b. What do you think are the challenges in communicating with a client with a mental illness/disorder?
Therapeutic Communication
This refers to an interpersonal interaction between the nurse and client during which the nurse focuses on the
client’s specific needs to promote an effective exchange of information. Skilled use of therapeutic communication
techniques helps the nurse understand and empathize with the client’s experience. All nurses need skills in therapeutic
communication to effectively apply the nursing process and to meet standards of care for their clients.
Encouraging expression— asking “What are your feelings in regard to . . The nurse asks the client to consider
client to appraise the quality of his or . ?” “Does this contribute to your people and events in light of his or her
Reflecting—directing client actions, Client: “Do you think I should tell the Reflection encourages the client to
thoughts, and feelings back to client doctor . . . ?” recognize and accept his or her own
1. Belittling Statement tends to make light of the C-“I won’t leave here alive.”
patient’s fear and beliefs. Real feelings not
exploited. N-“That’s ridiculous. You
shouldn’t think that way.”
2. Disagreeing Response which indicates that the nurse C-“Why I am here? Nothing is
believe the patient to be incorrect. It being done to me and I’m not
generally relates to the cognitive rather than getting any better.”
affective domain
N-“You are getting better.”
3. Defending Used to repel a verbal attack. It conveys C-“I’ll have my light on for fifteen
anxiety in the nurse. I defends nurse’s ego minutes.”
but put patient on the defensive.
N-“I’m doing my best I can. You
are the patient I have.”
4. Stereotyped Common statement made without sincerity. C-“I’m really worried about my
responses Patient recognized this and won’t respond children.”
5. Changing the Different subject is introduced to prevent C-“I will have ECT tomorrow. I
subject talking about the topic that causes anxiety. hope I will get better.”
6. False Some reassuring statements are not sincere C-“Why are my parents not
Reassurance and make patient loss confidence to the visiting me?”
N-“Don’t worry, they will soon
visit you one of these days.”
7. Giving advice Tells the patient what the nurse thinks the C-“What will I do if I’ll be
patient should do. This suggests that some discharged?”
pressure is being placed on the patient to
accept a prescribed course of action. If N-“I’m sure you’ll do if you just
advice is accepted and situation is stay home.”
unimproved the nurse is to be blamed by the
8. Agreeing It closes communication and belittles C-“I’m afraid the doctor won’t
patient’s concern. It shows no understanding discharge me tomorrow.”
of patient’s feeling and leaves no room for
further discussion. N-“I’m sure you are correct. I
doubt he will let you go home
9. Focusing on self Responding in a way that focuses attention N-“ I have a rich and adorable
to the nurse instead of the client. boyfriend. His name is Michael”.
Multiple Choice. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer and write the rationale.
1. When a nurse asks the client questions that seek to go deeper into a particular topic or idea is utilizing which
therapeutic communication technique:
A. Exploring C. Restating
B. General Leads D. Seeking Information
3. Nurse Patrick is interviewing a newly admitted psychiatric client. Which nursing statement is an example of offering a
“general lead”?
A. “Do you know why you are here?”
B. “Are you feeling depressed or anxious?”
C. “Yes, I see. Go on.”
D. “Can you chronologically order the events that led to your admission?”
4. A client diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder is admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit for evaluation and
medication stabilization. Which therapeutic communication technique used by the nurse is an example of a broad
A. “What occurred prior to the rape, and when did you go to the emergency department?”
B. “What would you like to talk about?”
C. “I notice you seem uncomfortable discussing this.”
D. “How can we help you feel safe during your stay here?”
5. A nurse is assessing a client diagnosed with schizophrenia for the presence of hallucinations. Which therapeutic
communication technique used by the nurse is an example of making observations?
A. “You appear to be talking to someone I do not see.”
B. “Please describe what you are seeing.”
C. “Why do you continually look in the corner of this room?”
D. “If you hum a tune, the voices may not be so distracting.”
7. In terminating the therapeutic relationship with Mario prior to his discharge, Nurse Arianne should do one of the
A. Discourage discussion of past relationship
B. Focus less and less on the expression of feelings as termination of relationship nears
C. Allow him to express his feelings about leaving the hospital
D. Discuss opportunities for future relationship
8. When the nurse asks the client to make a brief comparison of his/her actions, the therapeutic technique being
employed is:
A. Giving Recognition C. Offering Self
B. Encouraging Comparison D. Restating
9. A male nurse is caring for a client. The client states, “You know, I’ve never had a male nurse before.” The nurse’s best
reply would be:
A. “Does it bother you to have a male nurse?”
B. “There aren’t many of us; we’re a minority.”
C. “How do you feel about having a male nurse?”
D. “You sound upset. Would you prefer a female nurse?”
10. When formulating goals of care for the client with a mental illness/disorder, these must be:
A. Nurse – centered C. Client-centered
B. Nurse manager – centered D. Family-centered
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I learned………
I was surprised…….
I rediscovered……………..