Junior Senior Guidebook Randall Kanna
Junior Senior Guidebook Randall Kanna
Junior Senior Guidebook Randall Kanna
Part One
LEARNING ................................................ 7
Part Two
SKILLS ..................................................... 20
Part Three
BURNOUT ............................................... 34
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When You Make a Mistake at Work ..........................50
Promise What You Can Deliver .................................53
Part Four
CAREER ................................................... 55
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I wanted to write the book that I wish I could have read when
were outdated and I felt the advice didn’t apply to me. But I
wanted to read everything I could about coding and growing
my career, so I continued reading them. These books would
tell me to keep my head down and work at growing engineer-
ing skills or to become the mythical 10x engineer.
that are available online and free, anyone can teach them-
selves how to code.
Time and time again at work, I saw the people that could
advocate for themselves and had great soft skills chosen for
promotions and raises while the “10x engineers” remained
stagnant in their careers for years.
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Advancing in your career means advocating for yourself, add-
ing value, mentoring others, excellent soft skills and so much
Being the mythical 10x engineer isn’t the end all be all for a
great career. Companies want the 10X engineer where you
are adding exponential value; value to other people’s work,
instead of coding by yourself all day.
This book will teach you all you need to know about surviving
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T here is an endless stream of new challenges to tackle in
technology. The frameworks you know will change. The
tools you feel so comfortable using will evolve. Technologies
will go in and out of style. You may want to switch to a new
language or framework when your interest wanes in another.
skills, now the market has changed. React has overtaken all
other frontend frameworks as the hot new technology. While
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cards would do.
spent skimming the book and then trying out a new concept
right away.
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Tutorial Hell
W hen I was learning how to code, I spent months fol-
lowing tutorials. I would watch the tutorial and follow
along step by step. Never attempting to do anything on my
ing the warm weather, I realized I had learned next to noth-
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Step away from the tutorials as soon as you can. This is likely
before you feel comfortable. Tutorials are great when you’re
starting out, but at a certain point, they only slow down your
learning as you learn to rely on them.
start coding. Later on we’ll discuss how you can break down
problems into achievable steps.
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Always Be
W of material you learn every day seems astronomi-
cal. You’re picking up new concepts constantly. It seems like
there’s an endless stream of information to learn.
Find developers that are better than you and work with
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Subscribe to newsletters.
Read constantly.
Find a mentor.
When you’re working on a new skill, step away from the tu-
torial. Try to pick up tasks at work that use the new skills you
want to acquire. This will enable you to build skills quickly
While learning new skills, you also need to push yourself. You
need to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
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Get Comfortable
B efore I became an engineer, taking tutorials felt easy
and welcoming. I rarely felt overwhelmed. I would use
Codecademy and other similar platforms and think I was
making progress. But I wasn’t.
Always be biting more than you can chew. If you spend all
your time taking tutorials, it will begin to feel routine and it
won’t be a challenge anymore. You won’t be learning.
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dent with it, you wouldn’t be improving your skills by learning
more challenging pieces.
cide between a position at Apple and an apprenticeship at a
small start-up. The role at Apple paid more and I knew peo-
ple who worked there so I would have built-in friends and a
support system. However, the role was half-QA and half-engi-
neering with an opportunity to move to full-time engineering
if things went well.
Sadly, I had no idea what to do. I had been sold the idea of
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The pace was fast and I was blown away by how little I knew.
I felt so nervous some days that I wanted to call in sick. I
would fantasize about my train getting delayed underground
so I would be forced to miss work. Every stand-up felt like
torture because I felt I wasn’t doing enough.
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ple thought it wasn’t a good move. But I chose to be uncom-
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Deep Work
C ing context to check your phone or social media plat-
Most people will work for a few minutes and then check their
phone. If the average employee spends two hours or more
being unproductive each day, you can quickly become known
as an engineer who gets things done by simply spending your
work hours actually working.
The average employee works 8.8 hours per day. But only 3 of
the hours are spent productively.
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can help you stay focused. Try to experiment with a few and
see what works for you.
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T he Standout Developer has many tools in their tool-
box. But some of the most impactful tools are ones you
wouldn’t expect. Soft skills and advocating for yourself can
mean a promotion over an engineer with more technical skills.
Knowing how to debug quickly and breaking down problems
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Building Your
Soft Skills
T he right soft skills will make you a Standout Developer.
