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The paper discusses using Fuller's ideal gradation curve and error function to design mixtures for high performance concrete using rice husk ash as a supplementary cementitious material. It aims to reduce cement consumption and improve strength and durability.

Rice husk ash, silica fume, fly ash, and blast furnace slag are mentioned as waste materials that have been used successfully in normal concrete and high performance concrete.

The properties of fresh concrete discussed include workability and flowability. Hardened concrete properties discussed include mechanical strength and durability as measured by resistivity and ultrasonic pulse velocity.


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Application of Fuller's ideal curve and

error function to making high
performance concrete using rice husk ash


Impact Factor: 0.87 · DOI: 10.12989/cac.2012.10.6.631


1 310


Bui Le Anh Tuan

Can Tho University


Available from: Bui Le Anh Tuan

Retrieved on: 08 February 2016
Computers and Concrete, Vol. 10, No. 6 (2012) 631-647 631
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12989/cac.2012.10.6.631
Technical Note

Application of Fuller’s ideal curve and error function

to making high performance concrete
using rice husk ash
Chao-Lung Hwang*, Le Anh-Tuan Bui and Chun-Tsun Chen
Department of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
43, Keelung Rd., Sec. 4, Taipei 106, Taiwan, R.O.C
(Received December 15, 2011, Revised April 27, 2012, Accepted May 31, 2012)

Abstract. This paper focuses on the application of Fuller’s ideal gradation curve to theoretically design
blended ratio of all solid materials of high performance concrete (HPC), with the aid of error function,
and then to study the effect of rice husk ash (RHA) on the performance of HPC. The residual RHA,
generated when burning rice husk pellets at temperatures varying from 600 to 800oC, was collected at
steam boilers in Vietnam. The properties of fresh and hardened concrete are reviewed. It is possible to
obtain the RHA concrete with comparable or better properties than those of the specimen without RHA
with lower cement consumption. High flowing concrete designed by the proposed method was obtained
without bleeding or segregation. The application of the proposed method for HPC can save over 50% of
the consumption of cement and limit the use of water. Its strength efficiency of cement in HPC is 1.4-1.9
times higher than that of the traditional method. Local standards of durability were satisfied at the age of
91 days both by concrete resistivity and ultrasonic pulse velocity.
Keywords: fuller’s ideal gradation curve; high performance concrete; rice husk ash; strength efficiency;

1. Introduction
High performance concrete (HPC), as it is well known, can be designed to have the desired higher
workability, higher mechanical properties and/or greater resistance to chemical attack than that of
traditional concrete (Atcin 1998, Hwang 2003). Many waste materials have been proven to be
successfully utilized in the manufacturing of normal concrete and even HPC such as silica fume, fly
ash, blast-furnace slag and rice husk ash (RHA). Among those pozzolanic materials, RHA is
produced from rice husk which is a waste product from the rice industry. The optimized RHA, by
controlled burning and/or grinding, has been used as a pozzolanic material in cement and concrete.
The results of its use provide several advantages, such as improved strength and durability
properties, and environmental benefits related to the disposal of waste materials and to reduced
carbon dioxide emissions (Hwang and Wu 1989, Bui et al. 2005, Saraswathy and Song 2007,
Sumrerng and Prinya 2008, Zerbino et al. 2011). However, there have only been a few attempts to
utilize RHA in the production of high-slump flowing concrete such as (Isaia et al. 2003, Cordeiro et
al. 2009, Salas et al. 2009, Rodríguez de Sensale 2010, Safiuddin et al. 2010). In addition, mix

* Corresponding author, Professor, E-mail: [email protected]

