En 13757 3 2018 04
En 13757 3 2018 04
En 13757 3 2018 04
English Version
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.
© 2018 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 13757-3:2018 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Abbreviations and symbols ......................................................................................................................... 9
4.1 Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2 Symbols ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
5 Selection of an application protocol ...................................................................................................... 10
6 M-Bus protocol .............................................................................................................................................. 10
6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.2 M-Bus data record ........................................................................................................................................ 11
6.3 Data Information Block (DIB) .................................................................................................................. 11
6.4 Value Information Block (VIB) ................................................................................................................ 15
6.5 Manufacturer specific unstructured data block ............................................................................... 27
7 Application reset and application select ............................................................................................. 28
7.1 Application reset .......................................................................................................................................... 28
7.2 Application select with subcode ............................................................................................................. 28
7.3 Overview about CI-Fields for Application reset and Application select ................................... 30
7.4 Rules for application selection ................................................................................................................ 31
7.5 Rules for block selection............................................................................................................................ 32
7.6 Selected application block in M-Bus Application protocol ........................................................... 32
8 Clock synchronization ................................................................................................................................ 32
9 Report of alarm status (slave to master) ............................................................................................. 33
10 Report of application error ...................................................................................................................... 33
10.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 33
10.2 Status field ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
10.3 General application layer errors ............................................................................................................ 33
11 Switching baud rate for M-Bus link layer according to EN 13757-2 .......................................... 34
12 Synchronize action ...................................................................................................................................... 35
13 Manufacturer specific protocols ............................................................................................................. 35
14 Other application protocols ..................................................................................................................... 35
15 Image transfer ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Annex A (normative) Coding of data records .................................................................................................. 36
Annex B (normative) Interpretation of hex-codes Ah–Fh in BCD-data fields...................................... 44
B.1 General description standard reference ............................................................................................. 44
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
European foreword
This document (EN 13757-3:2018) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 294
“Communication systems for meters”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by October 2018 and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by October 2018.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document together with EN 13757-7:2018 and CEN/TR 17167:2018 will supersede
EN 13757-3:2013.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association.
This document falls under Mandate EU M/441 “Standardisation mandate to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI in
the field of measuring instruments for the development of an open architecture for utility meters
involving communication protocols enabling interoperability” by providing the relevant definitions and
methods for meter data transmission on application layer level. The M/441 Mandate is driving
significant development of standards in smart metering.
The following significant technical changes have been incorporated in the new edition of this European
— informative annexes from previous version of EN 13757-3 were moved to a new technical report
CEN/TR 17167.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
— Communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters — Part 4: Wireless meter readout
(Radio meter reading for operation in SRD bands);
— CEN/TR 17167, Communication systems for meters — Accompanying TR to EN 13757-2,-3 and −7,
Examples and supplementary information.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
This European Standard belongs to the EN 13757 series, which covers communication systems for
meters. EN 13757-1 contains generic descriptions and a communication protocol. EN 13757-2 contains
a physical and a link layer for twisted pair based Meter-Bus (M-Bus). EN 13757-4 describes wireless
communication (often called wireless M-Bus or wM-Bus). EN 13757-5 describes the wireless network
used for repeating, relaying and routing for the different modes of EN 13757-4. EN 13757-6 describes a
twisted pair local bus for short distance (Lo-Bus). EN 13757-2 describes transport mechanism and
security methods for data. The Technical Report CEN/TR 17167 contains informative annexes for
EN 13757-2, EN 13757-3:2018 and EN 13757-7.
These upper M-Bus protocol layers can be used with various Physical Layers and with Data Link Layers
and Network Layers, which support the transmission of variable length binary transparent messages.
Frequently, the Physical and Link Layers of EN 13757-2 (twisted pair) and EN 13757-4 (wireless) as
well as EN 13757-5 (wireless with routing function) or the alternatives described in EN 13757-1 are
used. These upper M-Bus protocol layers have been optimized for minimum battery consumption of
meters, especially for the case of wireless communication, to ensure long battery lifetimes of the
meters. Secondly, it is optimized for minimum message length to minimize the wireless channel
occupancy and hence the collision rate. Thirdly, it is optimized for minimum requirements towards the
meter processor regarding requirements of RAM size, code length and computational power.
An overview of communication systems for meters is given in EN 13757-1, which also contains further
This standard concentrates on the meter communication. The meter communicates with one (or
occasionally several) fixed or mobile communication partners which again might be part of a private or
public network. These further communication systems might use the same or other application layer
protocols, security, privacy, authentication, and management methods.
To facilitate common communication systems for CEN-meters (e.g. gas, water, thermal energy and heat
cost allocators) and for electricity meters, in this standard occasionally electricity meters are
mentioned. All these references are for information only and are not standard requirements. The
definition of communication standards for electricity meters (possibly by a reference to CEN standards)
remains solely in the responsibility of CENELEC.
NOTE 1 CEN/TR 17167:2018, Annex C specifies how parts of this standard and of EN 13757–2 and
EN 13757–4 can be used to implement smart meter functionalities. Similar functionalities could also be
implemented using other physical and link layers.
NOTE 2 For information on installation procedures and their integration in meter management
systems, see CEN/TR 17167:2018, Annex D.
The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) draws attention to the fact that it is claimed that
compliance with this document may involve the use of a patent concerning Image Transfer given in
Annex I.
CEN takes no position concerning the evidence, validity and scope of this patent right.
The holder of this patent right has ensured CEN that he/she is willing to negotiate licences either free of
charge or under reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions with applicants throughout
the world. In this respect, the statement of the holder of this patent right is registered with CEN.
Information may be obtained from:
Shig Furukawa, Associate General Counsel IP, Legal Department
2111 N. Molter Road
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies application protocols for communication systems for meters.
This European Standard specifies application protocols, especially the M-Bus application protocol.
This European Standard is intended to be used with the lower layer specifications determined in
EN 13757-2, EN 13757-4, EN 13757-5, EN 13757-6 and EN 13757-7.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 13757-2, Communication systems for meters - Part 2: Wired M-Bus communication
EN 13757-4, Communication systems for meters and remote reading of meters - Part 4: Wireless meter
readout (Radio meter reading for operation in SRD bands)
EN 13757-7, Communication systems for meters — Part 7: Transport and security services
ISO/IEC 8859-1, Information technology — 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets — Part 1: Latin
alphabet No. 1
unit of data transferred from source to destination
datagram of a fragmented message
Final DIFE
additional last DIFE with the value 00h that marks a storage number as a register number
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
base-16 numbers encoded as ASCII characters (‘0’–‘9’, ‘A’–‘F’)
functional set of data transferred from source to destination
Register number
number of a predefined historical value register (like consumption value) corresponding to an OBIS
value group F value
subdivision of a layer
ACK Acknowledge
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AFL Authentication and Fragmentation Sublayer
APL Application Layer
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BCD Binary Coded Decimal numbers
CI Control Information field
CMD Command
DIB Data Information Block
DIF Data Information Field
DIFE Data Information Field Extensions
DLMS Device Language Message Specification
DRH Data Record Header
E Extension bit
LSB Least Significant Byte
LSBit Least Significant Bit
MDH Manufacturer Data Header
MSB Most Significant Byte
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
6 M-Bus protocol
6.1 General
The single datagram has a maximum length of 255 bytes. The data, together with information regarding
coding, length and the type of data, is transmitted in data records in arbitrary sequence. According to
EN 13757-2, the maximum space for data are 252 bytes. The effective usable space depends on the
layers with variable length below the application layer and the applied header type and the encryption
method. This restriction is required to enable gateways to other link- and application layers.
The M-Bus Application Layer data may consist of two segments of data. The first segment holds M-Bus
data records (see 6.2). The second, optional segment, holds manufacturer specific data. (see Table 1).
Table 1 — Structure of a M-Bus APL with manufacturer specific data
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
A Manufacturer Data Header (MDH) shall be inserted before the manufacturer specific data. The MDH is
one of the characters 0Fh or 1Fh. The MDH shall be omitted if there is no manufacturer specific data
(see 6.5).
Unencrypted data following encrypted data shall start at a data record boundary, i.e. the first byte of
unencrypted data shall be interpreted as a DIF.
Special data structures are defined in Annex F and in Annex G.
If nothing other declared then multi byte fields shall be transmitted with least significant byte first
(little endian).
6.2 M-Bus data record
The structure of an M-Bus data record is shown in Table 2. The transmission order of the element is
from left to right.
Table 2 — Data record structure
The DIB contains at least one byte of Data Information Field (DIF), and can be extended by a maximum
of 10 Data Information Field Extensions (DIFE).
6.3.2 Data Information Field (DIF)
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Extension bit LSBit of storage Data field:
Function field
(E) number Length and coding of data
6.3.3 Data field
The data field shows how length and coding of data shall be interpreted. Table 4 shows the allowed
codes for the data field.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
F0h–F4h Binary number 4*(LVAR–ECh) bytes, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 bytes
DIF Function
0Fh Start of manufacturer specific data structures to end of user data (see 6.5)
1Fh Same meaning as DIF = 0Fh + more records follow in next datagram (see 6.5)
2Fh Idle filler (not to be interpreted), following byte = DIF of next record
Code Description
00b Instantaneous value
01b Maximum value
Bit 6 of the DIF serves as the LSBit of the storage number of the data concerned, and the slave can in this
way indicate and transmit various stored metering values or historical values of metering data. This bit
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
is the least significant bit of the storage number and allows therefore the storage numbers 0 and 1 to be
coded. If storage numbers higher than “1” are needed, following (optional) DIFE´s contain the higher
bits. The storage number 0 signals a current value.
Each storage number is associated with a dedicated time point. Each data record with the same storage
number refers the value to this (common) time point given by this storage number. A time/date record
for each storage number can be included somewhere in the message to signal this time point associated
with this storage number. This date or date/time is coded with a data record with a VIF = E110110nb.
Normally (but not necessarily) higher storage numbers indicate an older time point. A sequential block
of storage numbers can be associated with a sequence of equidistantly spaced time points (profile).
Such a block can be described by its starting time, the time spacing, the first storage number (of such a
block) and the length of the block. For an example see Annex F.
