MDT10P57: 1. General Description

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1. General Description Power-on Reset

This EPROM-Based 8-bit micro-controller uses Power edge-detector Reset
a fully static CMOS technology process to Sleep Mode for power saving
achieve higher speed and smaller size with the 5 types of oscillator can be selected by
low power consumption and high noise programming option:
immunity. On chip memory includes 1K words INRC—Internal 4MHz RC oscillator
of ROM, and 128 bytes of static RAM. RC—Low cost RC oscillator
LFXT—Low frequency crystal
2. Features oscillator
The followings are some of the features on the XTAL—Standard crystal oscillator
hardware and software: HFXT—High frequency crystal
Fully CMOS static design oscillator
8-bit data bus 8-bit real time clock/counter (RTCC) with
On chip EPROM size: 1K words 8-bit programmable prescaler
Internal RAM size: 128 bytes On-chip RC oscillator based Watchdog
35 single word instructions Timer (WDT)
14-bit instructions 4-channel, 8-bit AD
8-level stacks Interrupt source:
Operating voltage: 2.5 V ~ 5.5 V Timer0, INT, Pin change, AD
Operating frequency: 0 ~ 20 MHz
The most fast execution time is 200 ns 3. Applications
under 20 MHz in all single cycle The application areas range from appliance
instructions except the branch motor control and high speed automotive to
instruction low power remote transmitters/receivers, small
Addressing modes include direct, instruments, chargers, toy, automobile and PC
indirect and relative addressing modes pe-ripheral … etc.

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4. Pin Assignment
MDT10P57A1P / MDT10P57A1S MDT10P57A3P / MDT10P57A3S
PA52 13PA0/AN0 PA52 13PA0/AN0
PB55 10PB0 PB55 10PB0
PB46 9PB1 PB46 9PB1
PB37 8PB2 PB37 8PB2

MDT10P57A2P / MDT10P57A2S MDT10P57A4P / MDT10P57A4S

OSC12 13PA0/AN0 OSC12 13PA0/AN0
PB55 10PB0 PB55 10PB0
PB46 9PB1 PB46 9PB1
PB37 8PB2 PB37 8PB2

5. Pin Function Description

Pin Name I/O Function Description
PA5 I/O Port A, TTL input level / Schmitt Trigger input levels.
PA4/AN3 I/O Port A, TTL input level.
PA3 I Port A, TTL input level / Schmitt Trigger input levels. Input only.
PA2/T0CKI/AN2/INT I/O Port A, Schmitt Trigger input levels.
PA1/AN1/VREF I/O Port A, TTL input level / Schmitt Trigger input levels.
PA0/AN0 I/O Port A, TTL input level / Schmitt Trigger input levels.
PB5~PB0 I/O Port B, TTL input level.
OSC1 I Oscillator Input.
OSC2 O Oscillator Output.
MCLRB I Master Clear.
VDD Power supply
VSS Ground

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6. Memory Map
(A) Register Map
Address Description
00 Indirect Addressing Register
02 PCL
04 MSR
05 Port A
06 Port B
20~7F General purpose register
01 TMR
A0~BF General purpose register

(1) IAR (Indirect Address Register): R00

(2) RTCC (Real Time Counter/Counter Register): R01
(3) PC (Program Counter): R02, R0A
Write PC --- from PCHLAT
Write PC --- from PCHLAT
LJUMP, LCALL --- from instruction word
RTIW, RET --- from STACK
A11 A10~A8 A7~A0

Write PC --- from ALU

LJUMP, LCALL --- from instruction word

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(4) STATUS (Status register): R03
Bit Symbol Function
0 C Carry bit
1 HC Half Carry bit
2 Z Zero bit
3 PF Power loss Flag bit
4 TF WDT Timer overflow Flag bit
5 RBS0 Register Bank Select bit:
0: 00H~7FH (Bank0)
1: 80H~FFH (Bank1)
7~6 -- General purpose bit
(5) MSR (Memory Bank Select Register): R04
Memory Bank Select Register:
0: 00~7F (Bank0)
1: 80~FF (Bank1)
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Indirect Addressing Mode

(6) PORT A: R05 (PA5~PA0, I/O Register)
(7) PORT B: R06 (PB5~PB0, I/O Register)
(8) PCHLAT: R0A (High byte of PC)
Bit Function
4~0 High byte of PC.
7~5 Unimplemented, reads as ’0’.
(9) INTS (Interrupt Status Register): R0B
Bit Symbol Function
PORT A change interrupt flag. Set when PA0, PA1, PA3 inputs
1 INTF Set when INT interrupt occurs. INT interrupt flag.
2 TIF Set when TMR0 overflows.
0: disable PA change interrupt.
1: enable PA change interrupt.
0: disable INT interrupt.
1: enable INT interrupt.
0: disable TMR0 interrupt.
1: enable TMR0 interrupt.

