Fall 2020 HNSC 3270 Syllabus Alraei

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Brooklyn College

Department of Health and Nutrition Sciences

HNSC 3270 Professional Development in Nutrition and Dietetics
Course Syllabus
Fall 2020

Class Time/Location: This is a fully online course. All course materials and discussions are
done on Blackboard. Materials will be posted every Wednesday morning.

Course Description:
An introduction to the profession of nutrition and dietetics which explores practice, leadership
and professionalism as well as career options. Students will become familiar with current
standards of practice, regulation and ethics in the field.

This course contributes to the following ACEND KRDN (knowledge Requirements):

 KRDN 2.2 Describe the governance of nutrition and dietetic practice such as the Scope
of N/D of Practice/Code of Ethics and describe interprofessional relationships in various
practice settings
 KRDN 2.8 Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of and expectations of a
professional in mentoring and precepting others
 KRDN 2. 7 Demonstrate identification with the nutrition and dietetics profession through
activities such as participation in professional organizations and defending position on
issues impacting the nutrition and dietetics profession
 KRDN 4.3 Describe the regulation system related to billing and coding, what services are
reimbursable by third party payers, and how reimbursement may be obtained

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• Explain the importance of leadership in the field of nutrition and dietetics
• Describe the scope of practice in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics
• Describe central policy issues impacting the field including reimbursement of services
• Initiate/develop a pre-professional portfolio

Course prerequisites:
HNSC Biology 1001, Biology 1002, HNSC 2210, HNSC 2300, HNSC 3230, HNSC3250

Raghda Alraei, DCN, MS, RD, CDN, CDE
Location: Room 4212 A Ingersoll Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 4:00 – 4:30 PM via Zoom (meeting ID: 9108563101) or
by appointment
Phone: (718) 951-5026 (department office)
Email: [email protected]

Required Text:
Payne-Palacio, J. & Canter, D. (2014). The Profession of Dietetics A Team Approach (5th ed.)
Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Additional materials will be posted on Blackboard.


Participation in Discussion Board 26%

Quizzes (2) 30% (15% each)
Ethics Assignment 14%
Pre-Professional Portfolio 30%
Total Grade 100%

98 - 100+ = A+ 85 - 89.4 = B+ 75 - 79.4 = C+ 65 - 69.4= D+

90 – 98 = A 80 - 84.4 = B 70 - 74.4 = C 60 - 64.4 = D 59.5 and less = F

All students are expected to participate in the weekly discussions on Blackboard. Each student
needs to answer the main discussion question, and responds or comments on other student posts.
Materials and discussion questions will be posted weekly on Wednesday morning, and will close
the following Wednesday; therefore, students have a week to respond to the weekly discussions.


There will be two online quizzes based on the materials covered or textbook reading. The
quizzes will include multiple choice or short answer questions. Students are expected to answer
the questions without looking at course materials.

Ethics Assignment

This assignment will include situations and ethical issues in professional practice. You will need
to answer the questions about the ethical issues using the Academy or Nutrition and Dietetics
Code of Ethics.

Pre-Professional Portfolio

Guidelines for completing the portfolio will be posted on Blackboard. You need to initiate and
develop a portfolio that portrays your progress and achievements related to the KRDNs
(competencies) for entry-level Dietitians established by the Accreditation Council in Nutrition and
Dietetics. The portfolio will include goals, resume, awards, honors, volunteer work and coursework that
represent completion of the knowledge requirements in the courses that you have completed: HNSC
2210, 2220/2221, 2222/2223 and 3210, 3250. The digital portfolio can be prepared on a website:

Tentative Course Schedule

Date Topic Readings

8/26/20 - Week 1 Introduction to Course
9/2/20 - Week 2 History of the Dietetics Profession Chapter 1
9/9/20 - Week 3 Career Paths in Nutrition and Chapter 2
9/16/20 – Week 4 Dietetics Education and Training Chapter 5
9/23/20 – Week 5 The Dietetic Internship Chapter 6
9/30/20 – Week 6 Credentialing: Dietetic Registration Chapter 7
10/7/20 – Week 7 Licensure and Certification Materials Will be posted
on Blackboard
10/14/20 Break
10/21/20 – Week 8 Membership in Professional Chapter 8
10/28/20 – Week 9 Quiz 1
11/4/20 - Week 10 Portfolio Development: Resume Chapter 4
11/11/20 – Week 11 A Team Approach: Responsibilities Chapter 3
in the Workplace

11/18/20 – Week 12 Reimbursement for Services: Coding Materials Will be posted

and Billing on Blackboard
11/25/20 Thanksgiving Break
12/2/20 – Week 13 Trends and Future Directions Chapter 9
12/9/20 – Week 14 Professional Practice Chapter 10
Pre- Professional Portfolio Due
12/16/20 Final Quiz

Academic Integrity Policy
The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and
plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism
and for avoiding both. The complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and the Brooklyn
College procedure for implementing that policy can be found at this site:
http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bc/policies. If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic
integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the
faculty member MUST report the violation.

Disability Policy
In order to receive disability-related academic accommodations students must first be registered
with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or
suspect they may have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the
Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell at (718) 951-5538. If you
have already registered with the Center for Student Disability Services, please provide your
professor with the course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with

Important Dates for Fall 2020

Wednesday, August 26 First day of Fall 2020 classes

Tuesday, September 1 Last day to add a course
Tuesday, September 29 Conversion Day – Classes follow a Monday Schedule
Wednesday, October 14 Conversion Day – Classes follow a Monday Schedule
Friday, November 6 Last day to withdraw from a course with a “W” grade
Wednesday, November 25 Conversion Day – Classes follow a Friday Schedule
Thursday, December 10 Reading Day
Friday, December 11 Reading Day
Monday, December 14 Final Examinations Begin
Sunday, December 20 Final Examinations End / End of Fall Semester

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