Active Shooter Plan Drill

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ANNEX “???


Definition and background

a. -ACTIVE SHOOTER- is an individual actively engaged in killing or

attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases,
active shooters use firearms(s) and there is no pattern or method to their
selection of victims.

b. - Normally, there is no pattern or method to the selection of victims. Active

shooter situations are dynamic and quickly evolve. Often, the immediate
deployment of law enforcement is required to stop the aggressive action of
a shooter to mitigate harm to potential victims. However, because active
shooter situations are also frequently over prior to the of law enforcement,
individuals must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an
active shooter situation prior to law enforcement arrival.

c. –Law Enforcement Agencies continue to evaluate active shooter events in

an attempt to generate a profile of an active shooter. There are no hard
links to provide an accurate profile of an active shooter. Though there is
no profile, there are several possible indicators that can give clues to the
possibility of a potential active shooter

i. Security Assessment

a) Telephone Bomb Threats. The receiving party must remain calm and

courteous. Try to obtain as much information as possible from the caller. Take
note of the following procedures:

1. Get the identity of the caller.

2. Take note of the following characteristics: male or female voice;

young, middle-age or old sounding voice; accent of voice; speech

3. or peculiar voice characteristics; any background noise; does the

voice sound familiar.

4. The exact words of the person placing the call.

5. Show no emotion on the phone.

6. Know the exact location of the bomb.

7. Ask for a description of the bomb/composition of the explosive.

8. Repeat the message to the caller whenever possible and ask for

9. The receiving party should remain calm and courteous. He should

listen carefully and write down accurately the information the caller

10. If possible, refer the caller to a supervisor or a person in authority to

extract more information.

11. Apply delaying tactics and engage the caller in prolonged


12. Take note of the exact time the suspect hung up.

13. The person receiving the bomb threat should attempt to ask the
caller certain questions: When is the bomb going to explode?/
Where is the bomb right now?/ What type of bomb is it?/ What does
the bomb look like?/ What will cause it to explode?/ Why did you
place the bomb?

14. Remember that the caller may not answer your questions, but any
additional information that he may relate will be helpful.

15. It may be advisable to inform the caller that the building is occupied
and the detonation of a bomb could result in death or serious injury
to many innocent people.

16. Once the telephone threat is received, notify your local police at

b) Handwritten or Typed Notes

Documents and other materials received should be carefully

handled to preserve marks, fingerprints, etc. for examination by
competent authorities. These items should be forwarded
immediately to the proper authorities for analysis and evaluation.
Written messages should never be ignored.

c) Person-to-Person or Direct Threat

1. Notify your security supervisor immediately.

2. Keep the person making the threat or indicating knowledge of a
threat under surveillance until relieved by your supervisor.

3. Take note of the age, height, weight, sex, color of eyes/hair/skin,

clothing, and unusual characteristics such as lameness, twitching
or any peculiarities of the person under surveillance. Observe other
personal behavior, if any.
4. If the person leaves the scene, take note of the make, model, color,
plate number and markings of the vehicle used.


1. Strictly implement the inspection procedures of all bags,

knapsacks, boxes, etc., that will enter premises.
2. Suspicious looking package, paper bags, etc. left alone should be
cautiously scrutinized as possible bomb(s).
3. When suspected bombs are noted, apply APD- APMC incident
escalation procedures.
4. Be observant of people roaming around your area doing nothing.
Vendors with tricycles/knapsacks/bags should be driven out, as
they may be used as couriers of bombs.
5. Alerted roving/ deployed security to always observe people leaving
behind bags/packages/boxes in the garbage cans/bins in your
6. Be observant of cars/motorcycle riding individuals who are
suspiciously observing constantly inside the Property.
7. Do not open envelopes and packages sent to you by unknown
individual or package with no return addresses.
8. The greatest safeguard against the effects of bomb threats is to
prevent entry of unauthorized persons into certain areas, whenever

9. Restricted entry and positive identification of staff and visitors can

be significant factors in assessing the seriousness of any given
10. Matters not mention in this Security Plan must be elevated to TG
Commander for action and disposition.


