Observation Form - Teacher Maitha Lesson 2

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MCT/MST Lesson Observation Feedback Form Template

The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
(Kindly fill in conjunction with a completed copy of the supporting assessment rubric)

Course Code: EPC 3403

Maitha Ali Salem Saif Al Taqwa Kg

Trainee Name: School:

MCT/MST Name: Eileen O’Dwyer Date: 26/10/2020

NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A


Planning for Learning F D C B A

Comments: Lesson plans and PowerPoints were well prepared and she asked for feedback before
delivering the lesson to students.

Managing Learning F D C B A
Comments: Classroom management went well, she has a pleasant voice which I think the students
enjoyed listening to.

Implementing Learning F D C B A

Assessment F D C B A
Comments: I didn’t see the notes taken but she did say she took notes in her reflection of the lesson.

Reflection on Practice F D C B A

Action Plan:

Reporting Rubric, Practicum 3B

Semester 6 Achievement that Achievement that Achievement that Achievement that is Achievement that is Achievement that is
clearly does not meet narrowly fails to meet minimally meets the satisfactory meets the significantly above the outstanding relative to
requirements for requirements for course course requirements course and GPA course and GPA the course and GPA
course with normal with normal grading but may not meet the requirements requirements requirements
grading mode. mode. GPA requirement

Commitment to Has not grasped the Displays issues with Displays occasional Demonstrates consistent Always demonstrates Prioritizes the needs of
the Profession importance of attendance and issues with attendance attendance and consistent attendance the school and students
attendance and punctuality and punctuality punctuality and punctuality over required working
punctuality leading to hours
consistent absences
and/or lateness

Fails to demonstrate a Has difficulties preparing The classroom and The classroom and Classroom and lessons Consistently ensures that
willingness to plan and for lessons & being ready lessons are generally lessons are prepared & are well prepared & resources and the
prepare materials and on time prepared & ready for ready for each lesson ready for each lesson classroom environment
lessons each lesson are well prepared and

Does not participate in Rarely participates in Has participated in a Occasionally participates Participates in school Actively participates in
school activities and has school activities and few school activities in school activities activities outside the school activities outside
not developed displays some difficult and displays some outside the classroom classroom and builds the classroom and builds
relationships across the developing relationships difficult developing and builds a few positive positive relationships positive relationships
school, apart from the across the school relationships across the relationships within the within the school with a range of
MST school school stakeholders


Planning for Lesson plans lack detail Lesson plans lack detail Lesson plans have Lesson plans have Lesson plans have Lesson plans are well

Learning and may not include and may not include sufficient detail to sufficient detail to secure sufficient detail to secure detailed to secure
learning objectives and adequate learning generally secure effective delivery and satisfactory delivery and effective delivery and
assessments leading to objectives and effective delivery and include learning include testable learning include testable learning
unsatisfactory lesson assessments often include learning objectives and some objectives and objectives and a variety
delivery leading to unsatisfactory objectives and some assessments appropriate assessments of appropriate
lesson delivery assessments assessments and tasks

Produces lesson plans Has completed poor Has completed full Sometimes produces Often produces Consistently produces
which are quality lesson plans, lesson plans which are detailed lesson plans, outstanding detailed outstanding detailed
inconsistently where the detail is printed and available which are printed and lesson plans which are lesson plans which are
completed greatly lacking for MST/MCT upon available for MST/MCT available to MST/MCT available to MST/MCT
request upon request upon request

Lesson plans include a Some lesson plans Some lesson plans Sometimes produces Often produces lesson Lesson plans consistently
few activities which engage students and/or engage students and/or lesson plans which plans which engage engage students and
engage students and encourage active student encourage active engage students and students and encourage encourage maximum
most strategies are participation, with a student participation, encourage maximum maximum student student participation
teacher centred limited range of with a limited range of student participation participation with a level with a level of balance
strategies and materials. strategies and with a level of balance of balance and a range of and a range of learning
Some ideas are materials. and a range of learning learning strategies and strategies and materials
inappropriate. strategies and materials materials


