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Test Taker Guide: All The Information You Need Before Taking A Test On The Platform

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All the information

you need before

taking a test on the
1. Before Taking Test
a) System Requirements
b) Browser Downloads & Updates
c) Browser Settings
d) Browser Cache Settings
2. Launching Test (Laptop/Desktop)
a) Launching on Chrome
b) Launching on Firefox
c) Steps to Launch
d) Launching Summary
e) Resuming Test
3. Instructions
4. Attempting the Test
5. Do’s & Don’ts
6. Mock Test Link
Before Taking The Test

• Before moving to launch a test, we need to prepare our device for the
system compatibility.
• For that, the device configurations and the required browser versions need
to be updated.
• To update the same, the processes are discussed in this section.
System Requirements Laptop/Desktop

• Platform test will be proctored

• Platform requires a minimum
upload bandwidth(speed) to Browser (Proctored
run online tests for webcam test)
proctored test at 512 kbps, can
be checked at Chrome
www.speedtest.net 86 and above
• You can attempt tests on any of
the alongside recommended Firefox
browsers 68 and above
System Requirements Mobile/Tablet

• Android : Web based (Chrome / FF) Mobile Instructions

proctoring on Android is supported,
Android version 8 and above, • If mobile data is being used, ensure
Browser version (Chrome - need 86 network reception is strong
and above, FF - need 68 and above) • Disable App notifications
If the exam gets stuck on the "Give camera • Disable video calling - WhatsApp,
/ mic permissions" page, please try from a skype etc.
different mobile phone. • Phone to be fully charged, candidate
to be near charging point
• iOS / iPAD : On iOS, the only • Your test might end immediately if
supported browser is Safari. Tests will you migrate away from the test
work on Safari 12 & above only. window.
Browser Downloads and Updates

• Platform webcam-based proctored test is

supported on the following browser versions in a
• Link to Download latest version of Google Chrome
• Link to Download latest version of Firefox
• Link to Update Chrome, open
chrome://settings/help from the browsing tab.
• The Chrome browser version could be viewed. If
not at par can be Updated and Relaunched.
Browser Settings

• Use the “allow once/always” pop-ups function from your browser

settings to allow test window to open
• Optionally, you may disable the pop-up blocker for the duration of Once you have the latest supported
the test. Here is how you can do it:
browser versions, you may easily start
• Google Chrome: Go to ‘chrome://settings/’ --> Click on 'Show the test. However, in a rare case, you
advanced settings'(at the end of the page). Under 'Privacy', click may face difficulty in starting the test,
on 'Content Settings' --> Under 'Pop-ups', select ‘Allow all sites to
show pop-ups’ --> Click on Done. due to the pop-up blocker setting of
your browser.
• For Mozilla Firefox on Windows: Go to ‘Tools’ --> Select ‘Options’ Here is what you can do to fix this
--> Click ‘Content’ tab and then uncheck ‘Block Pop-up windows’
check box.
• After performing the above steps, please restart the browser.
Browser Cache Settings

• Browser Cache Settings: It is always advisable to clear browser

cache/cookies before starting any platform tests.
• For most browsers, pressing “CTRL+SHIFT+DELETE” and selecting Clear
Cache (for Firefox and Chrome) helps you clear the cookies.

• In case you still face any issue in loading the test, shut down/restart the
system and then clear the cache again.
Launching The Test (Laptop/Desktop)

• You can access/launch test using the Link/URL shared with you through SMS.
• You simply need to paste this URL in the address bar of your browser and hit enter,
this will redirect you to the test page.
• Once you have reached the test page, a system check will run in the background to
check the system compatibility for the test
Launching on Chrome : Camera & Microphone

• Once your test is launched, you will

see a pop-up on the top-left hand
corner of your screen, you would be
required to allow Microphone and
Webcam permissions to platform’s
Launching on Chrome: Camera and Microphone

• In case you don’t see that, you can

always click on the Video Icon on
the top right-hand corner of your
screen and share the required
permissions as shown here
Launching on Firefox: Camera and Microphone

• Once your test is launched, you will

see a pop-up on the top-left hand
corner of your screen, you would
be required to allow Microphone
and Webcam permissions to
platform’s system.
Launching on Firefox: Camera and Microphone

• If the required permissions are

not provided to the platform,
the below screen reoccurs
Steps to Launch

Once you are done through these

steps (sharing camera and screen
sharing permissions either on
Chrome or Firefox), you are now
ready to start the test. Click on the
“Next” button on the screen as
shown below.
Steps to Launch Contd..

• Click on “terms & condition check box”

and then click on “Submit” to proceed
for the further steps
• Clicking on Start Mock Test, launches
test in a new Tab. Some older Browsers
disallow opening tabs. User will have to
manually allow these tabs to open
Steps to Launch Contd..

• Since this is a proctored test, you will need to

share your current image(capture using your
webcam). Your photo may be printed on the
certificate being issued to you
• Instead of image of ID Proof, capture your
own image again as shown here
Steps to Launch Contd..

• Your details are now submitted.

Administrator, can check your clicked
Photo and other registration fields before
allowing you to start your exam. If the
administrator feels that you need to
submit any of these details again, you will
be prompted to perform the above-
mentioned steps again.
Steps to Launch Contd..