Some meters require the assignment of historical values (like consumption values) to register numbers
that are represented by OBIS value group F values. In this case the storage number is used to indicate
the register number while the DIB shall be extended by a Final DIFE with the value 00h in order to mark
the storage number as a register number. Register numbers up to 125 can be coded in this way (see
Annex H.2).
6.3.6 Extension bit (E)
Bit 7, the Extension bit of the DIF, indicates when set, that additional data description follows in one or
more Data Field Extension, DIFE, bytes.
6.3.7 Data Information Field Extension (DIFE)
There may be up to 10 successive DIFE bytes. The coding of the DIFE is shown in Table 8. Bit 7 (E) of a
DIFE byte shows whether a further DIFE byte follows. Bit 6 is a part of the numbering of subunits. Bit 5
and 4 is a part of the numbering of the Tariff and bits 3 through 0 are a part of the Storage number. The
full Storage number/Tariff/Subunit number is made up of a concatenation of the information from all of
the DIFE’s for a parameter.
Table 8 — Coding of the Data Information Field Extension (DIFE)
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Extension Bit (Device)
Value Tariff Storage number
(E) Subunit
With the maximum of 10 DIFEs, which are provided, there are 41 bits for the storage number, 20 bits
for the tariff and 10 bits for the subunit of the meter. There is no application conceivable in which this
immense number of bits could all be used.
The use of the Final DIFE is explained in 6.3.5.
6.3.8 Tariff information
For each (unique) value type designation given by the following VIB at each unique time point (given by
the storage number) of each unique function (given by the function field), there might exist still various
different data, measured or accumulated under different conditions. Such conditions could be time of
day, various value ranges of the variable (i.e. separate storage of positive accumulated values and
negative accumulated values) itself or of other signals or variables or various averaging durations. Such
variables, which could not be distinguished otherwise, are made different by assigning them different
values of the tariff variable in their data information block.
NOTE This includes, but is not necessarily restricted to various tariffs in a monetary sense. It is at the
distinction of the manufacturer to describe for each tariff (except 0) what is different for each tariff number. Again,
as with the storage numbers, all variables with the same tariff information share the same tariff associating
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
A device (meter) may consist of several functionally/logically independent subunits. Such a device may
either use multiple different primary/secondary addresses or use the subunit information in the DIFE’s
to address independent subunits. The use of multiple addresses is recommended for collections of
physically independent devices. Devices, that share common information, but have different logical
entities, are recommended to use a single address and to differentiate between the different entities
using the subunit information.
6.4 Value Information Block (VIB)
6.4.1 General
A DIB will, with the exception of the special values given in Table 6, be followed by a VIB. The VIB
consists of a Value Information Field (VIF) byte and zero or more (up to 10) Value Information Field
Extension (VIFE) bytes. VIF/VIFE use the same extension mechanism as specified for DIF and DIFE
(see 6.3.6 and 6.3.7). The basic coding of the VIF is shown in Table 9.
Table 9 — Coding of the Value Information Field (VIF)
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Extension Bit
Value Unit and multiplier (value)
There are five types of coding depending on the VIF:
a) Primary VIF: E000 0000b to E111 1010b
In case of VIF = 7Ch/FCh, the true VIF is represented by the following ASCII string with the length
given in the first byte.
In case of VIF = FDh and VIF = FBh (see Table 11) the true VIF is given by the next byte (i.e. the first
VIFE) and the coding is taken from Table 12 and Table 14, respectively. This extends the available
VIFs by another 256 codes.
This VIF-Code can be used in direction master to slave for readout selection of all VIFs. See special
function in 6.3.3.
In this case, the remainder of this data record including VIFEs has manufacturer specific coding.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
The first section of the main table contains integral values, the second typically averaged values, the
third typically instantaneous values and the fourth block contains parameters (E: extension bit).
Table 10 — Primary VIF-codes
E010 01nn Operating time coded like OnTime Duration of meter accumulation
E010 1nnn Power 10(nnn–3) W 0,001 W to 10 000 W
E011 1nnn Volume flow 10(nnn–6) m3/h 0,001 l/h to 10 000 l/h
E100 0nnn Volume flow ext. 10(nnn–7) m3/min 0,000 1l/min to 1 000 l/min
E100 1nnn Volume flow ext. 10(nnn–9) m3/s 0,001 ml/s to 10 000ml/s
E101 0nnn Mass flow 10(nnn–3) kg/h 0,001 kg/h to 10 000 kg/h
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
1111 1011 (FBh) True VIF is given in the first VIFE and is coded using
First extension of VIF-codes
(Table 14) (128 new VIF-Codes)
VIF in following string
E111 1100 (7C/FC)
(length in first byte) Allows user definable VIF´s (in plain ASCII-String), see C.2a
1111 1101 (FDh) Second extension of VIF- True VIF is given in the first VIFE and is coded using
codes (Table 12) (128 new VIF-Codes)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E) Main VIFE-code extension table (following VIF = FDh for primary VIF)
E000 00nn Credit of 10nn–3 of the nominal local legal currency units Currency units
E000 01nn Debit of 10nn–3 of the nominal local legal currency units
Unique message identification (previously named “Access
E000 1000
number (transmission count)”)g,k
E001 0100 Access code system operatork and other user requirements
E001 0111 Error flags (binary) (device type specific)j (see also E.1)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
E010 0011 Descriptor for tariff and subunitk (see CEN/TR 17167:2018,
Annex F)
E010 01nn Storage interval [sec(s) to day(s)]a management
E011 1011 Data container for wireless M-Bus protocolf See CEN/TR 17167:2018
E011 11nn Period of nominal data transmissions [sec(s) to day(s)]a,k Installation and start up
(e.g. for RF-transmissions)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
E111 0111 –
E111 1100
E111 1101 2nd level VIFE code extension table (Table 13)
E111 1110 –
E111 1111
a nn = 00b second(s)
01b minute(s)
10b hour(s)
11b day(s)
b The information about usage of data type F (date and time) or data type G (date), I (date and time), J (time)
or M (date and time or duration) can be derived from the data field (see Table 4).
c pp = 00 hour(s)
01b day(s)
10b month(s)
11b year(s)
d Typically this VIFE is used in context with a function field of 00b of the leading DIF. If this VIFE used together
with the function field 10b it declares a preset quality limit of the reception level which was exceeded (e.g.
RF-Level > −80dBm). If this VIFE is used together with the function field 11b it declares the typical noise
level detected by this radio device.
e Data type A (1 = Monday; 7 = Sunday, 0 = all the days).
f Using this VIFE as a data container for wireless M-Bus or manufacturer specific protocol in combination with
the variable length DIF = 0Dh (LVAR from 00h to BFh, see CEN/TR 17167:2018, Annex F).
g The unique message identification is not resettable.
h This data point is reserved for the transport of any special information for the operator. It shall not be used
by the vendor!
i Typically the security key needs to be set with data field LVAR, due to its large size.
j Data type D according to Annex A.
k Binary data (see Table 4) shall be interpreted as data type A (unsigned BCD) or data type C (unsigned
integer) according to Annex A.
l This VIFE is deprecated! The Security Information Transfer Protocol according to EN 13757–7, Annex A shall
be used instead.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E) 2nd level VIFE-code extension table (following VIF = FDh and VIFE = FDh)
E001 1100 –
E001 1111
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
E011 1000 –
E101 0111
E101 1000 –
Reserved a
E110 0111
E110 1nnn Reserved
E111 00nn Reserved a
E110 1110 Display output scaling factor, KDd 2(–12) (Units for HCA)/KWhb 0 to 4 kWh(–1)c
NOTE Refer also to Annex C for non-metric units.
a These codes were used until 2004, now they are reserved for future use.
b “Units for HCA” is not physically unit, but a dimensionless quantity.
c Limited to the physical reasonable range.
d Binary data (see Table 4) shall be interpreted as data type A (unsigned BCD) or data type C (unsigned
integer) according to Annex A.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
The code from Table 15 follows immediately the VIF or the VIFE (in case of code extension) and
modifies its meaning.
Table 15 — Combinable (orthogonal) VIFE-table
VIFE-Code Description
Reserved for object actions (master to slave): see 6.4.7 or for error codes (slave to master):
E000 xxxx
see 6.4.8
E001 0000 –
E001 0001
E001 0010 Average value
E001 0011 Inverse compact profilec
E001 0100 Relative deviationa
E001 0101 –
Record error codes (slave to master); (see 6.4.8)
E001 1100
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
VIFE-Code Description
E011 0110 Multiplied by s
E011 0111 Multiplied by s/V
E011 1000 Multiplied by s/A
E011 1001 Start date(/time) ofd,e
E011 1010 VIF contains uncorrected unit or value at metering conditions instead of converted unit
E011 1011 Accumulation only if positive contributions (forward flow contribution)
E011 1100 Accumulation of abs value only if negative contributions (backward flow)
E011 1101 Used for alternate non-metric unit system (according to Annex C)
E011 1110 Value at base conditionsf
E011 1111 OBIS-declaration (data type C follows in case of binary coding)
E100 u000 U = 1: upper, u = 0: lower limit value
E100 u001 Number of exceeds of lower u = 0)/upper (U = 1) limit
Date (/time) of: b = 0: begin, b = 1: end of, f = 0: first, f = 1: last, u = 0: lower, u = 1: upper limit
E100 uf1b
E111 0nnn Multiplicative correction factor for value (not unit): 10nnn–6
E111 10nn Additive correction constant: 10nn–3 ⋅ unit of VIF (offset)g
E111 1100 Extension of combinable (orthogonal) VIFE-Code (refer to Table 16)
E111 1101 Multiplicative correction factor for value (not unit): 103
E111 1110 Future value
E111 1111 Next VIFEs and data of this block are manufacturer specific
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
VIFE-Code Description
a Use the multiplier VIFE E111 0nnn to generate % or ppm values, e.g. multiplier of 10–2.
b This VIFE shall be attached to a special VIFE if the content of the related data point has not a manufacture
specific use but conforms exclusively to the definitions of Annex E.
c This VIFE declares a series of data points as compact profile. According to Annex F.
d “Date(/time) of” or “Duration of” relates to the information which the whole Data Record Header contains.
e The information about usage of data type F (date and time) or data type G (date), I (date and time), J (time)
or M (date and time or duration) can be derived from the data field (see Table 4).
f Used either to indicate that the consumption value is referenced, respectively converted to base conditions
(e.g. gas volume at base temperature and base pressure) or for the base condition itself (e.g. reference/base
temperature or reference/base pressure).
g The additive correction constant is given as a separate data record.
h nn = 00b second(s)
01b minute(s)
10b hour(s)
11b day(s)
The codes of Table 16 follow immediately after the VIFE = FCh of Table 15.
