Sapm 1 & 2
Sapm 1 & 2
Sapm 1 & 2
Company Analysis
◦ CA is to help to investor for better analysis.
◦ Company’s earnings, profitability, operating efficiency, capital
structure and mgmt have to be screened.
◦ These factors have direct bearing on the stock prices and return of
the investors.
◦ Company with a high product market share is able to create
wealth to the investors in the form of cap app.
Construction of Portfolio
Its combination of securities and to meet investor’s goals
and objectives.
Max return and min risk.
Obj-> reducing a risk
Portfolio revision
• Portfolio revision includes the active and passive
revision strategies for maximising the returns and
minimising the risk in the constructed portfolio.
Portfolio Evaluation
• The return and risk performance of the security vary
time to time.
• It should be measured and compared.
• Steps should be taken to avoid loss.
Risk and Return
• The uncertainty associated with any of the
investments is called risk
• Expected return is the uncertain future return that an
investor expects to get from his Investment.
• The realized return on the contrary is the certain
returns that an investor has actually obtained from his
• The possibility variation of the actual return from the
expected returns is termed as risk
Different Types of Risks
External Risk
◦ Uncontrollable in nature and affect large number of securities
Internal Risk
◦ Controllable in nature and affect only that particular co.
● Analysts Recommendations
● There is evidence in favor of existence of
superior analysts who apparently possess
private information
Fundamental Analysis
● A fundamental analyst believes that analyzing FA tend to look first into the national
the economy, strategy, management, product, economy before analyzing industry
financial status and other related information will performance and then individual
help choose shares that will outperform the companies within an industry.
market and provide consistent gains to the This method is called a top-down
investors. approach to fundamental analysis.
● FA is the examination of the underlying forces The problem in FA is the evaluation of
that effect the interests of the economy, industry economic indicators as they need to be
sectors, and companies. compared over a period of time to assess
● FA requires an examination of the market from a the favourable climate.
broader perspective. The ACTUAL value of an equity share
● FA focuses on the economic data to evaluate depends on a multitude of factors. The
the present and future growth of the nation. earning of the company, the growth rate
● It usually compares one economy with similar or and the risk exposure of the company
superior national economies. have a direct bearing on the price of the
● At industry level, there is an examination of the share.
supply and demand forces for the products Fundamental analysis consist of the
offered, substitute product/industry, industry following analysis.
cycles and so on. Economic analysis
● At the company level, FA examines financial Industry analysis
data, mgmt policies, business vision, Company analysis
competitive strength and so on.
● Thus to forecast future share prices, FA
combines economic, industry, and company
analysis to derive a share’s current fair value
and forecast its future value from this info.
The level of economic activity has an impact on ● Major components of GDP are:
investment in many ways. if the economy
grows rapidly, the industry can also be ● Consumption Spending
expected to show rapid growth. ● Investment Spending
when the level of economic activity is low ,stock ● Govt Expenditure
price are low, and the vice versa. the analysis ● Goods and Services produced
of macro economic environments is essential to domestically for export
understand the behavior of the stock prices. ● The production of goods and services
● Hence, an investor has to spend some time consumed in the process of distributing
exploring the forces operating in the overall imports to the domestic consumer.
economy. Consumption Spending:
● A macro economy has 2 components ● It classified into:
○ The national economy ● Durable Goods. Car, Furniture and
○ The international economy on the national house hold appliances which are used
economy for several yrs.
● The growth of national economy is mainly ● Non durable Goods. Food, clothing
determined by the domestic consumption and disposable products which are
pattern. used for a short time.
The economic analysis factors ● Services include the rent paid on
premises air plane tickets, legal advice
Gross Domestic Product and medical treatment.
● GDP is the total amount of goods and services ● An increase in consumption spending
produced in a country in a year. leads to an immediate increase in
● It is calculated by adding all the market values capacity utilization, in turn increasing
of all the final goods and services produced in a the profitability of companies.
● GDP has several components. A component is
helpful to investors
● Investment Spending ● Exports:
● Non Residential fixed invt ● Exports are items produced in a country and
It is the creation of tools and equipment to use purchased by foreigners. It lead to an
in the production of other goods and services. exchange of productive goods and services
E.g., the establishment of factories, installation for an equivalent foreign currency.
of new machines and computers for business
use are non – residential fixed invt. ● Consumption in the process of Import
Residential invt is the building of a new house or Distribution
apartment ● It also lead to the local productivity.
● Inventory changes consist of changes in the ● Imports are the items produces by foreigners
level of stocks of goods necessary for and purchased by the local consumers.
● For the purpose of computing GDP,
production, and finished goods ready to be
expenditures involving localization or
internalizations of the imported goods are
● Investment spending does not necessarily
lead to an immediate release of productive Monetary Policy
goods and services. There is a time lag before ● If the monetary policy is very tight & banks
which investment spending results in have little excess reserves to lend, the
increased profitability for companies sources of capital become scarce and
● Govt Expenditure: economic activity may slow down or decline.
● It consist of spending by the Central, state and ● Although a good monetary policy and
local govt on goods and services such as liquidity is essential for the economy, excess
infrastructure, research, roads, defense, liquidity can be harmful. Excess money
school and police and fire dept. supply growth can lead to inflation, higher
● Govt expenditure as a % of GDP will be more interest rates and higher risk premiums
in regulated mkt and less in a liberalized leading to costly sources of capital and slow
economy. growth
Inflation International Influence:
●It can be defined as a trend of rising prices caused ●One imp measure of influence of international
by demand exceeding supply. economies is the exchange rate – the rate at
●In other words, if prices rise steadily, after a no. of which one currency may be converted into
yrs, consumers will be able to buy only fewer goods another.
and services assuming income level does not change ●Rapid growth in overseas market can create
with inflation. surges in demand for exports, leading to growth
●It increases the uncertainty of future business and in export sensitive industries and overall GDP.
