An Analysis of Translation Techniques Used in Translating Cultural Categories in Brown'S Origin Into Indonesian

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Sherli Noftariani
Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
[email protected]

The objectives of this study are (1) to identify some cultural categories
used in the novel entitled Origin by Dan Brown and its Indonesian
version and (2) to describe the translation techniques used in
translating cultural terms found in the novel entitled Origin by Dan
Brown and its Indonesian version. This study used descriptive
qualitative method. The data were gathered by document analysis of
words, phrase and sentences found in the Origin novel and its
Indonesian translation that contain cultural categories. The researcher
used some theories by Newmark, Molina and Albir, and Nida and Taber
to analyze the data related to the cultural terms and the translation
techniques. The results showed that there were 112 data which were
divided into five kinds of cultural categories proposed by Newmark
theory namely (1) ecology, (2) material culture, (3) social culture, (4)
organizations, customs, activities, procedures, concepts and (5)
gestures and habits. Meanwhile, there were 16 types of translation
techniques found in 222 data in translating those cultural categories.
The translation techniques were namely (1) Addition, (2) Adaptation,
(3) Amplification, (4) Borrowing, (5) Compensation, (6) Description, (7)
Deletion, (8) Discursive Creation, (9) Established Equivalence, (10)
Generalization, (11) Literal, (12) Modulation, (13) Particularization,
(14) Reduction, (15) Transposition, (16) Variation. In addition, the most
dominant translation technique used by the translator was borrowing
Keywords: translation techniques, cultural categories, Origin novel

Communication plays an important role for delivering and
finding information even expressing the emotion. In communication

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 95

process, people use language to express their ideas and feeling in order
to keep in touch with others. Language is an important means of human
communication, either spoken or written form used by people in the
world. Here, English is an international language which is spoken and
written by a wide range of people throughout the world. In spite of
English as the international language, every society has different
language to communicate in their daily life dependent on their cultures
and places.
Translation is the process of changing language form without
changing the meaning of a text. It is a viewed as a process of
transferring the meanings or messages from the source language (SL)
to the target language (TL). A translator must consider the equivalence
and appropriate words according to the target language culture which
can be easily understood by the readers. A good translator needs to
have certain skills to transfer the translation text which involve
determining the methods, types, techniques and others. Molina and
Albir (2002: 509) defined translation techniques as procedures to
analyze and classify how translation equivalence works. Techniques can
also provide the translator with useful insights into target language
In translation process, there are some problems faced by the
translator when identifying some words especially in English literary
work. In a novel, the readers often find many kinds of cultural words in
the source text which are unfamiliar with the ones in the target text.
Here, cultural words are used as a particular language form in creating
the literary work. The translator can deliver the equivalent meaning of
cultural words into one language form so that it can be accepted into
the target language.
Considering the explanation above, the researcher analyzed the
translation techniques used in translating cultural categories of novel
entitled Origin written by Dan Brown and its Indonesian translation
translated by a group named Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno, Reinitha Amalia
Lasmana, and Dyah Agustine. Origin is one of popular novels written by
Dan Brown. In translating process, several modifications are commonly
found. So, not all of the words can be simply translated. There are some
parts that seem unfamiliar with the target language in Indonesian
cultures. As a result, she described the translation techniques used in
translating cultural categories of Origin novel into Indonesian.

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 96

Literature Review
Language is a set of structured meaning either spoken or written
by people in certain ways to convey the messages. In a process of
learning other language, people need to acquire translation. Newmark
(1988: 5) states that translation is rendering the meaning of a text into
another language in the way that the author intended the text. Besides,
Dubois (in Bell, 1991: 5) says “translation is the expression in another
language (or target language) of what has been expressed in another,
source language, preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences”. In this
case, translation plays an important role for the readers in order to
understand the meaning of source information using their own
According to Jakobson (2002: 223), translation is divided into
some categories or types namely intralingual, interlingual, and
intersemiotic translation. This study focused on interlingual translation
which is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other
languages. Interlingual translation has significance differences language
forms since it needs to focus on two different languages in translation
According to Shuttleworth & Cowie (1997:181), translation is
divided into process and product. Considering the translation as a
product, Nord (1992:28) states that translation is the production of a
functional target text maintaining a relationship with a given source
text that is specified according to the intended or demanding function
of a target language. Product of translation can be identified through
the techniques used by the translator in transferring the meaning in the
target text. The techniques used in the translation product can
determine how the target text can be successfully translated.
A successful translation can be seen from the transfer of
equivalent meaning or message from source language to the target
language. There are many kinds of translation techniques. Molina and
Albir (2002: 509–511) proposed eighteen ways of translation
techniques, meanwhile in this study the researcher took two of the
translation techniques proposed by Nida and Taber (1969). These
techniques aim to analyze how the result of translation function related
to the corresponding unit in the source text (Molina and Albir, 2002:
499). The translation techniques by those experts can be seen as
JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 97
Molina and Albir (2002)
1) Adaptation is related to the cultural environment with the source
language. It is used when there is no suitable term in the SL culture
to be translated. According to Vinay and Darbelnet (2004: 151),
adaptation is a situational equivalence or the type of situation being
referred to by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture. For
SL = as white as a snow SL = wolf
TL= seputih kapas TL = kancil