632 Chao-Lung Hwang, Le Anh-Tuan Bui and Chun-Tsun Chen

design methods by ACI committee (ACI 211.1 1996) are not suitable for proportioning concrete
with high workability such as HPC (Kosmatka et al. 1995, Su and Miao 2003). This method often
ended with a rich mixture that is liable to bleeding and segregation, and also to the volume
instability (Hwang 2003, Okamura 1997).
Vietnam is one of the largest exporters of rice in the world, producing large volumes of husk in a
three-season year. The Mekong Delta region alone produces 3.6 million tons of rice husks a year.
Because of the high energy capacity of rice husk (about 3200 kcal/kg, two barrels of oil by rice
husk ton) (Gonçalves and Bergmann 2007, Zerbino et al. 2011) a large amount of rice husk has
been used as bio fuel to power boilers, producing steam for drying and the parboiling process. In
the future, rice husk from the Delta will be used to fuel thermoelectric plants. The rice husk has a
large dry volume due to its low bulk density (90-150 kg/m3) (Hwang and Chandra 1996). To save
storage space and transport rice husk economically, most rice husk was made into pellets. However,
residual RHA, generated when burning rice husk pellets, should be considered for its environmental
effects. However, up to now, little research has been done to investigate the use of RHA as
supplementary material in cement and concrete production in Vietnam.
According to some concrete research (Kosmatka et al. 1995, Neville 1997, Aítcin 1998, Malhotra
2002), reducing water content is the major strategy to reduce bleeding and segregation, and to
improve the volume stability. Therefore, in Taiwan, the Hwang’s research group used the Densified
Mixture Design Algorithm (DMDA) to achieve the maximum dry loose density by simply packing
all solid particles including coarse aggregate, sand and fly ash, to reduce the quantity of lubricating
paste but keep the desired workability for HPC. This method has been successfully applied to many
projects in Taiwan (Hwang et al. 2001, Tsai et al. 2009), including its use in the construction of
Taipei 101, one of the world’s tallest buildings (Chen et al. 1995, Lee and Hwang 2002). The major
difference from other mixture design algorithms is that instead of partial replacement of cement,
DMDA incorporating pozzolanic material is used to fill the void of aggregates and hence increase
the density of the aggregate system. The purpose of such action is to reduce the cement paste
content for design properties such as workability, strength and durability. As a result, both the
pozzolanic effect and the physical or filler effect can be obtained. As the category of material is less
than three, the blend ratio (α, β) (Hwang and Chen 2002, Lee and Hwang 2002) of solid materials
can be easily obtained by experimental work; otherwise the packing seems difficult, especially as
the material size is finer than µm. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a numerical approach to obtain
a proper packing order of all the granular materials.
The Fuller gradation curve, on which the densification theory is based, has been successfully
applied to asphalt concrete; for concrete it has been applied to blended coarse and fine aggregates
but has not been effectively applied to ultrafine particles as well as the particle category more than
three (Mora et al. 1998). From this point, the Hwang’s research group has researched combining the
theoretical Fuller’s ideal gradation curve with DMDA to propose a mix design method (let
HFDMDA as notation of the proposed method). In HFDMDA method, the Fuller’s Curve is applied
to enable full packing with all solid particles such as sand, pozzolans and cement in size ranging
from mm, µm to nm. To simplify the derivation, it is necessary to assume that the aggregate be
spherical, which is definitely different from reality and thus will give rise to some errors. Therefore,
least square method is applied to minimize the derivation. After determining solid particle ratio, the
water content can be calculated based on the assigned amount of lubricated paste and quality of HPC.
In order to test the likely practicality of the HFDMDA method, HPC mixtures will be designed by
this proposed method in this investigation. Residual RHA that is generated when burning rice husk
Application of Fuller’s ideal curve and error function to making high performance concrete 633

pellets is used as a supplementary cementitious material. For comparison purposes, HPC mixtures
are also calculated by ACI 211.1 (ACI 211.1 1996). Two kinds of concrete are investigated in terms
of the compressive strength and durability as well as strength efficiency of cement.

2. Mixture design procedures of the proposed method

The HFDMDA method is based upon the theoretic structure of densified mix design and is
combined with Fuller’s grading curve (Fuller and Thompson 1906) to simplify the process of
concrete mix design by using a calculation of derivation of each process and finally to optimize the
mixture proportion of concrete. The procedures of HFDMDA method can be summarized in the
following steps:
2.1 Step 1
Select the maximum diameter of aggregate (Dmax) to calculate the volume portion of each material
on a designated sieve from the ideal gradation curve (Fuller’s curve) according to Eq. (1).
P = 100⎛⎝ ---d-⎞⎠ h = 1--- ∼ 1---
D 3 2
2.2 Step 2
Mix the aggregate gradation with the theoretical Fuller’s ideal curve grading data and substitute
into the following formula (Eq. (2)) to estimate the aggregate proportion of under h-th power of
Fuller’s gradation curve.
T T T –1 T T
[ Pv ]n – 1 = [ ( [ A ] i j – [ 1 ]n – 1 1 [ A ] n j ) ( [ A ] i j – [ A ]n j [ 1 ]n – 1 1 ) ] × ( [ A ]i j – [ 1 ] n – 1 1 [ A ]n j ) ( [ k ] m – [ A ] n j ) (2)
, × , , , × , × , ,

The Eq. (2) is calculated by the least square method (Eq. 3) from the discrete quantity of
gradation curves of blended aggregate and the theoretical Fuller’s ideal gradation curve.
m ⎛ n 2

2 ⎞
M=R = ⎜ Pviai, j – kj⎟ (3)
j = 1 ⎝i = 1 ⎠

where M is the discrete amount; R is the error of the actual passing of i-material.
After that, the optimal blended ratio Pv1: Pv2…: Pvn (Example: Pvca: Pvcs: PvRHA) can then be
2.3 Step 3
To convert the volume ratio (Pvi) of blended aggregate to weight ratio (Pwi) under h-th power of
the Fuller’s ideal gradation curve and measure dry loose density and packing volume ratio of the
blended aggregate. The experiment is conducted to obtain the dry loose density (Umax) of blended
aggregate according to the hand-dry roding method in accordance with the ASTM C29 standard.
634 Chao-Lung Hwang, Le Anh-Tuan Bui and Chun-Tsun Chen

