Final Draft Pren 13636: European Standard Norme Européenne Europäische Norm

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ICS 23.020.10; 77.060

English version

Cathodic protection of buried metallic tanks and related piping

Protection cathodique des réservoirs métalliques enterrés Kathodischer Korrosionsschutz von unterirdischen
et conduites associées metallenen Tankanlagen und zugehörigen Rohrleitungen

This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for formal vote. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2003 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 13636:2003 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
prEN 13636:2003 (E)

Contents Page

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1 Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative references............................................................................................................................ 5
3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................... 6
4 Criteria for cathodic protection ........................................................................................................... 7
5 Prerequisites for the application of cathodic protection .................................................................. 8
5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Electrical continuity .............................................................................................................................. 8
5.3 Electrical separation ............................................................................................................................. 8
5.4 External coating .................................................................................................................................... 8
6 Base data for design ............................................................................................................................. 9
6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Neighbouring structures ...................................................................................................................... 9
6.3 Soil environment ................................................................................................................................... 9
6.4 Tank and piping data .......................................................................................................................... 10
6.4.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.4.2 Stored medium .................................................................................................................................... 10
7 Design and prerequisites ................................................................................................................... 10
7.1 Structure materials.............................................................................................................................. 10
7.2 Electrical separation ........................................................................................................................... 11
7.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 11
7.2.2 Isolating devices ................................................................................................................................. 11
7.2.3 Temporary connections ..................................................................................................................... 11
7.2.4 Permanently connected electrical equipment.................................................................................. 11
7.3 Explosion hazard prevention ............................................................................................................. 12
7.3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 12
7.3.2 Electrical equipment installation ....................................................................................................... 12
7.3.3 Isolating joints ..................................................................................................................................... 12
7.4 Other equipment.................................................................................................................................. 13
7.4.1 Test stations ........................................................................................................................................ 13
7.4.2 Coupons............................................................................................................................................... 14
7.4.3 Mechanical connections including flanges...................................................................................... 14
7.4.4 Sleeve pipe........................................................................................................................................... 14
7.4.5 Wall entries .......................................................................................................................................... 14
7.4.6 Drainage station .................................................................................................................................. 14
7.4.7 Local earthing systems ...................................................................................................................... 14
7.5 Galvanic anode systems .................................................................................................................... 14
7.5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 14
7.5.2 Materials............................................................................................................................................... 15
7.5.3 Location ............................................................................................................................................... 15
7.5.4 Connection of anodes to the structure ............................................................................................. 15
7.6 Impressed current systems ............................................................................................................... 15
7.6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 15
7.6.2 Components ........................................................................................................................................ 15
7.7 Cables................................................................................................................................................... 16
7.8 Interference.......................................................................................................................................... 17
8 Installation of cathodic protection systems..................................................................................... 17
8.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 17

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

8.2 Installation of cables........................................................................................................................... 18

8.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 18
8.2.2 Cable connections to structures ....................................................................................................... 19
8.3 Installation of structures to be protected ......................................................................................... 19
8.3.1 Buried structures ................................................................................................................................ 19
8.3.2 Above-ground structures ................................................................................................................... 19
8.3.3 Isolating joints ..................................................................................................................................... 19
8.4 Anodes ................................................................................................................................................. 20
8.4.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 20
8.4.2 Galvanic anodes.................................................................................................................................. 20
8.4.3 Impressed current anodes ................................................................................................................. 20
8.5 Impressed current stations ................................................................................................................ 21
8.5.1 Location ............................................................................................................................................... 21
8.5.2 Electrical installation .......................................................................................................................... 21
8.6 Test stations, measuring points and coupons ................................................................................ 21
8.7 Bondings and drainage stations ....................................................................................................... 21
8.8 Labelling............................................................................................................................................... 21
8.9 Installation checks .............................................................................................................................. 22
8.10 As-built documentation ...................................................................................................................... 22
9 Commissioning ................................................................................................................................... 22
9.1 Preliminary checking .......................................................................................................................... 22
9.2 Start-up................................................................................................................................................. 23
9.3 Verification of the cathodic protection effectiveness ..................................................................... 23
9.4 Determination of relevant measuring points.................................................................................... 23
9.5 Commissioning documents ............................................................................................................... 24
10 Inspection and maintenance.............................................................................................................. 24
10.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 24
10.2 Inspection ............................................................................................................................................ 24
10.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 24
10.2.2 Functional checks of Equipment....................................................................................................... 25
10.2.3 Structure measurements.................................................................................................................... 25
10.2.4 Inspection intervals............................................................................................................................. 25
10.2.5 Inspection Report................................................................................................................................ 27
10.3 Maintenance......................................................................................................................................... 27
10.3.1 Cathodic protection equipment ......................................................................................................... 27
10.3.2 Instrumentation ................................................................................................................................... 27
Annex A (informative) Tank and associated piping with cathodic protection ........................................... 28
A.1 Isolation of electrical equipment ....................................................................................................... 29
A.2 Electrical equipment of protection class II or III (double isolation) ............................................... 30
A.3 Fault current breaker with local earthing system ............................................................................ 31
A.4 Isolating transformer .......................................................................................................................... 32
A.5 Example with d.c. decoupling unit .................................................................................................... 33
Annex B (informative) Groundbed data.......................................................................................................... 34
B.1 General considerations ...................................................................................................................... 34
B.2 Type of groundbed.............................................................................................................................. 34
B.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 34
B.2.2 Remote located groundbeds.............................................................................................................. 34
B.2.3 Close located groundbed ................................................................................................................... 34
B.3 Anodes types....................................................................................................................................... 35
B.3.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 35
B.3.2 High silicon chromium cast iron anodes.......................................................................................... 35
B.3.3 Mixed-metal oxide anodes (DSA anodes)......................................................................................... 35
Annex C (informative) Extract of pr EN 50162 ............................................................................................... 37
Annex D (informative) Determination of inspection interval ........................................................................ 38
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 41

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

This document (prEN13636:2003) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC219 “Cathodic
Protection”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.

Annexes A, B, C and D are informative.

The following countries have participated in the drafting process:

 Austria
 Belgium
 Czech Republic
 France, Convenor and Secretariat
 Germany
 Italy
 Netherlands
 Spain
 Sweden
 Switzerland
 United Kingdom
The work of CEN TC 219/WG1 concerning cathodic protection against corrosion of buried or
immersed metallic structures, the standard EN 12954 is the basic document giving general principles
applicable to the protection of all types of such structures.

The present standard, which deals with buried metallic tanks and associated piping takes into account
the specific features of buried tanks in terms of construction, electrical equipment and safety

This standard only covers the technical aspects of corrosion protection of tanks and associated
piping. The application of cathodic protection depends on national requirements and the factors
outlined in EN 12954:2001, clause 5.

In the case of existing structures the standard should be applied as far as possible. If there are
restrictions given by the existing construction, these have to be taken in account for the design.