Weekend Emergency Brigade Team (EBT) Drill


ISO Manual Entry Code BCP-G-10
Specific Scenario With Suspicious Package
1. Please refer to the EBT drill procedures below.
2. Weekend Duty Property Managers and Director must ensure that
the scheduled drill is properly conducted per property and must
be included in the Weekend duty report.


         To ensure protection of life and property.

         To restore the business to normal operations as quickly as possible after the


It is Ayala management’s policy to immediately investigate and evacuate the incident

area if necessary whenever a bomb threat is received for the first time.
Evacuation for subsequent threats will be at the discretion of the Emergency
Management Team. It is also the policy that the site or parts thereof will be searched on
all bomb threat calls if safe to do so.

If the bomb threat occurs in a tenancy or a suspicious package is discovered there, the
Building Administration will ensure that the matter is fully investigated and order an
evacuation if considered necessary.


Bomb Threats are normally received by telephone by individuals or groups with a

grudge against a tenant. Typically, the hoax type call is very short, without specific
details beings provided by the caller. However, all calls must be treated seriously.

A bomb may also be suspected if there is a report of a suspicious package or container

found in an unusual place in the property. This should include suspected mail bombs
(packages and letters).


Bomb Threat Received

Start a log of events. Use Bomb Threat Call Form.

Contact the Detachment Commander or his nominated representative.

If the call has been monitored (recurring threats), arrange to have the tape cassette
picked up by a patrol guard to transport it to the Security Control Room for safekeeping.

If a letter or parcel containing a specific threat has been received, arrange for it to be
secured in an envelope. Ensure that the person reporting it does not handle or
photocopy it without the express permission of the ASF representative or a member of
the EMT.
If a location has been identified, the DC should assist in conducting an immediate
search with the ASF representative and secure the location.

Contact the PM and ASF representative and inform them of the threat details. Use
Problem Escalation Chart (BCP-G-05).

On the advice of the PM and/or ASF representative, initiate inspection of the immediate
area if this is known from the call and if the time frame of threat permits it using roving
security guards. Upon arrival of K9 unit of ASF, conduct another inspection.
If the call was made to a tenancy, arrange for roving guards and K9 unit to conduct
search of the tenancy, if time frame of the threat permits it.

NB: If inside tenancy area, do not use radios in order not to alarm occupants. Use EWIS
or intercom.

On the advice of the PM, notify the following: a member of the EMT, Makati Police and
the Makati Bomb Squad.

Arrange reception of Makati Police and Makati Bomb Squad.

Arrange for the person who received the threat call to be available to the Security

Room or Security Room. Ensure someone remains at the called number if possible.
o    Check how many people are aware of the call or letter.
o    Advise them through the Detachment Commander or OIC not to divulge details
to anyone particularly the Media.

Handover to Police on arrival at location. Provide assistance as required by them but

record the activity.

On advice of Chief Marshal, notify the floor marshals for the floors in the immediate
vicinity of the threat for a possible evacuation of that area.
Prepare detailed report of the incident and submit to PM. Use Incident Report (BCP-F-
If an explosion occurs go to Explosion (BCP-G-23)

Suspicious Package or Parcel Reported or Located as a Result of Call or Letter

Start a log of events. Check details per Suspicious Package Pro-forma (see Annex 1).
Advise the ASF representative of the details of the package and its location.
Dispatch the DC or his nominated representative to the location of the package:
o    Ensure the package/parcel is not touched.
o    If possible, determine how the parcel was placed there.
o    Assist in confirming the report
o    Remove the staff in the immediate area
o    Conduct a search of the surrounding area and secure the location
o    Open doors if possible, to reduce the effects of blast concussion.

