Manual Interfase ESAB Digipulse

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April, 1995


P/N 31990

Input Power Required ....................... 7 Amp., 115 vac, 1ph, 50/60 Hz
Wire Feed Speed Range .................. 20-999 in/min (.5-25.2 m/min)
Wire Sizes Preprogrammed ............. 023-in. (.7 mm), .030-in. (.76 mm),
.035-in. (.9 mm), .045-in (1.2 mm)
and .063 (1.6 mm)
Wire type (mat.) Preprogrammed .... 1. Carbon Steel, 2. Alternate Steel,
3. 4043 Alum., 4. 5356 Alum.
5 . Stainless Steel, 6. Silicon Bronze,
and 7. thru 10. reserved for
custom applications
Dimensions ....................................... 15.5-in. (394 mm) h,
13.0-in. (330 mm) w,
8-in. (200 mm) d
Weight ............................................... 20 lbs (9.1 kg)

These INSTRUCTIONS are for experienced operators. If you are not fully familiar with the principles of
operation and safe practices for electric welding equipment, we urge you to read our booklet, “Precau-
tions and Safe Practices for Electric Welding and Cutting,” Form 52-529. Do NOT permit untrained
persons to install, operate, or maintain this equipment. Do NOT attempt to install or operate this equip-
ment until you have read and fully understand these instructions. If you do not fully understand these
instructions, contact your supplier for further information. Be sure to read the Safety Precautions on
page 3 and 4 before installing or operating this equipment.

Be sure this information reaches the operator.

You can get extra copies through your supplier.

Specifications ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Safety Precautions ........................................................................................................................................................... 3/4
Features/Benefits ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

I. INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
A. Equipment Supplied ................................................................................................................................................. 5
B. Required Accessories .............................................................................................................................................. 5
C. Optional Accessories ................................................................................................................................................ 6

II. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 7

A. Power Supply Welding Controls ................................................................................................... Refer to F-15-014
B. Digipulse Front Panel Control Functions ................................................................................................................. 9
C. Inside Panel Controls ............................................................................................................................................. 12

III. SETTING UP PROGRAM PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................. 15

A. General Welding Program Data ............................................................................................................................. 15
B. Preliminary Power Supply Checks ......................................................................................................................... 15
C. Program Control Parameters for Short/Spray Pulse Welding
Process Modes (Includes Hot Start Adjustment Procedures) ................................................................................ 15
D. Programming Your Own Pulse Parameters in optional Teach Mode.
Graphs—19) ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
E. Custom Program Development Procedures (Includes Customer
Development Chart ................................................................................................................................................ 21


A. Pulse/Spray/Short Arc Wire Speed Recommendations ......................................................................................... 21
B. Welding Sequence for Teach Pulse or Spray or Short Arc Mode .......................................................................... 22

V. TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................................................ 23

VI. REPLACEMENT PARTS DATA .................................................................................................................................. 27

Figure 1 - Digipulse Interconnection Diagram .............................................................................................................. 8
Figure 1A, OM-48 J-Governor Carriage Hookup .......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 2 - Front Panel Controls ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3 - Inside Panel Controls ................................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 4 - Typical Time Parameter Set-up ................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 5 - Pulse Wave Description ............................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 6 - Teach Set-up On Inside Panel .................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 7 - Typical Welding Conditions Sequence Per Schedule ................................................................................ 23
Figure 8 - Control Assy. ............................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 9 - Inside Control Panel ................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 10 - Inner Cabinet Components ....................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 11 - Optional Plumbing Box ............................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 12 - Schematic Diagram - Digipulse Automatic ............................................................................................... 29
Figure 13 - Wiring Diagram - Sheet 1 of 2 .................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 13A - Wiring Diagram - Sheet 2 of 2 ................................................................................................................ 31

Table I. - Feed rolls, feed roll kit and outlet guides ....................................................................................................... 6
Table II. - Recommended Shielding Gases ................................................................................................................ 15
Table III. - Typical “Short Arc” Wire Speed Ranges ..................................................................................................... 21
Table IV. - Typical “Spray Arc” Wire Speed Ranges .................................................................................................... 21
Table V. - Typical “Pulse Arc” Wire Speed Ranges ..................................................................................................... 21

- Remote Control Capabilities...To provide easy interfac-
The Digipulse Automatic is a unique, state-of-the-art pulse
ing with fixtures, the control incorporates remote Start/
welding control that combines a microcomputer with in-
Stop and Wire Inch Capabilities which can be controlled
verter power technology to provide a welder friendly sys-
by switches or relays at a central control panel.
tem for automatic mechanized mig welding operations.
- Single or Repeat Timed Weld Capabilities...Because
Matched with an EH-10A digital welding head, it can be
the control incorporates a Repeat weld timer, adjust-
directly interfaced with the J- Governor/OM-48 carriage
able up to 999 cycles (16.5 seconds), the Digipulse of-
and the mig plumbing box for use in fixture builder appli-
fers more than conventional continuous seam, or Single
Times welding capabilities. It can also be preset for
Repeat Timed skip or stitch welding applications.
n The control stores four selectable mig welding sched-
- Individual Digital Meters Provide Large 1/2-in. Display
ules -- Short Arc, Spray Arc, Pulse Arc and optional
of Voltage And Wire Feed Speed IPM...After the arc is
Teach Pulse Arc that can save control setup time and
struck, the meters automatically transfer from preset to
improve productivity. By presetting three of your most
display of actual VOLTS and IPM for each welding con-
common welding requirements --wire type, diameter
dition as the control sequences through the preset weld-
and wire feed speed, the microcomputer automatically
ing sequence.
provides the correct arc length (for synergic operation)
- Arc Hours Readout...This unique feature provides a di-
or arc voltage (for adaptive operation) for a stable weld-
rect measure of productivity by accumulating and dis-
ing condition. All you have to do is switch weldments
playing, upon command, actual welding Arc Hours.
and select the appropriate schedule for that particular
- Automatic Adaptive Anti-Stick or Manual Burnback Time
Feature...A patented adaptive anti-stick circuit automati-
cally adjusts the same amount of wire burnback, re-
n Eight presettable welding condition parameters per
gardless of wire size, speed or voltage. Or, you can
schedule in sequence, including, Preflow, Strike, Start,
manually preset a Burnback Time to specifically suit a
Weld, Crater, Anti-Stick (Burnback), Postflow and Wire
specialized application.
Retract. Total weld condition presettability means im-
- Missweld Time...depending on the criticality of the weld,
proved weld quality and production.
this feature allows you to preset the number of cycles
n The control is preprogrammed for six standard mate-
of arc time that can reasonably be missed during a weld-
rials and five standard wire sizes and the computer
ing condition and still produce an acceptable weld. If
calculates all other welding parameters to produce
more than the allowable number of arc cycles are
ultra-high quality performance and results.
missed, the unit will shutdown/abort and flash the pre-
n An optional field installed Teach mode is available and
set Missweld Time cycles in the IPM display window.
is used to develop a complete set of synergic pulsed-
- Wire Retract Feature...Provides the ability to preset a
mig parameters for any weldable alloy quickly and eas-
Wire Retract time which will assure that the wire is well
removed from the work area and not subject to pos-
n Operate in the logic mode of your choice, Synergic or
sible postweld bending due to contact with the workpiece
Adaptive. In the Synergic logic mode, the arc length
or fixture.
changes with tip to work distance while frequency re-
- Independent Presettable Cold Wire Inch...To reduce
mains constant. Conversely, in the Adaptive logic
down time for reloading welding wire, the cold wire Inch
mode, the arc length does not change with tip to work
speed can be independently adjusted (up to 999 ipm)
distance while frequency constantly varies.
without affecting any of the other preset welding condi-
n Other standard features include:
- Sure Start Interlock...To assure troublefree starts, the
- Circuit Protection...Resettable circuit breaker for 115
control has an interlock circuit which will not allow wire
VAC, 50 or 60 HZ input power minimizes down time
feed to initiate unless the power supply contactor is
and maintenance.
closed and STRIKE voltage is present.
- Unique Diagnostic Set-up/Test Circuit...Provides the
- Presettable STRIKE Time...Assures safe consistent
ability to totally test the control electronics as well as
starts. If for any reason the Strike Time is exceeded
run it through a complete timed sequence of preset weld
(wire does not feed or misses the work) the control will
conditions without actually welding.
automatically shut down and flash the preset STRIKE
TIME in the VOLTS display window.
- Arc Detector Circuit...Senses that both Welding Volt-
age and Amperage are present to facilitate transfer from
Strike to Start condition parameters, and also provide a A. EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED
signal to initiate travel of a carriage or fixture. The following Digipulse Automatic control;
- Automatic Controlled Shutdown . To assure that all weld- 1. Digipulse Automatic Control P/N 31990.
ing is performed only at the preset parameters, control
will automatically shutdown in the rare event that either B. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED
voltage or wire feed speed cannot be maintained dur- 1. One of the following three-phase Digipulse Inverter-
ing the welding sequence. The control will always se- Type Power Sources:
quence through a controlled shutdown including dy- a. Digipulse 450i cvcc for 230/460-volt, 60 Hz service P/N
namic motor brake, anti-stick and postflow. Simulta- 31120, covered in booklet F-15-014.
neously, the cause is indicated by a flashing VOLTS or b. Digipulse 450i cvcc for 575-volt, 60 Hz service P/N
IPM display. 31238, covered in booklets F-15-014 and Supplement
c. Digipulse 450i cvcc for 50 Hz. service P/N 31690, cov- b. ST-21M Water-Cooled Mechanized Torch (for currents
ered in booklets F-15-014 and Supplement F-15-039. up to 600 amps.) P/N 690509, or--
c. MT-500M Air-Cooled Torch (for currents up to 500 amps)
2. EH-10A Digital Welding Head (20-999 IPM). The welding P/N 17705.
head is composed of three basic units; a wire feed motor-
tachometer unit, a gear reduction unit, and the accessory 5. Power Supply Control Cable (J1) Assembly. One of the
support assembly. This control is only usable with an EH- following control cables is required to connect the Digi-
10A Digital Welding Head, and either of two versions (fol- pulse Control to the power supply as shown on Intercon-
lowing) are available for use. nection Diagram Fig. 1. Each assembly consists of a 19-
a. Two Roll Drive EH-10A Head - P/N 600416. This head conductor cable with a 19-pin amphenol plug on each end:
provides wire feed speeds from 20-999 IPM using a 30-ft. long assembly, P/N 30780,
40:1 gear reduction ratio, and a two-roll accessory sup- 60-ft. long assembly, P/N 30781.
port wire drive. The motor-tachometer power and con- 6. Torch Voltage Pickup Lead (J6) Assy. (3-pin, 1/c), P/N
trol leads are provided by a pair of 52 inch long cables 680847. Required to connect the control to the power lug
connected to a 5-pin amphenol. For further information on the torch (or the accessory support) to provide a posi-
refer to booklet L12-873. tive arc voltage feedback to the control for reliable arc start-
b. Four Roll Drive EH-10A Head - P/N 600417. This head ing and arc stability.
is the same as P/N 600416, except that it incorporates 7. Gas Regulation. Shielding gas regulator/flowmeter and
a four-roll accessory support wire drive assembly. For fitted hose to bring gas from flowmeter to a plumbing box
further information, refer to booklets F-12-873 and F- or connection block.
12-821. R-5007 Regulator/Flowmeter, P/N 998124.
Heavy-Duty Gas Hose, P/N 19416 (12-1/2-ft.), or P/N
NOTE: If the motor direction is to be changed, interchange 19415 (25- ft.).
the blue and grey wires on the reversing relay termi- Gas Hose Coupling, for connecting additional 5/8 - 18
nals R-9 and R-7 respectively. (R.H.) hoses together, P/N 11N17.

