Risk and Return
Risk and Return
Risk and Return
Therefore, for risky assets any model we develop must take the following form:
Where RA is the req. return on an asset.
RRF is the expected return on risk free cash flows.
RP is an additional return premium for risk.
Value of $100 Invested at the End of 1925 in U.S. Large Stocks (S&P
500), Small Stocks, World Stocks, Corporate Bonds, and Treasury Bills
Table 11.1 Realized Returns, in Percent (%) for Small
Stocks, the S&P 500, Corporate Bonds, and Treasury Bills,
Year-End 1925–1935
Historical Risks and Returns of Stocks
Computing Historical Returns
Realized Returns
Individual Investment Realized Returns
The realized return from your investment in the stock from t to t+1 is:
This -0.2% can be broken down into the dividend yield and the capital gain
Divt 1 10.00
Dividend Yield 0.4919, or 49.19%
Pt 20.33
Pt 1 Pt 10.29 20.33
Capital GainYield 0.4939, or 49.39%
Pt 20.33
Year-to-Year Total Returns on Large Cap
Equities 1926-2008
Returns 0%
Large Company
Common Stocks
19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20
26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 01 06
Year-to-Year Total Returns on Corporate
Bonds 1928-2008
U.S. Long Term Corporate Bonds
Total 0%
19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20
26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 01 06
Year-to-Year Total Returns on TBills
U.S. Treasury Bills
Total 0%
19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20
26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 01 06
Historical Risks and Returns of Stocks
Computing Historical Returns
Individual Investment Realized Returns
For quarterly returns (or any four compounding periods that make up an
entire year) the annual realized return, Rannual, is found by compounding:
If you hold the stock beyond the date of the first dividend, then to
compute your return we must specify how you invest any dividends
you receive in the interim.
To focus on the returns of a single security, we assume that all
dividends are immediately reinvested and used to purchase additional
shares of the same stock or security.
Compounding Realized Returns
Suppose you purchased Health Management Associate’s
stock (HMA) on March 16, 2006 and held it for one
year, selling on March 15, 2007. What was your realized
Date Price Dividend
16-Mar-06 21.15
10-May-06 20.70 0.06
9-Aug-06 20.62 0.06
8-Nov-06 19.39 0.06
15-Feb-07 20.33
2-Mar-07 10.29 10.00
15-Mar-07 11.07
Compounding Realized Returns
Execute (cont’d):
The table below includes the realized return at each period.
R ( R1 R2 ... RT ) (Eq. 11.3)
Arithmetic and geometric average
g is the geometric average
Time-weighted average return
Geometric average: a better description of the long-run
historical performance.
Arithmetic average: a better estimate of an investment’s
expected return over a future horizon based on its past
View past returns as independent draws from the same
Arithmetic and geometric average
Which is larger? Normal distribution: GM=AM - σ2 /2
Mathmatically: Maclaurin series; Jensen Inequality
Economically: asymmetric effect of positive and negative
rates of returns
-20%, 20%: gain on a small base
20%, -20%: lose on a big base
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Upside is a risk?
Asymmetric returns: extreme values
Drawdown: DDi=max[(Dj – Di)/ Dj]; Max DD=Max(DDi)
Lower partial standard deviation: using only “bad” returns
(negative deviations from the risk-free rate), left-tail standard
Historical Risks and Returns of Stocks
The Normal Distribution
95% Prediction Interval
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Steady Corp Observations
Techie Corp Observations
Portfolio Observations
Correlation of Sample Returns
Techie vs. Steady
Scatter Diagram of Stock Returns
Coefficient = 0.31
-100.0% -50.0% 0.0% 50.0% 100.0%
Return of a Portfolio with Two
Rp xa Ra xb Rb
R p = Return of the Portfolio
xa = Weighting of Security a
xb = Weighting of Security b
Ra = Return of Security a
Rb = Return of Security b
In words, portfolio return is the weighted average of returns of
the components. This relation holds for more than two
R p xi Ri where xi 1
i i
Variance of a Portfolio of Two Securities
s p2 xa2s a2 2x a xb a ,b s a s b xb2s b2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Steady Corp Observations
Techie Corp Observations
Positive Correlations
Risk Reduction From Negative Correlation When
Combining Techie and Steady
Chart of Stock Returns
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Steady Corp Observations
Techie Corp Observations
Negative Correlation
Portfolio Return & Risk
Risk and Return for a Portfolio of Two stocks
Total risk is measured by standard deviation; therefore, UniCo’s stock has more
total risk.
Systematic risk is measured by beta. SysCo has a higher beta, and so has more
systematic risk.
Monthly Excess Returns for Apple Stock and for the S&P
500, January 2008-December 2012
Measuring Systematic Risk
Estimating Beta from Historical Returns
Apple’s stock for example (Figure):
The overall tendency is for Apple to have a high
return when the market is up and a low return when
the market is down
Apple tends to move in the same direction as the
market, but its movements are larger
The pattern suggests that Apple’s beta is greater than
Measuring Systematic Risk
In practice, we use linear regression to estimate the relation
The output is the best-fitting line that represents the historical
relation between the stock and the market
The slope of this line is our estimate of beta
Tells us how much the stock’s excess return changed for a 1%
change in the market’s excess return
Scatterplot of Monthly Returns for Apple versus the S&P
500, January 2008 through December 2012
Putting It All Together: The Capital
Asset Pricing Model
One of our goals in this chapter is to compute the cost of
equity capital
The best available expected return offered in the market on a
similar investment
To compute the cost of equity capital, we need to know the
relation between the stock’s risk and its expected return
Capital Asset Pricing Model
CAPM, centerpiece of modern financial economics
prediction of the relationship between the risk of an asset and
its expected return
simplifying assumptions that lead to a set of predictions
concerning equilibrium expected returns on risky assets
Later can add complexity to the hypothesized environment
There are many investors, each with wealth that is small compared
to the total. Investors are price-takers.
