Training Plan Eim
Training Plan Eim
Training Plan Eim
Trainees’ Date
Training Mode of Staff/ Person Facilities/Tools and Assessment
Training Venue and
Activity/Task Training Concerned Equipment Method
Requirements Time
Install wiring LO1. Select School- Ms.Juvy May Plier Learner Direct
devices of floor wiring devices based, C. Esban – Screwdrivers Resource Observation
and wall Supervised Electrical Wrenches Center Written
mounted outlets, Industry Works Training Wire splices Practical Examination
lighting Training Coordinator Electrician knives Work Oral
fixtures/switches and Trainer Electrical drill Area Questioning
and auxiliary Ball hammer Industry
outlets PPE Partner
Track lights
Perimeter lighting
Safety switch
Earth Leakage Circuit
Breaker (ELCB)
Grounding system
Date developed: Document No