A Study On Reducing Fat Content of Fried Banana Chips Using A Sweet Pretreatment Technique

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A study on reducing fat content of fried banana chips using a sweet

pretreatment technique

Article · January 2016


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4 authors, including:

Aida Safina Aridi Haswani Maisarah Mustafa

Universiti Putra Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia


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International Food Research Journal 23(1): 68-71 (2016)
Journal homepage: http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my

A study on reducing fat content of fried banana chips using a sweet pre-
treatment technique

Aida, S.A., Noriza, A., Haswani, M. M. and Mya, S. M.Y.

University Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Institute of Chemical and Engineering Technology, Melaka,

Article history Abstract

Received: 7 February 2015 Knowledge and concerns of the bad health implications of high fat intake in consumers has
Received in revised form: resulted in a rising demand for low-fat foods. Consequently, the use of sweet pre-treatment
15 June 2015 as alternative food source is gaining attention among producers and consumers. The study of
Accepted: 2 July 2015
reducing oil uptake of fried banana chips using sweet pre-treatment was done. In the preparation
of fried banana chips, the sliced banana was blanched at 80oC. Then, the sliced banana was
dipped in the treatment for 4 g, 8 g and 12 g of sugar solution. Next, the sliced banana was deep
Keywords fried at temperature 180oC for 5 minutes. The result showed increased in percentage of moisture
reduction (86.65 %, 86.99%, 88.37% and 90.51%) for control and other three fried banana
Fried banana chips chips as the concentration of sugar used for treatment was increased. For fat content, it showed
Reduced fat content a decreased in percentage (0.66%, 0.63%, 0.62% and 0.54%) as the sugar concentration used
for the treatment was increased. Sugar treatment does not affect the colour of fried banana chips
as p-value for lightness (L*) is 0.426 and the p-value for yellowness (b*) is 0.468. This showed
that the null hypothesis was accepted and there was no significant difference in lightness and
yellowness of all four fried banana chips. Finally, sensory evaluation showed that there was a
significant difference in crispiness, colour, sweetness, oiliness and overall acceptance between
all four fried banana chips. As the conclusion, sweet pre-treatment gives positive effect on
reducing fat content in fried banana chips and can be used as one of the alternative method in
producing banana chips with lower amount of fat.

© All Rights Reserved

Introduction chips preservation. Storage stability depends on

packaging. Good packaging and storage condition
Banana is one of the important tropical fruits extend the storage duration of chips.
in Malaysia. It is a monocotyledon and belongs to Oil uptake during frying is also need to be
the family Musaceae (Rowe, 1981). Most people considered during frying because the fat content of a
consume it by raw, steamed or boiled. However, product will also affect its flavour, odour and general
banana is easily ripe and it becomes a huge waste organoleptic properties. The frying oil not only acts as
to the food industry. One of the method to process heat transfer medium, because they are heated to high
banana is to make banana chips. Banana chips are temperatures approximately 170-180°C, it will start
processed using deep-fried or dried slices of bananas. to degrade through hydrolysis and oxidation of fatty
The chips can be covered with sugar or honey and acids. The breakdown products themselves give rise
have a sweet taste, or they can be fried in oil and to flavour and can further react with carbohydrates,
spices and have a salty or spicy taste. Usually, the proteins and their decomposition products to produce
chips are produced from under ripe bananas, of which taste traditionally associated with fried food. One of
slices are deep-fried in palm oil or coconut oil, which the alternative used to reduce fat content in chips is
are dry (like potato chips).If ripe bananas are used by doing a pre-treatment before frying. According
they come out oily. They are used for dessert, not for to Mai Tran et al. (2007), pre-treatment technique
dry chips. Visual colour is the major quality criterion will reduce the oil absorption by reduction of surface
for determining the commercial quality with respect permeability. As a food product is fried, the internal
to consumers’ preferences and cost of the chips cells become dehydrated and the evaporated water
(Abdullah, 2014). Packaging and storage condition is partially replaced by the frying oil (Rosana et
are the most important quality control factors for al., 1997). Besides that, Saguy and Pinthus (1995)

*Corresponding author.
Email: aidasafina@unikl.edu.my
69 Aida et al./IFRJ 23(1): 68-71

suggested that as the water is evaporated from the Determination of colour of banana chips using
food product during frying, the rate of oil absorption Chromameter
increases due to a reduction in the pore internal The banana chips were blended and 2 g of banana
pressure. The aim of the project was to determine chips were measured. All reading were taken as L*,
the effect of using different concentration of sugar a*, b* colour space values. Chroma C* was calculated
to the oil uptake of fried banana chips. Besides that, as √a*2 + b*2 and que was calculated from, the arc
the moisture content of banana chips before and after tangent of b*/a*. Calibration of the instrument was
frying, colour analysis and sensory evaluation were performed using a white ceramic tile (L* = 98.06, a*
also being determined in order to study the effect of = -0.23 and b* = 1.87) before measuring each new set
pre-treatment to the final fried banana chips. of triplicate samples.

