearance from either the order of colouring or the weave, as – • (i) the weave tends to break the continuity of the colours of warp and weft • (ii) a colour shows on the face of the fabric , whether it is brought up in warp float or in weft float. Colour and weave effect • Types : • (i) simple colour and weave effect • (ii) compound colour and weave effect Order of colouring • Types : • (i) simple order of colouring • (ii) compound order of colouring Simple order of colouring • In this order of colouring, only one ratio of colour is used either for warp or weft. • (i) Regular order of colouring : 2:2, 3:3, 4:4 . Same for both warp and weft. • (ii) Irregular order of colouring : 2:1, 3:2. Same for both warp and weft. compound order of colouring • In this case more than one ratio of colour is used either for warp or weft. • (i) Regular order of colouring : 2:2 and 3:3. Same for both warp and weft. • (ii) Irregular order of colouring : 2:1 and 3:2. Same for both warp and weft. Warping & wefting • Order of colouring for warp yarn is called warping and order of colouring for weft yarn is called wefting. Classification of the order of colouring 1. Simple warping and simple wefting 2. Compound warping and simple wefting 3. Simple warping and compound wefting 4. Compound warping and compound wefting. Pattern chart for colour and weave effect Order of colouring Simple weave Stripe weave Check weave 1. Simple warping and Stripe pattern Stripe pattern Check pattern simple wefting 2. Compound warping Stripe pattern Stripe pattern Check pattern and simple wefting 3. Simple warping and Cross – over pattern Check pattern Check pattern compound wefting 4. Compound warping Check pattern Check pattern Check pattern and compound wefting. Stripe, check and Crossover pattern Simple colour and weave effect • Simple weaves such as 1/1 plain, 2/2 (2)matt and 2/2 twill may be used in conjunction with two colour warp and weft patterns to produce small geometrical designs in two colours. The particular designs which results depends both on the weave and on the arrangement of the two colours in the warp and weft. These patterns are called simple colour and weave effect. They are very frequently used in woolen and worsted fabrics for costumes, sports jackets and ladies' coats Simple colour and weave effect Name of the design weave Order of colouring End and end colouring pattern 1/1 plain 1:1 Continuous line effect 2/2 ‘Z’ twill 2:2 Hair lines or pin stripe 2/2 (2) matt 2:2 Crows foot pattern 1/1 plain 2:2 Dog’s tooth or Hound’s tooth 2/2 ‘Z’ twill 4:4 Shepherd’s check 2/2 ‘Z’ twill 6:6
Bird’s eye motif 2:2
All over effect 4/4 ‘Z’ twill 6:6 Stepped twill 2/2 ‘Z’ twill 1:1 Dog’s tooth pattern Compound colour and weave effect • In this case different types of check and stripe patterns are produced. • Types : • (i) stripe colour and weave effect • (ii) check colour and weave effect • (iii) special colour and weave effect • (iv) figured colour and weave effect stripe colour and weave effect • Stripe colour and weave effect can be produced