Cathodic protection is a technique based on the application of electrochemical principles and covers a
wide variety of materials and equipment together with a variety of measurement techniques. In order
to achieve effective and efficient cathodic protection, the design, installation, commissioning,
inspection and maintenance should be performed by adequately trained, experienced, competent and
reliable personnel.

This standard aims to ensure effective cathodic protection and is therefore directed primarily to the
above personnel.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the principles for the implementation of a system of cathodic
protection against corrosive attacks on buried metal tanks and associated piping.

This standard indicates conditions and parameters that should be met to achieve cathodic protection
as well as rules and procedures that should be followed for design, installation, commissioning and
maintenance for the protection of buried metal tanks and associated piping.

This standard is applicable to the external surfaces of buried metallic tanks and associated buried

NOTE The protection of internal surfaces is the subject of EN 12499.

This standard is applicable to buried tanks and associated piping which are separated from any
general earthing systems and other buried structures.

Therefore tanks which are covered by the present standard include:

 industrial storage tanks, irrespective of their dimensions and the nature of the stored medium
(liquid or gas, flammable or not, toxic or non-toxic, polluting or not);

 tanks used at petrol stations and on domestic or commercial premises, which contain flammable
liquids or gases or polluting substances.

This standard is not applicable to:

 above-ground storage tank floors in contact with the ground;

 reinforced concrete containers;

 buried storage tanks that are electrically connected to the whole or a part of an industrial

 buried storage tanks electrically connected to any general earthing systems.

NOTE Cathodic protection of the last two types of tanks is subject of prEN 14505 (Cathodic Protection of
complex structure).

Measurement techniques are described in detail in prEN 13509.

2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other
publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the
publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any
of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or
revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including

EN 12 954:2001 Cathodic protection of buried or immersed metallic structures

- General principles and application for pipelines

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

prEN 14505 2002 Cathodic protection of complex structures

EN ISO 8044:1999 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Basic terms and definitions
(ISO 8044:1999)

EN 50014 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres -

General requirements

EN 50020 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres -

Intrinsic safety "i"

EN 50018 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres -

Flameproof enclosures "d"
EN 50017 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres -
Powder filling "q"
EN 50016 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres -
Pressurized apparatus "p"
EN 50019 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres -
Increased safety 'e'
EN 50028 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres;
encapsulation m
EN 50039 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres.
Intrinsic safety "i" Systems

prEN 50-162 Protection against corrosion by stray current from DC


EN 60742 Isolating transformers and safety isolating transformers -

Requirements (IEC 60742:1983 + A1:1992, modified)

EN 61140 Protection against electric shock - Common aspects for

installation and equipment (IEC 61140:2001)

EN 60079-10 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 10:

Classification of hazardous areas (IEC 60079-10:1995)

IEC 60587 Test methods for evaluating resistance to tracking and

erosion of electrical insulating materials used under severe
ambient conditions

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions given in EN 12954:2001 and
EN ISO 8044:1999 apply.

hazardous area
area in which local or process conditions can cause the atmosphere to become explosive(classified
as zones 0, 1 or 2 as per EN 60079-10 for gas atmospheres)

electrical connection (electrically connected)
means that current can flow via electrons between two different metallic structures

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

e.g. welding

Structure 1 Structure 2

metallic bond or cable

Structure 1 Structure 2

electrical separation (electrically separated)
means that current cannot flow via electrons between two different metallic structures

Structure 1 Structure 2

Structure 1 Structure 2

Isolating material

associated Piping
all metallic process piping that is electrically connected to a buried tank and can be protected by the
cathodic protection system of the tank

local earthing system
local earthing system for the structure under consideration which is electrically separated from any
other general earthing

conductive or non conductive structure or object, which modifies the protection current distribution on a
structure to be protected

4 Criteria for cathodic protection

The metal to electrolyte potential at which the corrosion rate is < 0,01 mm per year is the protection
potential, Ep. This corrosion rate is sufficiently low so that during the design life time corrosion
damage cannot occur. The criterion for cathodic protection is therefore:

E ≤ Ep

For carbon steel in soils with resistivities of ρ < 100 Ωm and in the absence of sulphate reducing
bacteria, the protection potential versus a Cu/CuSO4 saturated reference electrode, Ep,, is -0.85 V.
Special measures (see EN 12954:2001 Table 1) shall be taken for steel with higher yield strengths to
avoid hydrogen-induced cracking.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

Full details of the principle and criteria of cathodic protection are given in EN 12954:2001, clause 4.

NOTE On well insulated tanks where the potential criterion is difficult to verify, the effectiveness of cathodic
protection may be checked by measurement via a coupon (see 7.4.2).

5 Prerequisites for the application of cathodic protection

5.1 General

The design of cathodic protection for tank systems depends on the location and the extent of the
structure, the kind of embedding material, the soil resistivity, the coating (type, coating resistance etc.)
and also on general safety requirements.

The different elements of the structure to be cathodically protected need to be separated from each
other. The separation distance will depend on the diameter, the length and above all the average
coating resistance of the tanks. It depends also on the location (close or remote) of the groundbed in
relation to the structure. As a minimum for well-coated tanks this distance should be 0,40 m between

The protected structure needs to be also sufficiently remote from any other buried structure so that
these foreign structures do not act as a shield for the structure to be cathodically protected and do not
suffer from interference effects. For well coated tanks, the distance between protected and foreign
structures should be as a minimum 1,0 m.

Where the tanks being protected are enclosed within steel reinforced concrete retaining walls, special
attention shall be given to avoid:

 detrimental effects of CP currents upon the rebar;

 metallic contact between the steel reinforcement and the tank, because this contact would reduce
the current entering the tank.

For applying cathodic protection the prerequisites given in 5.2 to 5.4 need to be met.

5.2 Electrical continuity

The structure, or a section of the whole structure, to be protected must be electrically continuous. The
continuity needs to achieve a low longitudinal resistance and the components which may increase the
longitudinal resistance of the structure must be short-circuited, e.g. by using cables with a suitable
cross section area as recommended in 7.7.

It is recommended that bonds are capable of being disconnected for measuring purposes.

5.3 Electrical separation

Tanks to be protected shall have no metallic contact with parts of structures which are not to be
protected, with earthed structures (e.g. reinforcing steel) or with general earthing system even made
of galvanised steel.

If earthing is necessary for safety reasons (e.g. for electrical equipment, lightning and explosion
protection) special measures need to be taken (see 7.2.3, 7.2.4 and 7.4.7).

5.4 External coating

The structures to be protected should normally be provided with a suitable external coating.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

NOTE This coating should provide sufficient corrosion protection, be compatible with cathodic protection
and be resistant to the stored fluid.

A good external coating reduces protection current demand, improves current distribution and
reduces interference to other foreign structures.

On structures which are bare or poorly coated, e.g. existing tank, cathodic protection needs to be
applied with care to avoid electrical interference.

6 Base data for design

6.1 General

The design of effective cathodic protection systems is highly dependent upon correct information
concerning the proposed structure to be protected.

