Assessment 1 - ECE3203
Assessment 1 - ECE3203
Assessment 1 - ECE3203
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v. 2015-02-16 1
TEMPLATE to be used for each literature sample in the Portfolio
Maitha alneyadi.
(eg. cover page)
Why is it appropriate
and interesting to 4-5- Why is it age appropriate?
year-old children? Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? Is a story that it fit with child from 3
years to 8 years old. Because each part of the story is match with the different age for
children from 3 to 5 they can look to the picture in the story and create imagination
story. For children from 6 to 8 they can look at the picture and read the story to
understand it.
Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? Is a story that had a rhythm sentences
which it gave the students complete with the teacher.
v. 2015-02-16 2
How does it support *Does it support the teaching of:
teaching and
learning? Language?
Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? Story it supports student by develop them
األسلوب االخالقية second language, students will learn the name of the animal and color by repeating.
(Identify the LO Social/cultural values?
where possible) Teacher can ask question and students can discuss with each other e.g. do we have a
purple cat on out real life? What do you think the color of the cats we have in our
life? Students will discuss with each other and they will develop them social skills.
Specific skills?
Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? Story teach a lot of skills such as reading
skills, listening skills and writing skills.
Concepts, ideas, knowledge (science, math, history, geography, …)
In math subjects students can learn from Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?
Story counting animals, in Science students learn the name of the animal and how
they look.
In Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? Story there is no ethics and morality
because it is a listing story with color picture and animal name.
Creativity, expression, communication
Creativity: the teacher will ask each group to think about the movement of one animal
and the sound that they do. Students will use critical thinking and collaborate to do
them task.
Expression: The Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? Story when teacher
reading the story for the children and ask the students to pretend like the animal
movement or the sound, that makes the students having fun.
Communication: students will go to each other to complete the tasks which it was
given on each group.
Psychology (emotions).
While teacher reading Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? Story to the
students, the students will yearn to know what they will look after that animal. The
students will show them feeling by activing with the story and act like the animals.
* Be sure to justify your statements
(Eg. “This book addresses cultural values in UAE society such as...”)
In English
Activities for Brown o Students will match the color word with the animal.
Bear Brown Bear o Students will learn colors and the name of the animal.
What Do You See?
v. 2015-02-16 3
the potential challenges involved in exploiting Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? The
story within UAE that some animal colors are not real, such as the blue hoarse and purple cat.
Potential challenges
involved in exploiting
this book with 4-5
year olds in UAE
هل هذه الكتاب مطابق الى
العادات و التقاليد؟
is there a purple cat
in UAE?
v. 2015-02-16 4
TEMPLATE to be used for each literature sample in the Portfolio
Maitha Alneyadi.
(eg. cover page)
Genre &
characteristics Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Is a fairy tale book and picture book
The reason why Goldilocks and the Three Bears book is a fairy tale is because it talks about
something not real and the story is about 3 bears that they were going out and goldilocks went
over the home and the problem was she broke the chairs.
Why is it appropriate
and interesting to 4-5- Why is it age appropriate?
year-old children?
Goldilocks and the Three Bears is a book that it fit students with grade 1 to 3 because it is a
picture book students will look to the picture and create scenario.
Appropriate language level?
Students can use this story book in a different language subjects for example in
Chinese language teacher can give the students the book and discus about what do
you think it happened in the story this way will develop the language.
What makes it interesting to 4-5 year olds?
From 4-5 years olds children can look to the picture and draw any picture that they
feel interesting to draw.
v. 2015-02-16 5
Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The moral of the story is that Goldilocks shouldn’t
enter any house before she asks for permeation for it.
Creativity, expression, communication
The teacher communicates with the children to know if they understand or not. The
teacher will engage the children’s attention to the story by asking them question give
chance to the students to collaborate and have a critical thinking in what does
Goldilocks will do now when she broke the chair.
Psychology (emotions).
While teacher reading the Goldilocks and the Three Bears story and use the
characters sound the students will feel interesting by they want to know what will
happen next.
* Be sure to justify your statements
(Eg. “This book addresses cultural values in UAE society such as...”)