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Bit Symbol Function
0: disable all peripheral interrupt.
1: enable all peripheral interrupt.
0: disable global interrupt.
1: enable global interrupt.
(10) PIFB1 (Peripheral Interrupt Flag Bit): R0C
Bit Symbol Function
0~5 -- Unimplemented
A/D interrupt flag
6 ADIF 0: A/D conversion is not complete
1: A/D conversion completed
7 -- Unimplemented
(11) ADRES (A/D result register): R1E
(12) ADS0 (A/D Status Register): R1F
Bit Symbol Function
0: A/D converter module is shut off and consumes no
0 ADRUN operating current
1: A/D converter module is operating
1 -- Unimplemented
0: A/D conversion not in progress
1: A/D conversion in progress
4~3 CHS1~0 00: AIC0, 01: AIC1, 10: AIC2, 11: AIC3
5 -- Unimplemented
7~6 ASCS1-0 00: fosc/2, 01: fosc/8, 10: fosc/32, 11: f RC (*Note)
*Note: determined by OSC mode, HF: fosc/32, XT: fosc/8, LF: fosc/2, RC: fosc/2
(13) TMR (Time Mode Register): R81
Bit Symbol Function
Prescaler Value RTCC rate WDT rate
0 0 0 1:2 1:1
0 0 1 1:4 1:2
0 1 0 1:8 1:4
0 1 1 1 : 16 1:8
2~0 PS2~0 1 0 0 1 : 32 1 : 16
1 0 1 1 : 64 1 : 32
1 1 0 1 : 128 1 : 64
1 1 1 1 : 256 1 : 128
1: Watchdog Timer

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Bit Symbol Function

0: Increment on low-to-high transition on RTCC pin
1: Increment on high-to-low transition on RTCC pin
0: Internal instruction cycle clock
1: Transition on RTCC pin
0: Interrupt on falling dege on PA2
1: Interrupt on rising edge on PA2
0: PORTA, PORTB pull-hi are enable
1: PORTA, PORTB pull-hi are disable
(14) CPIO A (Control Port I/O Mode Register): R85
=“0”, I/O pin in output mode.
=“1”, I/O pin in input mode.

(15) CPIO B (Control Port I/O Mode Register): R86

=“0”, I/O pin in output mode.
=“1”, I/O pin in input mode.

(16) PIEB1: R8C

Bit Symbol Function
5~0 -- Unimplemented
0: disable A/D interrupt
1: enable A/D interrupt
7 -- Unimplemented

(17) PSTA: R8E

Bit Symbol Function
0:Power on Reset occurred
1:No Power on Reset occurred

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(18) ADS1 (A/D Status Register): R9F
Bit Symbol Function
0 0 0: PA0~2,PA4= analog input. VREF= VDD.
0 0 1: PA0~2,PA4= analog input. PA1= ref input, VREF= PA1.
0 1 0: PA0~2= analog input. VREF= VDD.
0 1 1: PA0~2= analog input. PA1= ref input, VREF= PA1.
2~0 PAVM2~0
1 0 0: PA0, 1= analog input. PA2, 4= digital I/O, VREF= VDD.
1 0 1: PA0, 1= analog input. PA2, 4= digital I/O, VREF=PA1.
1 1 0: PA0= analog input. PA1, 2, 4= digital I/O, VREF=VDD.
1 1 1: PA0~2, 4= digital I/O.

(19) Configurable options for EPROM (Set by writer):

Type Option
INRC Oscillator
RC Oscillator
Oscillator Type HFXT Oscillator
XTAL Oscillator
LFXT Oscillator
Watchdog timer disable all the time
Watchdog Timer control
Watchdog timer enable all the time
Oscillator-start Timer control
PED Disable
Power-edge Detect
PED Enable
Security Disable
Security state
Security Enable
The default security state of EPROM is weak disable. Once the IC was set to enable or disable,
it’s forbidden to change.