Structure details, local soil conditions, service conditions and the chosen design lifetime for the
cathodic protection system need to be known to establish the correct method of protection and the
correct materials to achieve and sustain effective cathodic protection.

6.2 Neighbouring structures

Details of neighbouring buried structures should be obtained. Such information should include as a
minimum :

 location (e.g. maps, detailed site layout);

 principle dimensions and characteristics;

 coating details, type and location of any earthing system;

 type and location of isolating devices;

 details of foreign cathodic protection systems and/or other possible sources of stray current.

The use of such information can help to prevent adverse effects on the structure and on neighbouring

6.3 Soil environment

Environmental conditions can have a major impact on the application of cathodic protection and
therefore need to be fully considered during the design phase.

For widely dispersed structures, differences in environmental conditions should be taken into account.
These may include:

 soil resistivities at suitable depths and locations;

 presence of stray currents;

 probability of sulphate reducing bacteria activity;

 ground water level.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

6.4 Tank and piping data

6.4.1 General

For the design of the cathodic protection of tanks and associated piping the following information
should be available:

 location of the structure;

 structure materials and dimensions including surface area;

 tank design (number of manholes, pits, etc.);

 coating characteristics;

 bedding details (method and materials);

 earthing systems;

 stored medium;

 location and details of isolating devices;

 location and details of sleeve pipes;

 location and details of wall entries;

 electrical equipment connected to the structures;

 hazardous area classification;

 existence of paved ground surface.

For existing tanks the design may be based on the above information in conjunction with information
gathered in field tests.

6.4.2 Stored medium

The physical and chemical characteristics of the medium in the tank and piping should be taken into
account for the design and the selection of materials of the cathodic protection system.

Isolating joints used in the piping shall be selected with due consideration for the stored medium
(corrosivity, conductivity, pressure, temperature etc.; see EN 12954:2001, 7.2).

7 Design and prerequisites

7.1 Structure materials

The structure material will determine the protection potential Ep required (see EN 12954:2001, 4.2).

If parts of the structure are made of different materials, the determination of the protection potentials
need to take account of the metals used. In this case, special measures may need to be taken in the
design of the cathodic protection system.

Such measures may be:

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

 increasing the resistance to earth by applying a suitable coating material to the metal with the
more positive free corrosion potential, e.g. stainless steel, copper;

 installing permanent reference electrodes, coupons or external potential test probes close to the
metal with the more negative free corrosion potential near its contact with the other metal.

7.2 Electrical separation

7.2.1 General

Cathodically protected structures shall not be electrically connected directly to the general earthing
system of the plant (see 5.3). Otherwise, such structures are relevant of the prEN 14505

7.2.2 Isolating devices

Electrical separation between the structure to be protected and structures which are connected
directly to the general earthing system is obtained by means of isolating devices (e.g. isolating joints).

These should be installed in such a way that accidental contacts of the isolated parts of the structure
to the general earthing systems are avoided.

They have to be protected against damages caused by atmospherical and mechanical influences.

All isolating joints should preferably be installed above ground and, for measurement purposes,
should be easily accessible from both sides. If buried, they shall be coated (see 8.3.3).

The requirements for isolating joints in hazardous areas are given in 7.3.

7.2.3 Temporary connections

The electrical separation and consequently the cathodic protection can be disturbed due to temporary
connections between the structure to be protected and trains, trucks, ships. The CP system shall be
designed in such a way that it still functions properly after the disconnection.

7.2.4 Permanently connected electrical equipment

The installation of electrical equipment (e.g. pumps, electrically controlled valves, telemetric
measuring devices...) in the structure to be protected can affect the electrical separation between this
structure and the general earthing system.

Depending on national regulations, separation can be achieved by:

a) the isolation of electrical equipment from the cathodically protected structure. In this case the
equipment is not protected by the cathodic protection system of the tank (see A.1);

b) the use of electrical equipment of protection classes II or III defined in EN 61 140 (see A.2);

c) the installation of a fault current breaker, if necessary in conjunction with a local earthing system
(see A.3);

d) the use of an isolating transformer (safe isolation, see EN 60 742 ) (see A.4);

e) the installation of d.c. decoupling devices between the electrical equipment and the general
earthing system (see A.5).

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

7.3 Explosion hazard prevention

7.3.1 General

Cathodic protection equipment and its installation in explosive gas atmospheres conform to
EN 50014.

For the purposes of this sub-clause, the classification of the hazardous area (zones 0, 1 and 2)
conforms to EN 60079-10.

7.3.2 Electrical equipment installation

Installation of electrical equipment in zone 0 should be avoided. If installed in zone 0, it is essential

that the equipment conforms to EN 50020 and that it is of type ia.

In zone 1, it is essential that explosion-proof electrical equipment or systems conforming to one of the
following standards is used:

 EN 50020, Intrinsic safety type ‘i’;

 EN 50018, Flame-proof enclosure type ‘d’;

 EN 50017, Sand-filled type ‘q’;

 EN 50016, Pressurisation type ‘p’;

 EN 50019, Increased safety type ‘e’;

 EN 50028, Enclosure type ‘m’;

 EN 50039, Intrinsically safe system type ‘SYST’.

In zone 2, the equipment shall comply with requirements of EN 50021 dealing with “Non sparking
type ‘n’.

7.3.3 Isolating joints

Isolating joints between cathodically protected and non-protected parts of the installation should not
be placed in hazardous areas.

NOTE Attention is drawn to safety regulation covering hazardous areas

Installation of isolating joints is not permitted in zone 0, except if the zone 0 is located inside the pipe.
In this case an isolating joint may be installed only in combination with additional explosion hazard
measures (e.g. flame arrestor).

If isolating joints are installed in zone 1 and 2, they have to meet the requirement for use in the
respective zone.

The design shall be such that accidental bonding is avoided.

To avoid sparks or flashover at isolating joints in zones 1 and 2, the installation of explosion-proof
spark gaps should be considered.

Spark gaps are not required across isolating joints located inside petrol pump housings at service

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

Isolating joints in a loading/unloading installation for flammable fluids shall only be installed on the
fixed part of the piping installation.

7.4 Other equipment

7.4.1 Test stations

A minimum of one test station shall be installed for each electrically isolated tank. Provisions shall be
made for permanent cathodic protection measuring points. This is particularly important:

 if the tank is placed under buildings;

 if the tank is buried under isolating layers, e.g. asphalt, sealed concrete;

 if the tank is installed at ground level and subsequently covered with a mound of earth (mounded

 if several tanks are closely parallel;

 if the tank has a large surface area.

In cases where isolating layers are provided for groundwater or soil protection, the design of the
measuring point needs to be such that ingress of polluting substances is avoided.

The number and location of fixed measuring points with or without a permanent reference electrode
should be sufficient to ensure that the cathodic protection potentials measured are representative of
the entire structure.