Many people can learn to code, but not many developers
approach coding with the right soft skills. The developers that
focus on growing in avenues outside of coding are the ones
that will get the promotions, raises, and greater opportunities
over the course of their career.
Active Listening
Early in my career, I was a passive listener. That was what
I had been taught to do in college. But staying quiet and
soaking in knowledge won’t help you grow your engineering
the tech lead. I was present in meetings and able to add bet-
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the spots that would have blocked you early on, before
it becomes an issue.
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This will help you not only in your career but all aspects in
your life.
Taking Responsibility
Don’t make excuses. If you make a mistake at work or if
something was your fault, own it. Be forthcoming, and ex-
plain how you won’t make the same mistake again and what
you’ve learned. You can preemptively take responsibility for
a mistake and prevent your manager from needing to bring
it up.
We’ll discuss this more in the When You Make a Mistake sec-
tion later in the book.
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A senior software engineer needs to be well-rounded. But
you excel in one specialty yet, pick the one that interests you
the most and commit (at least for now).
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After you’ve built a few things with that skill and feel con-
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Problems Down
I mposter syndrome left me feeling immobilized for years.
I didn’t think I could get my work done in a given day.
I sometimes would spend half the day panicking about my
work and end up working at night and on weekends to make
up for the work I missed because of my anxiety. I would
dream about calling in sick to work so I could escape the
feeling of imposter syndrome and not feeling good enough.
I spent years like this. The fear of not being able to get my
work done and not being smart enough started to materialize
and become my reality. I would feel frozen on a task, not take
action and the task would suddenly look larger and larger.
Stop worrying if you can get something done or not. The only
way to stop worrying is to take action. Break your problem
one to tack-
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consider what’s one small thing that I can solve in that prob-
lem? And after I’ve solved the one small thing, I select the
next thing to work on from the coding problem.
Start with the backend. Find where the existing refund code
is. Can you borrow from that to write your new endpoint?
Start pseudo-coding what the new endpoint will look like.
of ‘Hi’ inside the endpoint. Make sure you can see this being
tons needs to exist for customer support. That’s all you need
For any ticket you have, break them into smaller and smaller
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Learn How to
Use Your Dev
O ne of the easiest things you can do to improve your ca-
reer and skills is to learn how to use the skills you might
consider as non-critical.
Similarly, the Terminal will be another tool that you can learn
vestment throughout your career.
tive way to learn how to use Git and the Terminal quickly. If
you don’t have someone at work to pair with regularly, watch
tutorials. Tutorials can be helpful if you don’t have a mentor
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Atom or VSCode.
Learn how to run tests in your IDE and debug if possible. And
be sure to install any linting rules the company has.
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L earning how to debug in your language of choice will sig-
I would start digging into what I thought the issue was only
Recreate First
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recreate it. If your team can’t recreate the bug, it’s possible it
may impact very few users and may need to be reprioritized.
own. You might learn that there’s a simpler solution that will
problem faster.
Always remember that you are paid because you deliver val-
will be. The hours you work don’t matter. Long hours that ar-
en’t spent productively won’t help you during a performance
pen either.
Online courses
in. This can teach you more about solving problems quickly
than you could ever imagine.
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Learn By Pairing
The same goes for you; you don’t know what you don’t know.
a bug.
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T he last time I burned out at work, I spent three months
unemployed because I could not fathom going back to
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Don’t Learn at
Home. Learn at
Iyour skills at
Want to learn a new tool that will help you improve your re-
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Always Take
Your PTO
F or years, I didn’t take a vacation. I didn’t travel. I didn’t
leave the country. I didn’t even leave the state.
Over the span of several years, the only trip I took was a
company sponsored trip to attend a popular conference with
the engineering team. I went to the Zoo for a few hours and
got right back to work after.
Not long after that? I was burnt out. I was in misery and I was
25 years old. I ended up being unable to work for months.
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P art of being an engineer is running into bugs and being
tion. However, banging your head on your desk isn’t going to
The sooner you get your work done, the sooner you can feel
Take Breaks
I have the tendency to chain myself to the desk for hours at a
time. I don’t even want to walk away from my computer until
I’ve solved a bug. I feel as if I’m physically unable to separate
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doro Technique. How long do you think you can go without
checking your phone? The next time you sit down and try to
either. It will mean that you can choose when you will have
distracted attention and when you want to engage on social
media or through text. You will own your own focus again
instead of your phone directing where it should be.
