ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduce Yourself Essay Reflections: Gabrielle Medina EDU 214
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduce Yourself Essay Reflections: Gabrielle Medina EDU 214
ASSIGNMENT 1: Introduce Yourself Essay Reflections: Gabrielle Medina EDU 214
EDU 214
What I Learned: From this assignment, I learned a lot about both my peers and myself. There are
a wide variety of students in this class from all different backgrounds, and for being in an online
course, it helps to get to know the people I will be working with for the semester.
Strengths and Weaknesses: There were not many weaknesses of this assignment, but one of them
was trying to condense my list of favorite movies from a million to just about three or five. I
managed though, and I got to hear about some movies that I’ve never seen before from my peers.
Another challenge was finding the right words to say in my replies to my classmates. I wanted to
make sure that I asked the right questions, instead of ones that seemed too personal, if that makes
Activity: An activity that I would use with my students would be by using Google Docs to create
a “mock social media profile” about themselves, which would include pictures of them and the
captions would be their interests, hobbies, etc. This assignment will introduce students to using
Google applications, and specifically, Google Docs, where they will explore all the functions and
What I learned: During this assignment, I learned a lot about what kind of space I want my
students to be in. I also got to see some very creative drawings from my classmates, and how
they imagined their classroom setup to be. I didn’t realize the wide variety of ideas that people
had, like having circular tables, rather than rectangles, or having a laptop at each desk rather than
a stationary set of computers. I enjoyed seeing these ideas and may even consider adopting them
in my classroom.
Strengths and Weaknesses: My biggest strength in this assignment was being familiar with the
Google drawing app. I was able to create my ideal classroom with ease. The only issue I had
with this project was finding pictures or clip art that would fit the aesthetic that I was going for.
Many of the pictures or clipart that I found looked too out of place to fit in my drawing.
Activity: An activity that I would create for my students would be to create a drawing of their
“happy place,” using only Google Drawings/Google Slides. This could be a place that they enjoy
visiting, their bedroom, their grandparent’s house, the beach, etc. The idea may also be adapted
into a Slides presentation where students would present about why that is their happy place and
What I learned: In this assignment, I got to familiarize myself with the different tools and
features of Microsoft Word. I found that it is very similar to Google Docs, however, has several
more advanced features that can be used to make sure my flyer/certificate looked exactly the way
I wanted it to. Knowing how to utilize these features now will benefit me greatly when I am a
teacher when I will have to make flyers and certificates for my students.
Strengths and Weaknesses: The biggest issue I had with this assignment was trying to get my
images in the right spot on my documents. Each time I used “insert image/clip art” or dragged a
photo directly from Google, the image would mess up the rationale of my entire flyer. However,
I found that the trick to this was to create a text box first, then to place the image inside. After
doing this I was able to put the image anywhere that I see fit, and it did not affect the aesthetic of
my flyer/certificate.
Activity: An activity that I would create for my students would be a contest to see who can create
the best flyer for the classroom. The flyer must include rules and expectations for the class as
well as be pleasing to the eye, other than that, students have full creative control. The winner of
the contest will have their flyer enlarged and hung up in the classroom for all students to see
What I learned: In this assignment, I learned a lot about how to navigate the CSN Education
website and the CCSD official site. I didn’t know there were so many free resources available to
me through these sites with plenty of information to guide me to success. I like how all my
resources are in one place that is easy to navigate, which is especially useful when I have to look
Strengths and Weaknesses: My strengths in this assignment was that I am quite tech-savvy when
it comes to navigating websites. Although the site was already easy to use, I utilized my
knowledge of shortcuts to make it even easier. For example, I would use “Command+F” or
“Ctrl+F” to find text or phrases on the screen. I also was very comfortable using Weebly since I
have had experience with the site before. I did not have much trouble at all with this assignment.
Activity: An activity that I would create for my students is to navigate an educational software
that we would use often for class. This could be using Google applications like Slides, Excel, or
Docs in which the activity would be set up like a scavenger hunt, where students must locate
tools and features of the programs and record what they find.
Gabrielle Medina
EDU 214
What I learned: In this assignment, I learned how to utilize all of the features that Google Slides
and Microsoft Powerpoint have to offer. I found that there were a lot of features that I wasn’t
quite familiar with before, that I was able to explore in more depth for this assignment. For
example, I never quite utilized the “add YouTube video” feature in Google Slides. This feature
made it very easy to look and add YouTube videos into my presentation.
Strengths/Weaknesses: My biggest strength in this assignment was that I was already mostly
familiar with the basic features and tools of both software to create an adequate slideshow,
however, this assignment allowed me to get to know all of the tools that both software had to
offer. I did not have much trouble in this assignment, however, if I had to pick a weakness I
would say that I couldn't decide on what template to use or if I wanted to create my own. There
were so many fun and creative templates to choose from, it was difficult to pick just two!