2) Amplification is used to introduce the details information that cannot

found in the source language: information, explicative paraphrasing.
For example:
SL = ramadhan SL = tayamum
TL= Ramadhan, the Muslim month of fasting TL= Tayamum, wash in

3) Borrowing is the idea of taking the word from SL and maintaining it

to the TL. There are two kinds of borrowing technique namely
naturalized borrowing and pure borrowing. The first explained that
it is used when the translator loan the word but there is some
different spelling or pronunciation between the SL and the TL.
Meanwhile, the second explained that when the translator loan the
word without any different pronunciation and spelling. For
Pure borrowing: diameter, neutron, vitamin, laptop
Naturalized borrowing: computer/komputer, music/musik,

4) Calque is a term used to denote the process whereby the individual

elements of an SL item (Vinay & Darbelnet, 1958: 32). Calque
imitates the structure of manner of an expression of source language
the translation is usually unfamiliar from the TL. For examples:
SL = assistant manager SL = photo studio
TL = asisten manajer TL = foto studio

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 98

5) Compensation introduces the SL element of information or stylistic
effect in another place in the TL because it cannot be reflected in the
same place of SL. For example:
SL = a pair of scissor
TL = sebuah gunting

6) Description is used to replace the terms of expression with telling a

description or additional information of its form and function. For
SL = panettone (Italia)
TL = kue tradisional Italia yang dimakan pada saat tahun baru

7) Discursive creation is a kind of translation which establishes a

temporary equivalence that is totally unpredictable out of the
context. It is usually applied in the title of the book or movie. For
SL = Malin Kundang SL = Animal
TL = A Betrayed Son is Malin Kundang, TL =

8) Established equivalent is used for two expressions (both the SL and

the TL) in the same situation by using completely different stylistic
or structural methods for producing ‘equivalent text’. For example:
SL = traffic bumps
TL= polisi tidur

9) Generalization is used of a more general or natural term. This

technique usually happens if there is no expression that has the same
meaning with the source language. For examples:
SL = penthouse SL = becak
TL = tempat tinggal TL = vehicle

10) Linguistic amplification is the addition of linguistic elements. This is

often used in consecutive interpreting and dubbing. For example:
SL = everything is up to you!
TL= semua terserah Anda sendiri!
JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 99
11) Linguistic compression means to synthesize linguistic elements in the
target language. It is often used in simultaneous interpreting and
sub-titling. For example:
SL = I want you to know
TL= ketahuilah

12) Literal is used to translate a word or an expression word for word

expression. Literal is more flexible than word for word translation
because it can transform the meaning based on the equivalence
without focused in word for word meaning properly. For example:
SL = I will ring you
TL = saya akan menelponmu

13) Particularization is the use of a more precise or concrete term.

For example:
SL = air transportation SL = jewelry
TL= helikopter TL = kalung emas

14) Reduction is used to suppress or decrease the source language

information item in target language. This is the opposite of
amplification technique or closest with omission that means the
explicit information from SL changes the implicit information to TL.
For example:
SL = the month of fasting
TL= ramadhan

15)Substitution is the change of linguistic and paralinguistic element

(intonation, gesture) or vice versa. It is usually used for
interpretation. For example in translating Arabic gesture of ‘putting
your hand on your heart’ as ‘thank you’.

