Unit 3 Worksheet
Unit 3 Worksheet
Unit 3 Worksheet
Activate –“Who are you? “: one student gets out of the classroom and
the rest decide that he/she is a famous person. When the student
returns, the classmates make sentences to make him/her guess who he
is (intermediate and above).
“Journalists”: students in groups make a newspaper page
and then present it. All final works are displayed in an exhibition on
the classroom walls (upper-intermediate and above)
Role-play (intermediate and above)
“What happens next in my story?” Teacher reads a story and
stops from time to time. Students have to continue from that point
with what they think happens in the story, read it to the class, and then
get the real episode from the teacher (advanced level)
If-chains: one student writes an if-clause on the board and
starting from this every student has to make an if-clause using the last
half of sentence the student before him made (upper intermediate and
Engage- teacher displays four blank posters and gives students markers.
Four students will write the four seasons, each on a separate poster.
Teacher asks one student at a time to draw a piece of clothing on a poster,
each named by the teacher.
Study- teacher presents his notes to the class, makes the necessary
correction and students take notes and do some controlled practice of the
Task 5 – How, what and when would you correct mistakes/errors made
during the following stages:
Activate stage –During this stage students become more confident and
more willing to use their knowledge. I would only make corrections at the
end of an activity in order not to make the students shy and hesitating.
My intervention would only be absolutely necessary if students didn’t
follow instructions, didn’t take part in activities or missed the goal of the
The[][ Jane is American and she is coming(t) from ^United States.^ You
know she(pr)?