Multiresonator-Based Chipless RFID
Multiresonator-Based Chipless RFID
Multiresonator-Based Chipless RFID
Stevan Preradovic ●
Nemai Chandra Karmakar
Chipless RFID
Barcode of the Future
Stevan Preradovic Nemai Chandra Karmakar
Nitero Department of Electrical &
Endeavour Hills, Victoria 3802 Computer Systems Engineering
Australia Monash University
[email protected] Melbourne, Victoria 3800
[email protected]
viii Foreword
amplitude and phase modulation). In the second part of the book, the design details
of the basic building blocks of the chipless tag are presented. The building blocks of
the chipless tag are a planar disc loaded monopole antenna and an asymmetrical
coupled spiral multi-resonator. The integration of the tag is developed in both
microstrip lines and co-planar waveguides (CPWs). Tags up to 35 bits were designed
and developed. The chipless tag encodes data via the “spectral signature” technique.
Three generations of RFID readers were developed. Generation 1 is an amplitude-
only detection of the chipless tag at 2.45 GHz ISM band. Generation 2 is an ampli-
tude and phase detection of the tag at the same frequency. Generation 3 is an
ultra-wide band (UWB) reader operating from 5 to 10.7 GHz. This reader is capable
of reading a higher number of data bits from the chipless tag. System level design
and implementation of the reader are presented in the book. These chipless tag and
reader developments are unique in the sense that to the best of my knowledge no
other research group has reported such a complete development. Therefore, the
Multiresonator-Based Chipless RFID—Barcode of the Future is a timely publica-
tion. The book covers a broad spectrum of topics: the historical perspective and
comprehensive review of chipless RFID tags and modern RFID readers and their
architectures, development of a chipless RFID tag by integrating planar spiral reso-
nators and UWB monopole antennas in microstrip and CPW technology, develop-
ment of directional RFID reader antennas, microwave and UWB transceivers for the
RFID reader, chipless RFID tag field trials and also the integration of the chipless
tag and RFID reader into a fully operational system. This book includes a compre-
hensive coverage of the chipless RFID tag and reader design. The book will be a
fantastic resource for engineers and researchers working in the RFID industry
and postgraduate students who doing research in both active and passive RF and
microwave design.
x Preface
journals and conferences and open resources such as the internet. The chipless
RFID tags are classified based on how they encode data. We distinguish between two
types of chipless tags: time domain reflectometry-based and spectral signature-based
tags. The chipless RFID tags are classified based on how they encode data. The
TDR-based tag encodes data in the time domain by creating a train of echo pulses
backscattered to the reader when interrogated. The spectral signature-based tag
encodes data in the frequency domain by filtering out certain frequencies using reso-
nant structures. As both types of tags have their pros and cons, it is important to
decide which tag is suitable for which application. In this book, we focus on the
design and optimisation of spectral signature-based chipless RFID.
A novel RFID system composed of a chipless RFID tag and an associated reader
is reported in the book. The chipless tag is a fully passive microwave circuit and uses
spectral signatures for data encoding. The tag consists of a multi-resonator coupled
to transmitting and receiving antennas. To accommodate multiple bits, the tag oper-
ates over the ultra wideband (UWB) frequency spectrum. UWB antennas are used to
receive the interrogation signal sent from the reader and transmit the signal back to
the reader after performing modulation of the frequency spectra with the multi-resonator.
Modulation is performed in both amplitude and phase of the spectrum. A chipless tag
up to 35 bits, which operate over 3–7 GHz band, has been designed.
After the successful design of the chipless tag, three prototype readers have been
developed. The Gen1 reader was designed to validate the chipless RFID concept
using 6-bit chipless tag reading based on amplitude-only detection in S-band; the
Gen2 reader is an upgraded version of Gen1 with both amplitude and phase detec-
tion capability; and the Gen3 reader is a UWB reader capable of reading up to
35-bits in the UWB band. The integrated reader is a complete system with analog
RF and digital control sections, RS232 interface and a PC loaded with graphical
user interface (GUI) and software protocol. Both the hardware and software design
of the RFID reader and field trials of the designed chipless RFID system have been
validated in the real-world environment. Investigation into reader antenna systems
in order to enhance reading range has also been performed. A read range up to
70 cm was achieved.
The unique features of the developed chipless RFID system are: (a) a low cost,
fully printable tag and (b) a dedicated chipless RFID tag reader. The importance of
this concept lies in the fact that chipless RFID tags become comparable to barcodes
in terms of the substrate material used and the cost of fabrication. The main applica-
tion of this chipless RFID system is in short-range tagging of extremely low-cost
items such as the Australian polymer banknote. The chipless tag can also be used in
other applications such as hand tags for appeals, library access cards, etc.
