Schaun 2017
Schaun 2017
Schaun 2017
DOI 10.1007/s00421-017-3636-7
Eur J Appl Physiol
Eur J Appl Physiol
test started at 6 km h−1 for 5 min (warm-up) which was fol- 2005). In this regard, for both protocols (CONT or HIIT)
lowed by subsequent 1 km h−1 increments every min until V̇ O2, area was calculated (in liters) according to the spe-
volitional exhaustion. cific moment (i.e., 30-min pre-; CONT, HIIT; 30-min post)
Throughout the test, expiratory gases were directly col- and was multiplied by the corresponding CE.
lected and analyzed using a breath-by-breath portable
spirometer with a frequency of acquisition set for the aver- Exercise protocols
age of every three breaths (VO2000, MedGraphics, Ann
Arbor, USA), which was calibrated according to manu- HIIT group performed a standard warm-up corresponding
facturer’s specifications before every test. The maximum to 90–95% VT2 for 4 min. Following a 3-min passive inter-
V̇ O2 (ml kg−1 min−1) was considered as the mean 30 s of val, participants performed eight 20 s bouts on a motorized
the last completed stage and second ventilatory threshold treadmill (KIKOS KX 9000, São Paulo, Brazil) at 130% of
(VT2) was determined by the ventilation vs. intensity curve the velocity associated with V̇ O2max interspersed with 10 s
and confirmed by the ventilatory C O2 equivalent curve (V̇E passive recovery between bouts. As for the CONT group,
/V̇ CO2; Wasserman et al. 1973). Regarding threshold detec- subjects exercised on the same treadmill for 30 min with
tion, it was performed by visual inspection by two experi- an intensity corresponding to 90–95% of the HR associated
enced physiologists in a blinded and independently fashion with VT2.
(Reinhard et al. 1979) as previously described (Alberton
et al. 2014). When there was no agreement on the deter-
mination of the break point, a third physiologist was Statistical analysis
employed. In addition, heart rate (HR) was assessed using a
Polar® monitor (RS800CX, Finland). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data
Incremental tests were considered valid when at least analysis. After testing the normality of the data with Sha-
two of the following criterions were achieved: (1) plateau piro–Wilk’s test, data were presented as mean and stand-
in V̇ O2 despite an increase in exercise intensity; (2) res- ard deviations (±SD). For V̇ O2, EE and EPOC comparison
piratory exchange ratio higher than 1.10; and (3) heart rate between HIIT and CONT groups, a t test for independent
predicted by age (220 age) achieved (Ferreti 2014; Howley measures was applied. Moreover, an ANOVA two-way for
et al. 1995). In addition, the day before test participants repeated measures followed by Bonferroni post hoc was
were asked not to perform vigorous physical activity, not applied to evaluate the EE between moments and protocols.
to consume any stimulant beverages and to sleep at least In addition, a value of α = 0.05 was adopted and all tests
8 h. were performed in the SPSS 20.0 program.
Exercise measures
On a third occasion, participants performed their assigned
protocol. First, they remained seated for 30-min pre-exer- Initially, no significant difference was identified between
cise. After, subjects performed their respective protocol groups regarding V̇ O2 at rest (p > 0.05), which corre-
and, again, remained seated for 30-min post-exercise. Dur- sponded to 0.29 ± 0.07 and 0.30 ± 0.04 L min−1 for
ing all the procedures, expiratory gases were collected and CONT and HIIT groups, respectively, totaling 8.78 ± 2.02
V̇ O2 (L min−1) was measured for posterior determination and 9.21 ± 1.61 L of O2 over the 30-min period. Similar
of the EE in each protocol, as well as before and after them. behavior has been verified for all other descriptive variables
Furthermore, pre-exercise EE was subtracted from post- (Table 1). All t tests for independent variables revealed that
exercise EE to determine EPOC. there were no statistical differences between these variables
Different caloric equivalents (CE) were used for the (all p > 0.05) at the onset of the study. In addition, it should
determination of EE based on the moment and protocol be noted that all subjects reached at least two out of the
performed (Wilmore et al. 1978). For the CONT group, a three criteria for V̇ O2max attainment during the incremen-
CE of 4.85 kcal L−1 of O2 was used on the pre-exercise, tal test.
