MCK Kinsey Web Trends
MCK Kinsey Web Trends
MCK Kinsey Web Trends
t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s p r a c t i c e
Consumers get the bulk of it with free services like social networks. Will industry dynamics
shift as providers and advertisers try to get a bigger share?
Q1 2011
Consumer Surplus
Exhibit 1 of 1
Business model
E-mail C 3.2
Search W 3.1
52% of total
Social networks C 2.2 surplus
Videos E 0.9
Surplus share by business model
Comparison shopping W 0.8
Music E 0.8
Wikis W 0.8
Yellow pages W 0.8
Directories W 0.5
1 Surplus is derived from estimated value of consumer service minus the price for paid services and the amount a
consumer is willing to pay, both to avoid being disturbed by advertising formats and to limit private-information abuse
while using ad-funded Internet services.
Source: IAB Europe; McKinsey analysis
The Web’s €100 billion surplus 3