Table 16 — Extension of combinable VIFE-table (following VIFE = FCh of combinable
(orthogonal) VIFE-table)
VIFE-Code Description
E000 0000 Reserved
E000 0001 At phase L1
E000 0010 At phase L2
E000 0011 At phase L3
E000 0100 At neutral (N)
E000 0101 Between phase L1 and L2
E000 0110 Between phase L2 and L3
E000 0111 Between phase L3 and L1
E000 1000 At quadrant Q1
E000 1001 At quadrant Q2
E000 1010 At quadrant Q3
E000 1011 At quadrant Q4
E000 1100 Delta between import and export (abs(Q1+Q4) – abs(Q2+Q3))
E000 1101 –
E000 1111
E001 0000 Accumulation of absolute value for both positive and negative contribution (absolute count)a
E001 0001 Data presented with type C according Annex A
E001 0010 Data presented with type D according Annex A
E001 0011 Reserved
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
VIFE-Code Description
The fundamental idea of an object is the encapsulation of data and methods or actions for the data. In
case of writing data to a slave the master software can pack data and information about the action,
which the slave shall do with this data, in one data record. This variable data record with actions is now
called an object. Following any VIF including a VIF = FDh or VIF = FBh with the true value information in
the first VIFE, another (usually the last) VIFE can be added which contains a code signalling object
actions according to Table 17.
Table 17 — Action codes for the generalized object layer (master to slave)
To report errors belonging just to a special record and not to the full application, the slave can add to
the defective record a VIFE containing one of the values of Table 18 to code the type of application
error, which has occurred for this record.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
— data field = 0000b: no data and idle filler (DIF = 02Fh): fill record up to the normal length;
The MDH (see 6.1) consists of the character 0Fh or 1Fh (DIF = 0Fh or 1Fh) and indicates that all
following data are manufacturer specific. When the total number of bytes given from the link/network
layers and the number of record-structured bytes and the length of the fixed header is known, the
number of remaining unstructured manufacturer specific bytes can be calculated.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
NOTE 1 Structured manufacturer specific data (i.e. those with a known data structure including variable length
binary or ASCII but with a manufacturer specific meaning or unit) can be described using normal data records
with a value information field of VIF = 7Fh or FFh (see 6.4.1).
The DIF = 1Fh signals additionally a request from the slave to the master to readout the slave once
again. The master shall readout the slave until there is no DIF = 1Fh inside the responded datagram
(multi datagram message readout) or use an application reset. The variable data block of the next
datagram starts with a normal DIF. If a multi datagram message contains M-Bus records only and no
manufacturer specific data, the DIF 1Fh shall be the last byte in the application frame of all except the
last datagram.
DIF = 1Fh should be used for unencrypted data (security mode 0 in EN 13757-7:2018, Table 19).
DIF = 1Fh shall not be used in combination with enabled fragmentation within AFL (see EN 13757-7,
EN 13757-6). For encrypted multi datagram messages fragmentation in AFL should be applied instead
of DIF = 1Fh.
NOTE 2 If DIF = 0Fh is used in combination with fragmentation in the AFL, the manufacturer specific data are
continued in the successive fragments (without repeated application of DIF = 0Fh at the beginning of the
successive fragment).
In case of partial encryption (see EN 13757-7:2018, 7.6.5) DIF = 0Fh and the manufacturer specific data
shall be located completely outside of the encrypted area.
If manufacturer specific data are to be transported in the encrypted part of a partially encrypted
message, a data record with a suitable DIF (possibly a DIF with variable length — see 6.3.3) and a
VIF = 7Fh or FFh (manufacturer specific data record — see 6.4.1) shall be used instead of the usual
MDH-DIF = 0Fh or 1Fh.
NOTE 3 A MDH hidden in the encrypted part of a partially encrypted message causes misinterpreting of
following unencrypted data as long as encrypted data are not decrypted.
With the CI-field 50h or 53h (without additional parameter), the master can release a reset of the
application layer in the slaves. Each slave itself decides which parameters to change, e.g. which data
output is default – after it has received such an application reset.
7.2 Application select with subcode
It is allowed to use optional parameters after CI = 50h or 53h. In this case, the CI-field acts as
application select. If more bytes follow, these bytes are the application select subcode. Up to 10 subcode
bytes are possible. The application select subcode defines which message function and which block is
requested by the master. The data type of this parameter is 8 bit binary. The upper 4 bits of each byte
define the message application and the lower 4 bits of each byte define the number of the block or
datagram number (the meaning of this number is device specific). The lower 4 bits may be ignored for
slaves which provide only a single datagram for each application. The use of the value zero for the
number of the block means that all datagrams are requested.
Message application and block number are calculated according to the following rules:
a) message from master to slave: CI = 50h/53h ax by cz;
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
After the CI field up to 10 additional bytes are permitted. The above stated definitions are using only
3 additional bytes.
NOTE The usage of Fh for the application block ensures backward compatibility to previous revisions of this
standard, e.g. CI = 50h F0h 00h is equal to CI = 50h F0h.
Slaves with only one type of message may ignore application select and the added parameters. The
codes given in Table 19 are used for the upper 4 bits of the parameter bytes following the CI-Field:
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
If this feature is used it shall be implemented according to the definition in this clause. The CI fields
given in Table 20 shall be supported for application reset or application select.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Applica Applica
CI field ble to ble to Name Description
wM-Bus M-Bus
Selects the requested application or block
Application reset or
50h in the application (with parameter) or
None no yes select to device
resets to application to default state
(master to slave)
(without parameter)
Selects the requested application or block
Application reset or
53h in the application (with parameter) or
long yes yes select to device
resets to application to default state
(master to slave)
(without parameter)
Request of selected
54h Readout of selected application and next
none no yes application to device
block (without parameter)
(master to slave)
Request of selected
55h Readout of selected application and next
long yes yes application to device
block (without parameter)
(master to slave)
Response of selected
66h Transmission of selected application and
none no yes application from device
next block
(slave to master)
Response of selected
67h Transmission of selected application and
short yes no application from device
next block
(slave to master)
Response of selected
68h Transmission of selected application and
long yes yes application from device
next block
(slave to master)
All meters supporting several applications or one application with several blocks shall support these CI
An application reset forces the fall-back to the standard response. The standard response is a
(predefined) application. Typically the standard response is application 0. The standard response starts
with block 0.
A SND-UD with “Request of selected application” is confirmed with ACK. The successive REQ-UD2 shall
be replied with “Response of selected application”. SND-UD2 can be used alternatively: The slave
answers immediately with “Response of selected application”. The return to the M-Bus application
protocol is accomplished by using “Application reset” or “Application select”.
7.4 Rules for application selection
7.4.1 Reset of current slave response
Master should apply an application select after a voltage drop was detected.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
NOTE A secondary address selection or deselection, SND-NKE or break does not lead to a change of the
application selection.
— First block:
— Current block:
— Wrap around:
If no successive block is available the next transmitted block will be the first block (block 0).
If a master selects a block that is not available the next transmitted block will be the first block
(block 0).
— Application reset:
After application reset the next transmitted block will be the first block (block 0).
Application select shall be used by a master to select an application and a block from the slave. If a
master requests a certain block from a slave and this block is not available in the currently selected
application the slave can transmit a different block. Therefore it is necessary that the slave transmits
the current block number in each block.
Using VIF = FDh FDh 00h the slave should send message application and number of block in a message.
If meters are providing more than one block in a selected application the defined data point shall be
transmitted in each block. Otherwise the data point with the block number can be omitted.
If the M-Bus application protocol is encrypted the encryption of this data point is optional.
8 Clock synchronization
For wireless communication (but not limited to this one), the clock synchronization is executed by a
special protocol for clock synchronization. For this protocol CI-fields 6Ch and 6Dh are used. E.3
specifies the transmission of clock synchronization to meter.
Alternatively, the clock may set by an M-Bus-command. The communication partner may send date and
time in all command messages to ensure that the meter can detect a replay of an old command. The
meter shall not use this time stamp for synchronization of its clock except when a dedicated action code
(see Table 17) was added.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
The acknowledgement by the data link layer reports only a successful communication. Errors happened
by the handling of the transmitted application data are not automatically reported but need to be
requested by the master separately. After successful transmission of the Application error the meter
response will be reset by sending another command or by applying an Application reset/select.
10.2 Status field
The presence and type of an application error shall be indicated by the status field in the TPL-header
(see EN 13757-7:2018, 7.5.6). The status field is applied in every message with a short or long TPL-
10.3 General application layer errors
For reporting general application errors, a slave can use a RSP-UD datagram with CI = 6Eh, 6Fh or 70h
and zero, one or several data bytes, which describe the type of error.
The defined values for an application error are given in Table 21.
Table 21 — First error code byte for general application errors
07h – Reserved
08h Application busy Application too busy for handling readout request
09h Credit overflow Too many readouts (for slaves with limited readouts per time)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
The slave always confirms the correctly received datagram by transmitting an E5h with the old baud
rate and uses the new baud rate from now on, if it is capable of this. Otherwise the slave stays at its
previous baud rate after the E5h acknowledge. To make sure that a slave without auto speed detect has
properly switched to the new baud rate and that it can communicate properly at the new baud rate in
its segment, it is required that, after a baud rate switch to a baud rate other than 300 Bd, the master
attempts immediately (<2 min) after the baud rate switch command a communication. If (even after the
appropriate number of retries) this is not acknowledged by the slave, the master shall issue a baud rate
set command (at the attempted new baud rate) back to the previous baud rate. If a slave without auto
speed detect does not receive a valid communication at the new baud rate within 2 min to 10 min of the
baud rate switch command, the slave shall fall back to its previous baud rate. This is required
individually and sequentially for each addressable slave. For compatibility with older slaves with fall
back to 300 Bd, the master should also attempt a communication at 300 Bd if the slave does not answer
at its last baud rate.