2.4 Step 4
To decide the best aggregate structure under power law (h).
Choosing power law (h) depends on the approach to the ideal grading curve, the maximum
packing curve, the maximum unit weight and other factors such as: workability, effective cost,
blended aggregate ratio and trial batch results.
2.5 Step 5
To estimate the coating thickness of lubricating paste (t) on the surface of the total blended
aggregate (S) in total paste amount needed ( Vp(Vp = Vv + S × t ) ) and calculate the volume of void
(Vv) within the aggregate under dense packing state by Eq. (4).
Pw Pw
Vv = 1 – Umax × ⎛⎝ ---------1 + ---------2⎞⎠ (4)
γ1 γ 2
Here: Pw1: Weight percentage of coarse aggregate portion of blended aggregate; Pw2: Weight
percentage of fine aggregate portion of blended aggregate; γ1 , γ2 : Specific gravity of coarse
aggregate and fine aggregates, respectively.
2.6 Step 6
To calculate total surface area of the blended aggregate by statistics under the assumption that the
aggregate particle is spherical.
This calculation requires the above-mentioned aggregate grading data, which uses
6 -⎛⎝ -----
Kss, j = --------------------------------------- 1 -⎞
1- – ----------
( ln di j + 1 – ln di j ) di j di j + 1⎠
, , , ,

to get the surface area of each individual aggregate size ranging between di j + 1 and di j . Hence the
, ,

entire surface area of blended aggregates per unit mass (Ksst) can be calculated by using Eq. (5).
⎛ Pw1 a + Pw
Ksst = ∑

γ1 1, j ---------2 a2 j⎞⎠ Kss, j
γ2 ,

2.7 Step 7
To calculate the content of each constituent material of concrete. List the formulas of material
relation function, build up a relation matrix and finally obtain the materials proportion of concrete
by inversing the matrix.
In this study, HPC mainly consists of five materials, such as fine aggregate (wcs), coarse aggregate
(wca), cement (wc), RHA (wRHA) and water (ww). To solve the blended ratios of ingredient materials,
five condition equations can be enumerated according to relations, and the amount of each material
can be derived via matrix analysis by the procedure below:
The total surface of the blended aggregate: S = U × Ksst
The total paste amount needed:
Vp = Vv + S ⋅ t = Vv + U ⋅ Ksst ⋅ t = Vv + (wca + wcs ) ⋅ Ksst ⋅ t (6)
Application of Fuller’s ideal curve and error function to making high performance concrete 635

It is known that “cement past” is composed of “cement, RHA and water”. Eq. (6) can be
transposed to Eq. (7).
wRHA wc ww
Ksst ⋅ t ⋅ wca + Ksst ⋅ t ⋅ wcs – ----------- – ----- – ------ = –Vv (7)
γRHA γc γw
Total volume of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate
1-⎞ w + ⎛Ksst ⋅ t + -----
⎛ Ksst ⋅ t + ----- 1 ⎞ w = 1 – V – V = 1 – V – V – (w + w ) ⋅ Ksst ⋅ t (8)
⎝ γca ⎠ ca ⎝
γcs⎠ cs a v a v ca cs

wca wcs wRHA

--------- = --------- = ----------- (9)
Pw1 Pw2 Pw3
Eq. (9) can be revised into Eqs. (10) and (11).
wca – ---------1 wcs = 0 (10)
wca – ---------1 wRHA = 0 (11)
w ww
---- = ---------------------- ratio can be converted into: ⎛⎝ w ----⎞⎠ ⋅ wRHA + ⎛⎝ w
----⎞⎠ ⋅ wc – ww = 0 (12)
b wc + wRHA b b
Five conditional Eqs: (7), (8), (10), (11) and (12) can be rewritten as Eq. (13)

Ksst ⋅ t Ksst ⋅ t 1-
–--------- –---1- 1-
γRHA γc γw
1- Ksst ⋅ t + -----
1 wca –Vv
Ksst ⋅ t + ----- 0 0 0
γca γcs wcs 1 – Va – Vv
Pw wRHA = 0 (13)
1 –---------1 0 0 0
Pw2 wc 0
Pw ww 0
1 0 –---------1 0 0
0 0 w⁄b w⁄b –1
Content of each material can be calculated from Eq. (14)
Ksst ⋅ t Ksst ⋅ t 1-
–--------- –---1- 1-
γRHA γc γw
wca 1- Ksst ⋅ t + -----
1 –V v
Ksst ⋅ t + ----- 0 0 0
wcs γca γcs 1 – Va – Vv
wRHA = Pw 0 (14)
1 –---------1 0 0 0
wc Pw2 0
ww Pw 0
1 0 –---------1 0 0
0 0 w⁄b w⁄b –1
636 Chao-Lung Hwang, Le Anh-Tuan Bui and Chun-Tsun Chen

