Analysis of Production Lines Bottlenecks PDF
Analysis of Production Lines Bottlenecks PDF
Analysis of Production Lines Bottlenecks PDF
competitive advantage. It has an influence on company's costs and ecological issues
(Kolinski, 2017, pp. 161-177).
Taking the occurrence of bottlenecks into account, production management may
. 16-17):
- management in a situation with no bottlenecks in the production process,
- management in a situation with one bottleneck in the production process,
- management in a situation with many bottlenecks in the production process,
The absence of bottlenecks in the production process means that the production
productivity is enough to achieve forecast sales. If one bottleneck occurs, it needs to
be determined whether there is only one production process or whether alternative
production processes are possible. Contribution margin analysis for individual
combinations of products and processes is a useful tool in this case. If it turns out that
there are several parallel bottlenecks in the production process, the decision becomes
more complex. In such an event, solutions to these problems should be seeked with
the use of linear programming methods.
removal of the constraint which prevents its achievement. Efforts should therefore be
focused on the constraint, defined as every factor which prevents the system from
achieving better results, such as profit.
TOC defines a set of tools which may be used to control and manage constraints
and, consequently, increase profit. One of the basic tools is the five focusing steps
method. Its essence lies in continuous perfection of the system. In relation to the fact
that TOC sees a production system as a chain whose strength depends on the strength
of its weakest link, the method assumes focusing attention on the point where
maximum effect may be achieved, namely on the system's constraint.
As part of step 1 (identify), the constraint must be identified. In a production
company, there is always at least one resource that will constrain maximum
productivity. Inside the company, there may be one or more work stations forming a
constraint (the so-called critical resource). Identification of a bottleneck in a
production process is not a difficult task as early as at the stage of planning
(balancing of loads) it is possible to indicate positions with the highest load (close to
100% or above it), which may represent a constraint. Identifying a constraint marks
the start of actions aiming at improving the situation.
As part of step 2 (exploit), a decision on how to exploit the constraint must be
made. Everything that causes the waste of time of this resource's work, i.e. disrupts
the continuity of its work, should be eliminated. At this stage, streamlining the work
of the critical resource is of organisational nature, e.g. adapting emp loyees' breaks so
that they do not cause a break in the constraint's work, without incurring any extra
costs. An important rule should be taken into account: an hour lost in a bottleneck is
an hour lost in the entire system.
Step 3 (subordinate) concerns subjecting all decisions to work and the
constraint's productive. It should be borne in mind that effectiveness of the production
process depends on undisturbed work of the bottleneck. It results in the planning of
all activities ensuring the continuity of the constraint's work. All the resources should
therefore work according to the rhythm of the critical resource, while their production
volume should not be higher than the constraint which limits throughput.
Step 4 (elevate) focuses on improving the bottleneck's work productivity, as it is
the only activity which influences the growth of productivity of the entire production
process. There is a number of ways to achieve this goal: purchase of additional
resources performing operations which form a constraint; change of technology,
which will result in lowering the load of the critical resource; outsourcing. The step
usually forces an organisation to incur additional costs.
As part of step 5 ("go back to step one"), which is the last step, an analysis if the
constraint has been eliminated is carried out. If it has, step 1 should be taken again to
identify a new constraint. The purpose of the last step is to continually strive to
-96; Woeppel, 2009, pp. 14-20). The
five focusing steps method will be applied in practice in sections 4-7 of the article.
Wielkopolski, which has been closed. Study results are based on data from this
The analysed production line LP01 consists of 12 work stations. Due to the fact
that the line is dedicated to the manufacture of one product type (product A), in the
production process a part of employees performs more than one operation. The layout
of LP01 is therefore U-shaped.
In the analysed production company, operational data are defined as follows:
- ta nominally available working time during one shift (480 min.),
- tc cycle time, i.e. time of performing one operation for one item,
- ts set-up time, i.e. time spent on preparing the station before starting work and on
cleaning it up after ending work,
- tu machine's unproductive time, providing for production downtimes (such as
planned breaks, failures etc.)
The analysed production line manufactures product A during each of the three
shifts in the form of mass production. Table 1 presents operational data concerning
time for individual work stations.
tu [min] 35
tc [min] 6
ST2 ts [min] 50
tu [min] 40
tc [min] 3
OP03 ST1 ts [min] 10
tu [min] 20
tc [min] 5
ST1 ts [min] 15
tu [min] 10
tc [min] 3
ST2 ts [min] 30
tu [min] 20
tc [min] 2
OP05 ST1 ts [min] 15
tu [min] 22
tc [min] 1
OP06 ST1 ts [min] 7
tu [min] 40
tc [min] 2
OP07 ST1 ts [min] 14
tu [min] 32
tc [min] 3
OP08 ST1 ts [min] 20
tu [min] 15
tc [min] 3
OP09 ST1 ts [min] 15
tu [min] 40
tc [min] 2
OP10 ST1 ts [min] 15
tu [min] 15
tc [min] 1
OP11 ST1 ts [min] 10
tu [min] 10
tc [min] 2
OP12 ST1 ts [min] 2
tu [min] 0
Source: materials obtained from the company
Operations OP02 and OP04 re performed on two work stations. The productivity
of these two operations should therefore be determined as a sum of productivity of
individual work stations. Other operations as part of LP01 are performed by single
work stations, which is why the productivity of these work stations is at the same time
the productivity of particular operations.