Material and Methods Sensory evaluation of banana chips

Sensory evaluation was conducted by sensory of
Preparation of fried banana chips 5 attributes which were colour, crispiness, sweetness,
Firstly, the banana that has been sliced and oiliness and overall acceptance by 50 untrained
blanched in hot water (80oC) for 5 minutes. Next, panelists. The hedonic test is most suitable method
the sliced banana was dipped into the sugar solution to determine the consumer acceptability towards
that has been added with 100 ml of distilled water. the banana chips. Data from Hedonic test was then
Sugar solutions with different concentration (4 g, 8 analyzed using ANOVA Single Factor to determine is
g and 12 g) were prepared. The sliced bananas were there any significant difference between four banana
dipped in sugar solution at different concentration for chips in colour, crispiness, sweetness, oiliness and
30 seconds. Then, the moisture content on the sliced overall acceptance.
banana was determined before and after frying. The
sliced banana were deep fried pan using palm oil at Results and Discussion
the temperature 180oC and fried for 5 minutes until
the banana chips turn brown. Moisture analysis

Determination of moisture content of raw and fried Food moisture analysis involves the whole
banana chips coverage of the food items in the world because foods
Moisture was determined by using moisture are comprising a considerable amount of water rather
analyzer, (Sartorious MA 35, Germany). All reading than other ingredients. Moisture content of the food
was done in triplicate and the mean for moisture material is important to consider the food is suitable
content were presented in mean ± standard deviation before the consumption, because moisture content
value. affects the physical, chemical aspects of food which
relates with the freshness and stability for the storage
Determination of fat content in fried banana chips of the food for a long period of time and the moisture
using Soxhlet extraction content determine the actual quality of the food before
The empty solvent beaker was weighed. Then, 2 g consumption and to the subsequent processing in the
( 0.01) pre dried sample were weighed and placed into food sector by the food producers. In this research,
a pre dried extraction thimble. NOTE: If the sample effect of dipping with different concentration of sugar
contains more than 10% , dry the sample to constant to moisture content of banana chip was determined.
weight at 95-100°C under pressure for about 5 hour. From Figure 1, moisture content of banana chip was
Filter paper was put with sample into the thimble decreased as the concentration of sugar was increased.
that covered with cotton wool. The thimbles were Moisture content in fried banana chips was affected
transferred in soxhlet extraction. 125 ml petroleum by the sugar concentration. From Table 1, the highest
ether was added in the solvent beaker. SOP/OP/002- moisture reduction was 12 g chips (90.51%) and
BUCHI-Soxhlet Extraction System were referred the lowest moisture reduction was control chips
to start up the process. The unit completed after (86.65%). Similar results were obtained by Mai
2hours and 30 minutes. Oven was pre- heated at Tran et al. (2007). The moisture content in sugar
100°C 10 minutes before unit complete. The solvent dipped potato chips decreased quickly than control
beaker were dried with extracted fat in an air oven samples. This might be due to osmotic dehydration.
at 100°C for 30 minutes, cooled in desiccator’s and Osmotic dehydration is the process of water removal
the weighed was determined. The result was recorded by immersion of water-containing cellular solid in
and presented in mean ± standard deviation value. a concentrated aqueous solution. In this research,
Aida et al./IFRJ 23(1): 68-71 70