3. Feed Rolls. The 2-Roll Drive comes equipped with a pres- 8. Water Cooling Requirements. When using a water cooled
sure roll but NOT a feed roll. Select the proper feed roll torch (ST-12 and ST-21M), the following are required to
from Table 1 for the wire size and type to be used. To con- supply and drain the cooling water:
vert the 2-Roll to 4-Roll Drive; order optional 4-Roll Drive Water Hose, 12-1/2 ft. P/N 40V76--or,
Accessory Support, P/N 600216, and the appropriate kit Water Hose, 25-ft., P/N 406196.
listed in Table 1. Water (In/Out) Adaptor (Connects 5/8 - 18 (L.H.) hose to
1/4 NPT), P/N 11N16.
Table 1 Water Hose Coupling (Connect 5/8 - 18 hose together), P/
N 11N18.
Wire/Size Two Roll Drive Four Roll Drive Outlet
in. (mm) Feed Roll Feed Roll Kit* Guide C. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES
1. Digipulse Automatic Teach Kit, P/N 35636. This field-
.030 (.8) 2075304 (U) 999320 (U) 29N13** installed kit adds pulse-teach functions that allow the op-
.035 (.9) 2075304 (U) 999321 (U) 29N13** erator to set pulse height (PH), - width (PW), - frequency
3/64 (1.2) 2075301 (U)† 999322 (U) 29N13** (PF) and - background current (PB) to a unique pulse-weld
1/16 (1.6) 2075298 (U) 999323 (U) 29N13**
condition. One complete set of “teach” pulse functions can
Hard be developed and stored (in Material Codes 11 thru 15) for
.023 (.6) 17998 (V) — 999745 (c) each of the following weld conditions; Strike, Start, Weld
.030 (.8) 2075300 (V) 999325 (V) 993860 (a) and Crater of any weldable alloy. The kit’s installation in-
.035 (.9) 2075303 (V) 999326 (V) 993860 (a)
.045 (1.2) 2075302 (V) 999327 (V) 39N15 (b) structions are covered in booklet F-15-232, and the oper-
.052 (1.4) 2075330 (V) 999328 (V) 39N15 (b) ating instructions are covered in this booklet.
.063,1/16(1.6) 2075299 (V) 999329 (V) 39N15 (b) 2. Digital D.C. Ammeter Kit, P/N 679111. This kit permits
Cored Hard
direct visual indication of welding current up to 999 amps
.035 (.9) 19761 (Serr.) - 993860 (a) d.c., and is available as a field installed option. The kit is
.045 (1.2) 19761 (Serr.) 999330 (Serr.) 39N15 (b) designed for easy bolt-on/plug-in installation and consists
.052 (1.4) 2075261 (Serr.) 999331 (Serr.) 39N15 (b) of an LED Display P/C Board (P/N 675284), and Ammeter
.063,1/16(1.6) 2075261 (Serr.) 999332 (Serr.) 39N15 (b)
Control P/C Board (P/N 675334), and assorted mounting
U = U-groove, V = V-groove, Serr. = serrated
(a) Includes replaceable sleeve (995651).
hardware--for installation refer to booklet F-14-220.
(b) Includes replaceable sleeve (995692).“
(c) Requires guide bushing 17997.
* Includes a center wire guide and 2 upper and 2 lower feed rolls.
3. Plumbing Box Control Cable (J5) Assembly; 4-1/2-ft.
** Requires outlet guide as follows: For .030/.035 wire use 993902, For 3/64 wire use long, P/N 948273, or 25-ft P/N 678037. This cable pro-
05N57, For 1/16 wire use 12N57.
† Recommended U-Groove Pressure Roll 2075346 be used.
vides connections to energize solenoid valves for gas
shielding and water cooling (if connected) during the
preflow, welding, and postflow cycles. It also provides an
4. Welding Torch. A mechanized mig welding torch having
interlock to a pressure switch in the water line which will
a rated capacity suitable for the welding application, such
shutdown the control if the supply to a water-cooled torch
as ESAB:
is inadequate. The assembly is a 6-conductor cable with a
a. St-12 Water-Cooled Torch (for currents up to 700
6-pin amphenol to self-lead wire connections.
amps) P/N 46V59, or--

4. Motor-Tachometer Extension Cable (J2) Assembly, P/ ter-cooled torch operation is to be used with the plumb-
N 996808. This assembly allows you to extend the weld- ing box, the jumper splice (between J5-E and -F) must
ing head location using a 25-ft., 6-conductor cable (1-con- be disconnected because these pin locations will be
ductor not used) with a 5-pin amphenol plug (which con- connected across the water pressure switch in the
nects to the control's J2 receptacle) and a 5-pin amphenol plumbing box. Also note that pressure switch is factory
receptacle (which connects to the EH-10's plug). connected for normally- closed (N/C) operation, and must
5. Remote Control Cable (J3) Assembly; 25-ft. long, P/N be reconnected for normally- open (N/O) operation as
30499. This assembly allows you to connect remote con- shown in Fig. 1.
trol functions (as shown on Fig. 1) such as Up/Down cold-
wire Inching, Welding Start-Stop, Weld Abort Output sig- 13.OM-48 Carriage/J-Governor Packages. The OM-48 is
nal (to shutdown a carriage or fixture drive mechanism), available in two different speed ranges, P/N 01E52 with a
Weld Current Detector signal (to initiate a carriage or fix- 43- 112 IPM travel speed range and P/N 01E54 with a 2 -
ture drive mechanism), and a Purge/Reset (to “purge” the 56 IPM speed range. Both packages include a solid state
shielding gas line of the torch, or to “reset” the welding J-Governor for speed control. The Remote Control Cable,
sequence after an abort shutdown occurs). The cable as- Item I-C-5 is required to connect the control to the J-Gov-
sembly consists of a 25-ft., 12 conductor cable with a 14- ernor. Carriage track is not provided with the OM-48 pack-
pin male amphenol plug on one end and self-lead wire ages but, is available in ten foot (10') lengths under P/N
connections at the other end. 38V16. An optional J-Governor digital travel speed meter
6. Reel/Spindle Support, P/N 634288. This support arm is P/N 14292 is available as a special customer order. Refer
utilized to mount either wire spools or coils. Will mount to to Figure 1-A for OM-48/J-Gov. wiring hook-up.
any fixture or to the OM-48 carriage when the required
support adaptor P/N 996498 is used. II. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS
7. Spindle Assy., P/N 948259. Mounts to Item 6 above and
is used for 12-in. diam. spools.

8. H.D. Spoke-Type Wire Reel, P/N 19V89. Mounts to item

Never, under any circumstances, operate the power sup-
6 above and is used for 65 lb. coils.
ply with the cover removed. In addition to the safety haz-
ard, improper cooling may cause damage to internal com-
9. Spool Enclosure Kit, P/N 600240, covers and protects
ponents. Keep side panels closed when unit is energized.
12-in. spools from dust and moisture.
Also make sure you are adequately protected before you
10.Wire Wiper. The wire wiper effectively cleans and lubri-
start welding - welding helmet, gloves, eye and ear pro-
cates the welding wire as it is being fed, thus providing
tection should always be worn.
smoother wire feeding and longer conduit life. A complete
wiping assembly consists of a Felt Wiper (P/N 598537,
Pkg. of 10) and one of the Wiper Holders following:
a. Wiper Holder, P/N 598763, screws into the optional wire
b. Wiper Holder, P/N 598764, screws on to the accessory
support's inlet wire guide.

11.WC-9 Coolant Recirculator, P/N 33540 (F-15-140), is

used for water cooled torch operation and is designed to
be “free standing” in a convenient location near the torch.
A four-gallon capacity tank provides 1.0 gal/min @ 50 psi,
115/230 volts, 50/60 Hertz, 1 phase input. Since the cooler
is designed to run continuously during a welding opera-
tion, never connect it to a power supply or wire feeder that
uses a solenoid controlled water supply that opens and
closes with each operation of the welding contactor -- the
cooling efficiency of the unit will be hampered and the start-
ing winding in the pump motor may burn out.
12.Plumbing Box, P/N 677261. The plumbing box assembly
contains the solenoid valves which provide shielding gas
and cooling water control. It is also equipped with a pres-
sure switch in the water line which (if connected) will shut
down the welding operation when the water supply is
inadequate.u The Plumbing Box Control Cable, Item I-C-3
is required to connect the control to the Plumbing Box.
Refer to Figure 1 for Plumbing Box wiring hook-up.

As shipped from the factory, the digipulse control is wired
for air-cooled torch operation and this is provided by an
insulated jumper splice connection between pins J5-E & - Fig. 1A, OM-48/J-Gov. Carriage Hookup
F of the control's plumbing Box receptacle J5. When wa-

1. Both output welding cable leads (torch and work) must be a minimum size of No. 4/0 welding cable (nothing smaller), and both leads should be
kept as close to the same length as possible — with neither lead exceeding 50-ft. in length. Also, both cables must be run next to each other and
tywrapped every couple of feet to minimize cable reactance.
2. If wire feed runs backwards, reverse motor direction as follows: In the control, disconnect the blue wire (RLY-7) from T1-5 and connect it to T1-
6; disconnect orange wire (RLY-9) from T1-6 and connect it to T1-5.
3. As shipped from the factory, the Digipulse control is wired for air-cooled torch operation and this is provided by an insulated jumper splice
connection between pins J5-E and -F of the control’s plumbing box receptacle J5. When water-cooled torch operation is to be used with the
plumbing box, the jumper splice (between J5-E and -F) must be disconnected because these pins will be connected across the water
pressure switch in the plumbing box. Also note that the pressure switch is factory-connected for normally-closed (NC) operation, and must
be reconnected for normally-open (NO) operation as shown above and in the schematic and detail wiring diagrams.

Figure 1 - Interconnection Diagram

a. Prior to starting the welding sequence, it actuates
the gas solenoid and lets you “purge” the shielding gas
Do not allow metal-to-metal contact between the wire line of the torch. At the same time, the IPM and VOLTS
feeder chassis and a metal surface connected in any way windows will also display the preset times (in cycles)
to a welding ground. With such contact, a poor welding for gas preflow and gas postflow respectively.
ground connection may create a difference in potential b. After starting the welding sequence -- if an abort
that sends part of the welding current through the safety “shutdown” condition occurs (indicated by flashing digital
ground wiring in the control cable and wire feeder, re- display), the Purge/Reset rocker can be actuated and
sulting in burnout of that wiring and/or damage to wire the control will automatically “reset”.
feeder circuitry. If the safety ground burns out, the opera-
tor may be exposed to 115V. shock hazard. 3. Inch-Up-Down Rocker. This switch is used to “cold inch”
the wire, up or down, at a preset speed which is pro-
A. POWER SUPPLY WELDING CONTROLS grammed from the inside control panel (see II-C-4).
For detailed information regarding the power supply welding
controls, refer to F-15-014. IMPORTANT: Cold inching is only possible when the weld
Start-Stop rocker switch is in its “stop” (or
For location of front panel control features, refer to Fig-
ure 2 following: 4. Start-Stop Rocker. This two position (no neutral) switch
initiates the welding sequence when placed in its START
1. Power Switch. Pulling-out the mushroom-style red button position; and, depending on the type of welding -- Con-
of this switch turns power on into the control as indicated tinuous Seam or Timed, terminates the welding sequence
in its STOP position as follows.
(Ref) a. Continuous Seam welding applications. The “stop” sig-
6 Key nal does not immediately terminate the welding se-
5c Lock quence, it only terminates the weld condition param-
eter. The sequence then transfers to the remaining con-
dition parameters (crater fill, burnback, postflow/retract).
DIGIPULSE AUTOMATIC b. Single or Repeat “Timed” welding applications. Although
5a the “stop signal” is not normally used for timed-welds,
you may wish to prematurely terminate a burn thru or
unstable weld condition. When the “stop” is used; all
welding action (including crater-fill) will terminate, ex-
cept burnback and postflow/retract.