2.8 The feature of mixture design

In the HFDMDA method, the particle distribution of the mixture material covers mm, µm to nm,
so that materials can be fit together to form the most dense state. By the estimation of surface area
of particle and the pore (void), the assumption of the designate coating thickness on the surface of
the aggregate and the paste content based on the requirement of design strength and the target
concrete quality can be controlled. The mixed proportion of less water, less cement and more
aggregate proposed/ discovered by the HFDMDA may be suggested to be the selection for design
properties such as volume stability, workability, strength and durability.
The power h values suggested are about 1/2-1/3 in Fuller curve P =(d/D)h. The larger the h power,
the more the coarse aggregate. On the contrary, the smaller the h power, the more the fine
aggregate. The optimum h for concrete is about 1/2 (Hwang 2003, Fuller and Thompson 1906). The
selection of the materials for Fuller’s curve dense packing suggested that the particle distribution
shall not be too close; otherwise the calculation may produce the “crowding - out phenomenon”.

3. Sample calculation of the proposed method

The Type I Portland cement was produced by Taiwan Cement Company. Crushed coarse aggregate
and natural sand were provided by local quarries. The mixing water was local tap water. Type-G
superplasticizer, having 43% solid content with specific gravity of 1.18, was used to achieve the
desired workability for all concrete mixtures. All materials conform to the related ASTM standards
and their physical properties as well as chemical compositions are shown in Table 1. The maximum
size of coarse aggregates (Dmax) is 19 mm and specific gravity of coarse aggregates ( γca ) is 2.67. The
specific gravity of fine aggregate ( γcs ) is 2.65. The specific gravity of cement ( γc ) is 3.15, specific
gravity of RHA ( γRHA ) and water ( γw ) are 2.06 and 1, respectively.
3.1 Step 1
The maximum diameter of coarse aggregate (Dmax) is 19 mm. The volume portion of each
Table 1 Physical and chemical analysis of cement and RHA
Item Cement RHA
Specific gravity 3.15 2.06
Physical properties Mean particle size (µm) 16 12
SiO2 22.01 91
Al2O3 5.51 0.35
Fe2O3 3.44 0.41
MgO 2.59 0.81
Chemical compositions SO3 2.03 1.21
P2O5 0.05 0.98
Na2O 0.40 0.08
K2O 0.70 3.21
Loss on ignition (%) 0.51 8.5
Application of Fuller’s ideal curve and error function to making high performance concrete 637

Table 2 Sieve analysis results of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and RHA
Sieve number < #100 #100 #50 #30 #16 #8 #4 3/8’’ 1/2’’ 3/4’’
Sieve size d (mm)i,j - 00.15 00.30 00.60 1.18 02.36 04.75 09.5 12.5 019.0
Kss,j (1/mm) 0 28.85* 14.43 07.27 3.67 1.83 00.91 00.55 00.39 000.28
Amount passing (%) 0 08.89** 12.57 17.77 24.92 35.24 50.00 70.71 81.11 100
(Fuller’s curve)
Amount retained, k (%) 8.89 03.68 05.20 07.15 10.32 14.76
20.71 10.40 18.89 014.71
(Fuller’s curve)
Amount retained (%) 0.7 00 00 00 0 00 36.1 41.4 21.8 000
(Coarse aggregate)
Amount retained (%) 4.8 09.5 13.6 15.5 27.7 29 00 00 00 000
(Fine aggregate)
Amount retained (%) 1 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 000
(Rice husk ash)
Remark: *Kssj = ------------------------------- ⎛ --- 1
1- – ---------⎞ = ⎛ -------------------------------
6 1 - – ---------
-⎞ ⎛ --------- 1 -⎞ = 28.85(1 ⁄ mm )
( ln dj + 1 – ln dj ) ⎝ dj dj + 1⎠ ⎝ ln0.3 – ln0.15⎠ ⎝ 0.15 0.30⎠
d -⎞ 0.5 = 100⎛ 0.15
**Amount passing (%) : P = 100⎛⎝ ---d-⎞⎠ = 100⎛⎝ ---------- ---------
⎞ = 8.89%
D Dmax⎠ ⎝ 19 ⎠

material on a designated sieve from the ideal gradation curve (Fuller’s curve) according to Eq. (1)
can be calculated as shown in Table 2. The power h value of 0.5 was chosen.
3.2 Step 2
Based on the data from Table 2, [A]i j , [A]n j , [k ]m , [1]n – 1 1 , [P]n – 1 and [Kssj ] matrices can be
, , ×

defined as below:
Substitute [A]i j , [A]n j , [k ]m , [1]n – 1 1 matrices into Eq. (2), then the optimal blended ratio Pv1:
, , ×