16) Variation is the change of linguistic or paralinguistic elements that

affects the aspects of linguistic variation: changes of textual tone,
style, social dialect, geographical dialect. For example:
SL = “He will never get to sleep with all this din,” said Ma Lion
TL = “Leo tidak akan bisa tidur jika ramai seperti ini,” kata Bu Singa

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 100

17) Transposition is the changing word class without changing the
meaning or grammatical categories. For example:
SL = He has no knowledge of that accident
TL = Dia tidak mengetahui tentang kecelakaan tersebut.

18) Modulation is a shift in cognitive categories. In here, the translator

changes the point of view and focus or cognitive category related to
the SL. For example:
SL = I cut my finger SL = I broke my leg
TL = jariku tersayat TL = kakiku patah

Nida and Taber (1969)

19) Addition is generally applied in the translation technique to gain
more information that actually does not exist in the source text.
According to Nida (1964), the purpose of addition is to clarify an
elliptic expression, to avoid ambiguity in the target language, to
change grammatical category, and to add some connectors. For
SL= she came late.
TL = wanita itu datang terlambat

20) Deletion is similar with reduction. Both of these techniques require

reducing some information. For the reduction technique, it is marked
by partial deletion, meanwhile deletion is marked with the complete
SL= you truly are incorruptible, aren’t you?
TL= kamu memang tak bisa dirusak, ya?

In translating the text such as in a novel, there are some aspects

that should be understood by a translator especially in the cultural
terms contained in the novel. Newmark (1988:94) defines culture as
the way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to a
community that uses a particular language as a means of expression.
People living in other countries certainly have different cultures. The
unfamiliar cultural words can cause problem for the readers to
understand the information in the source text. Here, Newmark

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 101

(1988:95) classifies some cultural categories in translation study as
a) Ecology is related to the geographical and territory of a country. It
can be defined as flora, fauna, winds, plains, hills, etc. According to
Newmark (1988:97), Nida has pointed out that ecological features –
the seasons, rain, hills of various sized – where they are irregular or
unknown may not be understood denotatively or figuratively, in
translation. For example:
SL= fog SL=summer
TL= kabut TL=musim kemarau

b) Material culture is the specific elements that include: foods, clothes,

houses, towns, and transport. For examples: empek-empek,sarong,
surau, bemo, etc.

c) Social culture – work and leisure is related to some activities that can
be found only the certain countries and experienced by the people. It
can be found in music, ceremony, etc. For examples: Kuda lumping,
takbiran, dangdut, 17-an, etc.

d) Organization, customs, activities, procedures, concepts is the concept

which cannot be translated into a language when the reader is
unfamiliar with it. It can be divided into some types namely political
and administrative, religious, and artistic. For examples:
TL = the Special Needs School TL= Organisasi Pendidikan,
Keilmuan, dan Kebudayaan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa

e) Gestures and habits mean that there is a distinction between

description and function which can be made where necessary in
ambiguous cases (Newmark, 1988: 102). For example if people smile
little when someone dies. In another case, there are some activities
or actions carried out from generation to generation such as kerja
bakti, mitoni, etc

This research belongs to descriptive qualitative method. The researcher
employed documentation to collect the data. The data were collected
JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 102
from words, phrases, and sentences from the novel entitled Origin
written by Dan Brown and its Indonesian translation translated by
Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno, Reinitha Amalia Lasmana, and Dyah
Agustine. Related to the data collection technique, the researcher did
some steps; 1) reading the novel both English and Indonesian version
to identify and understand the equivalence words used in translating
the target text 2) comparing both language texts to analyze the cultural
categories translation stated in the text 3) finding out the suitable
translation techniques of the target text after analyzing the cultural
word according to the theories and 4) writing down the table to classify
the data that have been collected and giving the explanation.

The cultural categories as the translation unit
Based on the data analysis, there were five kinds of cultural
categories according to Newmark’s theory stated in the novel. The
numbers of data found in this research were 112 cultural terms. The
categories were divided into 1) ecology, 2) material culture, 3) social
culture, 4) organization, customs, activities, procedures, concepts, and
5) gestures and habits. The classification number of the data was
presented in the following table:

Table 1. Cultural Categories Classification

No Cultural Categories Frequency Percentage
1. Ecology 18 15.9%
2. Material 44 38.9%
3. Social 5 4.4%
4. Organisation, custom, 40 35.3%
activities, procedures,
5. Gestures and habits 6 5.3%

From the data above, the most dominant cultural categories found in
the novel was material culture with the percentage 38.9%, while the
least of the data was social cultural with the percentage 4.4%.

