MONROE'S Persuasive Speech Outline
MONROE'S Persuasive Speech Outline
MONROE'S Persuasive Speech Outline
Now let's examine those steps more closely. As you established your credibility?
read through start thinking about your audience and
your topic and jot any ideas down for later use.
Establish the need - step 2
The 5 steps of Monroe's motivation sequence
This step develops the need for change. Now that you
have your audience's attention you will clearly show
them what the problem is and the extent of it.
This step is your introductory "listen up" call. To make
it effective it needs to grab the audience. It could be To be effective use:
any of the following:
examples to illustrate how it impacts on them -
a startling statement their happiness, future, health, family,
a rhetorical question
statistics - facts, figures, graphs, diagrams...
a quotation Remember to cite your sources and remember too
a funny story that some are more credible than others. You need
recognized sources to give your speech the
a dramatic story credibility you want.
a photograph or other visual aid expert witness testimony - the more
authoritative, the better
Consider "What's in it for me?" while deciding on your
attention getter. Your goal at the conclusion of this step is to have your
Why should your audience listen? Is it relevant to audience eager to hear your solution. They agree with
them? How?
Why should they believe what you say? Have you
you that there is a problem and want the answer. Your answer should give them "satisfaction".
Now you outline your answer or solution and show the In this step the audience "experiences" the solution.
audience how it will work. They see (feel, hear, taste...) what will happen if they
do as you are suggesting contrasted against what will
To do this well: happen if they don't do as you are suggesting.
outline your solution succinctly This step relies on your use of vivid imagery to
portray the outcome of their action, or inaction. They
demonstrate how it meets the problem
see and feel the pleasure, or pain, in their
use examples to show how effective it is imagination. To bring it home to your audience the
pictures you provide, the stories you tell, need to be
support with facts, figures, graphs, diagrams,
relevant and believable.
statistics, testimony...
if there is known opposition to your solution, What you want folk thinking as you conclude this step
acknowledge and counteract showing how your is: "I can see that this would be good for me."
plan overturns it
Fitting the standard speech format
The call to action can be embedded in any 2. Steps 2, 3 and 4 (Need and Satisfaction and
combination of the following: Visualization) form the Body