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Phase 3

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 Statement of your short and long term goals: how success is defined short term and long
o For our TLP, success will be students in special education classes using Boom cards
doing better on the Boom Cards than they previously did, and their teachers being
able to see progress where the kids are showing improvement.
 Roadmap or timeline for your project (i.e. for short and long term)
o On November 3, Jaiden will introduce Boom Cards into her classroom as well as talk
to her coworkers about implementing it in the classroom.
o As the week continues, Jaiden will see her student's scores and how well they are
doing, and we will find a way to help students learn what they are not understanding.
We will also be in contact with the other teachers about this.
o On November 16th, after the students have been using Boom Cards for a few weeks,
we will send out a survey to the parents of the special education students to get
feedback from multiple sides.
o All throughout the month, as well as November 30, we will see if the students are
showing improvement while using Boom Cards.
o Have this write up done November 30.
 The 5 lesson plans or training plans that demonstrate technological integration 
 To log on and see sets of Boom Cards mentioned in these Lesson Plans go to:
 Sign in as a student
 Username: ci100-549
 Password: 1234

Lesson Plan
Subject/ Course: Social Emotional Learning

Topic: Identifying Emotions

Lesson Title: How to identify someone’s emotion

Grade Level: K-5th

Lesson Students will be able to identify the emotion someone is feeling by looking
Objectives:  at their facial expression and body language.
Summary of Teacher will begin with telling the class that people feel all kinds of emotions.
Tasks/ Specifically focusing on tired, happy, sad, and angry. Teacher will then model
Actions: how these emotions have specific facial expressions and body languages that
go along with them. Teacher will have students act out these facial
expressions and body language with them. 
Teacher will go through different scenarios in which people could feel these
types of ways and have the students act out what facial expression and body
language is typical used while experiencing this emotion. Lastly, teacher will
share their screen and display the “Feelings Mixed” Boom Card set on Boom
Learning. Teacher will ask the students to say what emotion is being
displayed by the photo, if the student cannot communicate verbally, they will
be able to point to the correct emotion given the choices “Happy, sad, angry,
or tired”.

Materials/ Equipment: Tablet/Laptop/Computer/Some type of device that has internet access

References: -https://wow.boomlearning.com
-”Feelings Mixed” Boom Card set

Take There are various identifying/labeling emotion Boom Cards available on Boom
Home Learning. Teacher will identify which students need more practice with the lesson
Tasks: and assign students specific Boom Card sets that fit their needs when it comes to
the topic of this lesson.


Lesson Plan
Subject/ Mathematics

Topic:  Adding Vertically

Lesson Title: Adding Vertically with Pictures

Grade Level: SPED K-5, as students in special education can be at any stage of
Lesson At the end of this lesson, students will be able to add numbers up to 20
Objectives:  vertically using pictures to help them. 

Summary of The teacher will begin by reminding the class about learning how to add by
Tasks/ using pictures or manipulatives. They will then explain that there are other
Actions: ways to add, using numbers. The teacher will then show the “Addition to 20
Vertical with Visuals” Boom Cards (Linked below). The teacher will then ask
the students how many of the first item there is, and write their answer down.
They will do the same for the second group of items. The teacher will then
show the students how to add vertically, starting in the ones place and adding
that, then adding the tens place. The teacher will do the same with the next
slides, gradually lessening the amount of guidance the teacher gives for each

Materials/ Equipment: Tablet/Laptop/Computer/Some type of device that has internet access

References: https://wow.boomlearning.com/play/fhkXnzxig8HmEf4u8/ “Addition to 20

Vertical with Visuals” Boom Cards

Take https://wow.boomlearning.com/play/fhkXnzxig8HmEf4u8/ The teacher will have the

Home students work on the “Addition to 20 Vertical with Visuals” Boom Cards at home,
Tasks: and assign other Boom Card sets for the students to work on at home.

Lesson Plan
Subject/ Science

Topic:  Sorting by characteristics

Lesson Title: Sorting items by their characteristics

Grade Level: SPED K-5, as students in special education can be at any stage of

Lesson By the end of the lesson, students will be able to sort items using their size
Objectives:  and color to differentiate them.

Summary of The teacher will explain to the students that we can sort things we see by
Tasks/ what they look like, such as their size or shape or color. The teacher will then
Actions: share the Boom Card set “Sorting Fall Items by Color and Size” (linked below)
in order to have the students organize objects. The teacher will explain the
two categories, and ask about each object one by one, calling on students to
sort each object. The teacher will gradually lessen their explanation until they
pick up one object and call on a student, and they can say which category the
object belongs to.