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 103

1. Translation techniques used in translating cultural
The summary of the data analysis in finding out the translation
techniques was presented in the following table:

Table 2. Translation Techniques of Translating Cultural Categories

Translation Cultural categories Freque Percen
technique Ec Ma So Org Ges ncy tage %
1. Adaptation - 4 - 2 - 6 2.7%
2. Addition 3 15 - 6 2 26 11.7%
3. Amplification - 2 1 1 - 4 1.8%
4. Borrowing 11 33 3 28 2 76 34.2%
5. Compensation 1 7 1 4 2 15 6.7%
6. Deletion 4 9 - 7 - 20 9%
7. Description 1 - - 2 - 3 1.3%
8. Discursive - - - 1 - 1 0.4%
9. Established - 1 - 1 - 2 0.9%
10. Generalization 1 1 - 1 - 3 1.3%
11. Literal 9 22 2 17 3 53 23.9%
12. Modulation - 1 - - - 1 0.4%
13. Particularization - - - 4 - 4 1.8%
14. Reduction - 1 - 2 - 3 1.3%
15. Transposition 1 2 - - - 3 1.3%
16. Variation - 2 - 1 - 3 1.3%

According to the translation techniques by Molina & Albir

(2002) and Nida & Taber (1969), discursive creation and
particularization technique (1) were the least number while borrowing
technique (76) was the most frequently appeared. The most dominant
translation technique (borrowing) showed that the translators often
put the loan word from the source text into the target text because it
was the easiest one in the translation process. In other words, cultural
categories were often found in the borrowing technique both pure and
naturalized borrowing.

In this part, the researcher elaborated some data to be discussed.

1. The kinds of cultural categories
a) Ecology

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 104

Excerpt 1

Any man can stay sober in a Siapa pun bisa menahan untuk tidak
desert, he mused, but only the meminum alkohol di padang
loyal can sit in an oasis and refuse gurun,pikirnya, tetapi hanya lelaki
to part his lips. teguh yang bisa duduk di sebuah oase
(page 26) dan menolak meminumnya.
(page 28)
It explained that desert/padang gurun, and oasis/oase, were the place
that was not available in Indonesian natural environment. In addition,
they were the kinds of cultural ecology in plains which described the
situation in Arabian country.

b) Material culture
Excerpt 2

seeing a yellow water taxi setelah melihat sebuah taksi-air kuning
approaching the bank, mendekati bantaran,
(page 217) (page 168)
In the sentence above, there was specific transportation that often used
in Spain (source text) named yellow water taxi. Yellow water taxi or
water bus is a watercraft used to provide public or private transport.
So, it was the kind of material culture of transportation based on the

c) Social culture – work and leisure

Excerpt 3

The Grishneshwar Temple drop, Ritual Kuil Grishneshwar, pikir
Langdon tought, recalling that it Langdon, mengingatkan bahwa
was believed by some to bring tindakan tersebut diyakini oleh sebagian
God’s favor to a child. orang bisa mendatangkan berkat Tuhan
(page 126) kepada seorang anak.
(page 100)
The sentence showed that there was a special event or activity named
The Grishneshwar Temple drop in Indian refers to the religious
culture which is found in the certain country.

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 105

d) Organization, custom, activities, procedures, concepts
Excerpt 4

The Great Pyramids were built Piramida Besar dibangun oleh orang
by Egyptians without alien Mesir tanpa teknologi makhluk luar
technology. angkasa.
(page 425) (pages 321)

Pyramids are the symbol of religion or spiritual culture in Egypt.

Besides, there will be some activities that usually do in that place such
the worship of the king.

e) Gestures and habits

Excerpt 5
The bishop knocked, ducked Uskup itu mengetuk, merunduk, lalu
down, and entered, motioning masuk, mengisyaratkan tamunya
for his guest to follow. agar mengikuti.
(page 12) (page 16)
The sentence explained about an action of the bishop to appreciate
something and he asked to the others to do that. It was the kind of act
or attitude showed by someone because of his/her position or status in
the certain situation.