The different sizes and configurations of tank installations preclude firm recommendations on the
number and location of measuring points. As an indication there should be:

 at least one measuring point for each tank,

at least two measuring points for each tank with a surface area of more than 20 m and less than
100 m ;

2 2
one additional measuring point for every 100 m up to 500 m ;

one additional measuring point for every 500 m thereafter;

for measurement purposes, all isolating joints should be easily accessible from both sides. If they are
not accessible, they shall be provided with a test station.

Measuring points and if necessary test stations, shall be defined along the piping, at least at the ends
and near critical points (e.g. sleeve pipe).

The number of test stations to be installed on the pipework will depend on the length and geometrical
arrangement of the piping.

To facilitate fault location, it is recommended that the installation of the structure and the cathodic
protection system be carried out in such a way that each part of the structure (tank, pipes, local
earthing devices, etc.) can be electrically separated. Bonds, which are to be temporarily opened for
measurement reason shall be placed above ground.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

7.4.2 Coupons

Where the quality of the coating is very high and there is no metal in contact with the electrolyte,
2 2
polarisation cannot occur. In such cases, a 1 cm to 10 cm steel coupon should be connected to the
structure. In this way conventional cathodic protection measurements can be made on the coupons to
show whether the respective size of a possible coating defect on the tank can be cathodically

Coupons should be connected via a test station.

7.4.3 Mechanical connections including flanges

Mechanical connections, other than isolating joints, which could cause an unacceptable increase in
the longitudinal resistance of the structure shall be electrically bonded.

7.4.4 Sleeve pipe

Sleeve pipe should be avoided where possible. If sleeve pipe are required by regulations, special
precautions should be taken in accordance with EN 12954:2001, 7.5.

7.4.5 Wall entries

Where entries are made through concrete structures, metallic contact between reinforcing steel and
the protected structure shall be avoided (see EN 12954:2001, 7.6.)

A flawless coating shall be applied to the structure and special care shall be taken to avoid coating

7.4.6 Drainage station

The need for installing drainage station should be taken into account (see also prEN 50162).

7.4.7 Local earthing systems

Where earthing is required for safety reasons, a local earthing system (see 3.5) should be installed.

This system should be made of a metal with a more negative free corrosion potential than the metal to
be protected. For carbon steel tanks, local earthing material of zinc, galvanised steel and magnesium
can be used.

For a carbon steel tank, it is highly recommended not to use copper, stainless steel, or reinforcing
steel in concrete as a local earthing material.

To enable accurate measurements (current, earthing resistance, and potential measurements) to be

made, it should be possible to temporarily disconnect this local earth connection.

NOTE Attention is drawn to safety regulations regarding earth connections.

7.5 Galvanic anode systems

7.5.1 General

Cathodic protection using galvanic anodes can be obtained economically if.

 the current requirement is low;

 the soil has a low resistivity.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

Galvanic anodes are usually installed in a low-resistivity and non-carbonaceous backfill.

To meet the cathodic protection criteria, the following should also be considered:

 use of an efficient protective coating on the tank and piping;

 maintain a good isolation between the structure to be protected and the neighbouring structures
such as sleeve pipes, wall entries and foreign structures;

 avoid the use of bare buried wires (e.g. for making connections to the earthing system).

7.5.2 Materials

Magnesium and zinc can be used as galvanic anode materials.

Zinc anodes have a lower capacity and a smaller driving voltage against carbon steel than
magnesium anodes.

The choice between magnesium and zinc also depends on design life requirements and economic

7.5.3 Location

The location of the galvanic anodes depends on the structure to soil resistance and should be
selected such that the desired current distribution can be achieved. A low structure to soil resistance
requires a larger distance between galvanic anode and structure.

Additional measures may be necessary to prevent accidental contact between the anodes and the
structure to be protected.

In general, anodes are located at a distance of at least 1 m from the structure.

7.5.4 Connection of anodes to the structure

To check the efficiency of the galvanic anode system, it shall be connected to the structure via a test

For functional checks, each anode should be connected separately to the test station.

7.6 Impressed current systems

7.6.1 General

Impressed current cathodic protection can be applied to buried metallic tanks and associated piping.

7.6.2 Components Anode materials

Anode materials commonly used are:

 silicon iron alloys;

 graphite;

 metallic oxides;

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

 conductive polymers;

 steel.

The selection of the anode material will depend on the individual application (see annex B). Transformer rectifiers

The transformer rectifiers shall be rated for the anticipated current output until the end of the chosen
design lifetime of the cathodic protection system and in accordance with safety rules (see EN 60742)
and operating conditions (see EN 50014).

The transformer rectifier specification should take account of monitoring requirements (e.g. remote
control, output control) and the site location.

NOTE Attention is drawn to local regulations. Groundbeds

The number, size and position of the anodes and the extent of the groundbeds should be selected so

 they correspond to the chosen design lifetime for the cathodic protection system;

 the desired current distribution can be achieved without adverse interference on foreign

For deep well and shallow groundbeds located remote from the tank (see annex B and EN 12954).

For a distributed anode system on buried cylindrical tanks and associated piping the anodes should
be installed at or below the axis of the tank.

Tanks originally constructed above ground and subsequently covered with a layer of earth will require
anodes to be distributed to achieve full cathodic protection for all soil conditions.

The anodes should be placed in a suitable low resistive backfill, e.g. electrically conductive coke.

The distance between the anodes and the protected structure should be at least 1 m. Between the
anodes and foreign structures, the distance depends on the driving voltage and the soil resistivity, but
should be large and at least 2 m.

7.7 Cables

NOTE Attention is drawn to electrical and safety regulations governing cables.

Insulated cables should be used.

Minimum cable cross sections should be as follows (see EN 12954:2001, 7.11.3)

Impressed current system:

cable to protected structure: 10 mm Cu
cable to groundbed: 4 x 2,5 mm² or 10 mm Cu

Galvanic anode system:

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

cable to protected structure: 4 mm Cu
cable to single anode: 2,5 mm Cu

Test station:
2 2
cable for potential measurement: 2 x 2,5 mm or 6 mm Cu
2 2
cable for continuity bond : 4 x 2,5 mm or 10 mm Cu

In general, the cable size will be determined by the permissible IR drop in the specific cable run.
However, where current requirements are very small, selection of the conductor cross section may be
based upon mechanical strength rather than electrical resistance.

Therefore this cable with smaller cross sections than those recommended may be used if the cables
and their connections have adequate mechanical protection.

7.8 Interference

Any possible interference on the structure to be protected will depend on the extent of the structure
and the proximity of possible sources of stray current, e. g. d.c. traction systems, neighbouring
cathodic protection systems. The adverse effects of stray d.c. current interference and measures to
reduce this interference are detailed in prEN 50162 (see extract in annex C)

The level of interference on foreign structures caused by a cathodically protected structure will
depend mainly on the output current of the anodes and on the distance between the anodes and the
foreign structures To minimise the risk of interference on foreign structures, one or more of the
following measures may be taken :

 the rectifier output voltage and the anode current output should be minimized;

 the distance between the foreign structure and the nearest anode should be increased.