Pv2: Pv3 can be calculated:

Pv1 coarse aggregate = 0.4700; Pv2 fine aggregate = 0.4614; Pv3 RHA = 0.0686
( ) ( ) ( )

0.007 0.048 1 0.0889 0

0 0.095 0 0.0368 28.85
0 0.136 0 0.0520 14.43
0 0.155 0 0.0715 7.27 [1]n – 1 n = 1

[ A ]i j =
0 0.277 ; [A]n j = 0 ; [ k]m = 0.1032 ; [Kssj ] = 3.67 ;
0 0.290 0 0.1476 1.83
, ,

Pv 1
0.361 0 0 0.2071 0.91 [Pv ]n – 1 = P
0.414 0 0 0.1040 0.55
0.218 0 0 0.1889 0.39
0 0 0 0.1471 0.28
638 Chao-Lung Hwang, Le Anh-Tuan Bui and Chun-Tsun Chen

3.3 Step 3
The volume ratio ( Pvi ) of blended aggregate was converted to weight ratio ( Pwi )
Pw1 = 0.4792; Pw2 = 0.4668; Pw3 = 0.0540
Based on Pw1: Pw2: Pw3 ratio, using the hand-dry roding method in accordance with the ASTM C29
standard, one gets the dry loose density of blended aggregate: Umax = 2046 kg ⁄ m3 .
3.4 Step 4
The power h value of 0.5 was chosen in this example.
3.5 Step 5
Coating thickness of lubricating paste (t) was estimated by 5 µm. Volume of void (Vv) within the
aggregate under dense packing state can be calculated based on the Eq. (4).
P w 1 P w 2⎞
- + -------- = 1 – 2046⎛⎝ 0.4792
Vv = 1 + –Umax⎛⎝ ------- ---------------- + 0.4668
----------------⎞ = 0.2724 m3
γca γcs ⎠ 2670 2650 ⎠
3.6 Step 6
The entire surface area of blended aggregate per unit mass (Ksst) can be calculated by using Eq. (5)
10 10
Pw 1 Pw 2 ⎞
Ksst = ⎝ -------- a1 j + -------- a2 j⎠ Kssj = ⎛⎝ 0.4792
∑ ⎛
∑---------------- a1 j + 0.4668
---------------- a2 j⎞⎠ Kssj = 1.4148 (m2 ⁄ kg)
γca ,
γcs ,

2670 ,
2650 ,

3.7 Step 7
Air content Va = 2% and w/b = 0.35 were used in this example.
Substitute the needed values into the Eq. (14), amount of materials needed per unit volume of
concrete can be obtained.
7.074 × 10 –6
7.074 × 10 –6 1 - –-----------
–----------- 1 - –-----------
2060 3150 1000
wca –6 1 - 7.074 × 10–6 + -----------
1- 0 –0.2724
wcs 7.074 × 10 + -----------
2670 2650
0 0
wRHA = 0.4792 0
1 –---------------- 0 0 0
wc 0.4668 0
ww 1 0 –0.4792
0 0
0 0 0.35 0.35 –1
Solve the above equation, the content of each material can obtain: Coarse aggregate: wca =936 kg/
m3; Fine aggregate: wcs =912 kg/m3; Cement: wc =296 kg/m3; Rice husk ash: wRHA =105 kg/m3;
Water: ww =140 kg/m3.
Application of Fuller’s ideal curve and error function to making high performance concrete 639

4. Material and experimental methods

4.1 RHA characteristics
The residual RHA was collected at Saigon Ve Wong Co., Ltd., Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
Rice husk pellets were burnt in a steam boiler at temperatures varying from 600 to 800oC. X-
ray power diffraction results of RHA show that RHA is mostly amorphous silica and partially
crystalline silica. The SEM results show that RHA has a porous cellular structure and consists
of irregular-shaped particles. To increase the finesses, the residual RHA was ground by a ball
mill for 1 h. By this way, the average particle size of RHA can be decreased to 12 µm in
diameter, as was measured using Mastersizer 2000. The chemical composition of RHA was
presented in Table 1. High value of silica content and loss on ignition (presented the amount of
residual carbon) can be observed.
4.2 Testing program
The mixture proportions designed by HFDMDA and ACI 211.1 are listed in Table 3. The concrete
mixtures in this investigation were calculated with the same water-to-binder ratio of 0.35. For ACI
method, the mixtures were prepared by replacing 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of weight of cement with
RHA. Three coating paste thicknesses (t): 5 µm, 15 µm and 25 µm were investigated for HFDMDA
The compressive strength, concrete resistivity and ultrasonic pulse velocity were conducted
according to the relevant ASTM standards. Slump and slump flow spread of HPC specimens were
controlled to meet the HPC requirement which is 230-270 mm and 500-700 mm, respectively. The
strength efficiency of cement in each HPC was also calculated in this study.