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Set a Goal
At the beginning of each day, set a goal for what you want
to get done that day. Read The One Thing by Gary Keller and
You can also try setting a dedicated calendar block for work-
Leave a Bookmark
Something that will help you get ramped up quickly after a
long weekend is leaving yourself a little cheat card. At the
most important thing for the next day, but it also lets you
drop work with peace of mind until the following day.
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Dealing with
Imposter syndrome is a war. Not a battle. Some of the most
impressive people in the tech community struggle with im-
poster syndrome every day. I’ve spoken to CEOs and CTOs
with Masters in Computer Science who have built and sold
multiple companies that still deal with imposter syndrome
every day.
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Share It
Voicing your fears to your teammates can be extremely
helpful. Usually, they’re feeling the same thing or have felt
that way before. I once talked to an engineer I knew who I
thought was a genius and I told him I was really struggling
with imposter syndrome and asked if he had any tips.
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answer. And asking didn’t kill me. Other times, the solution
Asking for help earlier on will help will unblock you. You will
feel better about your work and how much you can get done
in a given day.
That’s not to say that you should always ask for help. When
Start Small
motivation doesn’t really exist. We can wait and wait for the
feeling of motivation to strike. And it rarely does.
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on the calendar for every day that you complete your habit.
the book.
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When to
Know You’re
in the Wrong
W orking in tech can sometimes be toxic. I’ve worked at
some very toxic companies in my career.
the end.
Here are a few ways to tell if a company isn’t right for you
and it’s time to switch.
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cited every day to go to work. You can get your work done
could take a day. I had asked for a few days at least. Not only
is this potentially illegal when a start-up claims they have
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I eventually quit. I had the title I wanted but I knew that any
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will this help your career, but this will help you stay safe from
burnout. You need to maintain a calm mindset.
And this isn’t easy. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t
react well when you make a mistake. It’s an evolving process.
Accept Responsibility
The most graceful thing you can do after making a mistake is
to accept responsibility.
that you slow how fast you learn. By bringing what you don’t
know into the open, you accelerate your knowledge.
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The best thing you can do for your career when you make a
mistake is be upfront with your manager and ask for advice
on how you could do better in the future.
not only alienate themselves and lose trust, but they tend to
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and ask for their feedback. Doing this will make you feel
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Promise What
You Can Deliver
Y our goal is to be known as a dependable coworker. The
engineers that receive promotions and raises at work are
the ones that are dependable and do great things.
If you know you’ll have a busy week with meetings, push back
on the amount of work you take in sprint planning. Are the tick-
ets being estimated correctly? Is the team velocity accurate?
Discussing this with your manager can help the team commit
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A dvancing in software can be challenging. Titles and re-
sponsibilities vary from company to company. There will
You might have reached the title that you aspired to and need
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Creating a Daily
S I would dread them every single day. I hated having to
wait for my turn to say that I had only gotten a small feature
done that day. I would fantasize about having a doctor’s ap-
pointment or something to avoid the standup.
After I read The One Thing, I would pick one task that would
make me feel like I had made progress towards my career
goals. That one thing that I could get done that would make
me feel as if I had a productive work day.
wasn’t cut out for engineering. But after I got that one thing
done, I would feel like I was a success that day. It would lead
to more and more success because I started to feel more
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Provide Value
S omething clicked for me a few years into my engineer-
ing career. And it’s something that people don’t share
enough in tech.
Here are a few things I did to show I added value to the team.
Take Ownership
Becoming a valued developer on your team means taking
my dev career, I believed that this was years away for me. I
didn’t even try. I was happy to think that career progression
meant putting in the work over the years.
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But there were other ways that I could still help the compa-
ny while I grew my coding skills gradually. I started writing
documentation and leading guilds, which are a small group
of engineers focused on one technology. I attended meetups
and spoke about the company at events and on panels.
Teach Others
your career.
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continued like this for a while until the day I started teaching
Even if you are like I was and think you can’t provide value
by teaching others, you can. And once you teach someone
Teaching others can also help you learn faster. When you
learn a new concept, pretend like you’re teaching it to some-
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Zero to
O nboarding to a company is a skill you’ll improve on
But there are a few things you can do right away to quickly
envision the steps you’ll take and try to see if you don’t know
how to do something so you can ask questions before you
become blocked.
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space a little and focus on more important problems.