●Erection of trade barriers can hinder the free
invt decisions, which in turn , increase risk premiums.
flow of currency, goods and services and can
●It also affects the investment, as reduces the value harm the export sector of an economy
of fixed income securities.
●A constant inflationary situation in an economy will Consumer Sentiments
be foreseen as a positive influence on the investors ●It usually expressed in terms of future
and hence market prices are likely to go up under expenditures planned and the feeling about the
such circumstances. future economy.
●CS can affect both cash flow i.e. higher or
Interest Rates: lower sales and operating incomes.
●It is the price of credit. It is the percentage fee
received or paid by individuals or organizations when
they lend or borrow money.
●In general IR caused by inflation, govt policy, rising
risk premiums or other factors will lead to reduced
borrowing and an economic slowdown.
●Rising IR lead to a decline in bond prices and
typically lead to a fall in share price
●When interest rates rise, investors required rate of
return on shares rise as well, causing the price of
securities to fall.
●Bank prime lending rate influences business
demand for loans.
● Industry analysis ● Tools For Industry analysis
● Standard Industry Classification: ● Cross-sectional Industry Performance
● It’s a common method of classifying business or ● Industry Performance over time
industries by type is the Standard Industry ● Differences in industry risk
Classification System, commonly referred to as ● Prediction about market behavior
the SIC Code. ● Competition over the industry life cycle
● It divides virtually all economic activity into
divisions that are further broken up into Cross-sectional Industry Performance
numbered, major groups. ● It aimed at finding out if the rates or return
● SIC codes get progressively more specific as the among different industries varied during a
no. of digits increases. given period of time.
● A 2 digit SIC code indicates the broad industry ● Analysts usually compare the performance
category (e.g., Furniture) measured in terms of growth in sales, profits,
● Adding 3rd digit might further specify a type of market capitalization and the dividend of
furniture (e.g., home furniture or office furniture) various industries.
● Adding 4th digit might further specify wooden Industry Performance over Time
household furniture or metal household furniture) ● Analysts also perform a detailed exploration
● A full listing of SIC codes is an imp tool in industry of industry performance over time, to identify
analysis. the stage of product life cycle that the industry
Factors to be considered in industry life cycle is expected to face.
analysis ● Usually a time duration of 3 to 5 yrs is
● Growth of industry considered to determine whether industries
● Cost structure and profitability that perform well in one time period would
● Nature of the product continue to perform well in subsequent time
● Nature of the competition periods.
● Government policy ● In many economies, the forecast of industrial
● Labor performance has been the most difficult task.
● Research and development
● Analysis of Industry Competition
Difference in Industry Risk
Competition and Expected Industry Returns
●Industry risk specifically investigates 2 questions: ○ Porter’s concept of competitive strategy
1. Does risk differ across industries in a given time is described as the search by a firm for a
period? favorable competitive position in an
2. Are industry risk measures stable over time? industry
Risk is measured in terms of variability in return/ ○ To create a profitable competitive
productive value. strategy, a firm must first examine the
basic competitive structure of its industry
○ The potential profitability of a firm is
Prediction about Market Behavior
heavily influenced by the profitability of its
●Prediction about Market Behavior industry
●Predicting Market behavior can be through a ● Competitive Structure of an Industry
qualitative assessment of strengths and weaknesses of ● Porter’s Competitive Forces
the industry on the whole. ○ Rivalry among existing competitors
●SWOT Analysis ○ Threat of new entrants
●SWOT Analysis can also applied in industrial analysis ○ Threat of substitute products
as well as in evaluating individual organisations ○ Bargaining power of buyers
○ Bargaining power of suppliers
Structural Economic Changes and Alternative Estimating the Required Rate of Return
Industries ● Influenced by the risk-free rate
●Social Influences ● Expected inflation rate
○ Demographics ● Risk premium for the industry versus the
○ Lifestyles market
●Technology ○ business risk (BR)
●Politics and regulations ○ financial risk (FR)
○ Economic reasoning ○ liquidity risk (LR)
○ Fairness ○ exchange rate risk (ERR)
○ Regulatory changes affect numerous ○ country political risk (CR)
industries ● Or compare systematic risk (beta) for the
○ Regulations affect international commerce industry to the market beta of 1.0
● Industry Valuation Using the Free Cash Flow Qualitative Factors
to Equity (FCFE) Model ●Business Model
FCFE is defined as follows: ●Management
Net income
○ Sources of Management Analysis
+ Depreciation
- Capital expenditures ■ Conference Calls
- in working capital ■ Management Discussions
- Principal debt repayments ■ Management Ownership of
+ New debt issues equity
Estimation risk refers to potential errors
where m2 the variance of returns for the
● With assumption that stock returns can be aggregate stock market
described by a single market model, the number of
correlations required reduces to the number of
● Single index market model:
R i a i biR m i
● bi = the slope coefficient that relates the returns for
security i to the returns for the aggregate stock
● Rm = the returns for the aggregate stock market
The Efficient Frontier
●The efficient frontier represents that set of
portfolios with the maximum rate of return for
every given level of risk, or the minimum risk for
every level of return
●Frontier will be portfolios of investments rather
than individual securities
○ Exceptions being the asset with the
highest return and the asset with the
lowest risk.