Managing Has very little classroom Does not use classroom Attempts to use Uses appropriate Uses appropriate Uses appropriate
Learning management strategies management strategies classroom management classroom management classroom management classroom management
leading to an ineffective effectively or strategies but these do strategies which strategies to secure a strategies to consistently
and/ or unsafe learning consistently leading to not generally achieve a generally secure a safe safe and effective secure a safe and
environment an ineffective and/ or safe and/ or effective and effective learning learning environment effective learning
unsafe learning learning environment environment environment

Has not established Classroom routines and Has established some Establishes and manages Establishes and Classroom routines and
effective classroom transitions are classroom routines and classroom routines and consistently manages transitions are well

routines and transitions inconsistently transitions but some transitions, with minor classroom routines and established and
implemented effecting development is needed issues transitions differentiated
the classroom so as not to impact the
environment effectiveness of the


Implementing Does not demonstrate Is unable to use an Understands the need Demonstrates an Sometimes uses an Consistently uses an
Learning an ability to use question enquiry based approach to use an enquiry based understanding of using enquiry based approach enquiry based approach
types effectively and is within a lesson, but can approach within a an enquiry based with an effective range with an effective range
not able to demonstrate use a range of question lesson, but is limited in approach and how an of question types to of question types to
an understanding of an types to support & the range of question effective range of support & extend support & extend
enquiry based lesson extend student learning types used to support & question types support & student learning student learning
extend student learning extend student learning

There is no differentiated Activities and materials Activities and materials A few activities and Some activities and Activities and materials
activities or materials are differentiated to are differentiated to materials within the materials within the are consistently
support some students support student lesson are differentiated lesson are differentiated differentiated to support
in the class engagement and to support student to support student student engagement and
learning, but some engagement and engagement and learning, throughout the
student needs are not learning learning whole lesson

Does not have sufficient Has sufficient subject Usually has sufficient Has sufficient subject Has sufficient subject Has sufficient subject
subject knowledge to knowledge to deliver the subject knowledge to knowledge to knowledge to knowledge to
successfully deliver the lesson but there are gaps successfully deliver the successfully deliver the successfully deliver the successfully deliver the
required LOs and/or inaccuracies required LOs required LOs required LOs with required LOs with
confidence confidence and is able to
respond to queries with
spontaneity and
accuracy, perhaps

drawing links to real life
or across the curriculum

Students struggle to Sometimes grades Generally grades Grades language to Effectively grades Effectively grades
follow instructions &/or language to support language to support support student language to support language to support and
teaching due to student comprehension student comprehension comprehension of student comprehension extend student
ungraded (or inaccurate) of content and of content and content and instructions of content and comprehension of
language instructions instructions instructions, adapting to content and instructions,
individuals’ needs adapting to individuals’


Assessment No formative assessment Formative assessment Formative assessment Formative assessment Formative assessment Detailed formative
strategies are used in the strategies are sometimes strategies are used, but data is sometimes used data consistently to assessment strategies
lesson used in the lesson the data is not used to to inform planning inform planning are evident in all lesson
inform planning plans based on previous

There is no formative Keeps some limited Keeps some formative Keeps formative and/or Keeps formative and/or Keeps detailed
and/or summative and/or incomplete and/or summative summative assessment summative assessment formative and/or
assessment records formative and/or assessment records records records and is able to summative assessment
summative assessment make reference to the records and is able to
records data make reference to the


Reflection on Reflections are often Attempts to complete Completes reflections Completes reflections Completes detailed Regularly completes
Practice limited in thoughts and reflections which which consider which consider situations reflections which detailed reflections
perspective and are not consider situations from situations, from the perspective of a consider situations from which consider situations
submitted within the the perspective of other range of stakeholders the perspective of a from the perspective of a

required/requested stakeholders but these range of stakeholders range of stakeholders,
timeframe are shallow and do not with some reference to
lead to new insights theory

Does not reflect in a Reflects on relationships Reflects on Reflects on relationships Reflects on relationships Reflects on relationships
meaningful way on her with students as part of relationships with with students as part of with students as part of with students as part of
relationships with professional practice but students as part of professional practice professional practice and professional practice and
student these reflections are professional practice uses the insights to uses the insights to
generally not congruent but these reflections improve these develop a positive
with best practice are generally shallow relationships learning environment



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