In this project we are designing a DS-CDMA wireless transmitter using VHDL and FPGA.
The transmitter circuit consists of oscillator , PN-code generator, the Parity Check, and the BPSK modulator.
For synthesis and simulation of circuit design we are using xilinx software. The VHDL program was used for coding and FPGA for compiling and downloading the simulation. The DS-CDMA wireless transmitter was designed to transmit with data rates up to 2 Mbps. The transmitted signals were carried with a 40 MHz carrier frequency.
In recent years, there has been a significant amount of research performed in both industry and academia into the development of CDMA systems. DS-CDMA is a type of spread-spectrum communication system in which multiple signal channels occupy the same frequency band. The circuit for the transmitter is comprised of basic digital components. FPGA was selected to implement this circuit. This project concentrates on the application of VHDL simulation tool and FPGA compiler to wireless data components. DS-CDMA users are able to access the information in full multimedia form, wirelessly and with better quality .
Block Diagram
CDMA types
Frequency-hop CDMA. Direct-sequence CDMA Multi-carrier CDMA (FH or DS)
Code division multiple access (CDMA) is a channel access method used by various radio communication technologies Code division multiple-access techniques allow many users to simultaneously access a given frequency allocation.
Direct-sequence CDMA (DS-CDMA) spreads the signal directly by multiplying the data waveform with a user-unique high bandwidth pseudo-noise binary sequence.
DS-CDMA is a multiple access scheme based on DS by spreading the signals from/to different users with different codes. The resulting signal is then mixed up to a carrier frequency and transmitted.
Features of CDMA
CDMA has overcome most cynicism to dominate the worldwide wireless voice market Increase capacity by joint decoding (multiuser detection & interference cancellation) Applying CDMA to other applications: optical CDMA, ad hoc networks, dense wireless LANs
Voice quality. High system quality. High data rate transmission. High spectral efficiency. Wireless increases utility and accessibility. It allows multiple users to share same frequency band.
1.Design of a wide range of electronic instruments. 2.It has wide applications of LAN and WAN.
Rather spending time on getting outputs on hardware kits we are designing the circuit on software. Simulate the circuit in the Xilinx software reduces the designing time. VHDL programs were written for all the blocks in DSCDMA transmitter and simulate those in Xilinx.