Item No Description Unit Qty: A. Substructure 1. Excavation and Earth Work

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Description Unit Qty

200 mm thick Site
1.01 Clearance to avoid m2
organic soil. 544.99
Bulk excavation in
ordinary soil to a depth of
1.02 m3
up to 1500 mm from
natural ground level. 174.36
Pit Excavation for footing
to a depth not exceeding
1.03 1500mm from stripped m3 159.51
ground for ordinary
Trench excavation in
ordinary soil for masonry
1.05 foundation to depth of m3 18.01
1500 mm from reduced

Fill around footing pad

and foundation columns
with imported selected
1.06 materials from out side m3 103.19
well rolled and compacted
in layers not exceeding
200 mm thick.

Fill under hard core with

imported selected
materials from out side
1.07 m3 111.39
well rolled and compacted
in layers not exceeding
200 mm thick.
Remove unwanted and
surplus excavated
materials and deposit to a
1.08 m3 137.30
distance not exceeding
5Km from the existing

250mm thick basaltic
stone hardcore well
1.09 rolled, consolidated and m3 96.89
blinded with crushed
stone .
Total Carried to

50 mm lean concrete
quality C-5, with
minimum cement content
of 150 kg of cement/m3,
2.01 m2  
(Mixing of concrete shall
be done mechanically
with appropriate concrete
mixer) under:-
  a) Under footing Pad m2 68.53

Reinforced concrete
quality C-25 with ratio of
1:2:3, minimum cement
content of 360 kg of
cement/m3 filled in to
form work and vibrated
around rod reinforcement
(formwork and
reinforcement measured
and paid separately) in:0

  a) To Footing Pad m3 35.22

b) To Foundation 2.4
column 0
  c) To Grade beams m3 18.70
d) To 100mm thick 9.4
2.03 m2
ground floor slab 3

Form work shall be
timbered or steel or a
combination of two,
sufficient to contain the
wet concrete without
  leakage. Enough to    
support temporary loading
and pressure from placing
Compaction or vibration
without displacement or
appreciable deflection.

  a) To Footing Pad m2 69.81

b) To Foundation
  m2 39.59
2.04 c) To Grade beams m2 125.91

Mild steel bar

reinforcement according
to structural drawings.
Reinforcement shall be
free from dirty, oil,
grease, paint, readers
paint, etc and any other
substances which may
affect the reinforcement
and concrete bond (price
include cutting, bending
and placing in position).

Dia. 6
  kg 51.77
deformed bar
Dia. 8
  kg 4,926.12
deformed bar
Dia. 10
  kg 11.16
deformed bar
Dia. 12
  kg 1,138.36
deformed bar
Dia. 14
  kg 1,189.91
deformed bar
Dia. 16
  kg 455.98
deformed bar

Total Carried to

3.01 3. MASONRY WORK    
500 mm thick basaltic or
equivalent type stone
masonry bedded in
  cement mortar(1:3) mix m3 26.87
below ground surface.
price shall include cement
mortar bed.
Total Carried to


C-25 reinforced concrete

with a minimum cement
content of 360kg/m3 to be
1.01 poured into formwork    
around reinforcement bar
(unless otherwise
described. formwork and
reinforcement measured
separately) in:-
  A. In Elevation Column m3 11.28
  B. In Floor Beams m3 20.85
  C. In Floor Slabs m2 549.75
D) Stairs and Landing 4
Provide, cut and fix in
1.02 position sawn zigba wood    
or steel formwork which
ever appropriate.
  A. In Elevation Column m2 183.32
  B. In Floor Beams m2 189.90
  C. In Floor Slabs m2 240.64
  D) Stairs and Landing m2 38.91

Mild steel bar
reinforcement according
to structural drawings.
Reinforcement shall be
free from dirt, oil, grease,
1.03 paint, readers paint, etc    
and any other substances
which may affect the
reinforcement and
concrete bond (price
include cutting bending
and placing in position).
  Dia. 6 kg 1,095.70
deformed bar
  Dia. 8 kg 207.61
deformed bar
  Dia. 10 kg 1,431.88
deformed bar
  Dia. 12 kg 128.88
deformed bar
  Dia. 14 kg 1,155.42
deformed bar
  Dia. 16 kg 1,622.34
deformed bar
  Dia. 20 kg 1,897.49
deformed bar
Total Carried to

  2. BLOCK WORK    

20cm thick class 'B'

H.C.B wall bedded and
2.02 jointed in cement mortar m2 690.12
(1:3) both side left for
appropriate finishing.
Ditto but 15cm thick class
'B' H.C.B wall bedded and
2.03 jointed in cement mortar m2 254.05
(1:3) both side left for
appropriate finishing.

Total Carried to

  3.1 .WALL FINISH    

Apply two coats of

plastering in cement
mortar (1:3) .Price shall
include exposed surface
of beams & column,pre-
cleaning and preparation
of the surface.
  a)To internal wall surface. m² 163.37
  To external wall m² 671.55
  3.2. FLOOR FINISH    

a) Supply and fix 30 mm

thick cement screed with
  cement mortar (1:2) m2 699.00
backing with 30mm joints
to be grouted with white
Total Carried to

  4. PAINTING    

.Apply three coats of

plastic emulsion paint.
  Price shall include pre -    
cleaning & preparation of
the surface.
  a) To internal plastered m2 163.37
wall surface.
  c)To external wall surface m² 671.55
plastered surface
Total Carried to

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