The document provides tips for using Angles90 grips during workouts for both beginners and advanced lifters. For beginners, it recommends starting with less weight as the novel grip takes adjustment. It also advises not relying solely on the grips, but using a 70-30 ratio with fixed bars. The most efficient exercises are broad grip deadlifts and seated rows as the grips allow for a better range of motion and muscle engagement. Pull-ups and barbell rows are cited as the most difficult exercises. Advanced tips include supersetting the grips with fixed bars, pulling handles outward on pull-ups, and using the grips for carries and shrugs.
The document provides tips for using Angles90 grips during workouts for both beginners and advanced lifters. For beginners, it recommends starting with less weight as the novel grip takes adjustment. It also advises not relying solely on the grips, but using a 70-30 ratio with fixed bars. The most efficient exercises are broad grip deadlifts and seated rows as the grips allow for a better range of motion and muscle engagement. Pull-ups and barbell rows are cited as the most difficult exercises. Advanced tips include supersetting the grips with fixed bars, pulling handles outward on pull-ups, and using the grips for carries and shrugs.
The document provides tips for using Angles90 grips during workouts for both beginners and advanced lifters. For beginners, it recommends starting with less weight as the novel grip takes adjustment. It also advises not relying solely on the grips, but using a 70-30 ratio with fixed bars. The most efficient exercises are broad grip deadlifts and seated rows as the grips allow for a better range of motion and muscle engagement. Pull-ups and barbell rows are cited as the most difficult exercises. Advanced tips include supersetting the grips with fixed bars, pulling handles outward on pull-ups, and using the grips for carries and shrugs.
The document provides tips for using Angles90 grips during workouts for both beginners and advanced lifters. For beginners, it recommends starting with less weight as the novel grip takes adjustment. It also advises not relying solely on the grips, but using a 70-30 ratio with fixed bars. The most efficient exercises are broad grip deadlifts and seated rows as the grips allow for a better range of motion and muscle engagement. Pull-ups and barbell rows are cited as the most difficult exercises. Advanced tips include supersetting the grips with fixed bars, pulling handles outward on pull-ups, and using the grips for carries and shrugs.
- Be aware of using less weight at the beginning: Especially if you are have trained with normal bars and handles for years, getting used to the Angles90 grips can take a few workout sessions. Why? First because your hands need to adapt to a grip form that is totally novel and secondly because from a biomechanical point of view a rotational grip turns apparently familiar exercises to completely new ones. - Unless you are injured – don’t only use the Angles90: A big misconception is to only use the Angles90 for your back training. We usually recommend staying at a Angles90-fixed bars ratio of 70-30 at your back workout. We see the best results by using the Angles90 at your first sets of an exercise. - Most efficient exercises: With “most efficient” we mean exercises that give you the biggest advantage compared to the conventional exercise versions. Broad grip deadlifts: Broad grip deadlifts without the Angles90 itself already bring the big advantage of targeting your upper back better and provide more ROM. However, the broader you grab a horizontal bar, the bigger becomes the tension on inner sides of your wrists. Angles90 solves this problem by providing both a broad and neutral grip position. The other most efficient exercise are seated rows, because fixed bars really force you to do a not natural movement here: Besides the limitation of a non- rotational grip, at seated rows your body would want you to move the handles slightly outwards to involve the deep tissue of your upper back work more. So Angles90 solves this problem too. - Most difficult exercises: That is for sure the barbell rows because you need to keep a intense body tension and stabilisation as well as perfoming the movement very symmetric. Whether to involve it in your training should mainly depend on your pre- existent skills in functional training. Also, pull-ups tend to be harder simply because the range of motion gets increased. The reason: Your lats get a better stretch at the end of the movement and contracted more heavily at the top of the movement. TIPS FOR THE PRO’S - Do Supersets: Start an exercise set with the Angles90 grips (by rotating or keeping the neutral grip position) and then immediately after continue with the fixed bar/ handle on which the Angles90 are attached. This might be the most effective way to hit your back musculature since you are using different muscle fibres in your arms, but still hit your back within one single set. Caution: Do only perform one superset per exercise and as it’s intensity and correlated risks are the same like for all kinds of supersets in general. - Pulling handles outwards at pull-ups: Instead of only rotating the Angles90 grips, now also try to push them slightly outwards while pulling yourself up the bar. This enhances the work of your upper back and posterior shoulder while decreasing the work of your biceps. Only try doing this once you are easily capable of doing 10+ normal pullups. - Kettlebell carries and barbell shrugs Even though Kettlebells and dumbbells can be rotated already, it still makes much sense to attach the Angles90 because the handle form itself just provides a better grip feeling. At barbell shrugs, for example, this practically leads to a better contraction in the traps because you don’t have to focus so much anymore on fiercely grabbing the dumbbell’s handle. - Power Plus grip: This special grip type allows you to also perform certain cable push exercises (see video ). The advantage compared to conventional cable handles: You still benefit from the Angles90’s ergonomic handle form. Moreover, this grip method can be used for pull exercises at machine. The set up may take a few seconds longer, but numerous athletes have recorded an even better control over the weight with it.
Take one minute and read on on how to correctly attach and shorten the Angles90 grips. These are actually the requirementsto successfully implement what you have just read!
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