Iso5455 79

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Technical drawings - Scales

Dessins techniques - lkhelles

First edition

- 1979-02-15

UDC 744.4
Descriptors : scale (ratio), designation, engineering drawings.

Ref. No.

ISO 5455-1979


ISO 2009 - This is a single-user license for personal use only. All other uses prohibited.

Price based on 1 page

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards institutes (ISO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards to the member bodies for Standards by the ISO Council. International lSO/TC IO, May 1977. Standard ISO adopted approval by the technical committees are circulated before their acceptance as International



5455 was developed and was circulated

by Technical Committee to the member bodies in

lt has been approved Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile Denmark Finland France

by the member

bodies of the foilowing


Germany, R. F. Hungary India I reland Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway countries

Philippines Romania South Africa, Rep. of Spain Swtizerland Turkey United Kingdom U.S.A. U.S.S. R. Yugoslavia expressed disapproval of the

bod ies of the following The member document on technical grounds

Czechoslovakia Poland Sweden

@J International Printed


for Standardkation,


in Switzeriand

ISO 2009 - This is a single-user license for personal use only. All other uses prohibited.



ISO 5455-1979


Technical drawings - Scales


This International Standard specifies recommended scales and their designation for use on all technical drawings in any field of engineering.

5.1 The recommended scales for use on technical are specified in the following table. drawings


Recommended 5O:l 5:l 20 : 1 2:l

scales IO:1

Enlargement scal es

of an element 2.1 scale : Ratio of the linear dimension of an Object as represented in the original drawing to the real linear dimension of the Same element of the Object itself.
NOTE - The scale sf a print original drawing. may be different from that of the

Full size
1:2 1:20 1 :200 1 :2000 1:5 1:50 1 :500 1 :5000

1 :l
1 1 1 1 :lO :lOO : 1 000 : 10000

Reduction scal es


full size : A scale with

the ratio

1 : 1.
NOTE - If, for special applications, there is need for a larger enlargement scale or a smaller reduction scale than those shown in the table, the recommended range of scales may be extended in either direction, provided that the required scale be derived from a recommended scale by multiplying by whole number powers of 10. In exceptional cases where for functional reasons the recommended scales cannot be applied, intermediate scales may be Chosen.

2.3 enlargernent scale : A scale where the ratio is larger than 1 : 1. lt is said to be larger as its ratio increasesS. 2.4 reduction scale : A scale where the ratio is smaller than 1 : 1. lt is said to be smaller as its ratio decreases.


The complete designation of a scale shall consist of the word SCALE (or its equivalent in the language used on the drawing) followed by the indication of its ratio, as foIlows : SCALE SCALE SCALE 1 : 1 for full size; X : 1 for enlargement 1 : X for reduction of scales; scales. the word

5.2 The scale to be Chosen for a drawing will upon the complexity of the Object to be depicted purpose of the representation. In all cases, the selected scale shall permit easy and clear interpretation depicted. The scale and the size of the Object, the size of the drawing.

depend and the

be large enough to of the information

in turn,



If there SCALE

is no likelihood may be omitted.


5.3 Details that are too small for complete dimensioning in the main representation shall be shown adjacent to the main representation in a separate detail view (or section) which is drawn to a larger scale.


4.1 The designation of the scale used on the shall be inscribed in the title block of the drawing.

4.2 Where it is necessary to use more than one scale on a drawing, the main scale only shall be inscribed in the title block, and all other scales adjacent to the item reference number of the part concerned, or adjacent to the reference letter of a detail view (or section).


a full size view of a small Object. by showing

lt is recommended that, for information, be added to the large scale representation

In this case the full size view may be simplified the outlines of the Object only.

ISO 2009 - This is a single-user license for personal use only. All other uses prohibited.

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ISO 2009 - This is a single-user license for personal use only. All other uses prohibited.

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