Table 3 Mixture proportion of HPC

Coating Mix proportion (kg/m3)
Mix w/b w/c RHA thickness Coarse
no. (%) (µm) aggregate Sand Cement RHA Water+SP
A35-00 0.35 0.35 0 - 933 633 571 0 200
A35-10 0.35 0.39 10 - 933 608 514 57 200
A35-20 0.35 0.44 20 - 933 582 457 114 200
A35-30 0.35 0.50 30 - 933 557 400 171 200
F35-05 0.35 0.47 26 5 936 912 296 105 140
F35-15 0.35 0.46 23 15 903 879 337 102 154
F35-25 0.35 0.44 21 25 871 849 376 98 166
Remark: Mix no: “A” represents the ACI 211.1 method, Mix no: “F” presents the HFDMDA method practice
for selecting proportion for concrete.
640 Chao-Lung Hwang, Le Anh-Tuan Bui and Chun-Tsun Chen

Table 4 Fresh properties of HPC

Mix no. w/b w/c Slump (mm) Slump flow (mm) Flow time (s)
A35-00 0.35 0.35 240 560 16
A35-10 0.35 0.39 240 510 27
A35-20 0.35 0.44 250 610 49
A35-30 0.35 0.50 230 500 19
F35-05 0.35 0.47 230 535 20
F35-15 0.35 0.46 245 500 22
F35-25 0.35 0.44 245 530 29

5. Results and discussions

5.1 Slump and slump flow spread
The fresh properties of HPC specimens are shown in Table 4. The water content has a great
influence on the flowage of concrete. Too much water results in a higher possibility of bleeding and
segregation, which is not favorable for strength development, interface bond strength, volumetric
stability and durability (Mindess S 1981, Aítcin 1998, Hwang et al. 2001, Hwang 2003).
The results indicate that good workability was too difficult to obtain in HPC specimens designed
by ACI 211.1. This is due to high water content in concrete. High-slump flowing concrete (slump >
230 mm) designed by HFDMDA was obtained without bleeding or segregation. The results may be
due to the fact that there is less void content within aggregate and less paste is required for the
same workability. A comparison of the two results reveals that the amount of water used is
employed as a criterion by the ACI. The water to cement ratio has a direct influence on the cement
content. Generally speaking, a low water to cement ratio represents a high paste content indicating
high strength. As a result, the amount of water has often been wrongly employed as an index for
controlling the slump and workability of concrete. In fact, for HPC to achieve high workability, it
has to be most densely packed with least voids. This can be achieved by controlling the gradation
of aggregate. In addition, it requires the use of sufficient amount of paste, along with pozzolanic
materials and superplasticizers.
5.2 Compressive strength
Compressive strength is usually considered to be one of the most important properties of concrete
and a major indicator of general quality control. Fig. 1(a) shows the relationship between testing age
and the compressive strength of concrete with various RHA contents at the same w/b ratio. In the
early phase, the addition of RHA reduces the amount of cement by 10-20%, the volume of capillary
pores then increases, accumulating CH on the interface. As a result, the structure is less compact,
causing the strength to be lower than that of the specimen without RHA added. The pozzolanic
reaction process increases along with curing time, which will decrease the amount of CH and
improve the densification (Zhang et al. 1996). Consequently, the compressive strength is enhanced
in the later phase. Comparison of the data for 91 days of testing ages shows that the compressive
Application of Fuller’s ideal curve and error function to making high performance concrete 641

Fig. 1 The strength development of HPCs designed by ACI 211.1 (a) and HFDMDA (b) methods

strength of concretes with up to 20% replacement of RHA attain values equivalent to that control
concrete specimens.
Fig. 1(b) shows the development of compressive strength of HPC with three coating paste
thickness values. In the early age, the concrete with high cement paste content and low w/c will
develop high strength as expected. But at later age, concrete with low paste content will gradually
develop compressive strength through the pozzolanic reaction of RHA with cement from hydration
of cement. The addition of pozzolanic materials as filler of aggregate in concrete is physically not
only helpful to promote the packing density of aggregate but also chemically improves the interface
transition zone properties through pozzolanic reaction. This reaction converts at least 20% of
calcium hydroxide of cement paste to form low density C-S-H gel that will contribute to long-term
performance of concrete. Therefore, after 91-day age the compressive strength of the HPC with all
levels of paste content is equivalent.
In comparison, not including the concrete with 30% RHA replacement (mixture A35-30 as shown
in Table 3), the results indicate that the compressive strength of the concrete designed by ACI 211.1
and HFDMDA is equivalent at the age of 91 days. On the other hand, to obtain HPC with 60-62
MPa compressive strength range at 28 days, the consumption of cement required by HFDMDA
method is only 296-337 kg/m3, while that of ACI method is 514-457 kg/m3 (as shown in A35-10,
A35-20, F35-05 and F35-15 concrete mixtures). Thus, the application of the proposed method for
HPC can save over 50% of the consumption of cement.
5.3 Strength efficiency of cement
The strength efficiency of cement implies the yielded strength per kilogram of cement denoted as
MPa/kg cement. Fig. 2(a) shows the strength efficiency of cement with different RHA contents by
ACI 211.1. The 91-day strength efficiency of cement rises to 0.14, 0.16 and 0.15 MPa/kg/m3
corresponding to the RHA concrete with percentage replacement of the ash of 10%, 20% and 30%,
respectively. The 91-day value is 1.2-1.3 times higher than that of the control concrete (0.12 MPa/
Fig. 2(b) shows that the 91-day strength efficiency of cement rises to 0.23, 0.22 and 0.20 MPa/kg/
m corresponding to the RHA concrete with the coating thickness paste value of 5, 15 and 25 µm,
642 Chao-Lung Hwang, Le Anh-Tuan Bui and Chun-Tsun Chen