12 Synchronize action
If this feature is used it shall be implemented according to the definition in this clause.
The CI-field 5Ch can be used for synchronizing functions in slaves and masters (e.g. clock
synchronization). Special actions or parameter loads may be prepared (see Table 17). But the final
execution is delayed until the reception of such a special CI-field command. No data follows this CI-code.
15 Image transfer
The image transfer protocol is defined in Annex I.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Annex A
X Number of applied bits as defined in the data field (see Table 4)
UI Unsigned integer
I Signed integer
B Array of bits
EXAMPLE UI4 [0 to 3] < 0 to 9 > means the 4 bits from position bit0 to position bit3 are coded as unsigned
integer and can contain values from 0 to 9.
The following data types are used inside the application layer:
Type A: Unsigned integer BCD:
Table A.1 — Type A: Unsigned BCD
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... digit 101 UI4 [4 to 7] < 0 to 9 > ; < A to F > a
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
F = Fraction
Octet 1
2−16 2−17 2−18 2−19 2−20 2−21 2−22 2−23
F = Fraction
Octet 2
2−8 2−9 2−10 2−11 2−12 2−13 2−14 2−15
E (LSB) F = Fraction
Octet 3
2−0 2−1 2−2 2−3 2−4 2−5 2−6 2−7
Sign E = Exponent
Octet 4
S 27 26 25 24 23 22 21
The following ranges are specified by ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011 for type binary32 floating point
Range: (–2128 + 2104) to (+2128 – 2104), that is –3,4 ⋅ 1038 to +3,4 ⋅ 1038
Smallest negative number: –2−149, that is: – 1,4 ⋅ 10−45
Smallest positive number: +2−149, that is: + 1,4 ⋅ 10−45
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Y deviation
X time
1 daylight savings begin
2 daylight savings end
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Hour: UI5 [16 to 20] < 0 to 23 > ; < 31 > : every houra
A value of FFh in all three bytes (that means FFFFFFh) shall be interpreted as invalid.
Note that in EN 13757–3:2013 the 000000h was applied to signal the state “invalid”.
Unused bits shall be 0 except the value is invalid.
a Other values are reserved for future usage.
Type K: Daylight savings
Data field = 0100 (32 bits)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
We choose the day(s) while the meter could be in normal mode. All the weeks are identical for this
choice. Set to 1 the matching bit(s): bit 53 to bit 59. Sunday is represented by bit 53, Monday by bit 54
to Saturday by bit 59.
We choose the hour(s) while the meter could be in normal mode. All the days are identical for this
choice. Set to 1 the matching bit(s): bit 60 to bit 83. The first hour is represented by bit 60 to the 24th
hour by bit 83.
We choose the quarter(s) of an hour, while the meter could be in normal mode. All the hours are
identical for this choice. Set to 1 the matching bit(s): bit 84 to bit 87. The first quarter is represented by
bit 84 to the fourth quarter by the bit 87.
At one point, the meter is in “normal mode” if the bits for week, day and hour are set to 1. The meter is
in “power saved mode” if one or more of the bits for week, day and hour is set to 0.
If bits 2, 54, 55, 60 and 61 are set to 1 and the others are set to 0. The meter is in normal mode between 0 h and 2
h on Monday and Tuesday of the third week of the year.
If bits 2, 54, 55, 60, 62, 84 and 85 are set to 1 and the others are set to 0 the meter is in normal mode in the first
and second quarter of hour 0 and hour 2, between 0:00’ and 0:30’ and between 2:00’ and 2:30’, on Monday and
Tuesday of the third week of the year.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
The time format Type M contains always the coordinated universal time. A deviation of the local time
zone to UTC can be considered in the field time offset. Daylight savings shall not be used in this time
NOTE This format does not support time zones, which use a fraction of an hour to UTC.
A time offset of 10000b specifies a point in time relative to a reference time. In this case the value in
starting time does not care. If no specific reference time is declared the time of transmission shall be
For the application in the M-Bus-protocol the data type LVAR shall be used. The number of used data
bits X is calculated by X = 8*(LVAR-E0h).
EXAMPLE 1 A timestamp 2013–01–02 at 01:02:03 (UTC) presented by a 4 byte timer with a resolution in
seconds and an offset of 1 h (=2013–01–02 02:02:03 CET) is codes as:
0Dh 6Dh E5h 0Bh 60h 01h 00h 21h (= 90123 s after 2013–01–01 at 00:00:00 UTC).
EXAMPLE 2 An event 34,5 s before the meter transmission presented by a 2 byte timer with a resolution of
256th part of a second is coded as:
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Annex B
This standard allows multi-digit BCD-coded data fields. It does, however, not contain information about
what happens if a non-BCD hex code (Ah–Fh) is detected by the master software.
B.1.2 Purpose
To fully define a master software including error treatment; such a definition would be desirable.
To simplify the design of slaves with integrated displays, the above mentioned non-BCD states of the
variables should be both transmittable in the form of suitable (hex) codes but also be displayable
directly from the value codes of a 7-segment (usually LCD) display by extending the normal 10 entry
BCD to 7-segment decoding a 16-entry decoding table.
B.2 Definition
B.2.1 Hex code meanings
a) Ah–Eh
Such a code in any digit position signals a general error of the complete data field. The display at
the meter or a remote readout device should display an appropriate symbol at the appropriate
display position (see Table B.1).
b) Fh
Such a code in the most significant digit position signals a “minus-sign” in front of the remaining
(N–1) digit number. In any other digit position it signals an error.
EXAMPLE A 4-digit BCD code of “F321” will be interpreted by the master software as “–321” and displayed
as “–321” on a 4-digit only display.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ah Bh Ch Dh Eh Fh
“0” “1” “2” “3” “4” “5” “6” “7” “8” “9” “A” “b” “C” ““ “E” “–“
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Annex C
Standard VIF Standard unit and range Non-metric unit and range Type
E0000nnn 0,001 Wh to 10 000 Wh 0,001 kBTU to 10 000 kBTU Energy
E0010nnn 0,001 l to 10 000 l 0,001 USgal to 10 000 USgal Volume
0,0001 USgal/min to
E1000nnn 0,0001 l/min to 1 000 l/min Volume flow.
1 000 USgal/min
E0101nnn 0,001 W to 10 000 W 0,001 mBTU/s to 10 000 mBtu/s Power
E10110nn 0,001 °C to 1 °C 0,001°F to 1 °F Temp. forward
E10111nn 0,001 °C to 1 °C 0,001°F to 1 °F Temp. return
E11101nn 0,001 °C to 1 °C 0,001°F to 1 °F Cold/ warm temperature limit
E11000nn 0,001°C to 1 °C 0,001°F to 1 °F Temp. difference
E11001nn 0,001°C to 1 °C 0,001°F to 1 °F External temperature
26 08 42 75 Value = 75420826
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Value Meaning
00 Valve closed
01 Valve opened
02 Valve released, not open
03 to 255 Reserved
It is recommended to apply additionally a time stamp or a sequence counter together with the switch
command to detect the replay of an expired switch command.
EXAMPLE To close a valve together with the sequence counter of 3:
04h FDh 08h 03h 00h 00h 00h 01h FDh 1Fh 00
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Annex D
Alarm protocol
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Annex E
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 2°
Table E.2 — Meaning of error bits in the least significant error byte (EF1)
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Table E.4 — Meaning of error bits in the second least significant error byte (EF2)
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Table E.6 — Meaning of error bits in the third least significant error byte (EF3)
E.2 VIF/VIFE/VIFE = FDh 9Fh 1Dh for passing remote control on a node
If the data point VIF/VIFE/VIFE = FDh 9Fh 1Dh for a wireless M-Bus device is used the least significant
byte of remote control has the meaning given in Tables E.4, E.5, E.6, E.7 and E.8.
Table E.7 — Least significant byte of the remote control (RC1)
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 2°
Power adjust for a radio product, the bits of the first byte of
b0 b1
remote control have the following meaning:
0 0 do nothing
0 1 reserved for future use
1 0 decrease power (one step)
1 1 increase power (one step)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
b3 b4 b5 Test mode
0 0 0 do nothing
0 0 1 test mode : temporary emission of permanent “0”a
0 1 0 test mode : temporary emission of permanent “0101”a
test mode : temporary emission of permanent carrier, no
0 1 1
b6 Mode select
0 power save mode
1 normal mode
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Table E.13 — Application frame “time setting” with CI = 6Ch (Set date and time)
Under metrological aspects, this command is always considered as a clock reset by the slave.
b) Add/Subtract Time Offset:
Add/Subtract Time Offset to the current slave time to either correct a slave clock drift or to correct a
possible slave time error due to a communication delay of a previous set date/time command.
Table E.14 — Application frame “time adjustment” with CI = 6Dh (Add/Subtract Time Offset)
If this command is either received by the slave more than 60 s after the last command or the partner
access number is different from the last command, then the add/subtract time command shall be
executed, otherwise it is considered as a repetition of the last time correction command and shall be
The communication partner shall provide the correct time (UTC) for every bidirectional meter both
periodically and on event. In the following cases, a clock synchronization shall be applied:
— once every day (as long as the partner has a valid time);
The time service of the communication partner is not an obligatory command. The change of the meter
clock is in the responsibility of the meter itself and shall consider device type specific requirements as
defined in dedicated standards and references. An example of clock synchronisation datagram is listed
in CEN/TR 17167:2018, Annex G.6.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Annex F
Transmission of profiles
Value (Hex)
Description DIF/DIFE (Hex) VIF/VIFE (Hex)
Count of transmitted storage numbers (optional) 89 04 FD 22 05
Interval to the next storage number (here 1 month) 89 04 FD 28 01
Date of last storage number (#12) 82 06 6C 1F 15
Storage number #8 8C 04 13 65 00 00 00
Storage number #9 CC 04 13 09 02 00 00
Storage number #10 8C 05 13 23 04 00 00
Storage number #11 CC 05 13 55 07 00 00
Storage number #12 8C 06 13 13 10 00 00
The first transmitted data points are the profile parameter count, data and interval. Thereafter follows
the cumulated consumption value per interval starting from the storage number #8. The lower storage
numbers remain reserved for single values like the current consumption or the consumption at the due
day, etc.