The potential challenges involved in exploiting Goldilocks and the Three Bears story within
Potential challenges
UAE schools in early childhood, that children can’t understand some word “cottage” and they
involved in exploiting
don’t know what “porridge” is because the children know the word “porridge” as “soup” .
this book with 4-5
year olds in UAE
هل هذه الكتاب مطابق الى
العادات و التقاليد؟
is there a purple cat
in UAE?
v. 2015-02-16 6
TEMPLATE to be used for each literature sample in the Portfolio
Maitha alneyadi.
(eg. cover page)
Genre & The Crayon Box that Talked is a fiction book because it is written by the author.
Why is it appropriate
and interesting to 4-5- Why is it age appropriate?
year-old children? The Crayon Box that Talked is a book for the children because it’s an interesting and
realistic story for kids. The story is interesting for the children who are like a color
more than anything.
Appropriate language level?
The language is easy to remember the colors and also to read because it has rhythm
and repetition sentences.
What makes it interesting to 4-5 year olds?
The interesting part in the story for the children to enjoy why some colors not
interesting to be with the other colors.
v. 2015-02-16 7
There are some ethics and morality in The Crayon Box that Talked story book that the
crayon on the beginning there where not fairs and after that they solve it and they are
Creativity, expression, communication
The Crayon Box that Talked story book is a creativity, expression and communication
skills. When teacher reading the story for the children and have the students to say it
is fair or not fair.
Psychology (emotions).
While teacher read the story, the students will feel interesting to know why some color
they are not with each other.
* Be sure to justify your statements
(Eg. “This book addresses cultural values in UAE society such as...”)
Potential challenges The potential challenges involved in exploiting The Crayon Box that Talked the story within
involved in exploiting UAE schools that there are no colors talking. The teacher will ask the students is there yallow
this book with 4-5 crayon color talk?
year olds in UAE
هل هذه الكتاب مطابق الى
العادات و التقاليد؟
is there a purple cat
in UAE?
Derolf, S. (n.d., n.d. n.d.). 100 scholastic. Retrieved from scholastic:
v. 2015-02-16 8
TEMPLATE to be used for each literature sample in the Portfolio
Maitha Alneyadi.
(eg. cover page)
Why is it appropriate
and interesting to 4-5- Why is it age appropriate?
year-old children? The Ugly Duckling story is appropriate for students from pre-school which they are 4
years and above. This story is interesting story for the children because it is fun and
in the same time education and moral story for them.
Appropriate language level?
The language level of the Ugly duckling story is simple for early child and it is
appropriate language for the children from pre-school to 4 grades.
What makes it interesting to 4-5 year olds?
In the Ugly Duckling story it is interesting story for the child by looking at the picture
and understand the emotional feeling of the duckling also they can read words and
some sentences/
v. 2015-02-16 9
In The Ugly Duckling story there are a lot of skills such as the reading to develop
visual skills through reading the story. Students can develop their critical thinking
through looking to the cover of the story book and figure out what the story will be
Concepts, ideas, knowledge (science, math, history, geography, …)
Students in kg 2 in Math subjects students can learn from the Ugly Duckling story
counting forwards number sequence from 1 to 5 in both language Arabic and English.
The Ugly Duckling story addresses morality don’t make fun of people.
Creativity, expression, communication
The Ugly Duckling story has different feeling such as sad, happy, lonely feeling.
Children from 4 years they can’t read and can’t understand the story at less someone
read it for them they can figure out the emotion of the duckling form the picture.
Psychology (emotions).
The Ugly Duckling story has a lot of emotions which it touches the feeling of the
children which it is happy and student will feel curious to know what will happen next.
* Be sure to justify your statements
(Eg. “This book addresses cultural values in UAE society such as...”)
Potential challenges The potential challenges involved in exploiting The Ugly duckling story that to
involved in exploiting not judge someone on them look like.
this book with 4-5
year olds in UAE
هل هذه الكتاب مطابق الى
العادات و التقاليد؟
is there a purple cat
in UAE?
(Learning, 22)
Derolf, S. (n.d., n.d. n.d.). 100 scholastic. Retrieved from scholastic:
Learning, M. E. (22, march 2018). Literacy in Early Childhood Education. Retrieved from momentum
early learning:
v. 2015-02-16 10
v. 2015-02-16 11