Materials/ Equipment: Tablet/Laptop/Computer/Some type of device that has internet access

Reference https://wow.boomlearning.com/play/2jDdSsc4HhDaon2iP/?
s: teacherId=kmTuvYyjxr72JrTuS “Sorting Fall Items by Color and Size” Boom
Card set

Take Home If students are still struggling, assign them the Sorting Boom Card set so
Tasks: they can work on it at home.

Lesson Plan
Subject/ Course:  Spelling/ Sounding 

Topic: Spelling Simple CVC Spelling Simple CVC Words

Lesson Title: Spelling & Sounding out CVC Words

Grade Level: SPED K-5, as students in special education can be at any

stage of learning

Lesson By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the sounds of
Objectives:  simple CVC words and also how to correctly spell them. 

Summary of The teacher will first explain how to spell out a word. The first thing to do
Tasks/ would be have the students sound out each simple word, slowly. From there,
Actions: the teacher would show examples of words like “him”, “leg”, etc on the board
as well as sounding out each letter that is in the word. After the teacher
explains the basics of spelling and sounding, he/she would then direct each
student to their device with specific sets of Boom Cards. Once each student is
done with their set of Boom Cards, the teachers will look over their results and
see what the student needs help on in order to move forward. 

Materials/ Equipment: Tablet/ IPad/ Laptop or any device with internet access 

Reference https://wow.boomlearning.com/play/o7PvPj8bCgzB3SN5F/?
s: teacherId=kmTuvYyjxr72JrTuS
“CVC Words Mix and Fix”

Take Home Depending on what each child needs improvements on, the teacher will assign
Tasks: that student appropriate sets of Boom Cards for them to work on while at

Lesson Plan
Subject/ Reading 

Topic:  Reading Words and Sentences 

Lesson Title: Reading In Books

Grade Level: SPED K-5, as students in special education can be at any stage of

Lesson By the end of this lesson, students will be able to recognize different parts of
Objectives:  a story by fully reading and understanding words and phrases. 

Summary of To start off this lesson, the teacher will lead the class in a discussion to remind
Tasks/ them the different parts of reading thoroughly. This includes reading the titles,
Actions: sounding out words, and understanding what context clues are. Once this
review is over, each student will be assigned a set of Boom Cards, depending
on their level. These Boom Cards have different segments of stories and have
questions relating to what the student has read. The teacher will be able to
see how the student is responding to each set of reading questions, and
further assist them with what they need more help on.

Materials/ Equipment: Tablet/ IPad/ Laptop or any device with internet access 

Reference https://wow.boomlearning.com/play/Pkdivd4GEPpPHaWty/?
s: teacherId=kmTuvYyjxr72JrTuS
“Jack and the Beanstalk Fairy Tale Reading Comprehension”

Take Home Depending on what each child needs improvements on, the teacher will assign
Tasks: that student appropriate sets of Boom Cards for them to work on while at

 Rubric(s) to measure learning outcomes

1 - Beginning 2 - Learning 3 - Good 4 - Accomplished

Improving The student got The student got The student got The student got many
on learning more questions the same amount some questions more questions right
and showing wrong as the of questions right when when compared to the
growth first time they wrong as the compared to the first time they took
took the Boom first time they first time they the Boom Card
Card took the Boom took the Boom
Card Card

 Feedback from the users 

Parents Teachers Students

 We were able to  We were able to  Most of the students

interview parents of interview multiple that we assigned the
children who use teachers, and with boom cards too are
Boom Cards. Jaiden being a teacher young and/or not able
Specifically, these herself we got some to communicate very
children have feedback from her as well verbally.
moderate to severe well.  However, students are
Autism and are in 1st  Overall, teachers usually very happy
or 2nd grade. really love using and receptive to the
 Overall, parents were Boom Cards in their Boom Cards, even if
really happy with the classes, especially they aren’t able to tell
program and how easy with distance learning us with words how
it was to use for both this year they feel about them.
them and their child  Teachers like that fact  A few students that we
 They loved how that they are able to were able to talk with
interactive it was and search basically any were verbal and they
how it helped with topic on the Boom told us that they liked
their child’s Learning website and doing Boom Cards,
independence as some find a set of Boom except they didn’t like
were able to do the Cards that are already when they had to do
Boom Cards made and able to use. Boom Cards that
themselves  If they can’t find the involved typing
 Some parents said topic of Boom Cards because they don’t
their child asks to go they want, then they really know about to
on Boom Cards on the are able to make their type yet. 
weekends or not own individualized set
during school time themselves.
because they enjoy it  All teachers said that
so much the parents/students in
 The only downside their class really enjoy
that the parents stated the Boom Cards and
was having to wait for how accessible they
the teacher to assign are to everyone.
new sets of Boom  The only downside is
Cards for them to that you have to pay
work on, they were $15 if you want more
not able to go and find than 5 students in
new ones to do your classroom, but in
themselves unless they the long run it is
made a teacher really not that much
account money.

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