2. Translation techniques
2.1 Adaptation
Excerpt 6
nuts, rice cakes, and assorted kacang, berondong beras, dan
“vegan bars” that all tasted the beraneka camilan “vegan bar” yang
same to him. kesemuanya terasa sama bagi Langdon.
(page 310) (page 238)

Rice cakes was transformed become berondong beras by the

translators as the adaptation technique in order to make the readers
more understand about the specific meaning that accordance with
Indonesian foods.

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 106

2.2 Addition
Excerpt 7
“Hip,’ I believe, is the word?” “Sepertinya, ‘perlente’ adalah kata
(page 8) yang tepat?”
(page 14)

The translator put the word sepertinya and kata yang tepat in the
target text to explain the next word meaning so that the readers can get
the information completely.

2.3 Amplification
Excerpt 8
He was dressed in an unassuming Dia menggunakan thawb – jubah pria
white thawb. khasArab, putih sederhana.
(Page 17)
(Page 13)

The translators introduced additional information about thawb

meaning in the target text. It was used to give more explanation and
introduce about the definition of that cloth term.

2.4 Borrowing
Excerpt 9
He still wore his ceremonial robes Dia masih mengenakan jubah
and was seated at his office seremonial dan duduk memandang
laptop, laptop kantornya.
(page 169) (page 132)

Pure borrowing: the translators still used the word of laptop in the
target text to name the term since there was no equivalent word to
state the meaning. In other word, there was no different spelling and
sound to state the word.
Naturalized borrowing: the translators loaned the word of
ceremonial as seremonial in the target text to name the term since
there was no equivalent word to state the meaning. In here, there was
different spelling stated in the target text.

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 107

2.5 Compensation
Excerpt 10
Any man can stay sober in a Siapa pun bisa menahan untuk tidak
desert, he mused, but only the meminum alkohol di padang
loyal can sit in an oasis and refuse gurun,pikirnya, tetapi hanya lelaki
to part his lips. teguh yang bisa duduk di sebuah oase
(page 26) dan menolak meminumnya.
(page 28)

There were three words in stating the compensation techniques. First,

stay sober was translated into tidak meminum alkohol because the
translators wanted to find out the equivalent meaning in the target text
although there was no correlation about those two terms in the original
meaning. Second, the loyal was translated into lelaki teguh. Then, part
his lips was translated into menolak meminumnya which had the
same purposes such previous examples although the use was out of the
original meaning

2.6 Deletion
Excerpt 11
“you have the respected allamah, “adalah allamah terhormat, Syed al-
Syed al-Fadl.” Fadl.”
(page 13) (page 17)

Actually, there was you have the stated in the source text, however, the
translators did not put that information and just made it was more
simple than the source text. They just put adalah allamah terhormat
in the target text.

2.7 Description
Excerpt 12
The vultures were no longer Burung-burung pemakan bangkai
circling; tak lagi terbang berputar-putar;
(page 62) (page 54)

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 108

The translators put and introduced additional description about the
vultures meaning in the target text. It was used to give more
explanation about the definition of that animal term.

2.8 Discursive creation

Excerpt 13
“you will have heard me use the “kalian akan mendengar saya
term ‘God of the Gaps.’ menggunakan istilah ‘Dewa
(Page 122) Kesenjangan”
(Page 97)

The translators put the meaning of Gaps as Kesenjangan in the TT. It

explained that they put the translation meaning based on the context of
its name which stated about God of the Gaps/Dewa Kesenjangan.

2.9 Established equivalent

Excerpt 14
the spiritual leader of the Great pemimpin spiritual Sinagoge Agung
Synagogue had been the eminent tersebut adalah cendekiawan Talmud
Talmudic scholar and Kabbalist — dan Kabbalis terkemuka – Rabi
Rabbi Yehuda Köves—who, despite Yehuda Koves – yang, walaupun
his advancing years and poor sudah berusia lanjut dan
health, kesehatannya menurun,
(Page 46) (Page 42)

The translators changed the meaning of the Great Synagogue became

Sinagoge Agung that identified as the name of a building. It had the
meaning that it was accordance on the context of a name. So, it was
related to the stylistic style in translating the meaning.