Activity: An activity that I would implement in my classroom is to have students compare and
contrast the features and tools of this presentation software, and decide which one they like best.
After researching the similarities and differences, students would use their preferred software
and create a slideshow explaining why they prefer that software over the other.
Gabrielle Medina
EDU 214
What I learned: In this assignment, I learned how to utilize Microsoft Excel to create a grade
book for my class/classes. I learned the interesting addition function to add up a set of data
without needing a calculator. I also learned how to use the average function to get the mean
Strengths/Weaknesses: My biggest weakness in this assignment was that I was not familiar at all
with how to use Excel. The only thing from excel that I knew how to do was input data points
and create a graph. Other than that, the software was almost completely foreign to me. I learned a
lot from this assignment which is what I would say is my strength. I was able to learn the
features and tools from excel that will be incredibly useful for me in the classroom.
specific set of data that they collected (i.e., student’s birthdays, number of pets amongst students,
etc.. ) and utilize the math functions to demonstrate student’s knowledge on the software. I
would teach students how to use the addition and average functions that I learned, and to
demonstrate how Excel can make it incredibly easy to sum up a set of data points without a
Gabrielle Medina
EDU 214
What I learned: In this assignment, I was exposed to several educational software(s) that I could
use in my classroom. Specifically, I was able to learn about the software ZipGrade and Padlet.
ZipGrade is an online scanning app that grades papers at the click of a button. I think that this
application can be incredibly useful if I have large classes because it can cut the grading time in
half. Padlet was also a really interesting software that I learned about. I loved all the features of
Padlet and am considering using it as an integral part of my classroom to ensure students are kept
technologies and software, and it doesn’t take me long to be comfortable with a new product. I
got to know each of these softwares in just a few days and I would be comfortable saying that I
would be able to integrate ZipGrade or Padlet into my classroom with no problem. I had no
Activity: An activity that I would create for my students is to have them explore similar
technologies, but ones that are centered around educational games and quizzes. I would have
students pick from a list of technologies, including ones like Kahoot, Quizlet, and more. Students
would create their own game or quiz using these technologies and present their findings to the
Gabrielle Medina
EDU 214
What I learned: In this assignment, I learned about the benefits of Google Classroom. I have
already been introduced to Google Classroom first hand as a student, but through this
assignment, I was able to see the software from the instructor’s perspective. I enjoyed reading
through the study that I used in this assignment, which taught me plenty of information about the
Strengths/Weaknesses: My greatest strength in this assignment was that I was already fairly
familiar with the use and integration of Google Classroom from the student perspective. I
remember using Google Classroom often throughout my secondary years of school, which made
it more interesting to see the software from the instructor’s perspective. My biggest weakness in
this assignment was looking for an article that presented evidence that was useful for my
presentation. It was a lengthy process looking for a quality article that held the right information
Activity: An activity that I would create for my students is to have them respond to a survey to
get their feedback on the pros and cons of using Google Classroom. Through this survey, I can
see student’s opinions on the software and whether or not I need to make adjustments to its use
to ensure students are getting the most out of their time in class.
Gabrielle Medina
EDU 214
What I learned: In this assignment, I learned about the ongoing hardships that students with
learning disabilities face in the classroom. I was also able to get to know a software that allows
these students the capabilities to enhance their learning experience with just a few
knowledge of any sort of assistive technologies and software, so it was difficult searching for one
that I found interest in or thought would be useful in my classroom. I thought about doing several
other software and technologies but the Kurzweil 3000 stuck out to me the most.
Activity: An activity that I would create for my students is to create stations for them where they
lose one of their senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch) and they could only use the assistive
technology that I have provided them to complete a task (copying a paragraph, reading a piece of
text, etc). They must complete the task before moving on to the next station. At the end of the
activity, I would have students rate the difficulties of the task once they lost that sense and get
What I learned: In this assignment, I learned how to use the share feature on Google docs, and its
benefits when working in groups on a project. I also learned how to properly APA cite a source
and how to do a hanging indent on Google Docs when creating works cited/bibliography pages.
Docs. I have used Google docs several times in the past, and at one point was exclusively the
only application I used to write all my papers or essays because I was required to share them
with my teachers at the time. With my previous knowledge of how to use the software, this
Activity: An activity that I would create for my students is to have them collaborate on creating a
presentation on a topic of their choice (from a list that I have provided). Students must
demonstrate their collaborative activities by ensuring all students have worked on the
presentation (seen on version history, which shows which students have added to the project). I
would also be checking for if the work was split evenly amongst group members and the overall