5. Digital Readout Windows. Three individual 3- digit win-

5b dows labeled AMPS (optional ammeter), IPM and VOLTS
are provided to display actual welding current, preset or
actual welding parameters (wire feed speed and welding
voltage) and time parameters as follows:
a. AMP Digital Readout. This window is normally blank
unless the optional Ammeter Kit is provided to monitor
actual welding current. When installed, the window dis-
plays d.c. current (AMPS) in a range from 0-999 am-
peres in one amp increments.
b. IPM Digital Readout. This window is primarily used to
display wire feed sped (IPM) for each of the four “weld-
1 7 2 3 4
ing conditions” (Strike, Start, Weld, and Crater) during
a typical welding sequence. Depending on the position
of the inside “condition” selector switch functionally de-
Fig. 2 Front Panel Controls
fined in II-C, the IPM window displays actual and/or pre-
by the illuminated display windows. To turn power off, sim- set wire feed speed in a range from 20 to 999 inches-
ply push-in red button and the display windows and con- per-minute, in one-inch increments, for each weld con-
trol will deenergize. dition in the program sequence.

NOTE: Immediately after the control is turned on a num- l With power turned ON, but not welding, the IPM
ber will appear in the IPM window (e.g. 3) and window will “continuously” read the Preset wire
another number will appear in the VOLTS win- speed setting. When the arc is struck, the IPM win-
dow, and these numbers will only be displayed dow will then continuously read the Actual welding
for 1-second. This information identifies the E- wire speed as the weld conditions cycle thru the
Prom “program” used in your control. The num- welding sequence.
ber shown in the VOLTS window will be in deci-
mal form (e.g.,.1,.2,.3 etc.). In addition to the above, and using the “Condition” and “Time/
Wire Dia.-Material” selector controls on the inner panel func-
2. Gas Purge/Reset Rocker. A momentary “on” switch, this
rocker provides a dual function when actuated.

3 5a 5b

Figure 3 - Inside Panel Controls

tionally defined in II-C, this window can also display the fol- - if provided, Pb indicates PULSE BACKGROUND which is
lowing programmed times: displayed as a “reference current” setting, from 15 to 100
(in one ampere increments), that establishes the approxi-
- PREFLOW. Shielding gas time from 0 to 999 cycles (16.5 mate background current in pulse applications (in teach
sec.) in one cycle increments (60 cycles per second). option only).
- START TIME. Start time duration is factory preset at 6
cycles, and can be increased up to 999 cycles, in one cycle c. Volts Digital Readout. In a typical weld sequence, with
increments. power “on” but not welding, this window will selectively
- WELD TIME. Weld condition duration for “timed-welding” display an arbitrary number (100) that represents a pro-
(must be set to zero for Continuous-Seam Welding), from grammed arc length in the “synergic” mode*, or a com-
1 to 999 cycles, in one cycle increments. puted arc voltage in the “adaptive” mode* for each of
- CRATER TIME. Crater fill duration, from 1 to 999 cycles, in the four “welding conditions” (Strike, Start, Weld, and
one cycle increments. Crater). When the arc is struck, the VOLTS window will
- MISSWELD TIME. Presets the number of cycles of arc continuously display actual welding voltage in a range
time that can reasonably be missed (from 1 to 999 cycles) from 12 to 50 vdc in one-tenth (0.1) volt increments.
during the WELD condition and still produce an accept-
able weld. If the number of missed cycles match the pre- * In the “synergic” mode , the control will automati-
set cycles, the unit will abort. Since the number of missed cally select and display an appropriate “arc length”
cycles to be preset is based upon many variables, the re- integer for a given wire type, size, feed rate and gas
quired setting for a given application obviously involved shielding. An arbitrary number, represented by the
good judgment and technique. As an example, to set up a integer 100, is the normalized value for all applica-
critical 45 cycle spot weld, you might want to preset no tions programmed in the control, and this figure will
more than 5 cycles of missweld arc time. Be careful not to be displayed in the VOLTS window during setup (not
make the missweld time to short, otherwise nuisance aborts welding). This value (set @ 100) can be readjusted,
will occur. If this feature is not desired, preset the time for within a range from 0 to 200, to fine-tune the oper-
zero cycles. ating arc length of the selected welding condition.
- INCH. Cold wire inch sped from 50 to 999 inches-per- By reducing the number below 100 (minimum 0),
minute, in one inch increments. you will reduce the arc length. Conversely, by in-
- a code number indicates a type of MATERIAL which is creasing this value above 100 (maximum 200) you
programmed for various welding wire applications, as fol- can increase the arc length. After the arc is struck,
lows: code #1 indicates Carbon Steel, #2 is Alternate Steel, the number will be replaced by the actual welding
#3 is 4043 Aluminum, #4 is 5356 Aluminum, #5 is 308 Stain- arc voltage.
less, #6 is Silicon Bronze. (Additional Material code num-
bers 7 thru 10, are reserved for custom applications.) The Digipulse can also operate in the adaptive mode,
- if provided, Ph indicates PULSE HEIGHT which is displayed where the arc is continuously monitored by a closed
as a “reference voltage” setting, from 0.1 to 10 (in 0.1 volt loop feedback circuit and the machine modulates
increments), that controls or establishes the amplitude of
the pulse peak (in teach option only).

its output to maintain a given voltage for played as a “frequency (Hertz) reference” setting, from 25
preprogrammed data. In the adaptive mode, a com- to 909* pulse cycles per second, that establishes the ap-
puted arc voltage (unique to your preprogrammed proximate pulse frequency required for the wire feed speed
welding selection) will be displayed in the VOLTS set on the control (in teach option only).
window before welding. Once the arc is struck, the
control will measure the actual welding voltage and * Please note that the maximum Pulse Frequency is de-
change the output of the power supply to maintain pendent on the “pulse width” - the narrower the width,
the precalculated voltage setting. In this manner, the higher the maximum frequency; and the wider the
the power supply automatically compensates for width, the lower the maximum frequency.
variations in stickout or weld joint geometry. Fur-
ther, all of the precalculated arc voltages pro- 6. Welding Condition (LED) Lights. These lights are labeled
grammed in the control can be readjusted +/- 10 START, WELD, and CRATER, and they energize individu-
volts to “fine-tune” the welding arc. ally as the welding program sequences through each of
these weld conditions. Prior to the Start, and after the Cra-
In addition to the above, and using the inside “Condition” and ter Conditions, none of these lights will be “on”.
“Time/Wire Dia.-Material” selector controls (functionally de-
fined in II-C), this window can also display the following pro- 7. Reset Circuit Breaker. A seven (7) ampere circuit breaker
grammed times. provides protection to the 115 volt control circuit and the
wire feed motor. If an overload occurs, the breaker will trip
- POSTFLOW. Controls time for gas postflow after the arc and suspend all operation. To restore service, simply de-
extinguishes form 0 to 999 cycles. press the breaker button on the front panel.
- STRIKE TIME. Preset time period allowed, for the wire to
come down and hit the plate during the Strike Condition. If C. INSIDE PANEL CONTROLS
the wire does not strike the plate within the allowed time For location of inside panel controls, see. Fig. 3.
period, the control will automatically shutdown, and flash 1. Short (arc), Spray (arc), Pulse, optional Teach Mode
the “strike time” in the VOLTS display window. Simulta- Schedule Selector. This four-position rotary switch allows
neously, it also provides an abort output signal to stop car- you to select the welding process mode you wish to use--
riage or fixture travel. Time range is factory preset for a non-pulsed mig Short or Spray Arc, or Pulsed mig spray
minimum of 20 cyclesl and can be increased in one cycle arc, and/or Teach mode (with teach option only) for “self-
increments. developed” Synergic Pulsed mig spray arc applications.

The strike time setting is dependent upon the “strike In the Short, Spray, or Pulse schedule modes, the opera-
IPM setting”. The lower the speed, the longer the strike tor must code the control to select any one of the
time needs to be, otherwise nuisance shutdowns will “preprogrammed” welding wire “Materials” and wire “Di-
occur. ameters”, and then set the desired wire feed speed (IPM)
for each of the four weld conditions (Strike, Start, Weld,
- BURNBACK TIME. Manually adjustable burnback time pe- and Crater) required for the weldment--the control auto-
riod which when preset will over-ride the automatic adap- matically provides the computed arc voltage parameters
tive anti-stick feature. This time period can be set in one to produce the necessary output for the process/conditions
cycle increments. When set to “zero”, the Automatic Adap- selected.
tive Anti-Stick feature will be operational.
- REPEAT TIME (or Pause Time). Time period preset be- The optional Teach schedule mode is used in conjunction
tween timed- welds from 1 to 999 cycles, in one cycle in- with the Teach Pulse Parameter switch (item C-7), and it
crements. allows the operator to develop and store one complete set
- RETRACT TIME. After the postflow cycle, the wire feed of customized “pulsed-mig” parameters. These parameters
motor will reverse for automatic wire retract for a preset include a wire feed speed (ipm) and a Pulse Frequency
time period. A setting of 10 to 30 cycles is recommended (PF) setting for each of the four weld conditions (Strike,
to prevent excessive withdrawal of the wire into the con- Start, Weld, and Crater) needed. The remaining teach pa-
tact tip. If a normal stop is desired, preset this time for zero rameters that must be programmed include a Pulse Back-
cycles. ground (PB) a Pulse Height (PH) and a Pulse Width (PW),
- ARC HOURS. Selectable display (record) of accumulative and these parameters are common to all four conditions.
welding time in one tenth of an hour increments. After 99.9 The set-up procedure for using the “teach mode” is more
hours it will automatically return to zero. fully described in Section III-D of this booklet.
- a pair of numbers represent WIRE DIA. sizes which are
programmed for selection as follows: #23 represents .023'' 2. Condition Selector. This six-position rotary switch is used
dia., and #30 is .030'' dia.; #35 is .035'' dia., #45 is .045'' to select two sets of parameters, Welding and Timing for
dia. hard (3/64'' dia. soft) and #63 is .063'' (1/16'') dia. each of the available welding schedules (Short Arc, Spray
- if provided, Pw indicates PULSE WIDTH which is displayed Arc, Pulse, or Teach).
as a “reference time” setting, from 1.0 to 10 (in one-tenth
millisecond increments), that measures or establishes the a. Welding Parameters. The selector's primary function,
width of pulse duration (in teach option only). when used with the appropriate Inc./Dec. toggle, allows
- if provided, Pf indicates PULSE FREQUENCY which is dis- you to preset and display (see II-B-5-b & c) the wire
feed speed (IPM) and computed arc voltage (VOLTS)
“weld” parameters for its first-four positions labeled --