The measures listed above only cover the anodic part of the protection system. Interference can also
occur on nearby foreign structures close to bare parts of the protected structure (e.g. coating defects)
where a significant voltage gradient may appear. In this case other measures should be taken in
accordance with prEN 50162.

8 Installation of cathodic protection systems

8.1 General

This clause concerns main aspects that should be considered during the installation of cathodic
protection components.

Installation of the cathodic protection system shall be carried out in accordance with the design based
on the prerequisites detailed in clause 7. This includes the location and installation of test stations and
galvanic anodes or impressed current systems, or drainage stations.

The other equipment determined by the design, such as isolating joints, coatings, sleeve pipes and
local earthing devices, are integral parts of the structure to be protected and are therefore installed at
the same time as the main structure to be protected.

The cathodic protection system should be installed as soon as possible preferably during the burial of
the tanks and the pipework.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

As a general rule, the following points shall be considered:

a) Before the beginning of the work, it shall be verified that:

 the equipment and the materials to be installed are in conformity with those indicated in the

 the local conditions are the same as those used for the design.

b) During the work, it is necessary to verify that the installation and materials are in conformity with
the appropriate regulations, including safety.

c) Deviations from the design shall be justified for approval, then documented and later reported on
as-built documentation.

d) The explosion hazard prevention measures mentioned in 7.3 should be taken.

If there is a risk that tanks may come into metallic contact with other structures (e.g. reinforcing steel,
anchors) it is recommended that permanent electrical isolation is ensured before backfilling.

8.2 Installation of cables

8.2.1 General

In all cathodic protection installations cables shall be installed with great care to avoid damage to the
insulation. They should be run through non conductive ducts and be protected with sufficient depth of
cover (e.g. 80 cm) and have warning tapes.

If cables in ducts pass through hazardous areas, the ducts shall be sealed by adequate means to
prevent flammable liquids and gases from being carried into non-hazardous areas.

As far as possible cable joints in the ground should be avoided.

Cable should be long enough to deal with ground settlements.

All cables should be run to above-ground junction boxes preferably installed outside hazardous areas.
Junction boxes in hazardous areas e.g. valve pits and dome shafts should be flameproof.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

The cables shall be clearly identified, either by using different colours or by identification marks.

NOTE Attention is drawn to the electrical and safety regulations governing cables.

8.2.2 Cable connections to structures

Cables bonding different parts of the structure to be protected should be accessible and allow
disconnection. Cable connections to foreign structures shall be agreed with the owners of those

The cables should be connected to the structure at points where they are unlikely to be damaged
during operation or maintenance.

Cable connections to the structure to be protected should be made by welding, brazing, bolts or
conductive adhesives and shall be protected against corrosion (e.g. by coating). Conductive epoxy
should not be used for current carrying connections on impressed current systems.

For screwed connections and cable lugs, bolts of at least size M8 which are protected against self-
loosening shall be used. All cable connections shall be high conductive.

The cable connecting procedure used should be such that it does not affect the mechanical properties
of the structure.

It is recommended that conductors used for measuring purposes be kept separate from those
carrying protection current.

8.3 Installation of structures to be protected

8.3.1 Buried structures

Tanks and pipes should preferably be embedded in a material that does not damage the coating (e.g.
sand). This material shall be free from electronically conducting constituents (metals, carbonaceous
materials, metal oxides such as magnetite, etc.).

A homogeneous bedding material ensures good current distribution and avoids shielding.

8.3.2 Above-ground structures

Where an above-ground structure including any associated local earthing system cannot be
separated from the protected structure, it shall be protected against accidental contact with structures
connected to the main earthing system. Vent pipes, for example, should be protected by placing them
in a plastic sleeve or by applying a plastic coating.

Pipes leaving the ground shall be protected by a coating at the air/soil area. If applicable, this part of
the structure should be coated up to a height of 0,5 m.

8.3.3 Isolating joints

Isolating joints shall be designed for electrical, mechanical and chemical operating conditions and
before installation be able to withstand a testing alternating voltage of 5 kV according to IEC 60587
over a period of one minute.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

To allow inspection, isolating joints, particularly of the insulated flange type, should preferably not be
buried. However, joints of all types, when buried, shall be coated with materials compatible with the
structure coating and shall be fitted with test cables.

NOTE Above-ground isolating joints installed in hazardous areas are covered by national safety regulations,
which require special safety measures to be taken, e.g. the application of a protective coating to prevent
accidental contact and the fitting of explosion-proof spark gaps to prevent flashover.

If there are several isolating joints in a confined area (e.g. in a dome shaft), measures should be
taken to avoid accidental contact, e.g. by installing joints at the same level. If water enters a dome
shaft containing isolating joints, electrolytic short-circuiting can occur, causing corrosion. This can be
avoided by, for example, mounting the isolating joints at a high level or providing adequate water
drainage to the shaft or pit.

8.4 Anodes

8.4.1 General

At the time of anode installation, the following shall be ascertained by reference to the design

 that the anodes are located in accordance with the design and the recommendations given in 7.5
and 7.6, particularly those referring to the condition of the soil and its resistivity;

 that there is no shielding between the anodes and the structure to be protected;

 that there is no risk of unacceptable interference to other buried metallic structures (see 7.8).

The electrical circuit between the anodes and the structure should in general be left disconnected until
the free corrosion potential has been measured (see 9,1).

8.4.2 Galvanic anodes

At the time of installation of galvanic anodes, checks should be carried out to ascertain, by reference
to the design file (plans, specifications and procedures) whether or not the following points are

 the electrolyte condition and resistivity where the anodes are to be located corresponds to the

 there is isolating shielding between the anode and the structure to be protected;

 if there is any risk of interference, corrective measures have been taken, anodes conform to the

 for buried anodes, the anode backfill material used is the correct type for the anodes concerned,
and that the homogeneous backfill mixture is evenly distributed around the anode;

 the pre-package anodes have been thoroughly wetted before burial;

 the electrical circuit between the anode and the structure has been left open at the test station
until the commissioning (see clause 9).

8.4.3 Impressed current anodes

The dimensions of the anodic mass should be checked to see if they correspond to those indicated in
the design. The backfill, if any, should be checked to verify if it is suitable and that it has been

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

correctly prepared. It is particularly important to check that the backfill is both sufficient in quantity and
homogeneous, and meets the requirements of the project specification.

8.5 Impressed current stations

8.5.1 Location

The impressed current stations should be easily accessible and be protected against the effects of the
environment and mechanical damage. It should be located outside hazardous areas or, alternatively,
be of a type suitable for use in such areas (e.g. with a flameproof, pressurised or ventilated

8.5.2 Electrical installation

The electrical equipment and its installation should ensure continuous operation (e.g. with an

NOTE Attention is drawn to electrical and safety regulations.