exercise, and post-exercise moments. As for the HIIT Results regarding exercise and post-exercise compari-
group, the same CE was used on the pre- and post-exercise sons between sessions are presented in Table 2. Differences
(i.e., 4.85 kcal L−1); however, during the exercise, a CE of between protocols were observed for absolute V̇ O2 and EE
5.05 kcal L−1 was adopted due to the high intensity arising during and after session, as well as for V̇ O2 and EE per
from the session. In addition, we chose to perform the cal- minute after the session. Absolute V̇ O2 and EE during exer-
culation of the area corresponding to the V̇ O2 (L) through cise were higher in CONT when compared to HIIT, while
integration, as already frequently employed (Jacobsen et al. HIIT presented higher absolute and per minute V̇ O2 and EE
Eur J Appl Physiol
Eur J Appl Physiol
Fig. 2 Descriptive oxygen
consumption (a) and energy
expenditure (b) results
(mean ± s) during the 30-min
post-exercise period between
moderate-intensity continu-
ous training session (CONT;
n = 12) and high-intensity
interval training session (HIIT;
n = 14) protocols. Rest value is
represented by a continuous line
corresponding to the mean value
of both protocols, since there
were no differences between
them during rest
et al. (2012a, b), in which subjects performed seven 30 s related to faster V̇ O2 adjustment (Poole and Jones 2012),
bouts at 120% iV̇ O2max interspersed by 15 s passive rest which could be extremely important in view of the short
on a cycle ergometer, resulting in an EE equal to 77.8 kcal duration of these protocols. In this regard, these factors
(14.5 L O2) during exercise session, while our HIIT group could overlap the effect of the higher intensity employed
presented an EE corresponding to 52.8 kcal (10.5 L O 2). in our HIIT protocol (i.e., 130 vs. 120% iV̇ O2max).
Such difference in EE between studies, although small in With respect to the comparison between protocols, a
absolute terms, represents a ~32% higher EE when com- higher total EE during CONT when compared to HIIT
pared to our results. was already expected. Previous studies have shown that
Three possible explanations could be: (1) difference when session volume (i.e., session duration and/or effort
in total exercise volume performed, since Matsuo et al. time) is similar between workouts, those performed at
(2012a, b) protocol was composed by 210 s of effort higher intensity generally induce higher EE (Borsheim
(3.5 min) compared to 160 s (2.7 min) in the present and Bahr 2003; McGarvey et al. 2005; Smith and Mc
study; (2) a greater prevalence of eccentric actions dur- Naughton 1993). However, when high-intensity sessions,
ing running compared to cycling, which could also result HIIT in particular, are conducted with reduced volume
in elastic energy storage due to stretch-shortening cycle in relation to CONT, absolute EE from CONT tends to
(Poole and Jones 2012); (3) difference between V̇ O2max be greater (Matsuo et al. 2012a, b; Skelly et al. 2014).
of both study groups (47.5 vs. 52.0 ml kg−1 min−1), con- In contrast to absolute values, when comparing mean val-
sidering that a higher cardiorespiratory conditioning is ues of both V̇ O2 and EE per minute between protocols
Eur J Appl Physiol
(Table 2), significant differences were not observed. fifth minutes, while HIIT remained a little bit higher for
This result is conflicting with values reported in Fig. 1, a longer period. As previously explained, intensity has
which demonstrated difference between groups for EE been shown to be able to explain approximately 45.5% of
during the last minute of exercise. Thus, considering the variation in EPOC compared to only 8.9% for effort dura-
higher intensity employed during HIIT protocol, it should tion (Gore and Withers 1990). Thus, intensity employed
be expected that this would result in a greater absolute in the present study during HIIT (i.e., 130% iV̇ O2max)
V̇ O2 and hence higher V̇ O2 and EE per minute when when compared to CONT (90–95%HR corresponding to
compared to CONT protocol. However, extremely low VT2) may have been determinant to this result (LaForgia
volume employed in the HIIT protocol (less than 4 min) et al. 1997). Some previous investigations also presented
may have prevented subjects from reaching and maintain- reduced EPOC durations after CONT. Olmedo (2011)
ing a higher V̇ O2 throughout a great portion of the ses- and Dawson et al. (1996) found EPOC to be only 9 and
sion. This notion is supported by previous investigation 14 min long after 30 min at 65% iV̇ O2max, respectively.