STRIKE, START, WELD, and CRATER. The fifth posi- b. Access the WIRE DIA/MATERIAL mode (down posi-
tion of this selector has “no” label, but is the required tion) to select one of the welding conditions
position used for presetting the Missweld and Retract preprogrammed into the control, as follows:
Time features. The sixth position of this selector, labeled
RUN, is the normal operating setting used after the con- To select the type of wire MATERIAL, actuate the INC
trol is fully programmed and ready for use. The IPM position of the Inc/Dec switch below the IPM window
and VOLTS l parameters, for each of the following “weld- (while holding the Wire Dia/Mat'l key down) until the
ing” conditions, are preset or adjusted using the INC./ desired code number for your “material selection” ap-
DEC. toggle located directly below their respective digital pears in the IPM window, and these material codes fol-
window displays. low: #1 is carbon steel, #2 is alternate steel, #3 is 4043
aluminum, #4 is 5356 aluminum, #5 is 308 stainless,
- STRIKE. This condition sets the desired approach #6 is silicon bronze. (Additional Material codes 7 thru
speed of the wire before striking the workpiece, and 10, are reserved for custom applications.)
displays the computed voltagel needed to control
the short-circuit current for arc initiation. Now select the Wire DIA. size to be used, by actuat-
- START. This condition can be used to set an ap- ing the INC position of the Inc/Dec switch below the
propriate wire speed and display the computed VOLTS window (while holding the Wire Dia/Mat'l key
voltagel parameter to create a “hot-start” to help down) until the desired pair of numbers for your “wire
stabilize the arc (for its preset time) prior to the weld size selection” appears in the VOLTS window, and these
cycle. wire diameter numbers follow: #23 is .023" dia., #30 is
- WELD. This condition sets the desired wire speed .030" dia., #35 is .035" dia., #45 is .045" dia. hard
and displays the computed arc voltagel used dur- (3/64" dia. soft), and #63 is .063" (1/16" dia.).
ing the actual weld cycle.
- CRATER. This condition allows you to set a higher NOTE: Accessing the WIRE DIA/MAT'L selector key “dur-
or lower weld speed and/or displayed computed ing an actual weld,” allows you to check the fac-
arc voltagel (for a preset time period), depending tory- preset numbers that determine the quality
on the welding condition needed, to regulate the of starts (hot, cold, etc.) for your preset welding
weld termination size or crater-fill appearance at condition. These numbers are preset to provide
the end of the weld. optimum starting characteristics required for
most welding applications. This is a diagnostic
In all Process modes (Short, Spray, or Pulse) tool available to the experienced operator or ser-
except Teach, the microprocessor “automati- viceman and need not be activated during a nor-
cally” provides the correct arc voltage (in the mal operation unless you are experiencing weld
adaptive mode) or arc length/frequency (in syn- starting problems, or weld condition (speed and/
ergic mode) for each welding combination -- for or voltage) aborting problems. It must also be
additional information regarding the Adaptive noted that only the speed (IPM) condition can be
versus Synergic modes of operation, refer to checked when a unit is operating in the “syner-
Section II-C-4. gic mode” (the VOLTS window will always dis-
played the number “100” and cannot be adjusted;
b. Time Parameters. The secondary function of this se- however, in the “adaptive mode” both speed and
lector is to setup the “Time” parameters, located within voltage conditions can be checked and adjusted.
the charts adjacent to each of the weld conditions. These The factory-set “starting condition” is repre-
“times” are preset by using the Times/Wire Dia.-Mate- sented by numbers that are displayed, on com-
rial selector (following). mand, in the digital IPM and VOLTS windows. For
good welds and starts, these numbers should
3. Times-Wire Dia./Material Selector. This two-position, mo- be in a range from 105 to 115 (with 110 being the
mentary “on”, toggle must be actuated in order to preset or norm) in the IPM window (synergic and adaptive
change the following parameters, or welding setups: mode), and from 90 to 100 (with 95 being the
norm) in the VOLTS window (adaptive mode
a. Access the “Time” Functions. This position actuates only). If your weld starts are not acceptable,
the “timed-parameters” for the sequences shown in the please refer Section III-C-10-b for a simple ad-
chart beneath each digital display window. These se- justment procedure that will enhance good start-
quences are preselected by positioning the Condi- ing.
tion Selector to the pair of time-parameters to be
programmed from its Strike, Start, Weld, and Crater 4. Synergic-Adaptive-Inch Preset/Arc Hours Selector. This
settings. To check or observe the time settings, actu- switch provides three essential functions; depending on
ate the TIMES (up) position; and to set or change the the toggle-positions selected as follows:
settings, simultaneously operate the INC./DEC. toggle a. The “toggle-down” location is a momentary on position
switch directly below the parameter (chart) being set -- for checking or presetting a cold-wire INCH parameter
the time setting in cycles will appear in its digital dis- (50-999 ipm), or to monitor and reset the accumulated
play. The timed- parameters which can be programmed ARC HOURS (welding) time. These features are only
in each display window are shown in Fig. 3, and were functional when the control is in its non-welding mode.
previously described in Section II-B-5- b (IPM window) To check or monitor this data, you must place the Con-
and Section II-B-5-c (VOLTS window).

dition selector switch in its RUN setting and toggle-down voltage is set-up by the weld control program and
the Inch Preset/A.H. function--the data will be displayed changes in tip to work will effect arc length. The voltage
in the IPM and VOLTS windows respectively. To set or can be read during welding and increased accordingly
“zero” the data, place the Condition selector in its RUN to obtain a stable welding condition based on the wire
setting & actuate the Inch Preset/A.H. position while feed speed used. If the wire feed speed is changed,
simultaneously operating the Inc./Dec. switch below the the program will calculate the new voltage necessary
function being adjusted--this data will be displayed in to maintain a stable arc.
the appropriate IPM and/or VOLTS window.
b. The “toggle-center” location is a maintained ON posi- * Please note that either type of logic (adaptive or syn-
tion for operating the control in the ADAPTIVE* logic ergic) can be used in the “preprogrammed” material
mode. The Adaptive logic utilizes a closed loop feed- codes; however, only the synergic logic can be used
back system that continuously modifies the output to in the optional “Teach” process mode.
maintain a constant arc voltage. The “adaptive opera-
tion” works as follows: 5. Inc/Dec Toggle Switches. These two control toggles are
Pulse Arc Welding: Adaptive welding is a synergic re- used to preset or change the individual welding “Condi-
lationship programmed into the weld control which will tion” parameters required for the selected “Process” mode
calculate and display the proper arc voltage for a given (Short, Spray, Pulse, and Teach). The switches are spring
wire feed speed and material setting (see graph). As loaded, center-return toggles which must be operated (Inc
the wire feed speed increases the control will automati- or Dec) to actuate their indicated functions as follows:
cally increase the pulse frequency to maintain the arc
voltage set in the control VOLTS window. Changes in
tip to work will not affect arc length.

Pulse Frequency
Spray Arc and Short Arc: In this mode the machine

Arc Length Will Change

Arc Volts
with Tip to Work Distance
will control the power supply to maintain the arc voltage

set-up in the volts window of the control. Changes in tip
to work will not change arc length. The voltage can be
preset before welding and changed during welding to Frequency Does Not
obtain a stable welding condition based on the wire feed Change Wire Feed (ipm)
with Tip to Work Distance
speed used. If the wire feed speed is changed then the
program will calculate the new voltage necessary to
a. “IPM-TIME” Increase/Decrease Control. This toggle
maintain a stable arc.
switch is used to set and/or vary wire feed speed (IPM)
for the required “weld conditions” (Strike, Start, Weld &
c. The “toggle-up” location is a maintained ON position Crater), and also the following: Material-type, Preflow
for operating the control in the SYNERGIC* logic mode. (time), Start Time, Weld Time, Crater Time, Missweld
The Synergic program logic provides the weld process Time and Inch Preset (ipm), and Pulse Height (PH) and
modes with fixed operating parameters that follow Pulse Background (PB) in the optional teach mode. By
preprogrammed relationships. The “synergic operation” setting and/or operating the appropriate Control Selec-
works as follows: tors (see C-2 and -3 above), each parameter setting
will be displayed in the digital window directly above
this toggle.

b. “VOLTS-TIME” Increase/Decrease Control. This

Arc Length Will Not Change
toggle switch is used to set and/or vary the arc voltage*
(VOLTS), for the required “weld condition” (Strike, Start,
Arc Volts

with Tip to Work Distance

Weld & Crater), and also the following: Wire Diameter,
Postflow (time), Strike Time, Burnback Time, Repeat
Time, Retract Time and to “zero” (dec.) the Arc Hour
Frequency Changes accumulation, and Pulse Width (PW) and Pulse Fre-
with Tip to Work Distance Wire Feed (ipm)
quency (PF) in the teach mode. By setting and/or oper-
ating the appropriate Control Selector (see C- 2 and -3,
above), each parameter setting will be displayed in the
Pulse Arc Welding: Synergic welding is a relationship digital window directly above this toggle.
of pulse frequency and wire feed speed (see graph)
programmed into the weld control. As the wire feed * Please note that the term VOLTAGE denotes “arc voltage”
speed increases the control will automatically increase (in the adaptive mode) and/or “arc length” (in the synergic
the pulse frequency to maintain stable weld perfor- mode) and is the computed value that has been
mance. Changes in welding current (heat) can be com- precalculated for each of the combinations programmed
pleted by increasing or decreasing the IPM switch with- into the control. And further, any of these “computed volt-
out readjusting voltage. Changes in tip to work will af- ages” can be altered (+/- 5 volts in the adaptive mode; and
fect arc length. +/- 50 numerals from its midrange value of 100 in the syn-
ergic mode) to fine tune each welding condition (Strike,
Spray Arc and Short Arc: In this mode the machine Start, Weld, & Crater).
will operate like a conventional welder where an arc

However, when a condition (e.g.: the Strike Condition) is initiated. This action automatically allows you to enter
altered, the computed value is altered for all other the timed Start condition, and the subsequent Weld,
precalculated wire size/type combinations available in that Crater, etc., conditions to evaluate and/or demonstrate
condition--the computed values for the remaining condi- the welding sequence.
tions (Start, Weld, Crater) are not affected unless they also
are altered. Therefore, when you plan to use a new com- 7. Teach Pulse Parameter Selector PH, PW, PB, PF (in
bination (a different wire size and/or type), it is sug- “teach” kit only). This momentary two-position switch is
gested that the control be “reset” to provide the correct only operative when the process (Short/Spray/Pulse/Teach)
computed value for the new program combination as fol- control selector is placed in the Teach mode position (see
lows: Item II-C-1). When the Teach Parameter switch is actu-
ated, it allows you to program one complete set of cus-
Adaptive Mode. To reset the computed arc voltage value tomized (self-developed) pulsed- spray arc mig param-
for a given wire size and type, make sure the control's eters. The subsequent teach parameter settings for Pulse
Power switch is “on” and the unit is not in a welding mode, Height (PH) and Pulse Background (PB) are displayed in
then decrease the arc voltage key until the number in the the IPM window (and described in Section II-B-5-b); and
VOLTS window stops. This number is 5 volts below the Pulse width (PW) and Pulse Frequency (PF) are displayed
computed or midrange value. To establish the computed in the VOLTS window (previously described in Section II-
value, add 5 (volts) to the displayed number using the in- B-5-C). Please note that a Pulse Frequency (PF) param-
crease (INC) portion of the Volts Inc./Dec. key. eter must be programmed for each wire feed speed (ipm)
setting selected for use in each of the four welding condi-
Synergic Mode. Resetting the computed value in this tions (Strike, Start, Weld, and Crater). The remaining teach
mode is much simpler--remember that the computed or parameters PH, PB, and PW are common to all four weld
midrange value is the arbitrary numeral 100 (this number conditions, and therefore only need to be programmed once
represents a precalculated “arc length/frequency” based (for example, in the Strike mode). The set-up procedure
on the wire feed speed of the programmed wire size and for the “teach mode” is fully covered in Section III-D.
type). Therefore, if the number appearing in the VOLTS
display window is any numeral between 50 and 150 (other III. SETTING UP PROGRAM PARAMETERS
than 100) simply use the appropriate Inc./Dec. key to re-
set the condition to the numeral 100. A. GENERAL WELDING PROGRAM DATA
Four sets of welding (schedule) mode parameters can be pre-
set in the Digipulse control: one each for the standard SHORT
6. Amp Test-Weld Switch. This two-position toggle switch arc, standard SPRAY arc and one for the PULSE (spray) arc
provides the following functions: schedule modes using any one of the “preprogrammed” wire
material/diameters parameters; and one for the optional Teach
a. The WELD position is the normal and required setting (pulse) schedule mode, which incorporates the customer's
for all schedule welding operations. “self- developed” pulsed welding parameters.
b. The AMP TEST position is only used to provide a con-
venient way of “test-sequencing” all of the program pa- Because of the distinct differences between the
rameters to either diagnose a problem, or to demon- “preprogrammed” welding parameters (for the Short/Spray/
strate the control without actually striking a welding arc. Pulse schedule modes) and the “self- developed” welding pa-
The test can be set up with the control operated in any rameters (for the pulsed Teach schedule mode), the specific
of its preprogrammed schedule modes (Short, Spray or “set-up procedures” for Short/Spray/Pulse control parameters
Pulse) that have a complete set of actual welding pa- are covered in Section C, and the optional Teach control pa-
rameters preset, except for the “Missweld” time which rameters in Section D following.
must be set to “zero”--otherwise an abort will occur.
Since proper gas shielding is extremely important in conven-
With this accomplished, make sure that the welding wire tional and pulsed welding applications, we have also provided
is clear of the workpiece/weldment and then open up a list of recommended shielding gases (Table II-following) sug-
the accessory support (on the welding head) to release gested for use with the wire material preprogrammed in this
pressure on the wire feed roll. Now place the Start-Stop control--however, you may find other combinations that are
rocker switch (on the front panel) to its START position, equally successful.
and the control will sequence thru the programmed
Preflow-time and enter the Strike condition--Remem-
ber that open-circuit or welding voltage is present B. PRELIMINARY POWER SUPPLY CHECKS
on the welding wire during the test sequence. Before programming the control, make sure that the
power supply is properly set-up as follows:
Make sure that the Strike Time is set long enough to
give you ample time to operate the “Amp” test toggle (a - Check the rear panel of the power supply to make sure
setting of 200 cycles is recommended for the Strike that only the “Digipulse control cable” is connected. The
time). remaining “stick control receptacle/cable” must be dis-
During the Strike condition; you must actuate the “Amps” - Depending on the welding process mode programmed on
toggle to its TEST position, to simulate closure of the the control, set the power supply INDUCTOR control pot
arc/current detection circuitry that verifies the arc has as follows:

Table II a. Set the STRIKE “wire feed speed” (IPM) by operating
Recommended Shielding Gas the “left” Inc./Dec. toggle until the desired setting ap-
pears in the IPM display window. Notice that this pa-
rameter setting will start at zero and immediately jump
Wire Material Welding Arc Mode
Code # Type Short Arc Spray Arc Pulse Arc to 20 and then rapidly increase (1 ipm at a time) until
1 Carbon Steel CO2/C25 C-5/C- 8 C- 5 the desired setting is reached. If you overshoot the
2 Alternate Stl. C-25 Stargon/C-8 Stargon/C-5 planned setting, simply “bump” the DEC position of the
3 4043 Aluminum - Argon Argon
left toggle to obtain the exact IPM setting.
4 5356 Aluminum - Argon Argon
5 308 Stainless A1025 1%/2%O2 Pulse SS
6 Silicon Bronze - Argon Argon b. As mentioned previously, after the welding condition in
7* items 4 and 5-a (above) have been preset, the micro-
9* computer automatically sets a preprogrammed arc volt-
10* age (in the adaptive mode) or arc length/frequency (in
* These codes are reserved for custom applications. the synergic mode) for the STRIKE condition will be
displayed in the VOLTS window. If this precalculated
valuel (voltage or frequency) does not provide a stable
condition it can be fine-tuned by using the “right” Inc./
For SHORT ARC mode, set Inductance @ 12 O'clock po-
Dec. toggle switch--as described in Section II-C-5-b.
sition and adjust for best performance when welding.
If the existing welding condition is altered (fine tuned),
For PULSE and SPRAY ARC and TEACH modes set In-
it is suggested that each time a new wire size/type is
ductance @ MINIMUM.
used that you reset the control to set up the original
computed (mid-range) arc voltage/frequency values as
described in Section II-C-5-b.
c. Leave the rotary selector in the “STRIKE” position to
The following procedures represent a typical example of how
set the PREFLOW and POSTFLOW “time” parameters
to set up one of the many “preprogrammed” welding material
(as shown in Fig. 4). Actuate the “Times-Wire Dia./Mat.”
conditions available in this control, and that these procedures
toggle switch to its TIMES (cycle) position, and observe
can be used in each schedule mode--Short, Spray, and Pulse.
that the existing numbers shown in the IPM and VOLTS
The only difference(s) between each “schedule mode” will,
windows will change--the new parameters being the pair
or may, be the Wire Material and/or Wire Diameter used, the
of “time” functions in the chart(s) adjacent to the se-
IPM wire feed speed setting for each weld condition (Strike,
lected condition (in this case, the pre- and postflow data).
Start, Weld and Crater), the pair of Time parameters for each
weld condition, and the shielding gas used--the control auto-
To reset or change these “Time” parameters (see Fig. 4);
matically provides the required arc voltage for each weld con-
actuate and hold the TIMES toggle position, while simulta-
dition, and even this parameter (voltage) can be fine-tuned
neously operating the appropriate INC./DEC. toggle switch
as described following.
below each of the time parameters being set. The preset
time intervals will be displayed in their respective IPM and
1. Pull the POWER switch button to its “out” position to ener-
VOLTS digital windows.
gize the control for programming.
6. Reposition the rotary Condition selector to the START po-
2. On the inside panel, set the SHORT-SPRAY-PULSE mode
sition and program the following:
selector switch to the “process” you wish to preset.
a. Set the START “wire feed speed” (IPM) using the same
3. Make sure the inside Amp Test toggled switch is in its WELD
procedure outlined in III-C-5-a.
b. The subsequent “arc voltage” or “arc length/frequency”
4. Select the type of Wire Material and Wire Diameter to be
for the START condition will be set as outlined in III-C-
used as follows. Depress and hold the WIRE DIA./MATE-
RIAL toggle switch in its “down” position and simultaneously
preset each of the following:

a. Operate (increase or decrease) the “left” Inc./Dec. toggle

switch (beneath the IPM window) until the desired MA-
TERIAL numeral (1-carbon steel, 2-alternate steel, 3-
4043 aluminum, 4-5356 aluminum, 5-stainless steel,
6-silicon bronze) appears in the IPM display window.

b. Now, operate (increase or decrease) the “right” Inc./

Dec. toggle switch until the desired WIRE DIA. numeral
(#23 for .023", #30 for .030" dia., #35 for .035" dia., #45
for .045" dia., or #63 for .063" dia.) appears in the VOLTS
display window.

5. Place the rotary Condition selector to the STRIKE position

and program the following:
Figure 4, Typical Time Parameter Set Up

c. Leave the rotary selector in the START position and set 9. Reposition the rotary Condition selector to the “blank” po-
the START TIME and STRIKE TIME parameters using sition, and program the following:
the procedures outlined in III-C-5-c. a. Set the MISSWELD TIMEl and RETRACT TIME pa-
rameters using the procedures outlined in III-C-5-c.
7. Reposition the rotary Condition selector to the WELD po-
sition and program the following: l
The Missweld time cycle only monitors the WELD Con-
a. Set the WELD “wire feed speed” (IPM) using the same dition. If not desired, set Missweld Time to “zero”.
procedure outlined in III-C-5-a.“
b. The subsequent “arc voltage” or “arc length/frequency” 10.Reposition the rotary Condition selector to the RUN posi-
for the WELD condition will be set as outlined in III-C-5- tion to perform the following operations:
b. a. To check or preset a cold-wire INCH parameter (50-
c. Leave the rotary selector in the WELD position and set 999ipm), or to monitor or “zero” the accumulated ARC
the WELD TIME and BURNBACK TIME parameters HOURS (welding) time. (These features are only func-
using the procedures outlined in III-C-5-c, and also the tional in a non-welding mode.) To check or monitor
following: this data, you must place the Condition Selector switch
(1) “WELD TIME” setting requirements for: in its RUN setting and actuating the Inch Preset/Arc
(a) Continuous Seam Welding--set time to Hrs. switch position*--the “data” will be displayed in the
“zero”. IPM and VOLTS windows respectively. To set or “zero”
(b) Single Time Weld without carriage travel (cus- the data, place the Condition Selector in its RUN set-
tomer must deenergize the arc detection output ting and actuate the Inch Preset/Arc Hrs. switch posi-
signal)--set time from 1 up to 999 cycles. tion* while simultaneously operating the Inc/Dec switch
(c) Single Time Weld with carriage travel (the Arc below the function being adjusted--this data will be dis-
Detector Circuit provides a signal to initiate travel played in the appropriate IPM and/or VOLTS window.
of a carriage, or fixture)--set time from 1 up to
999 cycles. * This momentary switch position (Arc Hrs/Inch Preset)
(d) Repeat Timed Weld (same as c) except that the is part of the SYNERGIC-ADAPTIVE-ARC HRS/INCH
elapsed time between welds is preset in the RE- PRESET switch (covered in Section II-C-4). After the
PEAT TIME PARAMETERS. control is fully programmed, the operator must set ei-
(2) “BURNBACK TIME” setting requirements: ther the SYNERGIC or ADAPTIVE position to determine
(a) If automatic adaptive anti-stick is desired--set the “program logic” that the control will utilize for the
time to “zero”. programmed schedule sequence.
(b) If manual burnback (anti-stick) is needed--set
time required from 1 cycle on up. In the synergic mode, the control selects an appropri-
ate arc length, based on weld mode (short, pulse or
8. Reposition the rotary Condition selector to the CRATER spray), for a given wire type, size and feed rate. The
position and program the following: pulse frequency in pulse mode remains constant re-
a. Set the CRATER “wire feed speed” (IPM) using the same gardless of torch manipulation. This pulse logic offers
procedures outlined in III-C-5-a. many advantages to the welder particularly where joint
b. The subsequent “arc voltage” or “arc length/frequency” geometry cause rapid changes in torch stickout result-
for the CRATER condition will be set as outlined in III- ing in unstable puddle conditions.
c. Leave the rotary selector in the CRATER position and In the adaptive mode, the control varies the frequency
set the CRATER TIMEl and REPEAT TIMEll param- during pulse welding to maintain a constant arc volt-
eters using the procedures outlined in III-C-5-c. age regardless of changes in torch stickout or angle.
This logic is very useful where joint geometry is clean.
If the Weld and Crater conditions are both “Timed”;
simply preset the appropriate time desired for each b. The RUN position is the “normal operating setting” used
condition - 1 up to 999 cycles for Weld, and 1 up to 999 when the control is fully programmed and ready to be
cycles for Crater. weld- tested, and if necessary readjusted. If your weld
starts are not acceptable, refer to the following “Hot Start”
If the Weld condition is a Continuous Seam weld, the adjustment procedures that will enhance starting.
CRATER condition can either be “Timed” or skipped
completely. If Crater Fill is desired; enter from 1 to 999 Hot Start Adjustment Procedures
cycle in the Crater Time parameter. If Crater fill is not As mentioned earlier in the italicized “Note” following Section
desired; simply enter “zero” in the Crater Time param- II-C-3-b, the control is preset at the factory to provide the op-
eter, and this sequence will be skipped after the STOP timum starting characteristic for most welding conditions. How-
switch terminates the Weld condition sequence. ever, due to factors such as inaccurate parameters (for a given
wire type and size), welding technique, shielding gas, or wire
Repeat Time--if repeat “timed weld” are not used, set feed speed, you may have to readjust the factory-set starting
this time to “zero”. If repeat welds are desired, the characteristics to provide the best arc starts possible. To do
cycles set will control the elapsed time between the this, it is necessary to readjust the factory-set calibrations to
“Timed” weld parameters. provide a hot start characteristic in which the initial starting
voltage (open- circuit voltage) will be slightly higher than ac-