The M-Bus compact profiles are used to transport a series of values with a fix space between each value.
In addition to the compact profile, a base value and a base time is required to declare a start time and
the value of the profile. Additional base parameters like the OBIS-declaration may be added as well. The
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
base time is chained with the compact profile by using the same storage number in the DIF/DIFE. The
base value and the base parameters are chained with the compact profile by using the same storage-,
tariff- and subunit numbers in the DIF/DIFE of the data record. If one of these numbers differs from the
compact profile, it shall be assumed that the base value or base parameters are missed.
F.2.2 The base value and base parameter
The data point base value (Table F.3) is the oldest value of the data series for VIFE = 1Eh/1Fh
respectively the youngest value for VIFE = 13h. It shall always exist unless the increment mode
“Absolute value” (00b) is used. In the absence of the base value, the first entry in the profile is used as
the first value of the data series instead. The base value and the base parameters may be used with any
Table F.3 — Base value record (connected via storage-, tariff-, subunit number and VIF/VIFEx)
The base time (Table F.4) shall be encoded with one of the Types F to J or M (refer to Annex A). It
corresponds to the base value, even if it does not exist. Therefore, the first entry in the compact profile
is always related to the base time added by one space interval.
Table F.4 — Base time record (connected via the storage number)
The compact profile record (Table F.5) itself starts (like each M-bus data point) with a DIF (DIFE) and a
VIF (VIFE) but with an additional (new) orthogonal VIFE signalling a “compact profile”.
The profile record uses a data structure with variable length (DIF = xDh) followed by a length byte with
values between 3 and 191 (0BFh). The whole length is accumulated by two control bytes plus
N*(element length), where N is the number of elements of the profile. Consequently, the length of “2”
signals an empty profile.
Table F.5 — Profile record (connected via storage-, tariff-, subunit number and VIF/VIFEx)
The first byte (spacing control byte, Tables F.6 and F.7) of this variable length record structure contains
the data size of each individual element in the lower four bits (as in the lower nibble of the DIF
definitions, but excluding variable length elements). The next higher two bits signal the time spacing
units (00b = sec, 01b = min, 10b = hours and 11b = days). The highest two bits signal the increment
mode of the profile (00b = absolute value (signed), 01b = positive (unsigned) increments (all
differences ≥ 0), 10b = negative (unsigned) increments (all differences ≤ 0), 11b = signed difference,
with: difference = younger value minus older value). All values of the profile are initially preset with the
coding for “illegal”, e.g. −128 for signed byte, 255 for unsigned byte, −32768 for signed word, etc. (refer
to Annex A, type B and C). Invalid values shall also be used in case of an overflow of an incremental
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 2°
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
NOTE 2 The order of values is inverse for the "Inverse compact profile" (see F.2.8).
— “Compact profile” for the transport of an unlimited number of values as a series with no assignment
to a register number (e.g. load profile);
— “Inverse compact profile” for the transport of an unlimited number of values as a series with no
assignment to a register number (e.g. load profile).
The Compact profile with register numbers applies the storage numbers in a different way than the
Compact profile (without register numbers) and the Inverse compact profile. The transmission of
several profiles (e.g. for two tariffs) in parallel is possible, but it requires a different coding in the
DIF/DIFE or the VIF/VIFE e.g. by the use of different tariff numbers. As long as the storage numbers are
identical, all compact profiles are related to the same base time.
F.2.6 Compact profile with register numbers (orthogonal VIFE = 1Eh)
The Compact profile with register numbers shall be selected if the assignment of a historical value to an
accumulation register number is required.
The first requested register number is coded by the storage number, which is used for the base time, the
base value and the compact profile. The first value inside the compact profile is related to the second
requested register number, the second value to the third register and so on. To support up to 125
register numbers, a coding with a Final DIFEs as specifies in 6.3.5 shall always be used.
A data series may also contain non-periodic entries, e.g. in the case of a changed device status. Such a
case can be transmitted by chaining several profiles (see example).
EXAMPLE Table F.9 and Table F.10 show an absolute profile of monthly consumption values (Tariff 1) of an
electricity meter.
Table F.9 — Example of compact profile with register numbers: Plain data
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Table F.10 — Example of compact profile with register numbers: M-Bus data records
Base time #32 T0 86h 80h 81h 00h 6Dh 00h 00h A0h 41h 11h 35h
Base value #32 T1 84h 90h 81h 00h 03h F0h 49h 02h 00h
8Dh 90h 81h 00h 83h 1Eh 0Ah 34h FEh A0h 86h 01h 00h D0h
Profile 1 (2 values: #33;#34) #32 T1
FBh 01h 00h
Base time #35 T0 C6h 81h 81h 00h 6Dh 0Bh 0Ch 8Dh 59h 13h 0Ch
Base value #35 T1 C4h 91h 81h 00h 03h 90h 5Fh 01h 00h
Base time #36 T0 86h 82h 81h 00h 6Dh 00h 00h 80h 41h 14h 0Dh
Base value #36 T1 84h 92h 81h 00h 03h 50h C3h 00h 00h
Profile 2 (1 value: #37) #36 T1 8Dh 92h 81h 00h 83h 1Eh 06h 34h FEh 00h 71h 02h 00h
F.2.7 Compact profile (orthogonal VIFE = 1Fh)
The compact profiles shall start with the storage number > #0. They may use a flexible number of DIF’s
and DIFE’s. Chained compact profiles use (unlike the compact profiles with register numbers) the next
higher storage number. The use of the storage number #0 is not permitted for compact profiles.
EXAMPLE Tables F.11 and F.12 with incremental load profile; 3 hourly volume values after midnight coded
with BCD.
Profile #8 T0 8Dh 04h 95h 1Fh 05h 69h 01h 03h 02h 11h
F.2.8 Inverse compact profile (orthogonal VIFE = 13h)
The inverse compact profile (Tables F.13 and F.14) is identical with compact profiles (VIFE = 1Fh)
except the order of data points. For this compact profile the base value is always the youngest value.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Profile #8 T0 8Dh 04h 95h 13h 05h 69h 01h 11h 02h 03h
Note that in this example the Increment mode in the Profile is set to 01b = Increments, because in the
plain data in Table F.13 the metering values are increasing with the time.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Annex G
G.1 General
Communication channels like radio are limited in capacity of data transfer. The new optional M-Bus-
Compact frame provides an extension of the existing M-Bus Application protocol. It reduces size of
transmitted data up to 40 %, by the separation of the Data Information Fields (DIF/DIFE) and Value
Information Fields (VIF/VIFE) from the M-Bus-data. This is achieved by adding two additional frame
types to the traditional full M-Bus frame:
— M-Bus Compact frame (for the transmission of compact data);
— M-Bus Format frame (for the transmission of Data Information Fields and Value Information
The receiver of the M-Bus-Compact frame uses the stored DIF/VIF of an M-Bus-Format frame or full M-
Bus frame in context with the values of the received M-Bus-Compact frame to generate an updated full
M-Bus frame. The suitable M-Bus Format frame can be detected by the Format Signature transmitted in
the M-Bus-Compact frame. The M-Bus-Compact frame shall be used only if the frame structure (order
and coding of data points) remains unchanged for a certain time. If the frame structure changes, an M-
Bus Format frame or a full M-Bus frame shall be transmitted repeatedly until the communication
partner has reliably received it. The communication partner shall check if the stored M-Bus format
frame is outdated by verifying the Full-Frame-CRC with every recovered full M-Bus frame. The original
Full-Frame-CRC is transmitted inside the M-Bus compact frame. It is recommended to repeat the full M-
Bus frame periodically even if the DIF/VIFs of the full M-Bus frame do not change. This provides a
backward compatibility to communication partners that do not support compact M-Bus frames.
The use of the M-Bus-Compact or the M-Bus-Format frame is limited to wireless transmission based on
EN 13757-4.
NOTE The separation of the DIF/VIF (describing unit and resolution of consumption data) from measured
values might be in contradiction with local regulations.
The partial encryption of messages can also be applied for the Compact and Format frame. Be aware
that both the Full-Frame-CRC and the Format Signature are always located in the encrypted part of the
message and will be not readable as long as the applied encryption key is unknown. In case of partial
encryption, the first DIF of the unencrypted part of the message shall not be an idle filler 2Fh.
The partner may request one of the available frame formats of the wireless meter by applying a special
CI-field (see Table G.1) within the request of user data (REQ-UD2).
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Table G.1 — CI-fields for the request of Full and Compact and Format M-Bus frame format
The Full M-Bus frame (Table G.3) shall be supported by each meter, which conforms to this European
Standard. The support of the M-Bus Compact and the M-Bus Format frame is optional. If the meter does
not support the requested frame format it shall response an application error instead (see Table 21).
For the response to a request or for an unsolicited transmission of the wireless meter it marks the
applied frame format by a special CI-field too. Table G.2 shows the related CI-fields for the Full M-Bus
frame as well as for the M-Bus-Compact and the M-Bus-Format frame with all variants of the application
layer header. The content of the short and long header is listed in EN 13757-7:2018, Annex A.
Table G.2 — CI-fields for the full and Compact and Format M-Bus frame format
CI Data header DIF [1] VIF [1] Data [1] DIF [2] VIF [2] VIFE [2] Data [2]
The Full M-Bus frame contains all Information of a full M-Bus frame. It can be used to derive an M-Bus
Format frame (Table G.5) including the Format Signature (Table G.4). The Full M-Bus frame can be
transmitted alternative to an M-Bus-Format frame. It provides full backward compatibility but it is even
longer than an M-Bus Format frame.
G.2.3 M-Bus- Compact frame
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
CI Data header LF Format-Signature DIF [1] VIF [1] DIF [2] VIF [2] VIFE [2]
The M-Bus Format frame contains no data but Data Information Fields or Value Information Fields of
the M-Bus frame. It shall be transmitted either in case of changed M-Bus format or periodically with a
rare interval. The Format Signature shall be used as identifier to this format frame.