comparing the performance of supramaximal protocols A third study (Townsend et al. 2013) also showed simi-
(Muniz-Pumares et al. 2016). lar results, ~6 min after 30 min of running at 60% HRre-
In regards of the post-session period, greater impact serve. Such differences may be associated with the differ-
imposed by HIIT protocol when compared to CONT, ent prescriptions of these protocols. As in Dawson et al.
both in absolute and relative terms, was observed which (1996) study, VT2 of the subjects in our CONT group was
reflected in greater EPOC after HIIT. These results are assessed and exercise intensity was prescribed based on a
consistent to a number of investigations that compared percentage below it. It had been previously demonstrated
EPOC for these two training protocols (Frey et al. 1993; that this type of prescription is a more robust method,
Greer et al. 2015; LaForgia et al. 1997; Larsen et al. which allows proper individualization of exercise load
2014; Malatesta et al. 2009; Matsuo et al. 2012b; Met- when compared to % iV̇ O2max, since the latter does
calfe et al. 2015). Larsen et al. (2014) found EPOC along not permit differentiation between moderate and intense
~48 min with twice the magnitude (2.9 vs. 1.4 L O2) domains (Tschakert and Hofmann 2013; Wolpern et al.
after HIIT (4 × 4:3 min 85–95%HRmax and 70%HRmax) 2015). Therefore, in the studies previously mentioned, it
when compared to a CONT session (47 min 70%HRmax). is not possible to state that all subjects were training at a
Such results are in agreement with Matsuo et al. (2012b), moderate domain and this, in turn, may have biased and
who observed a 6.8 L O2 EPOC along 180 min follow- actually prolonged subjects mean EPOC duration.
ing a sprint-based HIIT workout on a cycle ergometer Regarding EPOC duration after HIIT, studies that
(7× 30:15 s 120% iV̇ O2max), significantly higher than reported EPOC lasting from 17 min (Olmedo 2011) up
a longer HIIT protocol (4.5 L O 2; 3× 3:2 min 85–90% to 12 h (Greer et al. 2015) were found. In this sense, the
iV̇ O2max and 60% iV̇ O2max), and both higher than majority of studies that had active exercise volume and/
CONT (2.9 L O 2; 40 min 60–65% iV̇ O2max). In terms of or duration greater than the present one (i.e., 2 min and
EE, values observed in our protocol are also very similar 40 s) resulted in longer EPOC (Bahr et al. 1992; Fried-
to those verified by Matsuo et al. (2012b), with 32 kcal man et al. 2012; Greer et al. 2015; LaForgia et al. 1997;
for the sprint-based HIIT and 13 kcal for CONT group. Larsen et al. 2014; McGarvey et al. 2005; Metcalfe et al.
Nevertheless, one study found no difference between 2015; Skelly et al. 2014). Therefore, investigations of
HIIT (7× 2:3 min 90% iV̇ O2max and 30% iV̇ O2max ) extremely low volume or reduced effort duration (i.e.,
and CONT (30 min 60% iV̇ O2max), with EPOC val- more similar to the one employed in our protocol) were
ues of 7.6 vs. 7.0 L O2, respectively (McGarvey et al. the ones that showed the lowest values. This is the case of
2005). However, HIIT average intensity corresponded to seven 30-s cycling bouts at 120% iV̇ O2max interspersed
60.5% V̇ O2max, and it was previously shown that EPOC by 15 s rest (Matsuo et al. 2012a, b) or two sets of three
increased exponentially with increasing intensity (Gore 20-s all-out bouts interspersed by 2 min of recovery
and Withers 1990), especially when it approaches or (Friedman et al. 2012) leading to EPOC duration close
exceeds 100% of iV̇ O2max (Hagberg et al. 1980). to 30 and ~49 min, respectively. Furthermore, Bahr et al.
Concerning EPOC duration, as can be observed in (1992) had already demonstrated a linear relationship
Fig. 1, CONT group had already returned to basal levels between EPOC duration after comparing supramaximal
within 5 min after the end of the session, while in HIIT, HIIT protocols composed by one, two, or three 2-min
EE returned to baseline values between the 6th and 25th bouts at 108% iV̇ O2max (i.e., 30 min, 60 min, and 4 h,
minutes. These behaviors can also be observed in Fig. 2, respectively), whereas LaForgia et al. (1997) found
which demonstrate a, descriptively only, faster EPOC EPOC close to 9 h after completion of 20 sets of 1:2 min
reduction for CONT at approximately the fourth and at 105% iV̇ O2max.
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