tual welding voltage (arc voltage) and speed which initially is The following instructions assume that the operator is famil-
somewhat lower than the selected wire feed speed desired. iar with “pulse-mig” welding and the effects of pulse variables
with respect to arc performance.
To set-up the control to provide this, do the following:
The Pulse Height, Width, and Background parameter settings
Program the welding condition you need in the IPM (wire feed (derived from the appropriate pulse parameter graphs) need
speed) and VOLTS( arc voltage) windows, and fine-tune these only be set once, in the STRIKE condition, because they are
parameters until you have the welding arc desired. Do not at common to all other weld conditions (START, WELD and CRA-
this point concern yourself with the “arc starts”, this follows. TER). The Pulse Frequency parameter setting (also derived
from the appropriate graph examples) must be programmed
If after the welding condition is fine-tuned you find that the arc for each wire feed speed set in the IPM window for each weld
starts are unsatisfactory, proceed as follows: condition (Strike, Start, Weld & Crater). The metal transfer
and arc characteristics are defined by pulse height (PH), width
(1) During an actual weld, actuate and hold the Wire Dia/ (PW) and background current (PB). These parameters, shown
Mat'l. key position and observe the numbers displayed in Figure 5, must be developed for each wire type, diameter,
in the IPM and VOLTS windows. shielding gas, and stickout. To maintain the proper arc char-
acteristics once an appropriate pulse height, width and back-
Remember that only the speed (IPM) condition can ground have been established, the pulse frequency should
be checked when a unit is operating in the “synergic be the only parameter requiring readjustment with changes
mode” (the VOLTS window will always display the num- in wire feed speed to maintain a stable arc condition. The
ber “100” and cannot be adjusted); however, in the “teach” mode operates in the synergic logic “only” (not
“adaptive mode” both speed and voltage conditions adaptive), and only one wire feed speed and its respective
can be checked and adjusted. pulse frequency setting can be programmed in each weld
condition (Strike, Start, Weld, and Crater). Changes in wire
(2) For proper starts, the number in the IPM window should feed speed will require a manual adjustment to the pulse
be in the range from 105 to 115. If it is not, adjust the frequency to maintain stable metal transfer. Since the op-
Inc/Dec toggle (below the IPM window) until the dis- erator selects pulse parameters at a given point, the control
played number reads 110. will not assume values at other wire feed speeds.
(3) Similarly, the number in the VOLTS window should be
in the range of 90 to 100. Again, if it is not, adjust the For the inexperienced operator, use the following graphs to
Inc/Dec toggle (below the VOLTS window) until the assist in pulse parameter set-up. These graphs will provide
displayed number reads 95. you with pulse parameters used in the preprogrammed codes
(4) These adjustments to the control should now provide (1-6). To obtain specific arc characteristics these parameters
good arc starts to a legitimate welding condition. can be set- up and changed in the teach mode. The following
(5) A good “rule-of-thumb” to follow whenever you set up procedure will achieve a reasonable starting point for pulse
a new welding condition and you experience unstable welding in each “weld condition” (Strike, Start, Weld, and Cra-
starts, is to simply check the start characteristic num- ter).
bers (while welding) to make sure they are within the
ranges described in the preceding steps. 1. Pull the POWER switch button, on the front panel, “out” to
energize the control.
If you continue experiencing problems, refer to Troubleshoot- 2. Make sure the Amp-Test toggle switch (Item 2, Fig. 6) is in
ing procedures. WELD position.


TEACH MODE (with Teach option kit).

The “teach” mode program is designed to allow the operator

to develop and store one set of customized Pulsed mig pa-
rameters* for wire types which have not been preprogrammed
in this control (for example; titanium, inconel, monel, etc.). In
some instances the preprogrammed carbon steel or stain-
less steel parameters may be inadequate, and the “teach”
mode can then be used to further refine those particular arc

* You may wish to permanently incorporate your “self-

developed” conditions in codes 7 thru 10 which are re-
served for custom applications. If so, you can special-
order a custom E-PROM, from ESAB, that will include your
teach conditions along with the other preprogrammed Figure 5 - Pulse Wave Description
applications. In order to do this, you will have to provide
the necessary welding condition development parameters 3. Set the Process control selector (Item 1, Fig. 6) in its
outlined in Section E following. TEACH position.

The selected Teach position automatically sets-up the con- * Please remember that these pulse parameter settings
trol for Synergic pulse operation (and disables voluntary (Height, Background & Width) are only set once, in the
selection of synergic/adaptive logic using toggle switch Item STRIKE condition, and are then common for all remain-
3, Fig 6). At the same time, it “enables” the optional Pulse ing “Weld” conditions. Only the pulse Frequency and
Parameter program switch (Item 5, Fig. 6) to be operative wire feed speed parameter settings need be pro-
for programming the teach-pulse functions described fol- grammed for each “Weld” condition.
b. Using the pulse parameter graph(s), shown following c. Program the Pulse Height (PH) and Pulse Width (PW)
Step D-11, approximate the pulse Height*, Width* (for parameters, from the material graph legend for the di-
step c), and pulse Background* and Frequency (for step ameter wire installed, by “holding” the Pulse Parameter
d) settings for the material type and diameter you plan switch (Item 5, Fig. 6) in its “up” position and the follow-
to use. Select the appropriate pulse parameter graph ing:
which corresponds to the material type being used. For
wire types other than those shown, choose the graph (1) Set the selected Pulse Height (PH) parameter in
that comes closest to your wire type. For example, for the IPM window using its Inc/Dec switch (Item 7).
coppers use the silicon bronze graph parameters as a The number in this window represents pulse height
starting point. from .1 to 10 volts (in 1/10 volt increments).

(2) Now, set the selected Pulse Width (PW) param-

eter in the VOLTS window using its Inc/Dec switch
4 (Item 8). The number in this window represents
pulse width from 1 to 10 milliseconds (in 1/10 milli-
second increments).

d. Program the Pulse Background (PB) and Pulse Fre-

quency (PF) parameters, from the material graph leg-
end for the diameter wire installed, by “holding” the
3 Pulse Parameter switch (Item 5, Fig. 6) in its “down”
position and the following:
(1) Set the selected Pulse Background (PB) param-
eter in the IPM window using its Inc/Dec switch
(Item 7). The number in this window represents
pulse background current from 15 to 100 amperes
(in 1 amp increments).
6 7 8
(2) Now, set the selected Pulse Frequency (PF) pa-
rameter in the VOLTS window using its Inc/Dec
Figure 6 - Teach Set-Up On Inside Panel
switch (Item 8). The number in this window repre-
sents the approximated pulse frequency derived
from the graph for wire feed speed selected (step
4. When programming in the teach mode, you do not need
5a) and is display in Hertz from 25 to 909 pulse
to enter a code number for Wire Diameter or Material (as
is required for pre-programmed data)--therefore it is not
necessary to actuate the Wire Dia./Mat'l toggle for this data.
e. Once an acceptable arc condition has been obtained
by further modifying pulse height, pulse width, and pulse
IMPORTANT: Please note that all other parameters (one
background, changes in wire feed speed will necessi-
complete set) that are programmed (follow-
tate a manual adjustment to the pulse frequency to main-
ing) will be retained in memory (except for wire
tain a stable metal transfer.
size and type of material)--therefore, it is sug-
gested that you document all wire data and
f. Leave the rotary Condition selector in the “STRIKE” po-
developed parameters relating to a particu-
sition to set the PREFLOW and POSTFLOW “time” pa-
lar teach application for future reference.
rameters. Actuate the “Times-Wire Dia./Mat.” toggle
switch (Item 6, Fig. 6) to its TIMES (cycle) position, and
5. Place the rotary Weld Condition selector (Item 4, Fig. 6) to
observe that the existing numbers shown in the IPM
the STRIKE position and program the following:
and VOLTS windows will change--the new parameters
a. Set the STRIKE “wire feed speed” (IPM) by operating
being the pair of “time” functions in the chart(s) adja-
the “left” Inc./Dec. toggle (Item 7, Fig. 6) until the de-
cent to the selected condition (in this case, the pre- and
sired setting appears in the IPM display window. Notice
postflow date).
that this parameter setting will start at zero and imme-
diately jump to 20 and then rapidly increase (1 ipm at a
To reset or change these “Time” parameters, actuate
time) until the desired setting is reached.
and hold the TIMES toggle position, while simulta-
neously operating the appropriate INC./DEC. toggle

switch below each of the time parameters being set. l
If the Weld and Crater conditions are both “Timed”;
The preset time intervals will be displayed in their re- simply preset the appropriate time desired for each
spective IPM and VOLTS digital windows. condition 1 up to 999 cycles for Weld, and 1 up to
999 cycles for Crater.
6. Reposition the rotary Condition selector (Item 4, Fig. 6) to
the START position and program the following: If the Weld condition is a Continuous Seam weld,
the CRATER condition can either be “Timed” or
a. Set the START “wire feed speed” (IPM) using the same skipped completely. If Crater Fill is desired; enter
procedure outlined in III-D-5-a. from 1 to 999 cycled in the Crater Time parameter. If
b. Now set the selected Pulse Frequency (PF) for the Crater fill is not desired; simply enter “zero” in the
“START” wire feed speed using the same procedure Crater Time parameter, and this sequence will be
outlined in III-D-5-d-(2) & D-5-e.--Remember that the skipped after the STOP switch terminates the Weld
remaining pulse parameters (Height, Background & condition sequence.
Width) are only set once, in the Strike mode.
c. Leave the rotary selector in the START position and set ll
Repeat Time -- if repeat “timed weld” are not used,
the START TIME and STRIKE TIME parameters using set this time to “zero”. If repeat welds are desired,
the procedures outlined in III-D-5-f. the cycles set will control the elapsed time between
the “Timed” weld parameters.
7. Reposition the rotary Condition selector to the WELD po-
sition and program the following: 9. Reposition the rotary Condition selector to the “blank” po-
a. Set the WELD “wire feed speed” (IPM) using the same sition, and program the following:
procedure outlined in III-D-5-a. a. Set the MISSWELD TIMEl and RETRACT TIME pa-
b. Now set the selected Pulse Frequency (PF) for the rameters using the procedures outlined III-D-5-f.
“Weld” wire feed speed using the same procedure out-
lined in III-D-5-d-(2) & D-5-e. -- Remember that the re- l
The missweld time cycle only monitors the WELD Con-
maining pulse parameters (Height, Background & dition. If not desired, set Missweld Time to “zero”.
Width) are only set once, in the Strike mode.
c. Leave the rotary selector in the WELD position and set 10.Reposition the rotary Condition selector to the RUN posi-
the WELD TIME and BURNBACK TIME parameters tion to perform the following operations:
using the procedures outlined in III-D-5-f, and also the a. To check or preset a cold-wire INCH parameter (50-
following: 999ipm), or to monitor or “zero” the accumulated ARC
(1) “WELD TIME” setting requirements for: HOURS (welding) time. (These features are only func-
(a) Continuous Seam Welding -- set time to “zero”. tional in a non-welding mode.) To check or monitor
(b) Single Time Weld with carriage travel (customer this data, you must place the Condition Selector switch
must deenergize the arc detection output sig- in its RUN setting and actuating the Inch Preset/Arc
nal) - set time from 1 up to 999 cycles. Hrs. switch position--the “data” will be displayed in the
(c) Single Time Weld with carriage travel (the Arc IPM and VOLTS windows respectively. To set or “zero”
Detector Circuit provides a signal to initiate travel the data, place the Condition Selector in its RUN set-
of a carriage, or fixture) - set time from 1 up to ting and actuate the Inch Preset/Arc Hrs. switch posi-
999 cycles. tion while simultaneously operating the Inc/Dec switch
(d) Repeat Timed Weld (same as c) except that the below the function being adjusted--this data will be dis-
elasped time between welds is preset in the played in the appropriate IPM and/or VOLTS window.
REPEAT TIME parameters. b. The run position is the “normal operating setting” used
when the control is fully programmed and ready to be
(2) “BURNBACK TIME” setting requirements: weld- tested, and if necessary readjusted.
(a) If automatic adaptive anti-stick is desired - set
time to “zero”. 11.The following pulse parameter graphs (previously referred
(b) If manual burnback (anti-stick) is needed - set to in Step D-5-b) can be used to approximate the pulse
time required from 1 cycle on up. parameters required for Height, Background, Width, and
Frequency (in respect to a selected wire feed speed) set-
8. Reposition the rotary Condition selector to the CRATER tings for a material type and diameter you plan to use.
position and program the following: Select the graph that most closely corresponds to your
a. Set the CRATER “wire feed speed” (IPM) using the same weld material requirements
procedures outlined in III-D-5-a.
b. Now set the selected Pulse Frequency (PF) for the “Cra-
ter” wire feed speed using the same procedure outlined
in III-D-5-d-(2) & D-5-e.-- Remember that the remain-
ing pulse parameters (Height, Background & Width) are
only set once, in the Strike mode.
c. Leave the rotary selector in the CRATER position and
set the CRATER TIMEl and REPEAT TIMEll param-
eters using the procedures outlined in III-D-5-f.

