A Study On Reducing Fat Content of Fried Banana Chips Using A Sweet Pretreatment Technique
A Study On Reducing Fat Content of Fried Banana Chips Using A Sweet Pretreatment Technique
A Study On Reducing Fat Content of Fried Banana Chips Using A Sweet Pretreatment Technique
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A study on reducing fat content of fried banana chips using a sweet pre-
treatment technique
Aida, S.A., Noriza, A., Haswani, M. M. and Mya, S. M.Y.
University Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Institute of Chemical and Engineering Technology, Melaka,
*Corresponding author.
Email: aidasafina@unikl.edu.my
69 Aida et al./IFRJ 23(1): 68-71
suggested that as the water is evaporated from the Determination of colour of banana chips using
food product during frying, the rate of oil absorption Chromameter
increases due to a reduction in the pore internal The banana chips were blended and 2 g of banana
pressure. The aim of the project was to determine chips were measured. All reading were taken as L*,
the effect of using different concentration of sugar a*, b* colour space values. Chroma C* was calculated
to the oil uptake of fried banana chips. Besides that, as √a*2 + b*2 and que was calculated from, the arc
the moisture content of banana chips before and after tangent of b*/a*. Calibration of the instrument was
frying, colour analysis and sensory evaluation were performed using a white ceramic tile (L* = 98.06, a*
also being determined in order to study the effect of = -0.23 and b* = 1.87) before measuring each new set
pre-treatment to the final fried banana chips. of triplicate samples.
Determination of moisture content of raw and fried Food moisture analysis involves the whole
banana chips coverage of the food items in the world because foods
Moisture was determined by using moisture are comprising a considerable amount of water rather
analyzer, (Sartorious MA 35, Germany). All reading than other ingredients. Moisture content of the food
was done in triplicate and the mean for moisture material is important to consider the food is suitable
content were presented in mean ± standard deviation before the consumption, because moisture content
value. affects the physical, chemical aspects of food which
relates with the freshness and stability for the storage
Determination of fat content in fried banana chips of the food for a long period of time and the moisture
using Soxhlet extraction content determine the actual quality of the food before
The empty solvent beaker was weighed. Then, 2 g consumption and to the subsequent processing in the
( 0.01) pre dried sample were weighed and placed into food sector by the food producers. In this research,
a pre dried extraction thimble. NOTE: If the sample effect of dipping with different concentration of sugar
contains more than 10% , dry the sample to constant to moisture content of banana chip was determined.
weight at 95-100°C under pressure for about 5 hour. From Figure 1, moisture content of banana chip was
Filter paper was put with sample into the thimble decreased as the concentration of sugar was increased.
that covered with cotton wool. The thimbles were Moisture content in fried banana chips was affected
transferred in soxhlet extraction. 125 ml petroleum by the sugar concentration. From Table 1, the highest
ether was added in the solvent beaker. SOP/OP/002- moisture reduction was 12 g chips (90.51%) and
BUCHI-Soxhlet Extraction System were referred the lowest moisture reduction was control chips
to start up the process. The unit completed after (86.65%). Similar results were obtained by Mai
2hours and 30 minutes. Oven was pre- heated at Tran et al. (2007). The moisture content in sugar
100°C 10 minutes before unit complete. The solvent dipped potato chips decreased quickly than control
beaker were dried with extracted fat in an air oven samples. This might be due to osmotic dehydration.
at 100°C for 30 minutes, cooled in desiccator’s and Osmotic dehydration is the process of water removal
the weighed was determined. The result was recorded by immersion of water-containing cellular solid in
and presented in mean ± standard deviation value. a concentrated aqueous solution. In this research,
Aida et al./IFRJ 23(1): 68-71 70
Table 2. F value of ANOVA Single Factor using data all attributes between the four fried banana chips.
from Hedonic Test Based on the experiment, the sweet pre-treatment of
the banana chips help to reduced oil absorption after
the frying. It is recommended during preparing the
sample, the plantain banana fruits should be handling
in the short time because during the peeling browning
reaction also can be occurred. Another way to prevent
browning reaction is dipping the sliced banana in the
citric acid before dipping with the pre-treatment.