Fig. 2 The strength efficiency of cement of HPCs designed by ACI 211.1 (a) and HFDMDA (b) methods

respectively. Comparing with the strength efficiency between 0.14 and 0.16 MPa/kg/m3 of cement
achieved by ACI 211.1, we conclude that the application of RHA for void filling and densifying the
concrete structure does consume calcium hydroxide to form low-density C-S-H gel, thus improving
concrete strength. Therefore, even high w/c ratio, high RHA content, low amount of water (low
amount of paste) may affect early compressive strength, but the strength efficiency of cement still
attains better value. The strength efficiency of cement for HPC designed by HFDMDA method is
1.4-1.9 times higher than that of the traditional one in comparison at the same strength. Thus, the
cement consumption, the energy consumption, and the detrimental CO2 emission for the
environment during the production of cement can be significantly reduced. Also, the concrete
problems due to large cement content, such as thermal cracking, abnormal expansion, chemical
degradation, etc. can be minimized and the service life of concrete structures could be lengthened
(Mindess S 1981, Mehta 1986, Hwang 2003).
5.4 Electrical resistance
The measurement of concrete electrical resistivity gives an indication of durability of concrete.
The conduction of ions of the hydration solution in the pores causes corrosion. According Hope et
al. (Hope et al. 1985), the minimum value beyond which corrosion cannot occur is 8.5 kΩ/cm,
while Buenfeld et al. (Buenfeld et al. 1986) recommended the value is 20 kΩ/cm, which corresponds
to the special specification of HPC. The higher the electrical resistance, the greater the corrosion
endurance will be. In this study, the pozzolanic reaction due to the addition of RHA reduces the
volume of capillary pores and enhances the impermeability of concrete. The electrical resistance
will grow with the concrete age through pozzolanic reaction of RHA. Therefore, its pozzolanic
reaction is not expected to be significant in early age and the electrical resistance is low. As seen in
Fig. 3(a), after 28 days, the electrical resistance of the concretes with RHA added rises sharply. This
indicates the effects of solidification brought by pozzolanic reaction, which can indeed increase the
electrical resistance of concrete.
For the aforesaid test, the electrical resistance of concrete is related to the density of concrete and
especially to the amount of water (Hope et al. 1985, Buenfeld et al. 1986, Hwang 2003). The
concrete designed by HFDMDA with the same w/b ratio, the lower the coating paste thickness, the
Application of Fuller’s ideal curve and error function to making high performance concrete 643

Fig. 3 The development of electrical resistivity of HPCs designed by ACI 211.1 (a) and HFDMDA (b)

higher the concrete resistivity. For examples, F3505 reaches 91.8 kΩ-cm (Fig. 3(b)), and F3525
reaches 67.9 kΩ-cm. This is due to the less the water content, the less the macro-pores in concrete,
and the less the conductivity of the concrete is. The electrical resistance will grow with the concrete
age through pozzolanic reaction. After 28 days, resistivity of both the concrete added RHA designed
by HFDMDA and by ACI is higher than 20 kΩ-cm, therefore, the specimens might be considered
to be durable concrete (Buenfeld et al. 1986).
5.5 Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV)
The pulse velocity methods have been used to assess the uniformity and relative quality of
concrete, to indicate the presence of voids and cracks, and to evaluate the effectiveness of crack
repairs (ASTM C597 2002). Generally, high pulse velocity reading in concrete is indicative of
concrete of good quality. Malhotra (Malhotra 1976) has suggested that concrete has good durability
when its pulse velocity value is in the range of 3660-4575 m/s.

