The Tools and Resources That Landed Me A Front-End Developer Job

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The tools and resources that landed me a

front-end developer job

Syk Houdeib Follow
Nov 7 · 14 min read

Learning front-end development can be a bit overwhelming at times.

There are so many resources and tools, and so little time. What should
you pick? And what should you focus on?

In my previous article How I switched careers and got a developer job

in 10 months, I talked about my journey. I was an English teacher with
no related experience, and I managed to land a front-end developer
job in a Madrid startup.

In this article, I would like to dive deep into the resources and tools
that I used to get there.

We will visit the courses I took, see their pros and cons. And talk about
the projects I made with them. Then we’ll have a detailed tour around
all the other cornerstones of succeeding on this journey. Things like
using GitHub, building a portfolio, and staying motivated.
What to study and where?
I sat in front of the screen staring at an image of the sun. I wanted to
scream, laugh, and cry all at once. This was not any image of the sun,
this was an image that I had just pulled from the NASA database! I had
finally managed it after what seemed like forever trying to figure out
how to use the NASA API. I felt like a top hacker, I will soon be able to
control traffic lights!

In fact, I was nowhere near controlling traffic lights, and I still am not.
But what I didn’t know at that moment was that I was only days away
from getting a real job offer.

Sun Image source: NASA Image and Video Library

So how does someone go from no knowledge in front-end

development to a job in the field? What do you have to study and
where do you do it?

When I first started learning, this was one of my biggest concerns. My

time was precious and I needed to invest it in the best way possible. I
get asked this question all the time, especially by my Twitter
community. This is something that beginners always worry about.

It may come as a surprise to many, but I would pick this as the least
important factor out of the entire process of career change. It’s not as
decisive as it may seem at first.

You will learn and get better at this no matter what you use, as long as
you are persistent, and remain motivated.

Don’t get me wrong, there are sub-level courses out there and others
that are great. And finding out the right path to learn all the skills
necessary is very important.

Yet, even the best laid out path and the greatest course would be of no
use if you lose motivation halfway through. So the question is not
which courses are the best, but which ones follow a method that will
keep you motivated. This depends on you as an individual and how
you learn.

My tip is before you dive in, spend some time understanding your
learning style. And find the methodologies that work for you. It’s also
OK to try out different courses and styles before you commit.

My usual Twitter-length tips

My courses
Throughout my 10-month intense study process, I navigated my way
through the multitude of material available. I looked for what I needed
at each moment and what kept me excited and engaged. I jumped in
and out of courses, took bits from here and there and only measured
my progress by what I’m learning.

I had a full-time job, so I needed resources that allowed me to set the

pace myself. Financially, I couldn’t afford a boot camp or expensive
courses. So I made the most of all the free and discounted resources
available. And by the time I got the job, I had spent under a 100€.

There’s a link at the end of this section to all the resources I mention

YouTube first
The first web development tutorial I watched was Jake Wright’s Learn
HTML in 12 Minutes, followed by Learn CSS in 12 Minutes. This
resulted in my very first web page. It took very little time and was very
motivating. It is basic and a bit dated, but it’s perfect for absolute
beginners with zero knowledge.

I also regularly used a lot of Traversy Media and LevelUpTuts tutorial


The Web Developer Bootcamp—Colt Steele

This is one of Udemy’s most popular web development courses. It is
often sold at a discounted price. Colt is a good instructor. It takes you
from the beginning and builds slowly. And you will end up with a
bunch of good-looking projects to show.

However, the course is very extensive, and if you are only interested in
front-end it might be too much. The code-along style is good for
beginners. But it doesn’t encourage you to solve problems on your
own, which is what you need to learn.

I made the RGB Colour Game and Patatap Clone. They are fun and
make for a good talking point in interviews. And to have a functioning
web app early on is a nice boost of confidence.
This is my immediate first recommendation for anyone starting out in
web development. You sign-up and instantly start writing code. There
is zero preparation and setup time. You get hooked—need those green

The curriculum covers all you need to learn modern development. It

has an active community. It is free. And on top of that, the organisation
itself and its mission are great.

But the best part is the projects. It takes a while to get there and you
got to build them from scratch. But this is exactly the kind of practice
you need to develop your skills. And despite not having a direct guide
to follow, the active community means you always can find an answer.

I made a tribute page to my favourite star (the hydrogen type, not the
red carpet type), my portfolio, and a React random quote generator.

JavaScript 30—Wes Bos

Wes is one of my favourite instructors. You know when you do any of
his courses that you are getting the latest and most in-depth look at the
subject. I would recommend any of his courses without hesitation.
I mainly worked on his free JavaScript 30 course, and I cannot
overstate how useful it was. Each one of the quick projects I did
became a reference. I would come back to again and again, to
remember how I did this or that. I referred to them when I was
preparing technical tests, interviews, and in my first weeks on the job.
That’s probably the best that can be said about a course!

