Set 1 Questions
Set 1 Questions
Set 1 Questions
13. In the Doctor’s opinion, what happens to alcoholics when they drink?
14. What happens to you when you drink?
15. In the Doctor’s opinion, what happens to alcoholics when they don’t drink?
16. What happens to you when you don’t drink?
17. What is the doctor’s two part definition of alcoholism?
18. To alcoholics, their life seems the only _____ one.
19. What has to happen for there to be any hope for recovery? What do these words mean?
20. What does the Doctor say about the classification of alcoholics?
21. What one symptom do all alcoholics have in common?
22. What is the only relief from this symptom?
23. What is the general opinion about alcoholics among physicians?
24. What does the Doctor say is the solution in his two examples?
25. The Doctor’s opinion contains a simple one question test as to whether you’re alcoholic or not. Here’s the test - when
you have a drink (or fill in the blank) do you want another drink? Do you pass?
(END of set one questions.)