Fig. 4 The development of UPV of HPCs designed by ACI 211.1 (a) and HFDMDA (b) methods
644 Chao-Lung Hwang, Le Anh-Tuan Bui and Chun-Tsun Chen

Fig. 4(a) shows that the effect of RHA content on UPV in concrete is to cure with age. An
increase in RHA content tends to lower the UPV curve. In the long run, the addition of RHA up to
20% will finally reach the same UPV values as in the control concrete. Measurement shows that
UPV continues to grow when less cement is used. If more cement is used, the UPV will decrease
(Hwang et al. 2001). Such an occurrence may be explained by the fact that the control concrete
contains greater quantities of cement than RHA cement paste does and has higher hydrate content at
the same age. Due to the much more porous structure and lower specific gravity of RHA particles
compared to cement, the grains of RHA are not as dense as those of cement. However, at 28 days,
UPV of all specimens is higher than 3660 m/s, therefore, the specimens might be considered to be
durable concrete (Malhotra 1976).
Fig. 4(b) indicates the development of UPV with various coating paste thickness values of
concrete designed by HFDMDA, and it clearly shows that the lower the cement paste content is, the
higher the UPV of concrete will be. Previous research points out the sequence of UPV of each
ingredient of normal weight concrete is coarse aggregate > sand > paste (Hwang and Chen 1998).
Therefore, concrete with low cement paste content is mainly occupied by aggregates and
consequently has high UPV. It also implies that high paste content will encounter the risk of micro-
crack in the paste system that is harmful to the durability of HPC.

6. Conclusions
1. When compared, control concrete without added ashes and concrete replacing up to 20% of
cement by RHA achieved similar compressive strength and durability properties. The strength
efficiency of cement in RHA blended concrete is much higher than that of the control concrete. It
indicates a possible use of the RHA as a partial Portland cement substitute. Moreover, while the
results will be able to substantiate the viability of application of RHA in concrete industry under the
prevailing conditions in Vietnam, they are also expected to be especially useful for future studies on
RHA in a specific condition in this country.
2. In general, the higher cement paste content is, the higher compressive strength will be. In the
study, the concrete with high coating thickness (high cement paste content) will develop high
strength as expected in the early age. However, after 91-day age the compressive strength of HPC
with all levels of paste content is equivalent. This is due to the slow pozzolanic reaction of RHA.
3. The technique of HFDMDA overcomes concrete problems through aggregate gradation, and
minimizes the paste content. Therefore, as the results, the HPC designed by HFDMDA does have
high performance with high flow ability without bleeding or segregation, cost-effectiveness and
durable features like HPC after all.
4. By comparison in the same compressive strength range, the advantage of using HFDMDA
methods for HPC is to save over 50% in the consumption of cement. The strength efficiency of
cement for HPC designed by HFDMDA is 1.4-1.9 times higher than that of the traditional one in
The application of Fullers ideal grading curve combined with the densified mixture design
algorithm for mixture design is more efficient than the conventional mixture design method and the
application of the densified mixture design algorithm in laboratory. Therefore, under Fuller’s ideal
grading curve and error function, the quantitative approach may be introduced into concrete science
especially for composite material with efficiency.
Application of Fuller’s ideal curve and error function to making high performance concrete 645

The authors thank the Ve Wong Corporation for RHA and the financial support that made this
publication possible. We are grateful to Professor Lee-Kuo Lin, Professor Ta-Wui Cheng and other
fellows of Hwang’s research group for their assistance on this subject to help finish this research.

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Application of Fuller’s ideal curve and error function to making high performance concrete 647

wfly ash
α --------------------------
wcs + wfly ash
wcs + wfly ash
β -------------------------------------------
( wcs + wfly ash ) + wca

P Theoretical cumulative passing, %.

d Individual sieve size, mm
D Maximum size of the particle, mm.
ai,j (0-1), the retaining portion of ith particle of blended aggregate on the jth sieve.
Pvi (0-1), the volume percentage of ith particle of blended aggregate, %v
Pwi (0-1), the weight percentage of ith particle of blended aggregate (%w)
γi Bulk specific gravity of the ith particle, kg/m3
kj Retaining portion on the jth sieve by theoretical gradation curve
Kss, j Surface area constant of jth sieve grade, 1/m
Ksst Surface area per kg of blended aggregate, m2/kg
S Total surface area of blended aggregate, m2/m3
t Coating thickness of lubricating paste on the surface of aggregate, µm
wcs Weight of fine aggregate per 1 m3 of concrete, kg/m3
wca Weight of coarse aggregate per 1 m3 of concrete, kg/m3
wc Weight of cement per 1 m3 of concrete, kg/m3
wRHA Weight of rice husk ash per 1 m3 of concrete, kg/m3
SP Weight of supperplasticizer 1 m3 of concrete, kg/m3
w/b Weight ratio of water ⁄ (cement + pozzolans)
Vp Total volume of paste, m3
Vv Total volume of void, m3
Va Estimated volume of entrapped air, m3
Umax The dry loose density under dense state, kg/m3

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