Table 1. Percentage of moisture loss in fried banana chips

after dipping in sugar solution

Figure 2. Percentage of fat content in banana chips after

of capillary holes and voids. Thus, oil adheres to the
surfaces of the chips and is also absorbed into the
pores or the voids in the porous slices. This is proved
by data in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The control banana
chips has the highest moisture content before and
Figure 1. Bar graph showed percentage of moisture of after frying (44.56% and 5.95 % respectively) has the
banana chips before and after frying highest fat content which is 0.66%. The relationship
of oil uptake and moisture loss of the fried banana
three different concentrations of sugar solutions
chips has been investigated by Southern, C. et al.,
were used. The driving force for water removal is
(2000). The sugar dipped chips has much lower oil
the concentration gradient between the solution and
content than control samples. It was found that the
the intracellular fluid. As the concentration of sugar
sweet pre-treatment before frying is important in
used for dipping was increased, the driving force for
reducing the oil content in the chips.
water removal was also increased and resulted in low
moisture content of the banana chips.
Colour analysis
Next, for colour analysis, all fried banana chips
Fat analysis
were analyzed using chromameter to obtain the
The research continues with the analysis of oil
value of L*, a* and b*. Data from chromameter was
uptake in banana chips after frying. From Figure
interpreted using ANOVA to determine is there any
2, the highest fat content was control banana chips
significant difference in colour between the four fried
(0.66%) while the lowest fat content was banana
banana chips. The alpha value is set at 0.05. If the
chip dips in 12 g of sugar solution (0.54%). Research
p-value is less than or equal to the alpha then the
by Mehta (2001) showed that fat content is largely
null hypothesis is rejected and there is a significant
determined by the moisture content of the food.
difference in colour between the four banana chip
Frying is the process of cooking foods using oil as
samples. All banana chips samples has < 50 for
the heating medium. In this research, deep frying
L* value thus this indicates all samples are dark.
techniques had been used to fry the banana chips. In
For b* scale, a positive value indicates yellow and a
deep-frying, banana chips are immersed in the oil at
negative value indicates blue and from the analysis,
180◦C for 5 minutes. During deep frying, water in the
all samples have positive values for b* and indicates
crust will evaporate and move out of the food. The
all banana chips have yellow color. The p-value for
banana chips with high moisture has higher amount
lightness (L*) is 0.426 and the p-value for yellowness
of fat content after frying rendering chips oily in
(b*) is 0.468. This shows that the null hypothesis was
appearance thus affecting the overall preference.
accepted and there was no significant difference in
While a lower moisture content of banana chip led
lightness and yellowness of all four fried banana
to less oil absorption, resulting in chips lacking
oily taste. Similar results were also found by Smith
Sensory evaluation
Lamberg (1990) stated that when potato chips
Sensory evaluation is a scientific discipline
are fried in oil at a high temperature, the moisture
that analyses and measures human responses to the
would boil explosively. This may result in cell wall
composition of food and drink, e.g. appearance, touch,
bursting and damage and consequently, the formation
71 Aida et al./IFRJ 23(1): 68-71

Table 2. F value of ANOVA Single Factor using data all attributes between the four fried banana chips.
from Hedonic Test Based on the experiment, the sweet pre-treatment of
the banana chips help to reduced oil absorption after
the frying. It is recommended during preparing the
sample, the plantain banana fruits should be handling
in the short time because during the peeling browning
reaction also can be occurred. Another way to prevent
browning reaction is dipping the sliced banana in the
citric acid before dipping with the pre-treatment.

odour, texture, temperature and taste. In this research, References

Hedonic test were done in order to determine is
Abdullah G., El, S. and Z. Sitohy. 2014. Effect of pre-
there any significant difference in colour, crispiness,
drying, blanching and citric acid treatment on the
sweetness, oiliness and overall acceptance of four
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Data from Hedonic test was interpreted using Lamberg I., Hallstrom B., and Olsson H.1990. Fat
ANOVA Single Factor and the F value for all analysis uptake in a potato drying/frying process. Lebesmittel
was showed in Table 2. The F value must exceed Wissenscharft und Technologie 23: 295-300.
2.68 to be significant at the 5% level. From Table Mai Tran, T.T., Dong Chen, X. and Southern, C. 2007.
2, all attributes have f value exceed 2.68 and this Reducing oil content of fried potato chips considerably
showed that there was a significant difference in all using a sweet pre-treatment technique. Journal of
attributes between the four fried banana chips. Sweet Food Processing 80: 719-726.
Mehta U. and Swinburn, B. 2001. A review of factors
pre-treatment of banana chips affects the colour,
affecting fat absorption in hot chips. Critical Reviews
crispiness, sweetness, oiliness and overall acceptance
in Food Science and Nutrition 4: 1133-154.
of the final product. For colour attribute, the highest Rosana, G.M., Xiuzhi, S., and Youhong, C. 1997. Factors
scale use was 7 (dark yellow colour) and the lowest affecting oil uptake in tortilla chips in deep-fat frying.
was 1 (light yellow colour). Journal of Food Engineering 31: 485-498.
For colour attribute, panelists are preferred Rowe, P. 1981. Breeding an ‘intractable’ crop: bananas. In
control fried banana chip compared to the other genetic engineering for crop improvement. Working
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has the lowest. Next, for oiliness attributes, scale 7 deep-fat frying: factors and mechanism. Food Technol
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indicates very oily and scale 1 indicates not oily. The
Smith, O. 1951. 14th Annual Conference Report, National
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Potato Chips Institute 14: 22-25.
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Conclusion 78(C): 119-125.

In conclusion, the analysis of moisture shows

that the moisture content after frying was decreased
when the high percentage of sugars solution were
used. There was no significant difference between
the control sample and the 4%, 8% and 12% of
sample for the colour measurement. The oil uptake
of the banana chips were also decreased when the
high percentage of treatment are used. Based on the
sensory evaluation, the preferred sample was 12%
of treatment banana chips compared to the control
sample based on colour, crispiness, sweetness,
oiliness and overall acceptance. The ANOVA analysis
showed that there was a significant difference for

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