In case of block cipher encryption the remaining bytes of the last block in the M-Bus-Format frame shall
be filled with the value 2Fh. These filler bytes are not included in the length field (LF).
The length field (LF) counts the number of bytes (including the Format Signature) before the idle filler,
which were inserted by the block cipher of the format frame. The default value of the length field is
zero. If no application layer encryption is applied, the length field remains unchanged.
NOTE 1 The length field is in the responsibility of the encryption module.
NOTE 2 The data header contains the AES check bytes if applicable (refer to EN 13757–7:2018, Annex A).
The following different examples are given to show the relations between the three frame types: Full M-
Bus frame, M-Bus Compact frame and M-Bus Format frame. The meter transmits the following three
data sets:
— Energy = 123,4 Wh;
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
— Power = 901,2 W.
In this example, the frames use the CI-fields without data header. FOS refers to Format Signature, FFC
refers to Full-Frame-CRC and LF refers to length field.
Full M-Bus frame (CI = 78h):
78h 02h 02h D2h 04h 02h 15h 2Eh 16h 02h 2Ah 34h 23h
M-Bus-Format frame (CI = 69h):
69h 008h FOS FOS 02h 02h 02h 15h 02h 2Ah
M-Bus-Compact frame (CI = 79h):
79h FOS FOS FFC FFC D2h 04h 2Eh 16h 34h 23h
G.5.3 Example with short data header, no encryption
In this example, the frames use the CI-fields with short data header but no encryption is used. FOS
refers to Format Signature, FFS refers to Full-Frame-CRC and LF refers to length field.
Full M-Bus frame (CI = 7Ah):
7Ah 01h 00h 00h 00h 02h 02h D2h 04h 02h 15h 2Eh 16h 02h 2Ah 34h 23h
M-Bus-Format frame (CI = 6Ah):
6Ah 01h 00h 00h 00h 008h FOS FOS 02h 02h 02h 15h 02h 2Ah
M-Bus-Compact frame (CI = 7Bh):
7Bh 01h 00h 00h 00h FOS FOS FFC FFC D2h 04h 2Eh 16h 34h 23h
G.5.4 Example with short data header, encryption mode 5
In this example, the frames use the CI-fields with short data header with the use of encryption mode 5.
FOS refers to Format Signature, FFS refers to Full-Frame-CRC and LF refers to length field. The fields
included in brackets [ ] show the block to be encrypted using encryption mode 5. This example further
shows how partial encrypted frames are handled in M-Bus-Format frames and M-Bus-Compact frames.
Full M-Bus frame (CI = 7Ah):
7Ah 01h 00h 10h 05h[2Fh 2Fh 02h 02h D2h 04h 02h 15h 2Eh 16h ...
Filler DIF DIF VIF Data
2Fh 2Fh 2Fh 2Fh 2Fh 2Fh]02h 2Ah 34h 23h
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Annex H
H.1 General
The following tables are declared to be normative in the sense that if a translation from VIF/DIF values
to OBIS codes is necessary, exactly that translation given in the tables shall be used. It is not meant that
VIF/DIF values shall be used under any circumstances, as OBIS codes can also be transmitted as such.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Bit symbol
M Mandatory (These data objects shall be specified)
Ax Alternatively (At least one of the data objects marked with ‘A’ and an identical number x is mandatory)
O Optional (These data objects do not need to exist)
ssss ssss Status byte, according to EN 13757–7:2018, Table 7
cccc Coding of the data field, according to Table 4 (except real, variable length, selection for readout, special functions)
n One or more bits, according to Tables 10, 12, 13 and 14
VZ Previous recent value(s) 0 ≤ VZ ≤ 99 or 101 ≤ VZ ≤ 125
Definition of the bit of the M-Bus storage number, which is equivalent to the billing period counter (VZ) (see Tables 3 and 8); value range 0
to 99 and 101 to 125
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Table H.2 — M-Bus to OBIS translation: general data (for all devices)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
O Date of count 1–0:0.1.2*VZ Local date at time of recent meter value, billing periodb
– Type G 1x00 0010 1000 xxxx 0000 00xx 0110 1100
– Type F 1x00 0100 1000 xxxx 0000 00xx 0110 1101
O Time integral 1–0:0.8.2*255 Averaging duration for current power value
– h or min or s 0000 cccc 0111 00nn
a The applied averaging period is provided in 1–0:0.8.2*255.
b Final DIFE shall be according to 6.3.5.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
O Rating factor 4–x:0.4.3*255 Thermal coupling rating factor room side, Kcra
O Rating factor 4–x:0.4.4*255 Thermal coupling rating factor heater side, Kcha
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Cooling Value group A = 5 0Ah, 0Bh (see EN 13757–7:2018, Table 13) (Cooling only)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Table H.6 — M-Bus to OBIS translation: combined heat and cooling meter
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
A1 Meter count 7–0:3.0.0*255 Volume (meter), metering conditions (Vm), forward, absolute, current value
– m3 10e–3 to 10e+4 0000 cccc 1001 0nnn 1111 1101 0011 1010
A1 Meter count 7–0:3.1.0*255 Volume (meter), temperature converted (Vtc), forward, absolute, current value
A1 Meter count 7–0:3.2.0*255 Volume (meter), base conditions (Vb), forward, absolute, current value
– m3 10e–3 to 10e+4 0000 cccc 1001 0nnn 1111 1101 0011 1110
O Meter count 7–0:3.0.0*VZ Volume (meter), metering conditions (Vm), forward, absolute, recent valued
– m3 10e–6 to 10e+1 1x00 cccc 1000 xxxx 0000 00xx 1001 0nnn 0011 1010
– m3 10e–3 to 10e+4 1x00 cccc 1000 xxxx 0000 00xx 1001 0nnn 1111 1101 0011 1010
O Meter count 7–0:3.1.0*VZ Volume (meter), temperature converted (Vtc), forward, absolute, recent valued
– m3 10e–6 to 10e+1 1x00 cccc 1000 xxxx 0000 00xx 0001 0nnn
– m3 10e–3 to 10e+4 1x00 cccc 1000 xxxx 0000 00xx 1001 0nnn 0111 1101
O Meter count 7–0:3.2.0*VZ Volume (meter), base conditions (Vb), forward, absolute, recent valued
– m3 10e–6 to 10e+1 1x00 cccc 1000 xxxx 0000 00xx 1001 0nnn 0011 1110
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
– m3 10e–3 to 10e+4 1x00 cccc 1000 xxxx 0000 00xx 1001 0nnn 1111 1101 0011 1110
O Flow rate 7–0:43.15.0*255 Flow rate at metering conditions, averaging period 1 (default period 5 min), current interval (Vm/t1)a
O Flow rate 7–0:43.63.0*255 Flow rate at metering conditions, averaging period 4 (no default value), current interval (Vm/t1)a
O Flow rate 7–0:43.16.0*255 Flow rate, temperature converted, averaging period 1 (default period 5 min), current interval (Vtc/t1)b
– m3/h 10e–6 to 10e+1 0000 cccc 0011 1nnn
O Flow rate 7–0:43.64.0*255 Flow rate, temperature converted, averaging period 4 (no default value), current interval (Vtc/t1)b
O Flow rate 7–0:43.17.0*255 Flow rate at base conditions, averaging period 1 (default period 5 min), current interval (Vb/t1)c
O Flow rate 7–0:43.65.0*255 Flow rate at base conditions, averaging period 4 (no default value), current interval (Vb/t1)c
O Base temperature 7–0:41.2.0*255 defined Temperature, absolute, at base conditions (Tb) or for conversion (Ttc)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
O Meter count 8–0:1.2.0*255 Volume (V), accumulated, total, set date value
– m3 10e–6 to 10e+1 0100 cccc 0001 0nnn
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Hot Water Value group A = 9 06h, 15h (see EN 13757–7:2018, Table 13)
O Meter count 9–0:1.2.0*255 Volume (V), accumulated, total, set date value
– m3 10e–6 to 10e+1 0100 cccc 0001 0nnn
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
H.3 Online addition of an entry for the M-Bus to OBIS conversion table
When a meter uses an M-Bus data point, which is not declared in O.1 “Translation of predefined data
record types” in this draft European standard and which is required for billing, then it should assign the
suggested concerning OBIS code for this data point as static data by this special data point. This OBIS
declaration should be sent as static data (refer to EN 13757-7:2018, Table 20).
The OBIS declaration uses the original DIF/VIF-combination of the declared M-Bus data point added by
the orthogonal VIFE “OBIS declaration” (3Fh so far reserved). The value of this new data point consists
of the assigned OBIS code. The OBIS code may be coded as BCD or binary value. The content of the low
nibble of the original DIF (bold marked) is replaced by length and coding of OBIS code.
The binary value for the OBIS code is always unsigned. Use binary coding if OBIS value group F > 99.
For example, in the case of the max. flow rate of a water meter:
A water meter supports a maximum flow rate value e.g. 0,123 m3/h. The M-Bus data point for max. flow
rate is coded as e.g.:
1Ah DIF; maximum value; 4 digits BCD
3Bh VIF; Flow rate with unit 10−3 m3/h
23h 01h Value 123
The relevant OBIS declaration 8–0:2.5.0*255 will be transmitted either binary or with BCD-numbers.
BCD coding:
The relevant OBIS declaration will be transmitted as 12 digits BCD by:
1Eh DIF; maximum value; 12 digits BCD
BBh VIF; Flow rate with unit 10−3 m3/h; VIFE follows
3Fh VIFE “OBIS declaration”
AAh 00h 05h 02h 00h 08h Value; OBIS code 8–0:2.5.0*255
NOTE The BCD Value “AA” in OBIS value group F signals an invalid value (refer to Annex A). This corresponds
to a current value indicated by 255.