All investors plan for one identical holding period.
Investments are limited to a universe of publicly traded financial
Investors pay no taxes on returns and no transaction costs.
All investors are rational mean-variance optimizers, meaning that
they all use the Markowitz portfolio selection model.
Homogeneous expectations: given a set of security prices and the
risk-free interest rate, all investors use the same expected returns
and covariance matrix of security returns to generate the efficient
frontier and the unique optimal risky portfolio.
All investors will choose to hold a risky market portfolio (M) of
risky assets.
The market portfolio will be on the efficient frontier, and will be
the tangency portfolio to the optimal capital allocation line. All
investors hold M as their optimal risky portfolio, differing only in
the amount invested in it versus in the risk-free asset. The capital
market line (CML).
The risk premium on the market portfolio will be proportional to
its risk and the degree of risk aversion of the representative
the risk premium on individual securities is
E(ri) – rf =βi[E(rM) - rf];
Why Hold the Market Portfolio?
The same Markowitz analysis; the same universe of securities; the
same time horizon; the same input list (or, homogeneous expectations)
The same optimal risky portfolio. Equilibrium: price such that all
securities must be held by someone
If all investors hold an identical risky portfolio, this portfolio has to
be the market portfolio.
Risk Premium of the Market Portfolio
each individual investor chooses a proportion y, allocated to the
E(𝑟𝑀 )−𝑟𝑓
optimal portfolio M, such that y=
A𝜎 2 𝑀
Take average
GE’s contribution to the variance of the market portfolio
1 Exp Return = 12% .
0 1.0 Beta
Exp R A .04 1(.12 .04) 12%
The Security Market Line
1.2 Exp Return = 13.6% .
0 1.0 Beta
Exp R A .04 1.2(.12 .04) 13.6%
Average Betas for Stocks by Industry and the
Betas of a Selected Company in Each Industry
A Negative Beta Stock
Suppose the stock of Bankruptcy Auction Services, Inc. (BAS) has a negative
beta of -0.30. How does its expected return compare to the risk-free rate,
according to the CAPM? Does your result make sense?
A Negative Beta Stock
We can use the CAPM equation to compute the expected return of this
negative beta stock just like we would a positive beta stock. We don’t have the
risk-free rate or the market risk premium, but the problem doesn’t ask us for
the exact expected return, just whether or not it will be more or less than the
risk-free rate.
A Negative Beta Stock
Because the expected return of the market is higher than the risk-free rate, the
expected return of Bankruptcy Auction Services (BAS) will be below the risk-
free rate. As long as the market risk premium is positive (as long as people
demand a higher return for investing in the market than for a risk-free
investment), then the second term in CAPM will have to be negative if the beta
is negative.
A Negative Beta Stock
Execute (cont’d):
For example, if the risk-free rate is 4% and the market risk premium is 6%,
E[RBAS] = 4% - 0.30(6%) = 2.2%.
This result seems odd—why would investors be willing to accept a 2.2%
expected return on this stock when they can invest in a safe investment and
earn 4%?
The answer is that a savvy investor will not hold BAS alone; instead, the investor
will hold it in combination with other securities as part of a well-diversified
These other securities will tend to rise and fall with the market.
A Negative Beta Stock
Evaluate (cont’d):
But because BAS has a negative beta, its correlation with the market is negative,
which means that BAS tends to perform well when the rest of the market is
doing poorly.
Therefore, by holding BAS, an investor can reduce the overall market risk of the
portfolio. In a sense, BAS is “recession insurance” for a portfolio, and investors
will pay for this insurance by accepting a lower return.
CAPM and Opportunity Cost of Capital
Since all assets or projects are ultimately valued by the
secondary market, we can use CAPM to represent the
Opportunity Cost of Capital of a company or a project.
In this context the Opportunity Cost of Capital refers to the
required return for a project that has risk similar to the risk
represented by the Beta in the calculation.
This model meets our earlier criteria of being simple and
It is simple and usually gives sensible answers.
It distinguishes between diversifiable and non-diversifiable
For a risk free project we would use the risk free rate.
For a risky project we use the risk free rate + the required risk
premium from CAPM.
Estimating Cost Of Capital With CAPM
Risk Free Rate = 4.0% Expected Market Risk Premium 8.0%
Estimated equity beta = .73
Cost of (equity) capital= risk free rate + Beta x exp. market risk premium
Estimated equity beta = 1.19
Cost of (equity) capital= risk free rate + Beta x exp. market risk premium
Best Buy
Estimated equity beta = 1.54
Cost of (equity) capital= risk free rate + Beta x exp. market risk premium
p xi i where xi 1
i i
Some Cautions about Using CAPM
Use current Risk Free Rates
The model assumes there is some long run level of market
premium, therefore always use some “long-run” measure of
the market premium.
Betas can be looked up on the internet or purchased from
data providers.
Use the Beta that is most closely associated with the
cyclicality and risk components of the particular project
being considered, This may differ from the company’s Beta.
How Valid is CAPM
Evidence shows that CAPM is probably too simple, yet it
does a pretty good job empirically.
It does capture the two basic ideas of the rent for money, RRF ,
and the investors concern with market instead of diversifiable
Long-run average returns are significantly related to beta.
However beta is not a complete explanation.
Low beta stocks have earned higher rates of return than
predicted by the model.
So have small company stocks.
Overall a good rule of thumb