Some of these awesome projects include a clock, a drum machine, and

a search tool.
I took advantage of the free trial and did a bunch of courses. I found
Christina Truong to be an excellent instructor. I learned a lot from her
courses about advanced CSS, workflow tools, and getting a website
online. I also improved my Git skills with Ray Villalobos.

The courses on were very good. But their catalogue is not
specialised enough towards web development. It lacks the coherence
of other more focused platforms.

Speaking about specialised, Treehouse is a great example. I also only
did the free trial to get a taste, and I like it. It has very well defined
tracks and a lot of in-depth learning material.

Learn Enough Command Line to Be Dangerous—

Michael Hartl
It’s a simple short tutorial but it gave me what I needed to demystify
the command line and start using the basics.

JavaScript and React for Developers—

Cassidy Williams
Cassidy is a very knowledgeable instructor and her style is enjoyable to
learn with. This course pushed me hard and forced me to deal with
advanced concepts. I started it towards the end of my 10-month
journey towards my first job.

I learnt how to use an API to make calls and display returned data. I
created a GitHub user search app which was a great moment in my
learning experience. Then I started on the Nasa media search app I
mentioned in the beginning.

I was still working on it when I had to pause to do a take-home

challenge for a job interview. The challenge was pretty much exactly
what I was doing on the course.

I completed the challenge, and got the job!

Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree (FEND)—

A few months after I started learning I got a Google scholarship to do a
front-end course on Udacity . Then I was selected for the second phase
which was actually the full Udacity FEND program. That was very
fortunate for me.

But, it’s important to stress a point here. If you don’t get a scholarship
or can’t afford a nanodegree it has no influence on your chances of
making it. While this was a positive experience that helped me a lot, it
was not the deciding factor. In fact, I got the job months before I
finished the FEND program.

By the time I got the scholarship, I knew I was serious about making a
career change. So without it, I would have started investing more
money into my education. I would have gone the monthly subscription
route in Treehouse or Udacity for example.

The course itself is of excellent quality. The instructors are top industry
practitioners with real knowledge and experience in the subject. The
projects are challenging and exciting. You get mentors and very
valuable code review for your projects.

But without a doubt, the best thing about the course and this
experience was the active and highly engaged community. This should
always be the first thing you look for in any resource. You end up
learning as much from course mates as from instructors.
The Pixel Art project was only one of the many excellent projects of the
course. It was the most complex project I had built up to that point. It
really engaged me and helped me “think like a programmer” as I tried
to add more features.

Learning Tracker
If you would like to see more details about exactly what I did those first
10 months, checkout My-Learning-Tracker. It’s a GitHub repo where
you can find every course I did and links to it. Plus many other useful
resources. You can even fork it and use it as a template for your own
learning tracker.

Beyond courses: the cornerstones

of success
Courses and tutorials are great, but on their own they aren’t enough.
There are plenty of other essential tools to succeed. You should give
these at least as much importance as the courses you choose.

Here are the things I found invaluable on my way from zero to a

developer job.

Staying motivated
This was the top priority. Lose that and I got nothing. There were three
things that helped me stay motivated when things got tough.

First was my goal. I had set an objective to get a front-end developer

job in a startup within a year. That made it easier to stay focused and
push through moments of self-doubt and low motivation.
Second, my network of close people. Especially my partner and a close
friend who were both learning at the same time. It was very helpful
doing the process with other people. They were going through the
same feelings. And it was great being able to bounce ideas off of each
other, reinforce our learning, and pick up tips.

And third was the online communities. I learned a lot from people
around me and constantly got encouragement and understanding.

Staying motivated is a challenge but it can be done. It’s all about

feeling that we are progressing. Keep building things, no matter how
small. And don’t replicate learning methods that have failed you in the

Social tools
Top of this list for me is Twitter. It put me in touch with professionals
and learners alike. It kept me informed and was a constant source of
material and resources. And it helped me network and in the end,
played a role in helping me find a job.

At the heart of my Twitter experience are the closely related

communities of freeCodeCamp, #100DaysOfCode, and
#CodeNewbie. These are very active and supportive communities that
helped me every step of the way. Alexander Kallaway’s
#100DaysOfCode challenge is a beautifully simple idea that really
works. Code every day a minimum of an hour, commit publicly,
encourage others.

I can’t say enough about the great role played by this community in
keeping me motivated and accountable. A warm shout-out to all the
good friends I made on this journey.

Syk Houdeib

Ever since I joined this community of developers and

The minute you enter into the world of code you immediately start
hearing about GitHub. It can be a very intimidating place when you
visit it for the first time. And since it is all about open source and
collaboration you might not think that it is relevant to you as a
beginner. Trust me it is.