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Managing Your
Y our manager makes a massive impact on your career.
They have a hand in whether or not you get the promo-
tion or compensation bump you want. They are supposed to
be your advocates and allies at your company.
But this isn’t always the case. Sometimes you might need to
work on the relationship with your manager.
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And this happens all the time. I can’t tell you how many times
I’ve spoken to an engineer that dealt with continuous man-
Here’s where you can step in and advocate for yourself. Doc-
ument your wins at work. Write down all your achievements
and keep a document. You can show this to your manager in
1-1 meetings when you are ready to discuss compensation
and title. And this document will be the proof that you de-
serve to get what you’ve asked for.
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for your 1-1s shows that you’re responsible and taking your
If you walk into your 1-1 with a goal and a purpose, you’ll
be able to improve your skills as a developer and grow faster
within the company.
Here are some potential topics that you can use for a 1-1:
How is my performance?
Find out what other employees are asking during their 1-1s
and what works for them.
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I was blown away. And it was all because I had shared the
pain points that I had (and the luck of having a great man-
ager at the time).
Work Together
If you don’t feel you get value from your 1-1s with your man-
ager, bring that up in a non-accusatory statement. You should
be able to work together to make the 1-1 valuable to you.
You and your manager can work together and discuss what
you both want to get out of your 1-1s. Generally, if you feel
manager probably knows you feel that way and will want to
change that.
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Find a Mentor
F inding a mentor isn’t something that happens overnight.
For one, if you’re messaging people you don’t know and
asking if they’ll mentor you, they’re unlikely to respond to
your request. They probably get this request twenty times a
start conversations.
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Act as if You
Already Have the
M that I thought the only cure was becoming a senior en-
gineer. (If only someone had told me that becoming a senior
the best way to prove that I was ready for the promotion. I
took on tasks that a senior developer would. In sprint plan-
ning meetings, I would volunteer for tasks even if I didn’t
know how to do them. I would do extra work every week as
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sometimes, I worked too hard. You need not make the mis-
takes I made.
At the end of each day before you close your laptop for the
day, write down the tasks you worked on that day. Write
down the things you’ve learned and your accomplishments of
the day. Even if they seem small to you.
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Not only will this come in handy for your standup the next
day, but you’ll have a fantastic resource for updating your re-
sume and building a case on why you deserve a raise at your
next performance review.
ways surprised how much I got done in the span of a few
months that I had already forgotten about.
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Effective Pairing
P airing isn’t always the answer. It doesn’t work for all
types of learners. You might learn better by knowing how
to approach the problem independently instead of pairing.
You might also not have the opportunity to pair regularly and
that’s OK.
But if pairing works for you, it can be one of the best ways
write a test, and the second engineer will make it pass. And
ing style because it forces both engineers to take an active
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to change it up.
you can refer back to notes, you won’t need to ask a senior
engineer how to do something again and again.
Make sure that you and the other engineer both understand
the problem you’ll be tackling together and the goals of the
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Rotate Frequently
In order to avoid pairing burnout, switch roles during the
pairing session. If you’re driving and the other engineer is
navigating, divide the pairing session in half and each of you
should spend half the time in the other role. When you take
a break, switch the roles again. A productive pairing session
won’t be with one person in the driving or navigating seat the
entire time. Switching back and forth is crucial.
Ask Questions
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The Twenty
Minute Rule
I was ashamed to ask engineering questions for years. I
would spend ages stuck on a problem trying every solution
I could think up before I would admit that I needed help.
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save time and face. You won’t have to spend a few hours
working on a task only to realize you still don’t get it, and
have to go back and ask for help again. When someone tells
you how to solve a problem, stop (and take notes if you can)
and check if you really understand the information given to
you. If you don’t, ask a follow up question.
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Final Notes
T More companies are going remote than ever before. You
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Here are a few of my favorite resources to help you grow your
Career Focused Dev Books
Introduction to Algorithms
Git Courses
Git Immersion
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Self Improvement
Deep Work
No Hard Feelings
Tiny Habits
Any course by Stephen Grider. I cannot say this enough. You
Frontend Masters
Shawn Wang
Madison Kanna
Kyle Shevlin
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Saron Yitbarek
Angie Jones
Kent C. Dodds
Ken Dodds
Quincy Larson
Will Johnson
Gergely Orosz
Ania Kubów
Ben IIegbodu
Molly Struve
Chris on Code
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