The first step in analysing the bottlenecks of LP01 is to determine the
productivity of particular operations. In the case of the first operation (OP01), there is
one work station performing it. To determine the productivity of operation OP01,
productivity of the work station should be calculated with the use of the following
formula (description of parameters bullets at the beginning of the section):
In the case of operation OP02, we have two work stations, thus to determine the
productivity of OP02, productivity of these two work stations should be summed up:
Analysing the productivity of individual operations and bearing in mind the basic
assumption of the theory of constraints which states that the productivity of the entire
production process is equal to the productivity of the weakest link, it should be stated
that the productivity of production line LP01 is 142 pieces during one shift. Thus, it
is reasonable for all of the operations to work in accordance with the bottleneck's
productivity. As a result, most of the work stations will not have maximum load.
The degree of using particular operations is determined by the quotient of
productivity of the whole production line (142 pieces) against the productivity of
individual operations. For OP01, usage indicator is:
For the remaining stations, the indicator is calculated in a similar way. Table 3
presents the degree of using individual work stations in production line LP01.
The first step of analysing bottlenecks for this type of a production line consists
in checking if the production line is capable of executing all of the orders in full. Cycle
time for individual operations should therefore be multiplied by the volume of orders
for particular products. Assuming 3-shift production (8h x 3 x 60 min = 1440 min), it
should be checked if all of the operations are able to deliver production in accordance
with available time.
Daily OP01 usage time is:
For the remaining stations, the indicator is calculated in a similar way. Table 5
presents summary results for the identification of bottlenecks in production line LP02.
Table 5 allows concluding that operation OP04 exceeds available time (1440
min) on one working day. It means it is not capable of manufacturing products
meeting daily demand for individual products. Thus, the next step of analysing
bottlenecks will consist in reducing the number of manufactured products in order to
make maximum use of the weakest link. To this end, relative contribution margin
must be determined:
more cost-efficient the production of the particular product. The relative contribution
margin (RCM) indicator for B1 is:
For the remaining products, the indicator is calculated in a similar way. Table 6
presents the RCM indicator for individual products.
Taking the specific nature of production line LP01 into account, first of all work
stations should be evenly loaded (for an operation performed by more tha n one work
station), providing for the degree of operation usage. Only two operations from
production line LP01 were performed by more than one work station. They were:
- OP02,
- OP04.
Table 3 allows concluding that production capacities of OP02 are used in over
95%, whereas in the case of OP04 it is hardly 60%. It should be borne in mind,
however, that the productivity of operation OP02 (148 pcs/shift) is close to the
productivity of the bottleneck (142 pcs/shift), which makes it more probable that the
operation may in the near future become a potential constraint. Table 7 presents a
suggestion of even load put on both work stations performing operation OP02.
Table 7. Suggestion of even load put on both work stations performing operation
related to Manufactured Degree of
production quantity station usage
ST1 80 96.39%
ST2 62 95.38%
Source: own study
Table 8. Suggestion of even load put on both work stations performing operation
related to Manufactured Degree of
production quantity station usage
ST1 55 60.44%
ST2 87 60.70%
Source: own study
The degree to which both work stations performing operation OP04 are used
may be considered insufficient. Accepting an assumption that production for stock is
not cost-effective, the only way to improve the situation is to reduce the usage of work
stations to one machine. In should be borne in mind, however, that in this specific
case using station ST2 to produce 142 pieces will result in a nearly maximum
(142/143=98.84%) usage of this work station's production capacity. It may create a
risk of forming another bottleneck in production line LP01.
In the case of other operations, which are performed by one wo rk station, the
only suggested improvement was to take additional orders for performing this
operation in collaboration with partners in the supply chain. In the case of operation
OP12, i.e. product quality control, one may suggest to allocate the remaining time of
employees (unused in accordance with product A controlling scheme) to other
activities aiming at streamlining production in production line LP01 (e.g. by the
monitoring and control of machines manufacturing product A).
Analysis of the data above allows brings us to a conclusion that the situation
related to production will change only in the case of OP04. The use of working time
of other operations against the situation preceding the improvements has not changed
(the results have remained the same as in Table 5). Table 10 shows a suggested
situation related to production following the introduction of improvements.
fully execute orders dropped to 20 minutes (formerly it was 90 minutes). It allows us
to conclude that we will be able to manufacture more products, which will result in
higher revenues.
According to the theory of constraints, a step aiming at determining relative
contribution margin should be repeated. In the case of products B2, B3 and B4, it will
be the same as before (Table 6). In the case of product B1, the relative contribution
margin indicator is:
Table 11 present current values of the RCM indicator after the improvements.
Table 12. Comparison of revenues before and after improvements of production line
Product Product Product Product
B1 B2 B3 B4 Total
Before the
7000 22000 9000 6150 44150
After the improvement 7000 22000 9000 7200 45200
Source: own study
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