Pulse Frequency Carbon Steel Pulse Paramaters Stainless Steel Pulse Paramaters

Pulse Frequency
Wire Feed Speed (ipm) Wire Feed Speed (ipm)

4043 Aluminum Pulse Paramaters Silicon Bronze Pulse Paramaters

Pulse Frequency
Pulse Frequency

Wire Feed Speed (ipm) Wire Feed Speed (ipm)

5356 Aluminum Pulse Paramaters

Pulse Frequency

Wire Feed Speed (ipm)

ESAB can supply custom Synergic and Adaptive programs to be placed in Material Codes 7 thru 10 if the proper data is supplied
(see Chart below). Once acceptable arc stability and weld performance has been established using the pulse parameter keys on
the “teach” option, record the pulse height, width and background settings you have programmed. Then take 5 samples at
different wire feed speeds and record the data in the chart below at each wire feed speed tested. You will have to increase the
pulse frequency as the wire feed speed increases in order to establish a GOOD welding condition which will also change the arc
voltage. From this information we can program the synergic and adaptive relationships for your custom program. Contact your
ESAB Sales Representative for further details and pricing information on this custom service.

Custom Program Development

DO NOT Change Once Established

Wire Average Average Pulse Pulse Pulse Pulse Additional Information

Feed Current Arc Freqency Height Width Bkgrd

(ipm) (Amps) Volts (Hz.) (Ref. Volts) (m sec) (Amps) Wire Type Base Metal Type

1 Wire Diameter Weld Joint Type

2 Shielding Gas Mig Gun Type

3 Tip to Work Weld Position

4 Travel Speed

Table IV for Typical “Spray Arc” Wire Speed Ranges

Wire Material Wire Diameter & Wire Speed Ranges
Code # Type .023 .030 .035 .045 .063
After the desired parameters have been weld-tested and 1 Carbon Steel 800- 525- 425- 275- 170-
satisfactory results achieved, the preset welding conditions 999 900 800 550 275
for the selected process mode can be “locked-in” by secur- 2 Alternate Stl. 800- 525- 425- 275- 170-
ing the front panel door to the cabinet with the key-lock. 999 900 800 550 275
None of the welding parameters can be altered once the 3 4043 Alum. NP 400- 400- 200- 200-
cover is locked. 800 600 500 300
4 5356 Alum. NP 450- 450- 300- 250-
750 750 500 450
A. PULSE/SPRAY/SHORT ARC WIRE SPEED RECOM- 5 308 Stainless 750- 450- 350- 250- 150-
MENDATIONS 950 650 650 550 300
1. General 6 Sil. Bronze NP 400- 400- 300- NP
The listings in the following tables give approximate wire 550 550 500
feed speed ranges (IPM) for the various types of wire 7**
diameters and materials which have been 8**
preprogrammed in these controls. 9**
NP Not programmed.
** These codes are reserved for custom applications.

Table III for Typical “Short Arc” Wire Speed Ranges Table V for Typical “Pulse Arc” Wire Speed Ranges

Wire Material Wire Diameter & Wire Speed Range Wire Material Wire Diameter & Wire Speed Ranges
Code # Type .023 .030 .035 .045 .063
Code # Type .023 .030 .035 .045 .063
1 Carbon Steel 150- 115- 85- 55- 75-
1 Carbon Steel 175- 180- 130- 130- NP
700 500 700 450 250
500 600 600 450
2 Alternate Stl. 140- 150- 140- 70- 70-
2 Alternate Stl. 125- 175- 100- 100- NP
700 500 700 400 220
350 350 300 250
3 4043 Alum. NP 225- 225- 130- 100-
3 4043 Alum. NP NP NP NP NP
500 500 300 250
4 5356 Alum. NP 225- 250- 170- 150-
4 5356 Alum. NP NP NP NP NP
500 500 500 300
5 308 Stainless 150- 100- 100- 60- 55-
5 308 Stainless 250- 100- 75- 50- NP
700 500 450 450 260
450 400 300 250
6 Sil. Bronze 225- 250- 175- 125- NP
6 Sil. Bronze NP NP NP NP NP
500 500 500 500
7** 7**
8** 8**
9** 9**
10** 10**
NP Not programmed. NP Not Programmed.
** These codes are reserved for custom applications. ** These codes are reserved for custom applications.

2. Material Code Operating Tips (Where Applicable) B. WELDING SEQUENCE FOR TEACH (option), PULSE,
a. Carbon Steel (Code #1) and Alternate Steel (Code #2). To operate the control do the following--a typical welding se-
The Code #2 parameters are very similar to the Code quence is shown in Fig. 7.
#1 parameters; however, Code #2 has wider Pulse 1. Pull the Power switch button to its “out” position to energize
Widths and higher Pulse Background settings. The arc the control. (For one second, the IPM and VOLTS will dis-
characteristics will appear to be “softer” than Code #1. play an identification program number for the MPU printed
Arc penetration could also be slightly less do to the circuit board in your control.)
lower pulse peak used. This type arc characteristic 2. Set the inside Process mode selector for the programmed
might be used on applications requiring improved bead sequence you plan to use Teach, Pulse, Short or Spray.
wetting. 3. Set the logic you wish to use Synergic or Adaptive. Re-
member that the Teach mode automatically uses Synergic
Operation Note: Excessive resistances in the welding logic, the remaining modes use either.
system, caused by water cooled torches or excessively 4. The Amp-Test toggle should be in its WELD position.
long welding cables, can produce pulse peak currents 5. Assuming the welding parameters are all programmed, the
below that which is required for stable droplet detach- Weld condition selector should be its RUN position.
ment. This condition can be recognized by occasional 6. Operate the front-panel GAS PURGE switch to “purge” the
large droplets propelled across the arc. Some short cir- shielding gas line of the torch.
cuiting and spatter could also result. Long arc lengths 7. Operate the front-panel cold wire UP/DOWN INCH switch
can also cause less than optimum performance. The arc to position the wire above the workpiece.
length should be kept short for best arc stability and 8. You are now ready to weld in the selected schedule mode.
puddle control. Too short an arc length will produce spat- Place the Start-Stop switch in its START position, and the
ter and less than optimum arc stability. If a globular type control will automatically sequence thru Preflow, Strike, Start
transfer occurs, check for high resistance in the weld- (also initiates arc detector “carriage drive” signal), and into
ing current. the Weld condition programmed.
9. To stop welding, proceed as follows:
b. Aluminum 4043 (code #3) and 5356 (code #4). Each a. For continuous seamwelds, simply operate the STOP
alloy and diameter has been set for best arc perfor- switch (or a remotely actuated stop button or
mance and puddle control. The wire feed speed of 4043 microswitch), and all welding will cease except Crater-
3/64-inch diameter (.045) is limited to 300 ipm at which Fill, Burnback, Postflow and Retract.
point the pulses begin to overlap and spray arc results. b. For single “Timed” weld setup, the control will automati-
If higher wire feed speeds are required on this alloy, cally provide an orderly sequenced shutdown; however,
switch to Code #4 (5356 .045) and adjust the arc volt- in order to start another weld, you must press the Stop
age for stable arc performance. This action will extend switch (panel or remote) and then reoperate the Start
the wire feed speed to approximately 600 ipm. position to reinitiate the preset sequence.
c. For repeat “Timed” weld setups, the control will auto-
c. 308 Stainless Steel (Code #5). The stainless steel pulse matically continue to cycle through its preset weld “on”
parameters are based on gases (listed below). These and weld “off” sequence, until the control's Stop (or re-
gases improve the bead wetting of stainless steel as mote stop device) is operated.
compared to the 1% and 2% oxygen mixtures. The pro- d. The control can, or will also “shutdown” as a result of the
gram can still be used with the oxygen mixtures but a following:
small adjustment in arc voltage will be necessary.“ (1) Pushing-in the mushroom-head Power button im-
1. Linde “Pulse Blend SS mediately ceases all welding.
2. 2-1/2%-CO2, 1%-H2, Bal. Argon (2) If preset Strike time or Missweld Time is exceeded,
and/or preset wire feed speed or arc voltage pa-
Operation Note: Arc starting with stainless steel can be in- rameters cannot be maintained, the control will
consistent at times due to the higher resistivity of the alloy “shutdown” and simultaneously indicate the cause
and other variables. Sometimes increasing the voltage will by flashing a digital display in the IPM and VOLTS
improve starting. A weld technique adjustment might also window. The control will also provide an abort out-
help. When striking the arc, immediately move out of the put signal to a carriage or fixture to stop travel.
puddle and begin traveling. A hesitation in travel at the start (a) If the Strike Time parameter was exceeded, its
causes the puddle to build under the arc while the control is preset “time- interval” will flash in the VOLTS
trying to adjust for arc voltage. Eliminating the puddle build- WINDOW--and you may have to preset a little
up helps the voltage control circuit establish the proper arc more time.
length more quickly. (b) If the Missweld time cycles was exceeded, its
preset “time” will flash in the IPM window and
the unit will abort/shutdown--make sure that all
d. Silicon Bronze (Code #6). The welding performance
parameters accurately reflect the welding appli-
of silicone bronze alloys currently sold can vary widely.
Small differences in chemistry, cleanliness, and
(c) If the wire feed speed (IPM) and/or arc voltage
feedability can affect the pulse welding characteristics.
(VOLTS) parameters cannot be maintained in
To overcome instability problems, be sure wire feed-
any of the welding conditions (Strike, Start, Weld,
ing is steady and slack in the liner is minimized. Use
or Crater), the flashing display will only signal
tip-to-work distances slightly longer than normal if arc
the original preset “Strike” parameter(s).
instability occurs.