8.6 Test stations, measuring points and coupons

Test stations should be located in easily accessible places in accordance with 7.4.1, protected against
the risk of damage (e.g. shocks) and set up in such a way as to make them easy to find. They should
preferably be located outside hazardous areas.

The number and location of fixed measuring points and coupons shall be verified according to the

8.7 Bondings and drainage stations

Connection devices between cathodically protected and foreign structures shall be easily accessible
to all concerned parties and should be protected against damage by environmental effects.

8.8 Labelling

For information and safety reasons appropriate labels should be attached to the main components of
the systems, such as impressed current stations, drainage stations and test stations and the structure
to be protected.

Depending on the place of installation and the type of structure protected, these labels should:

 include safety signs concerning the dangers of electricity;

 include hazardous area signs;

 describe measures to be taken in case of failure;

 give the name of the owner/operator of the system;

 indicate that the cathodic protection system must continuously be on, unless work is being
carried out on the protected structure;

 include circuit diagrams.

All cables within test stations shall be clearly identified.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

8.9 Installation checks

During the work, it is necessary to verify that the installation and materials are in conformity with the
design and appropriate regulations, including safety.

Underground components, including connections, shall be checked before covering with soil.

Deviations from the design shall be justified for approval, then documented and later reported on as-
built documentation.

Checks may include:

 installation of the galvanic anodes;

 installation of the transformer/rectifier (design, anode and cathode cable connections and electric

 installation of the groundbed with backfill;

 cable laying, cable connections, cable marking, integrity of cable ducts;

 installation of permanent measurement coupons;

 installation of fixed measuring points;

 test stations (placing, design and marking of measurement sockets).

8.10 As-built documentation

Electrical diagrams and site layout drawings shall be made for the cathodic protection system,
showing the structure with its main components, the location and type of galvanic and impressed
current anodes, the impressed current stations, test stations and isolating joints as well as nearby
foreign structures.

9 Commissioning

9.1 Preliminary checking

Before a cathodic protection system is activated, care should be taken to check that all installations
are in accordance with the design. In particular, cable connections and safety measures (contact
protection, lightning protection, explosion proofing,) where necessary shall be checked.

D.c. connections to the transformer rectifier shall be checked for correct polarity.

Further, the following measurements may be made and the readings compared with the design

a) Resistance measurements

 Resistance against remote earth of the groundbed or the galvanic anodes.

 Resistance between the structure to be protected and the groundbed or the galvanic anodes.

b) Electrical separation of the structure

 At isolating joints.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

 At metal sleeve pipes.

 From the general earthing system (see 5.3).

c) Potential measurements

 Free corrosion potential, En, of the structure.

 Interference due to suspected stray currents.

 Anode to electrolyte potential of galvanic anodes.

 Structure to electrolyte potential of nearby structures.

d) Measurement to determine the extent of any interference from or on foreign structures.

9.2 Start-up

 Switch on the cathodic protection station and confirm that it is functioning correctly.

 Adjust station settings to conform to the potential requirements in the design. If major deviations
occur, the causes should be ascertained by measurement.

 When necessary, connect galvanic anodes to the protected structure via a variable resistor for
current limitation.

 Next make the following measurements :

 rectifier output voltage on the impressed current station,

 protection current output,

 on and off potential at all measuring points,

 on potential and current of foreign electrodes,

 possible a.c. or d.c. interference (See pr EN 50162).

 If stray currents are present, make measurements to determine the interference level in order to
achieve the effectiveness of cathodic protection. These measurements shall be made with and
without the cathodic protection stations in operation.

 In addition, make measurements on any nearby foreign structures to ensure that they are not
adversely affected by the cathodic protection system installed (see pr EN 50162).

9.3 Verification of the cathodic protection effectiveness

Once the protected structure has sufficient electrical ground contact and after a suitable polarisation
period , the effectiveness of cathodic protection needs to be checked in accordance with clause 4.

9.4 Determination of relevant measuring points

At the end of the commissioning measuring points that are relevant for further periodic structure
measurements may be determined.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

9.5 Commissioning documents

After the successful commissioning of the cathodic protection installations, the following shall be

 as-built drawings of the structure and it's geographical position and those of all neighbouring
structures likely to be affected by the cathodic protection system (see 8.10);

 cathodic protection design with as-built drawings and all details pertaining to the cathodic
protection of the structure;

 results of interference tests carried out on neighbouring structures;

 details of equipment operation and adjustment and the results of all measurements carried out
before and after commissioning;

 a summary of the installation records with references to any materials used and/or installation
work that were not covered by the design.

NOTE The final data are the bases for subsequent system checks to be performed on the structure and
therefore need to be filed and retained.

10 Inspection and maintenance

10.1 General

The aim of inspection and maintenance is to ensure the effectiveness of cathodic protection
throughout the life of the structure. For this to be achieved, the required structure to electrolyte
potential shall be maintained within the limits stated in the design by continuous operation and
maintenance of the cathodic protection system.

Subsequent to commissioning (see clause 9), regular inspection is necessary according to : approved

The procedures should be subject to review to reflect operating experience and new technology.

Instrumentation used for measurements shall be kept in good working order and shall be subject to
periodical calibration and safety checks.

10.2 Inspection

10.2.1 General

The inspection of the effectiveness of applied cathodic protection can be conveniently divided into two
areas: equipment function checks and structure measurements.

The measuring results and all other findings shall be recorded.

The procedures used and the results obtained shall be reviewed and approved by cathodic protection
personnel with adequate theoretical and practical knowledge.

If any abnormalities are observed, the causes shall be investigated and appropriate action shall be

NOTE Attention is drawn to national regulations regarding the checking of electrical safety.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

10.2.2 Functional checks of Equipment

Regular visual inspections of the installation (e.g. functioning of the rectifier, readings of indicators,
accessibility of test stations, connections,) should be made to check the functioning and the good
working conditions of the cathodic protection equipment.

10.2.3 Structure measurements

The cathodic protection effectiveness is assessed by comparing measurement values with the
protection criterion or reference values.

Measured values established at the time of commissioning as well as in subsequent years are used
as reference values.

Depending on the structure (type, size…) and the cathodic protection system, the following
measurements should be carried out:

 rectifier output voltage of impressed current station;

 protective current;

 on and off potential at relevant measuring points and coupons;

 on potential and current requirements of foreign electrodes;

 d.c. interference to or from foreign structures, if found to be necessary following modification or

readjustment of the cathodic protection system (see prEN 50162).

Measurements listed in 9.1 may be also carried out to gather information on variations occurred on
the cathodic protection system. They concerned:

 resistance measurements;

 electrical separation of the structures.

All measurements should be made by adequately qualified cathodic protection personnel.

If there are indications that the cathodic protection is not fully effective throughout the structure,
investigations should be carried out and appropriate corrective action taken to restore effective
cathodic protection. The measured values obtained are then be used as the new reference values.