(B) Program Memory

Address Description
000-3FF Program memory
The starting address of power on, external reset or WDT time-out
004 Interrupt vector

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7. Reset Condition for all Registers
Power-On Reset,
Register Address Power range /MCLR or WDT Reset Wake-up from SLEEP
detector Reset
IAR 00h N/A N/A N/A
RTCC 01h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu
PC 0Ah,02h 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 PC + 1
STATUS 03h 0001 1xxx 000# #uuu 000# #uuu
MSR 04h xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu
PORT A 05h --xx xxxx --uu uuuu --uu uuuu
PORT B 06h --xx xxxx --uu uuuu --uu uuuu
PCHLAT 0Ah ---0 0000 ---0 0000 ---u uuuu
INTS 0Bh 0000 000x 0000 000u uuuu uuuu
PIFB1 0Ch -0-- ---- -0-- ---- -u-- ----
ADRES 1Eh xxxx xxxx uuuu uuuu uuuu uuuu
ADS0 1Fh 00-0 00-0 00-0 00-0 uu-u uu-u
TMR 81h 1111 1111 1111 1111 uuuu uuuu
CPIOA 85h --11 1111 --11 1111 --uu uuuu
CPIOB 86h --11 1111 --11 1111 --uu uuuu
PIEB1 8Ch -0-- ---- -0-- ----- -u-- ----
PSTA 8Eh ---- --0- ---- --u- ---- --u-
ADS1 9Fh ---- -000 ---- -000 ---- -uuu
Note : u=unchanged, x=unknown, - =unimplemented, read as “0”
#=value depends on the condition of the following table

Condition Status: bit 4 Status: bit 3 PSTA: bit 1

/MCLR reset (not during SLEEP) u u 1
/MCLR reset during SLEEP 1 0 1
WDT reset (not during SLEEP) 0 1 1
WDT reset during SLEEP 0 0 1
Power-on reset 1 1 0
Power-range reset 1 1 1

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8. Instruction Set
Instruction Code Function Operating Status
010000 00000000 NOP No operation None
010000 00000001 CLRWT Clear Watchdog timer 0→WT TF, PF
010000 00000010 SLEEP Sleep mode 0→WT, stop OSC TF, PF
010000 00000100 RET Return from subroutine Stack→PC None
010001 1rrrrrrr STWR R Store W to register W→R None
011000 trrrrrrr LDR R, t Load register R→t Z
111010 iiiiiiii LDWI I Load immediate to W I→W None
010111 trrrrrrr SWAPR R, t Swap halves register [R(0~3) None
011001 trrrrrrr INCR R, t Increment register R + 1→t Z
011010 trrrrrrr INCRSZ R, t Increment register, skip if R + 1→t None
011011 trrrrrrr ADDWR R, t Add W and register W + R→t C, HC, Z
011100 trrrrrrr SUBWR R, t Subtract W from register R ﹣W→t or C, HC, Z
011101 trrrrrrr DECR R, t Decrement register R ﹣1→t Z
011110 trrrrrrr DECRSZ R, t Decrement register, skip if R ﹣1→t None
010010 trrrrrrr ANDWR R, t AND W and register R ∩ W→t Z
110100 iiiiiiii ANDWI i AND W and immediate i ∩ W→W Z
010011 trrrrrrr IORWR R, t Inclu. OR W and register R ∪ W→t Z
110101 iiiiiiii IORWI i Inclu. OR W and immediate i ∪ W→W Z
010100 trrrrrrr XORWR R, t Exclu. OR W and register R ♁ W→t Z
110110 iiiiiiii XORWI i Exclu. OR W and immediate i ♁ W→W Z
011111 trrrrrrr COMR R, t Complement register /R→t Z
010110 trrrrrrr RRR R, t Rotate right register R(n) →R(n-1), C
C→R(7), R(0)→C
010101 trrrrrrr RLR R, t Rotate left register R(n)→r(n+1), C
C→R(0), R(7)→C
010000 1xxxxxxx CLRW Clear working register 0→W Z
010001 0rrrrrrr CLRR R Clear register 0→R Z
0000bb brrrrrrr BCR R, b Bit clear 0→R(b) None
0010bb brrrrrrr BSR R, b Bit set 1→R(b) None
0001bb brrrrrrr BTSC R, b Bit Test, skip if clear Skip if R(b)=0 None
0011bb brrrrrrr BTSS R, b Bit Test, skip if set Skip if R(b)=1 None

