Case Processing Summary
Case Processing Summary
Case Processing Summary
Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
How many years you are 150 100.0% 0 0.0% 150 100.0%
investing in mutual fund
schemes * Percentage of
savings you invest in mutual
How many years you are investing in mutual fund schemes * Percentage of savings you invest in
mutual funds Crosstabulation
Percentage of savings you invest in mutual funds
Less than 10%- 20%- More than
10% 20% 30% 30% Total
How many years you One year Count 12 8 9 0 29
are investing in mutual % within How many 41.4% 27.6% 31.0% 0.0% 100.0%
fund schemes years you are
investing in mutual
fund schemes
% within Percentage 46.2% 12.3% 17.0% 0.0% 19.3%
of savings you invest
in mutual funds
% of Total 8.0% 5.3% 6.0% 0.0% 19.3%
Symmetric Measures
Value Significance
Nominal by Nominal Phi .661 .000
Cramer's V .382 .000
N of Valid Cases 150