10.2.4 Inspection intervals Frequency of equipment functional checks

Unless telemetric methods are used and regularly verified, function checks should be carried out at
the typical following frequencies:

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

Table 1 — Frequency and nature of functional checks

Galvanic anode stations According to the frequency of the structure

measurements (c.f. or more frequently if
required by operational conditions.
Impressed current stations Every 3months or more frequently if required by
operational conditions.
Connections to foreign structures Annually or more frequently if required by
operational conditions.
Safety and protection devices Annually or more frequently if required by
operational conditions.
Test stations According to the frequency of the structure
measurements (c.f. or more frequently if
required by operational conditions. Frequency of structure measurements

The period of time between two successive assessments of cathodic protection effectiveness is
typically one year.

Nevertheless according to the type and location of tanks, and the consequences of a leak, this
inspection interval may be reduced or increased to a maximum period of time that shall not exceed
three years.

This inspection interval may be reduced to accommodate requirements imposed by national


The effectiveness of cathodic protection should also be checked when changes are observed in the
structure or the environment and in particular after construction work on or in the vicinity of the

Adequately trained, experienced, competent and reliable personnel shall determine the inspection

To determine the suitable inspection frequency Table 2 and Table 3 shall be used.

Table 2 — Selection of Weight factors

Items Weight factors (*)

Low Medium High
1. Complexity of cathodic protection system 0 3 6
2. Coating imperfections 0 2 4
3. Environmental conditions e.g. d.c. Interferences 0 2 4
4. Susceptibility to damage by lightning or 0 1 2
mechanical impacts
5. Risk of personal injury or risk of environmental 0 3 6
pollution or damage to property that could be
caused by leakage of stored medium
(*) Intermediate values are not allowed.
Additional information concerning each item is given in annex D

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

Table 3 — Selection of Inspection frequency

Total weight of items Inspection frequency

9 - 22 One year
5-8 Two years
0-4 Three years

10.2.5 Inspection Report

The results of inspections shall be recorded and evaluated.

These records shall be kept for a sufficient period of time to provide detailed information on the
cathodic protection effectiveness and to allow comparative checks to be carried out.

In addition, it is recommended that the records and the cathodic protection history are kept for
reference purposes for the lifetime of the structure.

10.3 Maintenance

10.3.1 Cathodic protection equipment

Routine maintenance shall be carried out in a way to ensure that the cathodic protection system
continues to operate in the manner intended by the design.

Transformer rectifiers shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Maintenance on cathodic protection equipment should also be carried out when necessary during or
as soon as possible after functional checks or structure measurements.

10.3.2 Instrumentation

Instrumentation (e.g. permanent reference electrodes, measuring and regulating devices, telemetry)
shall be kept in good working order and shall be subjected to periodical calibration and safety checks.

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

Annex A

Tank and associated piping with cathodic protection

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

A.1 Isolation of electrical equipment


6 5


8 9


1. Phases 6. Cable bonds

2. Neutral 7. Electrical pump. Fixation of the pump must be isolated from rebar and
3. Protective cable all structures connected to the principal earth.
4. Rebar 8. Isolating flanges
Metallic structure without cathodic protection 9. Electrical valve
equipotential system 10. Tank
5. Motor

Figure A.1 Tank and associated piping with cathodic protection - Isolation of electrical equipment

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

A.2 Electrical equipment of protection class II or III (double isolation)

Tank and associated piping with cathodic protection


5 6


8 9


1. Phases 6. Motor with class ll or lll isolation

2. Neutral 7. Electrical pump with class ll or lll isolation
3. Protective cable 8. Flanges
4. Rebar. Metallic structure without cathodic 9. Electrical valve
t ti
equipotential system 10. Tank
5. Cable bonds

Figure A.2 Tank and associated piping with cathodic protection Electrical equipment of protection class II or III (double isolation)

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

A.3 Fault current breaker with local earthing system


6 8




1. Phases 5. Fault current breaker 9. Electrical pump. Fixation of the pump must be isolated from
2. Neutral 6. Cable bond allbstructures
d connected to the principal earth.
3. Protective cable 7. Motor 10. Flange
4. Rebar. Metallic structure without cathodic 8. Local earth * (zinc, galvanised steel) 11. Electrical valve
t ti
equipotential system 12. Tank

* Re local earth <safety voltage/fault current,

e.g. Safety voltage = 50 V, Fl = 300 mA, Re < 165 Ω ; e.g. Safety voltage = 24 V, Fl = 300 mA, Re < 80 Ω

Figure A.3 Tank and associated piping with cathodic protection - Fault current breaker with local earthing system

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

A.4 Isolating transformer

Tank and associated pipe with cathodic protection



7 8




1. Isolating transformer 6. Rebar. Metallic structure without cathodic protection equipotential system 10. Flanges
2. Phase 7. Cable bond 11. Electrical valve
3. Neutral 8. Motor 12. Tank
4. Isolation survey 9. Electrical pump. Fixation of the pump must be isolated from all structures
5. PA (isolated cable for Equipotential purposes) connected to the principal earth.

Figure A.4 Isolating transformer - Tank and associated pipe with cathodic protection

prEN 13636:2003 (E)

A.5 Example with d.c. decoupling unit

Tank and associated pipe with cathodic protection




9 10

1. Phases 5 . d.c. decoupling device 10. Electrical valve
2. Neutral 6. Cable bond 11. Tank
3. Protective cable 7. Motor
4. Rebar 8. Electrical pump. Fixation of the pump must be isolated from all structures
Metallic structure without cathodic protection connected to the principal earth.
Equipotential system 9. Flange
For safety reasons, in case of failure of the d.c. decoupling device, it must ensure current flowing to the earths.

Figure A.5 Example with d.c. decoupling unit - Tank and associated pipe with cathodic protection