Binary coding:
Alternatively, the relevant OBIS declaration will be transmitted, e.g. as 48-bit binary, by:
16h DIF; maximum value; 48 bit binary
BBh VIF; flow rate with unit 10−3 m3/h; VIFE follows
3Fh VIFE; “OBIS declaration”
FFh 00h 05h 02h 00h 08h Value; OBIS code 8–0:2.5.0*255
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Annex I
Image Transfer
Image transfer makes it possible to transfer large amount of new generic data like new software, or
configuration tables or tariff information to a device. When image download is performed, then an
image is transferred from a Communicating partner to one or more devices. This may be the meter or a
communications interface attached to the meter. The generic term device is used for the remainder of
this section. The transfer of an image consists of a number of phases, of which some are optional. The
phases are:
— transfer preparation;
— transfer synchronization;
— transfer of image;
— image validation;
— image activation.
Image Transfer is performed using frames with a specific sub-range of CI-fields. The Image Transfer
service is applicable to any device using an M-bus transport protocol. The Image Transfer service is
applicable to, but not constrained, to the M-bus Application Layer. The Image Transfer capability is
Application Layer agnostic, i.e. it may be used for any type of Application Layer.
NOTE Other Application Layer protocols, like DLMS/COSEM, may as well take advantage of the Image
Transfer service.
The details of the different phases are listed in the subsequent sections. An overview of the whole
process is displayed in I.3.
A device may have the capability to enable/disable Image Transfer. Enabling of Image Transfer could be
based on the prior consent of the device user.
It is assumed that users of the receiving device are informed about a download. As precondition an
image download operation should be agreed between the responsible partners by enablement of such
operation. The management of enablement or disablement in a device, including authorization of
partners, is outside the scope of this standard.
I.1.2 Transfer Preparation
This phase is optional. The purpose of this phase is to ensure that the intended receivers of the image
are ready to receive the image at the intended time of transfer. The phase consists of a number of
individually addressed data exchanges between the Communication partner and each of the intended
individual receiving devices. The result of this phase is that the intended receiving devices have
received information about:
— what data will be exchanged,
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
This exchange takes place using command as specified in I.2.4 and I.2.5. The intended receivers are,
when this phase is over, ready to optionally synchronize and then receive the image.
I.1.3 Transfer Synchronization
This phase is optional. The purpose of this phase is to ensure that all of the intended receivers are ready
to receive the image during the transfer phase. The communication partner is transmitting the
synchronization command one or more times. A device that receives a synchronization command once
may be idle until start of image transfer. Commands for initiating and performing the synchronization
are specified in I.2.6.
The meter should open up a reception window which is long enough to catch the synchronization
command, prior to the image transfer e.g.: 10 s before. It is recommended that the gateway provides the
synchronization command sufficiently repeated, e.g.: each one or two seconds.
I.1.4 Image Transfer
This phase is mandatory. The purpose of this phase is to achieve that the intended receivers have
received all the image blocks with full integrity. The phase can be subdivided into the following
elements that may be executed iteratively.
NOTE 1 This takes into account that the Communicating partner will multicast, then check for reception, and
based on this, again multicast a subset of missing blocks, check for reception once more, and so on.
— Transfer of the image. The image is divided into blocks that fit the frame size of the transport
protocol. Transfer is performed one block at a time until all of the blocks in the image have been
transferred. The transfer may be repeated one or more times. This is an activity common to all of
the intended receivers. The Communicating partner will transfer the image to all of the intended
receivers at one time. In case of a multicast the transfer is a no-reply type of transfer (SND-UD3).
The image content structure is out of scope of this standard. The transfer takes place using
commands specified in I.2.7.
— Verification of the reception of the received blocks (of the image). This is an activity individual to
each of the intended receivers. The Communicating partner shall, for each image transferred collect
status individually from each of the intended receivers. The image may be transmitted multiple
times before the status is collected from the intended receivers. The verification takes place using
commands specified in I.2.8.
The intended result of this phase is that the full image, i.e. all of the blocks of the image has been
received by all of the intended receivers, and that the integrity of the overall image has been secured.
NOTE 2 From a complexity point of view it may be easier just to send the image multiple times instead of
checking the individual receivers. A receiver can, if it already has received a block, just skip the reception.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
NOTE 3 The verification of the reception of the blocks of an image can cause the communicating partner to
‘drop’ one or more of the intended receivers during this phase, if they are not able to receive the blocks reliably.
This phase is mandatory. The purpose of this phase is to validate the image received, i.e. that:
— The entire image has been received. An intended receiver shall discard further processing in this
phase if not all of the image has been received. The integrity and authenticity of the image may be
ensured. This could be achieved by calculating an overall authentication code (MAC) and comparing
it to a stored value previously received.
— The image is intended for the receiver (device). This could include that Image identifier field
(name) of the image and the versions of the image are acceptable to the receiver (meter),
information that may be a part of the internal structure of the image.
— The receiver (device) is in such a state that it is able to activate the image. This could include that
the installed options and the current version of the software and hardware of the receiver support
the activation.
The intended result of this phase is that the receiver (device) has validated the received image as
applicable. A failure of the validation should make the receiver discard the image and report this in its
status information. The detailed activities to perform are manufacturer specific and outside the scope of
this standard. Command initiate the validation in a device and get the status from a device are specified
in I.2.10, I.2.11 and I.2.12. The validation may be started implicitly.
I.1.6 Image Activation
This phase is mandatory. The purpose of this phase is to make the image transferred an active part in
the device. The way this phase is executed is manufacturer specific and outside the scope of this
standard. The intended result of this phase is that the new data are active. A failure of the activation
should let the device be re-activated using a previous or default version of the image. A command that
may be used to activate an image in a device is specified in I.2.15 and I.2.16.
Commands for Image Transfer and the corresponding response are identified by specific values of the
CI-field. The applicable CI-fields are listed in Table I.1:
Table I.1 — Image Transfer CI-fields
A message may hold more than one image transfer command. Each command is stored as a segment
and shall have a structure as depicted in Table I.2 below. The segment ID makes it possible to link the
commands and the corresponding responses.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
The function field for an image transfer command shall have one of the values listed in Table I.4.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
a Whether or not the command is applicable to multicast use as well. There is no response to a multicast
command. Protection has to be taken into account for multicast messages.
b Most significant bit set indicates a response
I.2.4.1 General
The command sets up the condition for the image transfer. The structure of the command and the order
of the fields is shown in Table I.5 below. The function has the sub-function as the initial field. This may
be followed by optional fields, controlled by the bit mask in the sub-function.
Table I.5 — Prepare command structure
Sub- Date and Size
Function Pace identifier MAC field Add. Info
function Time information
field (optional) field (optional) (optional)
field (optional) (optional)
00h 1 byte 4 bytes 1 byte 5 bytes 8 bytes 19 bytes 2 bytes
The assignment of the different bits in the sub-function field is shown in Table I.6 below:
Table I.6 — Prepare command sub-function
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
INFO: Additional Information. If this bit is set then the command contains an Additional Information
MCAS: Multicast. If this bit is set then the transfer of image will be done using multicast and the
command contains the fields Date and Time and Pace.
IDEN: Image Identifier. If this bit is set then an Image identifier field is part of the command. The
identity information field makes it possible to detect the proper frames during
synchronization and transfer phases.
SZIN: Size information. If this bit is set then a Size information field is part of the command. The field
specifies the size of the image, the size of the individual blocks and the number of times the
multicast will be repeated.
ADT: Absolute date and time. If this bit is set the Date and Time field is given as an absolute date and
time. If this bit cleared Date and Time is given as a relative value, the time from now until start.
MAC: Message Authentication Code. If this bit is set, a field holding device specific MAC over the full
image is part of the command.
A more detailed description of the different fields follows in the next subclauses.
I.2.4.2 Image Identifier field
This field is an identification of the data/image to be distributed. It is, in case of multiple broadcasts,
used by the device to reject image transfer frames which are not part of the current transfer for this
device. It is structured according Table I.7.
Table I.7 — Structure of Image Identifier field
Manufacturer Manufacturer
Version Device type
(LSB first) Image Identifier
2 bytes 1 byte 1 byte 4 byte
This field holds the time when the synchronization or transfer will start. It indicates to the device when
it shall be ready. It is a 4 bytes field, coded LSB first. The field contains, if the ADT bit in Sub-function is
set, the absolute Date and Time for start, in EPOCH 2013, otherwise the field contains the number of
seconds, to wait from on the end of the reception of the frame before, to start.
The EPOCH 2013 time format corresponds to 0Dh 6Dh E5h xx xx xx xx 20h according to Annex A,
Type M.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
I.2.4.4 Pace
This field holds the time value between 2 blocks transmission. It is measured from start block to start
block. Unit is seconds.
NOTE Detailed timing is described in 13757–4.
This field is 5 bytes. It holds information about the size of the data to be distributed. This is subdivided
into the following:
— Total number of blocks, 2 bytes,
— number of times the multicast will be repeated, before a check of status is performed, 1 byte. Set to
zero if multicast is not used,
This field holds a pre-calculated Message Authentication Code of the image, using the individual device
specific key. This is for validation of the integrity of the transmitted image to the M-Bus device
NOTE end-to-end security of the image, between the original distributor or creator of the image and the M-
Bus device may be additionally provided by other means. This is outside the scope of this specification.
The MAC field itself consists of two sub-fields as shown in Table I.9 below
Table I.9 — Structure of MAC field
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
The field is optional. It holds additional information defined by the manufacturer. The internal structure
of this 2 bytes field is manufacturer specific.
I.2.5 Prepare response
This is the response to the Prepare command. The structure is shown in Table I.12 below: The optional
fields are controlled by the bit mask in the sub-function field.
Table I.12 — Structure of Prepare response
Function Sub-function Preparation Identifier Size Information
Field field Result field (optional)
80h 1 byte 1 byte 8 bytes 5 bytes 2 bytes
The content of the sub-function field shall be interpreted as depicted in Table I.13.
Table I.13 — Prepare response sub-function
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
Value Description
00h No error detected, preparation command accepted
I.2.6.1 General
The command is used for synchronization of the image transfer. It may be sent one or more times
before the start of the image transfer to handle compensation for clock uncertainty between receiving
device and communication partner providing the image. This command is only applicable to wireless
communication. It shall be sent unidirectional. A reply is not expected.
The structure of the command and the order of the fields are shown in Table I.15 below. The function
has the sub-function as the initial field. This may be followed by optional fields, controlled by the bit
mask in the sub-function.