Advise members of EMT. Use Problem Escalation Chart (BCP-G-05).

On advice of Chief Marshal, notify the floor marshals for the floors in the immediate
vicinity of the threat for a possible evacuation of that area.

Notify ambulance, paramedics, hospitals – place on standby if necessary.

Arrange reception of Makati Police and Makati Bomb Squad.

Handover to Police on arrival at location. Provide assistance as required by them but

record the activity.

Arrange for the person who received the threat call to be available to the Security
Control Room or Security Room.

Prepare detailed report of the incident. Use the Incident Report Form (BCP-F-03.2)).

If an explosion occurs go to Explosion (BCP-G-23)


Bomb Threat Received

         Start a log of events and ensure that the Security Personnel has also done so.
         Decide on extent of evacuation required and initiate procedure, if not already
done so
by the ASF representative.
         Advise all tenant representatives.
         Check that Marshals are available for wider evacuation, through the Chief
         Interview the person who received the threat call at the Security Room as
quickly as
         Check with the Security Control Room Operator to establish who else knows
the call.
         Ensure that people who know about the call are instructed not to talk to anyone,
especially the media or strangers.
         If possible, meet Police when they arrive.
         Ensure that ASF organizes evacuation on advice from the Police, if not already
         Arrange inspection of the nominated with the Police and Detachment
Commander in
accordance with search procedures.
         Ensure that all evidence has been secured for Police investigation, including
and video tapes, reports, threat letters and the like.
         Ensure that “Return to Normal Operations” is given in clear unequivocal terms
through the Marshall organization.
         Arrange for future monitoring of calls through the police, telecommunications
company and ASF if considered necessary.
         Advice insurance brokers if necessary.
         Determine what media have been advised and ensure that you are made aware
the presence of Media at the earliest opportunity.
         Prepare a Media statement in conjunction with the External Affairs Department
of ALI
on the incident and any evacuation action that has taken place and nominate a
o    Organize a briefing for the Media and prepare for a Media conference.

o    Advise External Affairs representative as well as representatives of the tenants.

         If an explosion occurs, refer to Explosion (BCP-G-23).
         Refer to Accident/Injury/Illness(BCP-G-31) if necessary.

Suspicious Package or Parcel Reported

         Start a log of events and ensure that the Security Personnel has also done so.
         Ensure that ASF has been deployed to the area including K9 Unit where the
suspected device has been reported.
         Advise all affected Tenant representatives of the problem.
         Check that Marshals are available for wider evacuation required and initiate
         Confer with the ASF and decide extent of evacuation required and initiate
         Interview the person who reported the package and confirm the circumstances
how it got there.
         Check with the Detachment Commander to establish who else knows about the
         Ensure that people who know about the call are instructed not to talk to anyone,
especially the media or strangers.
         If possible, meet Police when they arrive.
         Arrange inspection of the package and surrounding area with the Police, ASF
Security Guard Detachment Commander.
        Ensure that PM organizes evacuation on advice from the Police, if not already
        Ensure that all evidence has been secured for Police investigation including
tapes, delivery documentation, eyewitness reports, letters and the like.
        Ensure that “Return to Normal Operations” is given in clear unequivocal terms
through the Marshall organization.
        Advise insurance brokers if necessary.
        Determine what media have been advised and ensure that you are made aware
the presence of Media at the earliest opportunity.
        Prepare a Media statement in conjunction with the External Affairs Department of
on the incident and any evacuation action that has taken place and nominate a
o    Organize a briefing for the Media in conjunction with the Police and prepare for a
Media conference.
o    Advise External Affairs representative as well as representatives of the tenants.
Indicate that this office can provide the fullest information on the incident. Prepare a
Media statement on the incident and any evacuation action that has taken place
and nominate a spokesperson.
        If an explosion occurs, refer to Explosion (BCP-G-23).
         Refer to Accident/Injury/Illness (BCP-G-31) if necessary.