It’s the cornerstone of your work as a programmer. You are going to

use Git with a Git hosting service on a daily basis in any job. And you
quickly realise that the basics are quite simple.

Once I got past my initial confusion, GitHub became the centre of my

learning experience. It essentially became my default portfolio. That’s
where all my code lived. And using GitHub Pages I got a place to host
all my projects for free. I also used it to keep track of my learning, and
to collaborate.

This was even more important since I had no previous experience in

the field. I only had my GitHub to show what I knew. It became the
best reflection of what I could do and what I was learning, and it’s the
first place most employers will look at. So I made sure it was full of
projects and detailed documentation.

A highlight moment in my learning process came when I decided to

help my course mates at Udacity. I noticed that many were intimidated
by GitHub. So I created a simple project for contribution with a step by
step tutorial. I creatively named it Contribute-To-This-Project.
Teaching is the best way to learn, and no matter how little you know,
you can still help someone learn something.

Build a portfolio

Even with an active GitHub profile, you still need a portfolio to show
your work. It’s also good practice to build a fully functional website. If
you have no projects to put in your portfolio, make it and then start
adding things to it as you go.

I came up with an idea for my portfolio very early on. I drew it on a

page and imagined it would be a long time before I have the skills to
make it a reality. In fact, I started building it much sooner than I
thought. And that is good because that first grand vision is never going
to be perfect.

It was the most complex thing I had attempted on my own from

scratch. A deep learning experience that benefited me enormously. I
had to constantly research to figure out how to do what I wanted to do.
I spent loads of time reading MDN documentation and Stack Overflow.
I had to deal with frustrations, waste hours trying to fix a bug which
would turn out to be a single spelling mistake.

But this is exactly what learning to program is all about. Those are
precisely the skills I use every day on the job. Learning how to
research, debug, problem-solve, and deal with frustration are the keys
to becoming a developer.

Then I finished my portfolio, and it looked and worked almost exactly

as I’d hoped. I was over the moon -Behold my creation!- and almost
immediately aware that it was totally useless as a portfolio! I took a
deep breath, accepted it, and started building my new portfolio the
next day. I wanted this one to be simple and functional. A place to
showcase my work and a bit about me. It needed to work on every
device. It didn’t need fireworks and magic.

This brings me nicely to my next related point.

Build things on your own

Those two sites I built from scratch were the foundation of my

learning. Doing something without a tutorial can be daunting. But it is
great for learning, even if the result is not great. Those early pitfalls are
a treasure of learning that helped prepare me during the first tough
weeks on the job.

It doesn’t mean that I shunned tutorials and directed projects. But it

pushed me to add extra features to anything I was building, to take it
further and do more on my own.
It’s not important what you build, you will learn from it. For instance, I
built a very simple temperature converter. That’s not exactly an
exciting project but it was a challenge that I had to figure out
completely on my own. And I was proud to have it working properly
when I finished.

Podcasts, articles, talks, meetups

There is so much to learn if you are starting from scratch. Active
learning time was not enough for me. I used my passive time to
immerse myself and understand as much as possible about this new
world I wanted to enter.

I read articles, watched videos of talks, listened to podcasts. I generally

tried to use every opportunity I had to get deeper into the concepts
beyond the syntax.

Meetups and conferences are great. I lived in a small town and

managed a single tech-related event throughout that time. But if you
have the chance don’t be intimidated. No one will stop you and
demand you prove yourself worthy!

Here are some of my favourite resources:

• Command Line Heroes—Red Hat Podcast

• Base.cs—Computer science podcast with Vaidehi Joshi

•—Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski podcast

• CodeNewbie—Saron Yitbarek podcast

• FreeCodeCamp Medium publication

• Hacker Noon articles

• Smashing Magazine—CSS articles

• CSS-Tricks

• Newsletters: JavaScript Weekly and Frontend Focus.

• Crash Course: Computer Science—YouTube series

• CS50—YouTube videos of CS Harvard lectures

• And of course YouTube in general for talks and non-technical

aspects of the field. Here’s a link to my playlist containing many of
my favourite programming YouTubers.
Good Luck

My learning process was intense and sometimes relentless. But it’s

important to avoid burnout. I put a lot of effort into taking regular
breaks, eating well, working out regularly, and resting every now and
then. When it started to feel too much, I would take an afternoon or a
full day off to disconnect completely.

It was a lot of hard work and sacrifice, but for me, it was worth every
second. I am very happy with my new career as a front-end developer
and I would do it all again if I have to.

And don’t be hard on yourself, your journey and the difficulties you
will face will be different. Just keep going.

. . .

I really hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful. If you did, please
click the clap button—lots of times :). And if you share it even more
people will get to see it, and that would be awesome!
Follow me on Twitter and let me know if there’s anything you would like
me to write about in more detail.

Check out my article about getting that first job

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