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Instruction Code Function Operating Status
100nnn nnnnnnnn LCALL n Long CALL subroutine n→PC, None
101nnn nnnnnnnn LJUMP n Long JUMP to address n→PC None
110111 iiiiiiii ADDWI i Add immediate to W W+i→W C, HC, Z
110001 iiiiiiii RTIW i Return, place immediate to Stack→PC,i→W None
111000 iiiiiiii SUBWI i Subtract W from immediate i-W→W C, HC, Z
010000 00001001 RTFI Reture from interrupt Stack→PC,1→GIS None
W Working register b Bit position
WT Watchdog timer T Target
TMODE TMODE mode register 0 Working register
CPIO Control I/O port register 1 General register
TF Timer overflow flag R General register address
PF Power loss flag C Carry flag
PC Program Counter HC HC Half carry
OSC Oscillator Z Zero flag
Inclu. Inclusive ‘∪’ / Complement
Exclu. Exclusive ‘♁’ x Don’t care
AND Logic AND ‘∩’ i Immediate data ( 8 bits )
n Immediate address

9. Electrical Characteristics

*Note: Temperature=25°C
1.Operation Current :
(1) HF (C=10p) , WDT - enable
4M 10M 20M Sleep
2.5V 350uA 800uA 1.4mA 3uA
3.0V 530uA 1.1mA 1.8mA 8uA
4.0V 940uA 1.7mA 2.9mA 16uA
5.0V 1.5mA 2.5mA 4.4mA 30uA
5.5V 2.2mA 3.5mA 6mA 50uA
These parameters are for reference only.

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(2) XT (C=10p) , WDT - enable
1M 4M 10M Sleep
2.5V 120uA 300uA 800uA 3uA
3.0V 170uA 390uA 910uA 8uA
4.0V 310uA 720uA 1.5mA 16uA
5.0V 610uA 1.1mA 2.1mA 30uA
5.5V 990uA 1.6mA 2.8mA 50uA
These parameters are for reference only.

(3) LF (C=10p) , WDT - enable

32K(50p) 455K 1M Sleep
2.5V 20uA X 90uA 3uA
3.0V 30uA 80uA 120uA 8uA
4.0V 70uA 160uA 220uA 16uA
5.0V 140uA 260uA 340uA 30uA
5.5V 250uA 360uA 520uA 50uA
These parameters are for reference only.
(4) RC , WDT - Enable , @Vdd = 5.0V
C R Freq. Current
4.7k 6.5M 1.3mA
10k 3.2M 790uA
47k 700K 350uA
100k 320K 280uA
300k 110K 250uA
470k 66K 240uA
4.7k 4.2M 900uA
10k 2.1M 600uA
47k 460K 310uA
100k 214K 270uA
300k 72K 250uA
470k 43K 240uA
4.7k 1.8M 530uA
10k 904K 370uA
47k 196K 260uA
100k 93K 250uA
300k 31K 240uA
470k 19K 240uA

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C R Freq. Current
4.7k 820K 350uA
10k 404K 280uA
47k 88K 240uA
100k 42K 230uA
300k 14K 230uA
470k 9K 230uA
These parameters are for reference only.

(5) INT_RC , WDT - enable

4MHz Sleep
3.0V 600uA 8uA
4.0V 900uA 16uA
5.0V 1.2mA 30uA
These parameters are for reference only.

2. Input Voltage (Vdd = 5V) :

Port Min Max
TTL Vss 1.0V
Schmitt trigger Vss 1.0V
TTL 2V Vdd
Schmitt trigger 3.5V Vdd
These parameters are for reference only.

3. Output Voltage (Vdd = 5V) :

PA,PB Condition
Voh 3.5V Ioh =-20mA
Vol 0.8V Iol =+20mA
Voh 4.3V Ioh = -5mA
Vol 0.6V Iol = +5mA
These parameters are for reference only.

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4. Output Current (Max.) (Vdd = 5V) :
Port A: Current
Source current 25mA
Sink current 25mA
These parameters are for reference only.

Port B: Current
Source current 25mA
Sink current 25mA
These parameters are for reference only.

5. The basic WDT time-out cycle time :

2.5V 24ms
3.0V 22ms
4.0V 19ms
5.0V 18ms
5.5V 17ms
These parameters are for reference only.

6. PORTA,PORTB pull high resisto :

Pull high resistor
PA0,1,2,4,5 50KΩ
PA3 340KΩ
PB0,1,2,3,4,5 50KΩ
These parameters are for reference only.

7. INRC Frequency :
@VDD=5V,25℃ 4M
@VDD=6V,25℃ 4.1M(2.5%)
@VDD=2.5V,25℃ 3.9M(2.5%)
@VDD=5V,0℃ 4.1M(2.5%)
@VDD=5V,40℃ 3.9M(2.5%)
@VDD=5V,80℃ 3.6M(10%)
These parameters are for reference only.

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