So why would this book be of interest to a reader? Well the vast majority of RFID
books describe the conventional types of RFID systems (active, semi-active and
passive) and they focus on the design of the rectifier circuit for the tag, antenna design
and improving reading range. This book, on the other hand, presents a completely
unique research finding on a chipless RFID tag technology—a multi-resonator-based
paradigm chipless RFID tag and its dedicated reader. The main hindrance of mass
deployment of the RFID technology is the cost of the tag. Various efforts are envisaged
Preface xi
to reduce the cost of the conventional tag. They are designed with reduced number of
silicon transistors required in the RFID tag chipset and reduced cost of the IC design
process. However, these approaches will not bring the RFID technology near to the
optical barcodes with regard to cost. Our approach is to get rid of the silicon chip in
the tag completely and fully eliminate the above two items (ASIC and relevant pro-
cessing) that determine the cost and reading range of a RFID system. To the best of
the authors’ knowledge, no single book has been published on chipless RFID. The
book features the detailed design of a chipless RFID system with a comprehensive
overview of other chipless RFID systems as well. Therefore, the RFID community
will be tremendously benefited knowing the new technology in details.
Since this book presents novel RFID design pathways and encoding techniques
(such as chipless RFID) which provide solutions for low cost and robust tagging, we
hope that this book will be welcomed by the scientific community and create a signifi-
cant impact in future RFID development. Since the majority of RFID systems found
on the market are HF (13.56 MHz) and UHF (around 900 MHz) RFID systems, it is
possible that an illusion could be created among researchers that nothing else besides
system level design and performance characterisation of implemented RFID systems
is left for engineers/researchers in the RFID field. However, this is far from the truth
and this book is intended to present a comprehensive review of chipless RFID tech-
nology that is on the market but also prototyped by research institutions around the
world using unconventional data encoding techniques, circuits and operating frequen-
cies to tackle some of the issues that current chipped RFID tags have which prevent it
from completely replacing the optical barcode: cost below 1 cent, operating in high
temperatures, full printability and zero power requirements and power supply.
The findings, design and measurements presented in this book have been the
result of a 4-year PhD research project conducted by Dr. Stevan Preradovic under
the supervision of Dr. Nemai Karmakar at the Department of Electrical & Computer
Systems Engineering at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. The project
was financed by the Australian Research Council Discovery Grant “Chipless RFID
for barcode replacement.” The outcomes of the PhD research project have been also
presented at the ARC Major Grant Expo 2008 held in Canberra as one of the top ten
projects predicted to have a significant impact on society. The chipless RFID tag has
been patented as an international patent “RF Transponder.” The authors would also
like to acknowledge the support of Dr. Sushim Roy and Dr. Isaac Balbin to the
development of the chipless RFID technology presented to this book.
The book will be of primary interest to RF/microwave engineers specialised in
RFID design, transceiver design, antenna design and passive filter design. However,
engineers involved in mixed signal design and embedded system design will find
this book interesting as well since the book covers topics in passive and active
RF/microwave circuit design along with some digital circuit design.
1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 1
1.1 Radio Frequency Identification Chapter ........................................... 1
1.2 RFID Applications ............................................................................ 2
1.3 Limitations of Barcodes and Emergence of RFID
as an Enabling Technology ............................................................... 3
1.4 Chipless RFID Systems .................................................................... 4
1.5 Proposed Chipless RFID System ...................................................... 5
1.6 Book Outline ..................................................................................... 7
1.6.1 Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................................... 7
1.6.2 Chapter 2: Low Cost Chipless RFID Systems ...................... 7
1.6.3 Chapter 3: Spiral Resonators................................................. 7
1.6.4 Chapter 4: Ultra Wideband Antennas ................................... 7
1.6.5 Chapter 5: Chipless RFID Tag .............................................. 8
1.6.6 Chapter 6: Transceiver Design for Chipless RFID Tag Reader... 8
1.6.7 Chapter 7: Chipless RFID Tag-Reader System ..................... 8
1.6.8 Chapter 8: Conclusions and Future Works............................ 8
2 Low Cost Chipless RFID Systems .......................................................... 9
2.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 9
2.2 Difficulties of Achieving Low Cost RFID ........................................ 10
2.3 Chipless RFID Transponders: The Low Cost RFID
Solution of the Future ....................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Review of Chipless RFID Transponders ............................... 11
2.4 Modern RFID Readers ...................................................................... 14
2.4.1 RFID Reader Architecture .................................................... 15
2.4.2 Review of RFID Readers ...................................................... 16
2.4.3 Towards Universal Reader Design ........................................ 19
2.5 Chipless RFID System Specifications .............................................. 20
2.6 Proposed Chipless RFID Tag ............................................................ 21
2.7 Proposed Chipless RFID Reader ...................................................... 22
2.8 Conclusions and Motivation ............................................................. 24
xiv Contents
1D One dimensional
2D Two dimensional
3D Three dimensional
A Ampere
AC Alternating current
ADC Analog to digital converter
ADS Advanced design system
ARC Australian Research Council
ASIC Application-specific integrated circuit
ASK Amplitude shift keying
AUD Australian dollar
BP Battery powered
BPF Band pass filter
BPSK Binary phase shift keying
BW Bandwidth
CAD Computer-aided design
cm Centimetre
CPU Central processing unit
CPW Co-planar waveguide
CS Chip select
CST Computer simulation technology
CW Continuous wave
DAC Digital to analog converter
dB Decibel
dBi Gain expressed in dB with respect to an isotropic radiator
DC Direct current
DGS Defected ground structure
DSP Digital signal processing/processor
xviii Abbreviations