• Once allowed, you will now be

redirected to “Section
instructions” page
• Please ensure you read all the
instructions before clicking on
the “Start Test” button
Launching Summary

You may log in 15 minutes

before the actual Login is for single use Capture a clear
Copy or click Paste it on the Give the required commencement of the exam. only and will be To launch the test, please picture of your
the link you recommended permissions to the test The late entry of up to 5 deactivated use your roll number. face. Your photo
have received browser - Google platform for the minutes after automatically after Roll number has been may be printed
on the SMS/ Chrome or camera and commencement time of the submitting the exam sent to you through on the
Email. Mozilla Firefox. microphone. exam will be permitted. Post or when scheduled SMS/E-mail certificate being
this time, login will be exam time is over. issued to you.
deactivated, and you may not
be able to attempt the exam.
Resuming Test: Connectivity Loss

• If candidate faces connection error, the timer is paused, and responses are saved
• Test will automatically resume from the same point once connection is restored
• Sit Back and Relax, until Connection is restored
Resuming Test: Connectivity Loss Contd..

• Once restored, you will be redirected to the

start page, with same roll number, log in to
Resume Test.
• Once you enter the registration details same
as the one entered before the start of the test,
you will have to wait for 7-8 mins to Resume
the Test.
• Don’t worry, your timer will be paused, you
will have your deserved time to complete the
Instructions Before Starting the Test

• It is strongly recommended that a student attempts the exam using a Desktop / Laptop /Tablet.
• Only in unavoidable cases should a student use a smartphone to attempt the exam.
• The desktop/laptop/tablet/smartphone must have good internet connectivity, a webcam and an updated
version of Google Chrome. The student may not be able to attempt the exam without these.
• Please use the same device to attempt the main test which you used while attempting the mock test.
• When you resume a test after a case of connectivity/shutdown error, please start the test as you did,
earlier, using
the same registration details.
• Please note video/audio recording of your exam may be done. Any deviations to instruction / wrong
conduct / unfair methods used during an exam may lead to your disqualification from the exam.
Instructions Before Starting the Test Contd..

• Please close all other tabs in your browser.

• Make sure your mobile data / Wi-Fi is on and is stable with a minimum concurrent speed of 512 kbps
internet speed throughout the exam.
• Do not refresh or close your page or use the back button on your browser [use of power/volume
buttons are to be avoided].
• If internet connectivity is lost for a few minutes, previous answers selected by you will be saved and the
test will automatically resume after internet connectivity is restored.
• Please ensure you do not have any downloads/ notification bar running in the background. To disable
notifications in browser Click Here
• Ensure that the test is attempted on the latest version of browsers - Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
Instructions During the Test

• No other person can enter the room while you are attempting the exam. However, for class one
and two students – a guardian may sit with the student to read the questions only.
• Please sit at a clean desk with no other item on it except your device.
• The room must be as quiet as possible without any background sound, including music or
television/radio etc.
• Use of phone during the exam is prohibited, except the phone, you are using for attempting the
• You may not leave the room during the exam for any reason.
• For SOF IMO/NSO/IGKO exams, you may use rough paper for calculation purposes only
• Use of calculators / similar devices is prohibited
General Instructions

• Each paper has 3/4 sections with all questions in a section having one mark each, while each question in
“Achievers” section has 2 marks (for classes 1 to 4) and 3 marks( for classes 5 to 12)

• Weightage will be given to time taken to complete the exam and submission of the same. In case of a tie
of marks, a student completing the exam in lesser time may be accorded higher rank.

• All questions are compulsory. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers

• The website on which the Services are hosted are being governed by the Terms of Services, more fully
available at https://platform.com/terms-of-services. The data of the users which comes to platform for
processing is handled in accordance with the Privacy Policy more fully available at
Attempting the Test

• Congratulations, you are now on your test window and can start attempting the test.
On your Screen you may see

• Time remaining for the test, displayed on the top right corner
of the test window.
• Next Question' tab on the bottom right corner of the test
window. You can navigate between questions by clicking on the
respective question number as well.
• “Section” switch drop-down on the top-left corner(in case you
have multiple sections in your test.
• 'Finish Test' tab on the top right corner of the test window.
• “Revisit” option to help you mark a question that can be
reviewed later before finishing the test.
• Overall status of the question, which are color-coded
• The Green color is for the question attempted
Orange for the questions to be reviewed
Grey for the questions not attempted.
Finish Test

• Once you are done attempting and

reviewing the questions, you can choose
to end your test by clicking the “finish
test” button. If the time allotted to your
test is finished, your test will be auto-
completed and submitted. Clicking on
the finished test shows you the summary
of your test.
• Click on “Yes, Finish Test” button, your
test will be submitted. Please wait on the
test screen while your test is being
Do’s & Don’ts

• Hold the phone upright as shown here, if

Test is being taken on Mobile Phones all
through the exam to ensure your face
• Covering of camera lens is not permitted.
• Recommended use of Android version &
Browsers, keep mobile charged fully
during the test, Airplane mode Off but
Wifi On
• Please ensure integrity of the exam is
maintained. Any questionable practice
employed during the exam may lead to
cancellation of the exam.
• If you come across the “i” icon in the test
page, place the cursor on the “i” icon,
further references/instructions will be

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