prEN 13636:2003 (E)
Annex B
Groundbed data
B.1 General considerations
The application of cathodic protection to complex structures, as described in this standard, usually needs
particular configurations of the groundbeds. Sometimes a configuration with a remote located groundbed
can be used, but more often a close located groundbed system is necessary.
In order to ensure suitable current and voltage outputs, the earthing resistance of the anodes must be
carefully calculated and, where necessary, techniques must be used to lower the groundbed resistance
to earth.
When designing a groundbed system, it is important to take into consideration all factors that can affect
the groundbed lifetime. In selecting groundbed sites and voltage output, care needs to be exercised to
avoid interference to other structures. The presence of electrical shielding between the groundbed and
the structure to be protected should be avoided.
B.2 Type of groundbed
B.2.1 General
For general description and characteristics of shallow and deep groundbed refer to EN 12954.
B.2.2 Remote located groundbeds
A cathodic protection installation equipped with a remote located groundbed provides a wide distribution
of the current all over the structure to be protected.
Generally, a deep well groundbed is often preferred over shallow groundbeds to provide better current
distribution over the tank installation.
B.2.3 Close located groundbed
When a close located groundbed system is used, the anodes are placed close along the structure to be
Close located groundbed are of two types :
 Distributed groundbed made of anodes that are generally placed throughout or along the major
dimensions of the structure to be protected at short intervals.
 Continuous groundbed can be made using flexible wire anodes or anodes placed in a continuous
carbonaceous backfill at suitable intervals.
With this configuration an uniform current distribution along the structure is provided, less overall
current and voltage output is needed and shielding and interference problems are generally avoided.
Shallow groundbeds, both horizontal and vertical, are generally used.
Horizontal groundbeds are, if possible, installed as deep as the structure to be protected.
prEN 13636:2003 (E)
B.3 Anodes types
B.3.1 General
In this paragraph the most commonly used in local cathodic protection current impressed anode materials
are described.
B.3.2 High silicon chromium cast iron anodes.
A typical material composition is :
Silicon 14.20-14.75 %
Chromium 3.25-5.00 %
Carbon 0.70-1.10 %
Manganese 1.50 %-max
Copper 0.50 %-max
Molybdenum 0.20 %-max
Balance Iron ……………..
The performance of this material as material for cathodic protection anodes depends on the formation of
a thin layer of silicon dioxide on the surface of the anode. This film is partially protective and its formation
is not fully developed if the alloy contains less than 14.2 % of silicon and, in environments containing
halides, less than about 4 % of chromium.
High silicon cast iron anodes without chromium may be used in halide-free environments.
The most common anode shapes are cylindrical rods and tubes. These anodes are available both bare
and pre-packaged with carbonaceous backfill inside steel canisters.
High silicon chromium cast iron anodes are suitable for applications in soil, in water (both sea-water and
fresh-water) and in sea mud.
Underground applications include deep vertical, shallow vertical, or horizontal bed with or without backfill.
The consumption rates vary from 0.1 kg A-Y to 0.5 kg A-Y and depend on the environment and the max.
current density applied, that can range from 10 to 50 A/m².
B.3.3 Mixed-metal oxide anodes (DSA anodes)
Mixed-metal oxide anodes consist of electrocatalytic active coatings on a high-purity titanium substrate.
The coatings usually consist of a mixture of highly conductive oxides. The titanium serves as a support
for the oxides and is protected by a thin adherent film witch resists the passage of current in the anodic
direction. The oxide coating is the anode material.
The following anode shapes are mostly used:
 tubular, both bare and pre-packaged in steel canisters filled with carbonaceous backfill;
 wires and rods, usually in steel canisters with carbonaceous backfill;
 mesh;
prEN 13636:2003 (E)
 strips.
DSA anodes are suitable for applications in seawater, in freshwater, in mud and in soil, preferably in
carbonaceous backfill.
The maximum current density ranges from 35 A/m2 - 50 A/m2 in freshwater to 100 A/m2 in soil in
carbonaceous backfill and to 500 A/m2 in seawater.
prEN 13636:2003 (E)
Annex C
Extract of pr EN 50162
7.8.2 Adjustment of transformer rectifier output
The current output of the rectifier installed on an interfering structure shall be adjusted to the
minimum level providing cathodic protection. In particular cases, the possibility of distributing the
total current by additional rectifiers and groundbeds could be considered.
7.8.3 Increasing coating resistance
Structures with high quality coatings require less cathodic protection current and hence minimize stray
current interference. Coating defects on a cathodically protected structure may need to be located
and repaired if the level of interference to nearby structures needs to be reduced.
7.8.4 Groundbed location
The interference from impressed current anodes depends on the current output, distance to
neighbouring structures, and the environment resistivity of the surrounding medium.
The interference can be reduced by ensuring that the neighbouring structures are not within the area
of the anode field where the potential gradient causes the potential to shift outside the limits detailed
(see prEN 50162). This can be achieved by:
 increasing the distance from the anode to neighbouring structures (either horizontally or
vertically). This is the most effective method;
 reducing the voltage gradient around the groundbed by enlarging the groundbed geometry or by
reducing the current output (see 7.8.2);
 locating distributed anodes close to the structure to be protected.
prEN 13636:2003 (E)
Annex D
Determination of inspection interval
To determine an inspection interval each aspect as mentioned in should be weighted as
“low”, “medium” or “high”.
In case of unclear identification the higher weight factor should be chosen.
Complexity of the cathodic protection system
Depending the extent of a cathodic protection system and the object(s) to be protected a weight factor
has to be specified.
The weight factor is related to the number of tanks, geometry of object, surface to be protected, type
of cathodic protection system (galvanic-anode or impressed current system), number of anodes,
length of underground piping to be protect, etc.)
Weight factor Typical examples
Low • 2 galvanic anodes or impressed current system for one single tank
and short piping
Medium • A petrol station with three tanks and short piping
High • A large mounded vessel
• A tank with large surface, or high number of tanks
• Long piping
• A tank enclosed within a steel reinforced concrete retaining walls
• Several tanks and piping coated with different coatings
Coating imperfections
Weight factor Typical examples
Low • A coating without defect and fine embedding material (e.g. sand)
Medium A coating in good condition on the tank with poorly applied field coating
on piping and spare parts
High • A coating with large and numerous defects (e.g. bitumen, jute).
• Inappropriate embedding material (e.g. soil with stones)
prEN 13636:2003 (E)
Environmental conditions
Weight factor Typical examples
Low • A homogeneous soil, no interfering d.c. source, no lower pit where
rainwater is stored and more cathodic protection current is
1. Ground level
2. Level measuring point in a pit
3. Water
4. Tank
Figure D.1 Homogenous soil
Total length of the structure under consideration is lower than 10 m.
Medium • Different soil resistivities (clay/sand),
• A partly submerged tank in groundwater,
• The ground level is polluted with de-icing salts,
• The distance from interfering d.c. sources is small (approximately
30 m or even less) with a total length of the structure under
consideration greater than 10 m.
High • Combination of two “medium weight” examples
• The distance from interfering d.c. sources is very small
(approximately 10 m) or the total length of the structure under
consideration is much higher than 10 m.
prEN 13636:2003 (E)
Susceptibility to damage by lightning or mechanical impact.
Weight factor Typical examples
Low • A location without above ground piping
• A location with a low probability of excavation
Medium • A location with extended above ground piping
High • A location with a high probability of excavation
Risk of personal injury, environmental pollution or damage to property that could be
caused by leakage of stored medium
Weight factor Typical examples
Low • One small LPG tank located in a rural area
Medium • A petrol station in a rural area
High • A petrol station in an urban area or along an highway.
• A petrol station in a shopping area .
• A tank filled with a polluting product in an extraction area for
potable water
prEN 13636:2003 (E)
EN 12499 Internal cathodic protection of metallic structures
EN 12501-1 Protection of metallic materials against corrosion - Corrosion
likelihood in soil - Part 1: General
EN 13509 Cathodic protection measurement techniques
prEN 12696-1 Cathodic protection of steel in concrete - Part 1:
Atmospherically exposed concrete
EN 50122-2 Railway applications - Fixed installations - Part 2: Protective
provisions against the effects of stray currents caused by
d.c. traction systems / Note: Includes Corrigendum of
August 2001

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