2.10 Generalization
Excerpt 15
Less than a mile away, standing like Kurang dari dua kilometer jauhnya,
a fortress at the base of Mount berdiri tegak seperti benteng di dasar
Abantos, was one of the largest Gunung Abantos, tampak salah satu
religious structures in the world — bangunan keagamaan terbesar di
Spain’s fabled El Escorial. dunia – El Escorial Spanyol yang

JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 109

(page 479) bagaikan dongeng.
(page 359)

Actually, fable has the meaning of a story about animal. However, the
translator put the meaning in the target text as dongeng to make the
meaning is more general

2.11 Literal
Excerpt 16
He wore a crumpled black suit, Dia mengenakan setelan hitam
white shirt, and fedora. kusut, kemeja putih, dan topi
(page 12) fedora.
(page 17)

The translators used word for word translation to state the equivalent
meaning of the target text. They just wrote down the meaning and then
modified some words. In here, this technique was often used if the
source text did not contain complicated meaning in stating the

2.12 Modulation
Excerpt 17
They were singing an off-key Irish Mereka menyanyikan lagu
fight song and wearing green fútbol perjuangan Irlandia dengan suara
jerseys that strained to cover their sumbang dan mengenakan jersey
bellies. futbol hijau yang menegang
(page 30) menutupi perut buncit mereka.
(page 30)

In the sentence above, the translators put the meaning of off-key

became suara sumbang in order to get the equivalence meaning with
using cognitive category based on the context of the text.

2.13 Particularization
Excerpt 18
“volcanoes were believed to be the gunung berapi diyakini sebagai
home of Vulcan — blacksmith to the rumah Vulcan – pandai besi para
JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 110
gods — who worked in a giant forge dewa – yang bekerja di bengkel
beneath the mountain raksasa di perut gunung,
(page 121) (page 96)

The translators put the specific information of beneath the mountain

became perut gunung to show the specific meaning in understanding
the target text.

2.14 Reduction
Excerpt 19

In the past, some parliamentary Dulu, beberapa anggota parlemen
members had even gone so far as bahkan membandingkan tempat ini
to compare this place to a Nazi dengan kamp konsentrasi Nazi.
concentration camp. (Page 396)
(Page 531)

In the sentence above, the translators made the shorter meaning of had
even gone so far as to became bahkan membandingkan in the TT.
They tried to minimize the meaning with using other words that still
related to the ST.

2.15 Transposition
Excerpt 20
“The seasonal change to winter,” “Perubahan menjadi musim dingin,”
(page 121) (page 96)

The translators transformed the use of words the seasonal change into
perubahan menjadi. In here, the meaning of change as the verb class
in this sentence was changed into noun class of perubahan in the target

2.16 Variation
Excerpt 21
he had enjoyed a steaming-hot dia menikmati mandi di bawah
shower and then feasted on eggs, pancuran air panas, lalu menyantap
oatmeal, and churros while telur, oatmeal, dan churro ditemani
consuming an entire pot of kopi Nomad sembari melihat-lihat
JELLT Vol.3, No.2 - 2019 111
Nomad coffee and channel berita pagi di berbagai saluran
surfing the morning news. televisi.
(page 666) (page 492)

In this case, the technique was used to find the equivalence meaning in
the target text although the real meaning of these words did not reflect
those translation products. Here, the translators more focused in the
use of language style and got the appropriate translation meaning in the
target text.

Based on the research findings, the researcher found that there
were five kinds of cultural categories proposed by Newmark found in
the Origin novel written by Dan Brown into Indonesian namely 1)
ecology, 2) material culture, 3) social culture, 4) organizations, customs,
activities, procedures, and 5) gestures and habits. The highest rank of
the cultural categories found in the novel was material culture which
represented 44 data. Meanwhile, the least of the data showed in social
culture which represented 5 data.
Furthermore, the research finding also concluded that there
were 16 kinds of translation technique used in this study. These
techniques were used based on the cultural terms found in the novel.
The translation techniques were namely 1) adaptation, 2) addition, 3)
amplification, 4) borrowing, 5) compensation, 6) deletion, 7)
description, 8) discursive creation, 9) established equivalent, 10)
generalization, 11) literal translation, 12) modulation, 13)
particularization, 14) reduction, 15) transposition, and 16) variation.
This study showed that the most dominant translation techniques used
by the translators was borrowing which represented 76 data (34.2%)
while the lowest rank of translation techniques was discursive creation
and particularization which only had one evidence (0.4%). In other
words, in Origin novel and its Indonesian translation, the translators
often borrowed the words from the source text to the target text since it
will be acceptable and easy to understand by the readers. In addition,
borrowing technique is the easiest translation technique where the
translator does not need to find deep equivalence meaning using other
words into the target text.

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