2.1 Definition of Translation
2.1 Definition of Translation
2.1 Definition of Translation
Brislin (1976, p.1) states that translation is a process to change the ideas
from one language to another language both written or oral but still have same
meaning. In this definition, Brislin emphasized on thoughts and ideas from one
In addition, Newmark (1991, p.27) states that the act translating varies
whole or a part, from one language to another. Meanwhile, Catford (as cited in
Kardimin, 2013) states that translation is the replacement of textual material in one
language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). From both
another language.
change source text (ST) into target text (TT), which has a great equivalency. It
From the explanation above the researcher concluded that translation is a
Realia (from the Latin realia) are “words and combinations of words
denoting objects and concepts characteristic of the way of life, culture, social and
A word realia originates from latin and means the real things. It is objects
of material culture that is culturally bound and it can be words that signify concepts
Klaudy (1997:60) states that “the term realia is used to denote objects, ideas,
Florin (1993, p.122-123) also states that “realia are culture-specific, they do not
necessarily exist in the target language culture, which makes it possible that the
words that refer to concepts found in the culture of a specific source, because they
express the history or culture which has no appropriate equivalent in the target
2.3 Translation Strategies
Based on Vinay & Darbelnet (2000), translation strategies are divided two
types, direct or literal translation and oblique translation. In the listing which
follows, the first three procedures are direct and the others are oblique translation.
1. Borrowing
Vinay & Darbelnet (2000) states that “Borrowing is the simplest of all
the flavor of the source language (SL) culture into a translation, foreign
byilexical gap in the target language, but it can mainly be used asiway to
2. Calque
From the examples above, there are structures that follow the calque
technique and there are lexical elements are still preserved because the
source language is literally translated every element into the target language.
3. LiteraliTranslation
English and French) English ‘where are you?’ is translanted into French ‘Ou
- Wireless Nirkabel
- Network Jaringan
The examples use the literal translation technique (literal translation)
as the source language translated into the target language with a little
4. Transposition
5. Modulation
the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view”. This
make a wish” to “I pronounce“ and to change the point of view of “the first
little star that I see in the sky” to “small stars first appeared in the sky”.
6. Equivalence
“In equivalence, one and the same situation can be rendered by two
cases we are dealing with the method which produces equivalent texts. The
accidentally hits his finger with a hammer: if he were French his cry of pain
Moreover, the examples above describe same situation by different
7. Adaptation
Adaptation method is used when the TL does not have such kind of
Translation strategies for realia are divided into seven such as maintenance,
1. Maintenance
Grit (as cited in Gebraad, 2012). This strategy means that the translator do
The example from strategy above KNMI is translated into KNMI in TL
2. Calque
calque can at first be considered interference, but are usually in time adopted
SL: Down on our left, the moon bounced off the Weymoutth Back River.
3. Omission
the need to translate a problematic realia and sometimes only some of the
details are lost, when detailed specificity is not necessary”. This strategy
means that the term or word deleted by the translator is not appropriate for
4. Adaptation
referred to in the SL does not exist in the TL culture (Vinay and Darbelnet
2000: 90). This strategy means that it is appropriate for translating based on
TL: Saya balas suratnya bahwa saya akan menemani teman saya di London
From the example above adapting the writing hours “half past
twelve” becomes “12.30” because the readers more often find the pointer
hours are indicated by number “12.30” rather than the “ half past twelve”.
5. Generalisation
6. Approximation
corresponds to that of the source language Grit (as cited Gebraad, 2012).
SL: Another few inches down, the shovel hit something solid.
TL: Setelah beberapa senti lebih dalam, sekop menghantam sesuatu yang
The word few inches down is approximately translated into beberapa
7. Description
other words and phrases. In this strategy the translator uses some
TL: Aku mau gimlet (minuman terbuat dari air jeruk atau air soda), kata