If a Bomb Threat is Received on the Phone

If you receive a bomb threat call, carry out the following:

         Keep the caller on the line for as long as possible.
         Listen carefully to the call. It is most important that you note everything the
says. If possible, write down the important words about the bomb.
         If the caller does not immediately indicate the location of the bomb and the
time of detonation, ask for this information.
         Take the initiative and inform the caller that the building is occupied and
your concern that the blast would result in the death and injury to many innocent
persons, not only the ones he intends to harm.
         Pay attention to any sound in the background that may give a clue to the
whereabouts or identity of the caller.
         Take note of the caller’s voice and state of mind of the person when the call is
         When the caller hangs up, immediately write down the words used by the
         Inform your manager and advise him/her of what you have done.
         You or the manager should then immediately report the communication to any
the following numbers:

1. Asset Protection Division

2. Ayala Center Association
3. ALI Principals
4. APMC Upper Management

Do not tell anyone else around you. The call may be a false alarm and the news may
create panic among other building occupants

Written Bomb Threat or Parcel or Delivered Item

If the letter is opened while the messenger is still in the office, ask him/her to remain
and try to gather as much information about where the letter or parcel came from, who
sent it and when.

         You should immediately advise only a senior manager. He or she should visit
those people who have seen or read the letter, or heard the tape, and instruct
them NOT to disclose the contents of the letter to any other person.
         You or the manager should then immediately report the communication to any
of the following numbers:

1. Asset Protection Division

2. Ayala Center Association
3. ALI Principals
4. APMC Upper Management

         Gather all documents, e.g., envelopes, letters, contracts, etc. and handle them
as carefully as possible.
         Do not refold. Protect them in a clear, unsealed cover.
         Establish and document who else beside yourself has touched the material.
         Keep the details of the contents confidential and inform only your immediate
  Photocopy the original document
  Pass it through a fax machine
         Further handling of the contents (especially exposure to heat and pressure)
may destroy forensic evidence.
         Do not pass the letter around for everybody to view.
         Establish and maintain a diary of events, with timing, personnel involved and
the actions you have taken.
         Ensure that you and the other people are available for interview by the Security
or Building Administration Staff.

If a Suspicious Package or Device is Discovered

Bombs may come in all shape and sizes. If a suspicious package or device is
discovered in or near your office, it is important to:
         Stay away from it. Some bombs are programmed to explode on contact.
         Leave it alone. Do not try to move or touch it with another object.
You should report immediately the discovery of the package to any one of the
following numbers:
1. Ayala Security Force
2. Ayala Center Association
3. ALI Principals
4. APMC Upper Management

Ensure that you and any other people who may be able to explain how the package got
there are available for interview by the Security of Building Administration Staff
Indicators of a Suspected Car Bomb Vehicle

Recent events showed that terrorists have become more aggressive in causing
damage by employing car bombs. Below are some considerations of a suspect
         The vehicle would probably be 3 to 5 years old or older.
         It would probably be, but not necessarily, a van-type vehicle e.g. FX, REVO,
Highlander, etc.
         It would appear heavily loaded judging from the play of the suspension e.g.
more depressed suspensions.
         It would be difficult to see inside the vehicle e.g., windshields and windows
either covered or heavily tinted.
         It may be abandoned too closely to a building and/or where it should not be
parked or driven right into the building's basement parking.
         The license numbers of the LTO sticker stuck on the license plates and the
LTO sticker stuck on the windshield are different indicating changed plates (low
         K-9 inspection would indicate a positive reaction.
         Probably no more than two passengers including driver on arrival.
         Driver/Passenger, would have an acceptable cover story for being there if
accosted or would panic and run. Cover story of a stalled vehicle right in front of
the building must be viewed with utmost suspicion. Vehicle may even be marked
like a legitimate delivery vehicle.
         The odor of urea/nitrogenous compounds (smell like urine and/or ammonia) may
be perceptible around the vehicle.

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