Table I.15 — Synchronize command structure
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
This field holds the time until the first packet of image transfer will start. It informs the device as to
when it shall be ready. The internal structure of this field is 2 bytes unsigned data coded LSB first. The
CTDN bit in the sub-function field specifies the scaling.
NOTE Detailed timing is described in 13757–4.
I.2.7.1 General
The command is used for the transfer of the actual image (see Table I.17).
Table I.17 — Transfer command structure
Function identifier Block Remaining Additional Info
function Image block
field field number (optional) (optional)
02h 1 byte 8 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes n bytes
See I.2.4.2 for Image identifier field definition.
The assignment of the different bits in the sub-function field is shown in Table I.18:
Table I.18 — Transfer command sub-function
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
The field is mandatory. It holds the number of the block being transferred. The value shall be in the
range 0 to Number of Blocks –1. Data with a value outside this range shall be discarded. It is a 2 bytes
unsigned value coded LSB first.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
The field is optional. It holds number of outstanding blocks. The value shall be in the range Number of
Blocks –1 to 0. It is a 2 bytes unsigned value coded LSB first.
I.2.7.4 Additional Information
The field is optional. It holds additional information defined by the manufacturer. The internal structure
of this 2 bytes field is manufacturer specific.
NOTE It is the responsibility of a provider of an image to ensure that it fits to the block size. It is the
providers’ task to define any padding algorithm need to support data not fitting the block size.
In case of unicast messaging, a M-Bus device may return an Transfer Response after each Transfer
Command. The format of the response is shown in Table I.19.
Table I.19 — Structure of Transfer Response
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
RFU: Reserved for Future Use, shall be sent bit = 0 and be don’t care value when received.
IDEN Image identifier field information. This bit is set if an Image identifier field follows. If IDEN was
enabled in the received command then device shall also set this bit in the response. The Image
identifier field is formatted as shown in I.2.4.2.
STATE The overall progress state of the transfer of the image, with the states as listed in Table I.29 –
Overall state transfer.
I.2.9 Completion command
The command checks completeness of the image transfer. This is a point-to-point command send
individually to all devices. The format of the command is shown in Table I.21. The receiving device shall
respond to the command with a status whether or not image blocks have been lost.
The function has the sub-function field as the initial field. It may be followed by optional fields
controlled by the bit mask in the sub-function field.
Table I.21 — Completion command structure
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
The assignment of the different bits in the sub-function field is shown in Table I.22 below:
Table I.22 — Completion command sub-function
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
I.2.10.1 General
This is the response to the Completion command. The structure is shown in Table I.23 below. The
optional fields are controlled by the bit mask in the sub-function field.
Table I.23 — Structure of Completion response
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
This field shall inform to the Gateway the total number of missing blocks and it enables the Gateway to
decide on how to proceed on the download process completion, e.g. full or partial restart. It is a 2 bytes
unsigned value coded LSB first.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
This field holds an array of 2-bytes elements. Each 2-bytes element refers to the missing block number.
FFFFh is used to indicate that all following blocks in the list are missing. Provide the first element with
FFFFh if no blocks are received. It is a set of unsigned values coded LSB first.
I.2.11 State command
The command requests the state of the individual receiver. The structure is shown in Table I.25. The
optional fields are controlled by the bit mask in the sub-function field.
Table I.25 — State command structure
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
RFU: Reserved for Future Use, shall be sent bit = 0 and be don’t care value when received.
IDEN: Image identifier field information. This bit is set if an Image identifier field follows. If IDEN was
enabled in the received command then M-Bus device shall also set this bit in the response. The
Image identifier field is formatted as shown in I.2.4.2.
AINF Additional Information. If this bit is set then the command contains an Additional Information
field. It is a 2 bytes field. The format is Manufacturer specific.
I.2.12 State Response
A device shall return a State Response after receiving a State Command. The format of the response is
shown in Table I.27 below.
Table I.27 — Structure of State response
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
RFU: Reserved for Future Use, shall be sent bit = 0 and be don’t care value when received.
IDEN Image identifier field information. This bit is set if an Image identifier field follows. If IDEN was
enabled in the received command then device shall also set this bit in the response. The Image
identifier field is formatted as shown in I.2.4.2.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
STATE The overall progress state of the transfer of the image, with the states as listed in Table I.29.
Table I.29 — Overall state of the transfer
a The state initiated is reached once the device has received the command. The
state active is reached once the device is processing/executing the command.
b A device is not expected to be able to respond while it is activating an image.
c To be used if the T_TR bit in the terminate command is set.
d To be used if the T_IT bit in the terminate command is set.
The image identifier field shall be present in the State Response, if this field was also present in the
State Command.
I.2.13 Validate command
The command requests the individual device to validate the image received. The details of the
validation process are manufacturer specific. The state and result of the validation activity can be
retrieved using the State Command. The command, as shown in Table I.30, has only the sub-function as
Table I.30 — Validate command structure
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
The assignment of the different bits in the sub-function field is shown in Table I.31 below:
Table I.31 — Validate command sub-function
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b2
RFU: Reserved for Future Use, shall be sent bit = 0 and be don’t care value when received.
IDEN Image identifier field information. This bit is set if an Image identifier field follows. The Image
identifier field is formatted as shown in I.2.4.2.
AINF Additional Information. If this bit is set then the command contains an Additional Information
field. It is a 2 bytes field. The format is Manufacturer specific.
I.2.14 Validate Response
In case of unicast messaging, a M-Bus device shall return an Validate Response after receiving a Validate
Command. The format of the Response is shown in Table I.32.
Table I.32 — Structure of Validate Response
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
RFU: Reserved for Future Use, shall be sent bit = 0 and be don’t care value when received.
IDEN Image identifier field information. This bit is set if an Image identifier field follows. If IDEN was
enabled in the received command then device shall also set this bit in the response. The Image
identifier field is formatted as shown in I.2.4.2.
STATE The overall progress state of the transfer of the image, with the states as listed in Table I.29 –
Overall state of the transfer.
I.2.15 Activate command
The command activates the image once transferred. The activation may be immediate or timed. The
structure of the command and the order of the fields are shown in the following Table I.34.
Table I.34 — Activate command structure
Function field Sub-function field identifier field Date and Time
06h 1 byte 8 bytes 4 bytes
The assignment of the different bits in the sub-function field is shown in Table I.35 below:
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
In case of unicast messaging, a M-Bus device shall return an Activate Response after receiving an
Activate Command. The format of the response is shown in Table I.36 below.
Table I.36 — Structure of Activate Response
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
RFU: Reserved for Future Use, shall be sent bit = 0 and be don’t care value when received.
IDEN Image identifier field information. This bit is set if an Image identifier field follows. If IDEN was
enabled in the received command then device shall also set this bit in the response. The Image
identifier field is formatted as shown in I.2.4.2.
STATE The overall progress state of the transfer of the image, with the states as listed in Table I.29 –
Overall state of the transfer
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
The command terminates an image transfer phase or the whole image transfer process. The structure is
shown in Table I.38. The optional fields are controlled by the bit mask in the sub-function field. The
State command and State response supply information about the result.
Table I.38 — Terminate Command structure
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
RFU: Reserved for Future Use, shall be sent bit = 0 and be don’t care value when received.
IDEN Image identifier field information. This bit is set if an Image identifier field follows. The Image
identifier field is formatted as shown in I.2.4.2.
T_IT: Terminate the whole image transfer process and restore initial device state before start of
image download process.
T_TR: Terminate the transfer phase and restore device state before first block transfer
I.2.18 Terminate Response
In case of unicast messaging, a M-Bus device shall return an Activate Response after receiving an
Activate Command. The format of the response is shown in Table I.40 below.
Table I.40 — Structure of Terminate Response
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
RFU: Reserved for Future Use, shall be sent bit = 0 and be don’t care value when received.
IDEN Image identifier field information. This bit is set if an Image identifier field follows. If IDEN was
enabled in the received command then device shall also set this bit in the response. The Image
identifier field is formatted as shown in I.2.4.2.
STATE The overall progress state of the transfer of the image, with the states as listed in Table I.29 –
Overall state of the transfer.
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
This is an optional command, and may not be supported by an M-Bus Device. This command shall be
used to report on all images that are currently active on the M-Bus Device (see Table I.42).
Table I.42 — Active images command structure
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
RFU, set to 0
I.2.20 Active Images Response
A device shall return an Active Images Response after receiving an Active Images Command. The format
of the response is shown in Table I.44.
Table I.44 — Active Images Response structure
Active Images
Function Field Sub-function Field
88h 1 byte 1 + n x 8 bytes
The content of the sub-function field shall be interpreted as depicted in Table I.45
Table I.45 — Active Images Response sub-function
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
RFU: Reserved for Future Use, shall be sent bit = 0 and be don’t care value when received.
LAI List of Active Images. If this bit is set, the Active Images field will be present in the response.
The Active Images field will report the current active images on the M-Bus device. The Active Images
field is structured as shown in Table I.46:
Table I.46 — Active Images field
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
a Phase 1 (point to point): Transfer Preparation
b Prepare Command
c Prepare Response
d Phase 2 (multicast): Synchronization
e Synchronize Command
f Phase 3A (multicast): Transfer Image
g Transfer Command – Block 1
h Transfer Command – Block 2
i Transfer Command – Block 3
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
j Phase 3B (point to point): Check Completeness of transfer
k Complete Command
l Complete Response
m Optionally send a missing block with transfer command
n In case Transfer response reporting success
o Phase 4 (point to point): Image validation
p Validate Command
q Validate Response
r Phase 5 (point to point): Image Activation
s Activate Command
t Activate Response
EN 13757-3:2018 (E)
[2] EN 60870-5-1, Telecontrol equipment and systems - Part 5: Transmission protocols - Section 1:
Transmission frame formats
[4] EN 62056-6-2, Electricity metering data exchange — The DLMS/COSEM suite — Part 6-2: COSEM
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[5] ISO/IEC 7498-1, Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference
Model: The Basic Model — Part 1
[6] ANSI X9 TR-31:2010, Interoperable Secure Key Exchange Key Block Specification for Symmetric
[7] EN 62056-6-1, Electricity metering data exchange — The DLMS/COSEM suite — Part 6-1: Object
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