Wireless Home Automation System
Wireless Home Automation System
Wireless Home Automation System
Home automation, home control, smart or digital home are just different names for comfort,
convenience, security and power saving. These systems are of increasing importance these days.
Even though such systems are very expensive in general, they can also be very economical if one
designs and construct them for very specific needs. There are many ways to control a smart
home system, including wireless communication over internet. This project will help in creating a
new generation of smart homes in which user can control the home appliances such as
Refrigerator, Air Conditioner, Fans, and Bulbs etc. whenever they want and from wherever they
are with the aid of Internet. This can be extended to mobile apps also in the open source
platforms like Android. The apps can be used to create a user interface using which one will be
able to control home appliances via their Smartphone.
There are 3 major modules which are required to build this system, that are: Client Server, Radio
Frequency Transceiver and Microcontroller. This system can be accessed by internet by using
Personal Computer or Smartphone. This project consist of two parts Hardware and Software.
Hardware refers to the development of the device itself including circuit construction, printed
circuit board etching and soldering process. Software part refers to the designing algorithms,
coding and compilation. It also includes development of user interface.
Armando Roy Delgado, Rich Picking and Vic Grout ,“Remote-Controlled Home
Automation Systems with Different Network Technologies”, Centre for Applied Internet
Research (CAIR), University of Wales, NEWI, Wrexham, UK.
R.Piyare, M.Tazil, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Fiji National
University.“Bluetooth Based Home Automation System using Cell Phone”, IEEE 15
International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, 2011 .