Figure 7 - Typical Welding Conditions Sequence Per Schedule

(3) In order to restart an “abort shutdown”, simply depress the tify the new program number being used. If a revision is
Gas Purge/Reset rocker switch to clear the abort, and then made to an existing program a decimal number .1,.2,.3,etc.
repress the Start rocker switch to start a new weld. indicating the numerical revision will also appear in the
VOLTS readout window simultaneously.
V. TROUBLESHOOTING 4. After the one (1) second delay; the preset “Weld” param-
eters, corresponding to the position of the “Condition” se-
NOTE: If the dedicated Digipulse 450 Power Supply is op- lector switch, will be displayed in the IPM/VOLTS windows.
erating improperly, refer to troubleshooting informa- With the switch in its normal “Run” position the STRIKE
tion located in booklet F-15-014. parameters will initially be displayed.
5. It is also important to set the STRIKE time long enough to
Listed below are a number of trouble symptoms, provide adequate time for the current detector to energize
each followed by the checks or action suggested to before the Strike timer times out. If the Strike timer times
determine the cause. Listing of checks and/or ac- out the unit will abort and the preset Strike time param-
tions is in “most probable”order, but is not necessar- eters will flash in the VOLTS window.
ily 100% exhaustive. 6. If the control is not functioning properly (or as described
above); for example, the numbers that appear in one or
Always follow this general rule: Do not replace a both of the display windows are meaningless (all zeros,
printed circuit (PC) board until you have made all eights, decimals, etc.), or are completely incorrect in rela-
the preceding checks. Always put the Power switch tion to your settings, - the memory must be cleared. This
in “off” position before removing or installing a PC condition might occur after a bad lightning storm, extremely
board. Take great care not to grasp or pull on com- bad power line surges, etc. To clear the memory, do the
ponents when removing a PC board. If a printed cir- following:
cuit (PC) board is determined to be the problem, a. Turn “off” the unit's 110-volt Power switch.
check with your ESAB supplier for a trade-in on a b. Using one hand, hold both of the Inc./Dec. toggle
new PC board. Supply the distributor with the part switches in their INC position while reapplying 110-volt
number of the PC board as well as the serial num- power with the other hand.
ber of the wire feeder. Do not attempt to repair the c. Almost immediately after the Power has been turned
PC board yourself. Warranty on a PC board will be “On”, release the Inc./Dec. toggle switches to the neu-
null and void if repaired by customer or an unautho- tral (spring-return center) position and each of the win-
rized repair shop. dows should display one zero, indicating a successful
reset or clearing has taken place.
A. General 7. You can now enter the desired information as described in
1. Check interconnection between control and power supply. this booklet.“
2. Energize the power supply and the control.
3. Immediately after the control is turned “on”, a number B. No preset numbers, or meaningless numbers, appear
(e.g.:3) will appear in the IPM readout window and will only in display windows.
be displayed for 1-second. This number identifies the cur- 1. Make sure the LED Display board harness/plug is plugged
rent program (E-Proms) used in your control. When a Pro- into the P5 receptacle on the MPU board.
gram is changed, the new E-Proms will automatically iden- 2. Check that 110 vac is available across terminals T1-1 and
T1-3, if present;

3. Check for (+) 5 volts between terminals T1-12 and T1-10; E. Arc VOLTS display reads zero after Start switch is op-
if voltage is present, replace the MPU board. If voltage is erated.
not present, check the voltage regulator (VR). The voltage 1. Check that the 5-pin plug is securely connected to the P3
regulator is located on the bottom of the control box. receptacle on the MPU board.
4. Check the input and output voltage of the regulator “VR” 2. If no reading is displayed, check for arc voltage feedback
as follows: between terminals T1-18 and T1-19 (test points TP1 and
TP2, respectively, on I/O board). This voltage signal should
The input should be approx. 11 volts, as measured across correspond to that shown on the power supply voltmeter.
capacitor C4 (between T1-10 and VR-1) located on the 3. If voltage still reads zero, but power supply indicates a
VR socket. If voltage is not present check the output of potential, trace the voltage pickup wiring from the power
transformer CTR-1. It should read 10 volts AC from the supply to control. If wiring is correct and problem persist,
center tap (Grn/Yel) to both of the green windings taps. If proceed to step 4.
CTR-1 good, but the input to VR is still not present, check 4. Disconnect the P3 plug from its MPU board socket and,
plug P3 per the schematic diagram. If no “opens” or “shorts” using a meter check for +/-12 volt power supply output
are found and input is still missing (to VR)--replace I/O between plug pins P3-1 and P3-2 (for +12 v.), and between
board. If input to VR is present, but output is missing-- plug pins P3-4 and P3-2 (for -12 v.) respectively. If voltage
replace VR. If numbers still do not appear in windows-- is present, replace the MPU board.
replace I/O and/or MPU boards.
F. Control Shut Down - either present VOLTS or IPM dis-
5. If all microprocessor memory is lost, it may be due to low plays will flash. The control will flash the parameter,
(sagging) line voltage or excessive line voltage drops. This VOLTS or IPM, that cannot be maintained.
may occur if auxiliary equipment (such as carriage
drives(s), drill motor, hot plates, etc.) also derive their 115- These symptoms can occur if the preset conditions, IPM
volt power from the same power supply as the control. Do or VOLTS, cannot be maintained by the control. The speed
NOT connect auxiliary equipment to the 115-volt duplex (IPM) and voltage (VOLTS) conditions are used to enhance
receptacle on the power supply. If problem still exists, call arc starting in the “adaptive mode” of operation. In the “syn-
for factory assistance.“ ergic mode” (all units), the voltage condition window will
always display the number 100 and cannot be adjusted;
the speed condition, however, can be checked and ad-
C. Motor does not run. justed as described following. To help determine which logic
1. Check to make sure all required (and/or optional) acces- mode (adaptive or synergic) the control is set to operate
sories are correctly assembled as described in Section I. in, or how to change it, please review Sections II-C-5-b.
2. Make sure that plug P2 is securely connected to recep-
tacle P2 on the I/O Board, and then release the clapper 1. IPM (speed) abort and possible causes:
arm (pressure roll) on the Accessory Support Assembly. (a) Initial “hot start” parameters incorrectly set. For proper
a. Operate the Start Switch (arc voltage must be present) adjustment, refer to Set-up Procedures following III-C-
and the motor shaft/feed roll should turn. If motor doesn't 10-b.
run, release start switch and; (b) Defective J-governor board.
b. Operate the INCH switch. If the motor “inches”, but will (c) Defective Motor tachometer board.
not operate from the start switch, check the start switch (d) Defective I/O board.
circuit components--switch, plug, receptacle, etc. Also (e) Defective MPU board.
check that arc voltage pickup lead is sensing.
c. If motor will not turn using either of the above switches, Contact ESAB Engineering Services for further assistance.
replace the “J” governor board. If motor still does not
run, check if power supply is providing open-circuit volt- 2. VOLTS (voltage) abort and possible causes:
age to the control - if o.c.v. is not being supplied, motor This problem may be located in the wire feeder or the power
will not run. Check the power supply for trouble. source. To determine this, check the wire feeder as fol-
d. Also check that the +/- 12 vdc are provided from the lows.
power supply on T1-10 and T1-8 respectively. (a) Set the wire feeder for synergic operation in the Pulse
e. If power supply is O.K., replaced the I/O and MPU welding mode.
boards respectively. (b) Strike an arc and while welding, measure the potential
between T1-23 and T1-24. Note that as the arc voltage
D. Motor runs, but not at right speed. setting is increased, the potential between T1-23 and
1. Check tachometer assembly mounted on the end of EH- T1-24 also increases, and will range from 0 to 10 vdc. If
10 wire feed motor. it does not, replace the I/O and/or MPU board. If the
2. Make sure the tach disc is securely fastened to the motor potential is present and responding to the voltage
shaft and that the strobe markings are not scratched. Check change setting, continue with step (c) following.
that the disc is properly centered in the strobe pickup on (c) Now measure the control voltage, for the background
the p.c. board. current, between T1-24 and pin J1-J of the amphenol
3. If all items in step 2 are in order, and motor speed is still connector. This measurement can be taken without strik-
incorrect, replaced MPU board. ing an arc. The potential will be in a range from 1 to 2.5
4. If motor speed is excessive, but display reads zero or low volts. If it is not, replace the I/O and/or MPU board. If
speed, replace tach p.c. board. the background potential is present, continue with step
(d) following.

(d) If both of the preceding conditions (steps a and b) are To check the calibration of the I/O board, connect a volt-
okay, but the arc is still unsatisfactory, the problem is meter from T1-24 (negative) to T1-23 (positive). Energize
either in the interconnecting cable, the welding setup, the START switch, and check the measured voltage against
or in the power source. If possible, substitute a cable or the number displayed in the VOLTS window -- they should
power supply (known to be good) to check out the pos- both be the same (for example: for a setting of 8.0, the
sible problem; if these are not available, continue with measured potential should be 8 vdc.). If the measured po-
the wire feeder “calibration test” in step G following. tential is different, the I/O board should either be
recalibrated (by a qualified technician) or the board should
G. Erratic arc especially evident in the Pulse mode. This be replaced.
could be caused by insufficient pulse height. To check
this, make the following “calibration test” of the I/O Next, check the potential from T1-24 (-) to pin J1- J of the
board and power source. amphenol connector for a display of 40 in the IPM window.
The measured reading should be 2 vdc. If it is not, replace
Set the control in the diagnostic mode and the process the I/O board. If all of these readings are correct, check
selector switch to the spray mode. Simultaneously depress the power supply by using the “calibration procedure“ de-
the Wire Dia/Mat'l. key and hold the IPM Inc/Dec key in its scribed in Inverter Control Board (ICB) Troubleshooting in
down position for 2.5 seconds until a zero (0) appears in the Power Supply manual F-15-014.
the IPM window. (The 2.5 seconds will prevent accidental
zeroing of the Material code.) NOTE: Training and Troubleshooting Courses are available
for maintenance and repair of this and other ESAB
Now release both keys. The display windows will change equipment. For details, contact ESAB Welding & Cut-
to show a BACKGROUND current value (from 0 to 100) in ting Products, PO Box 100545 Florence, SC 29501-
the IPM window, and a PULSE HEIGHT value (from 0.1 to 0545; Telephone (803) 664-4487. Attention: Techni-
10) in the VOLTS window. These numbers can be changed cal Training Coordinator.
by their respective INC/DEC switches.


1. All replacement parts are keyed on the illustrations which follow. Order replacement parts by number and part name, as
shown on illustrations. DO NOT ORDER BY PART NUMBER ALONE.
2. Always state the series or serial number of the machine on which the parts are to be used. The serial number is stamped on
the unit nameplate.
3. Indicate any special shipping instructions.
4. Replacement parts may be ordered from your ESAB distributor or from ESAB Welding & Cutting Products, Customer Service
Department, Florence, SC.


ROCKER SW. - 950295 ROCKER SW - 2062270


(J1) 19 - PIN RECPT. 950762

(C20) Capacitor - 950265

(J3) 14-SOCKET RECPT. - 636665

(J5) 6-SOCKET RECPT. - 993952


ROCKER SW - 2062363

(CB) CIRCUIT BKR. - 950874

OPERATOR - 950915
CONTACT - 950916
BUTTON - 950917

RECPT. - 996514
(C4) CAPACITOR - 995544

(J6) 3-PIN RECPT. 636694

Figure 8 - Digipulse Automatic Control Assy., P/N 31990

KNOB - 950282 (See F-14-220)
WASHER - 950291
(MSS) 6 - POS. ROTARTY SW. - 679914;
LENS - 677991 KNOB - 950282; WASHER - 950291



(SW6) SYN. - ADP.I.P./AH.

TOGGLE SW. - 951059


SW - 950229



TEACH SW - 950087 (Part of
optional Teach Kit - 35636)

Figure 9 - Digipulse Automatic - Inside Control Panel


P.C.BD. ASSY. - 18144
RELAY - 951089

(BR) BRIDGE - 996556




ASSY. - 994236


BD. ASSY - 675280
- 996918 636608




Figure 10 - Digipulse Automatic Inner Cabinet Components

Fig. 11 - Optional Plumbing Box - P/N 677261

D-31991 (C)

Fig. 12 - Schematic Diagram - Digipulse Automatic
D-31992 (C)

Fig. 13 - Wiring Diagram - Digipulse Automatic, Sheet 1 of 2
D-31992 (C)

Fig. 13A - Wiring Diagram - Digipulse Automatic, Sheet 2 of 2
F-15-075-A 4/95 Printed in U.S.A.

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