En 12215

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The document discusses safety requirements and hazards related to spray booths used for applying organic liquid coatings.

The document lists mechanical, electrical, thermal, noise-related and hazardous substance-related safety hazards to consider in spray booths.

The document references over 30 European and international standards related to safety, acoustics, electromagnetics, hazardous areas classification and fire testing.



June 2004

ICS 87.100

English version

Coating plants - Spray booths for application of organic liquid

coating materials - Safety requirements

Installations d'application - Cabines d'application par Beschichtungsanlagen - Spritzkabinen für flüssige

pulvérisation de produits de peinture organiques liquides - organische Beschichtungsstoffe -
Prescriptions de sécurité Sicherheitsanforderungen

This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for formal vote. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

© 2004 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 12215:2004: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
prEN 12215:2004 (E)


Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................5
1 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................................5
2 Normative references ....................................................................................................................................6
3 Terms and definitions....................................................................................................................................7
4 List of significant hazards...........................................................................................................................11
4.1 General..........................................................................................................................................................11
4.2 Mechanical hazards .....................................................................................................................................11
4.3 Electrical hazards ........................................................................................................................................12
4.4 Thermal hazards...........................................................................................................................................12
4.5 Hazards generated by noise .......................................................................................................................12
4.6 Hazards resulting from dangerous substances .......................................................................................12
4.7 Fire and explosion hazards.........................................................................................................................13
4.8 Hazards caused by failure of energy supply.............................................................................................14
4.9 Hazards generated by unhealthy postures ...............................................................................................14
5 Safety requirements and/or measures ......................................................................................................14
5.1 General..........................................................................................................................................................14
5.2 Mechanical safety requirements ................................................................................................................14
5.3 Electrical safety requirements....................................................................................................................16
5.4 Safety requirements and measures against thermal hazards.................................................................16
5.5 Safety requirements and measures against noise ...................................................................................16
5.6 Safety requirements against dangerous substances ..............................................................................17
5.7 Safety requirements and measures against fire and explosion .............................................................20
5.8 Safety requirements and measures against failure of energy supply....................................................23
5.9 Safety requirements and measures against unhealthy postures ...........................................................23
6 Verification of the safety requirements and/or measures .......................................................................23
6.1 General..........................................................................................................................................................23
6.2 Verification of the mechanical safety requirements.................................................................................23
6.3 Verification of the electrical safety requirements.....................................................................................23
6.4 Verification of the safety requirements and measures against thermal hazards ................................23
6.5 Verification of the safety requirements and measures against noise....................................................24
6.6 Verification of the safety requirements against dangerous substances ...............................................24
6.7 Air flow direction..........................................................................................................................................24
6.8 Verification of the safety requirements and measures against fire and explosion ..............................24
6.9 Verification of the safety requirements and measures against failure of energy supply ....................26
6.10 Verification of the safety requirements and measures against unhealthy postures............................26
7 Information for use ......................................................................................................................................26
7.1 General..........................................................................................................................................................26
7.2 Instruction handbook ..................................................................................................................................26
7.3 Marking .........................................................................................................................................................28
Annex A (normative) Diagrams relative to hazardous zones of potentially explosive atmosphere................30
Annex B (normative) Determination of concentration of flammable solvents in terms of LEL .......................33
Annex C (normative) Noise test code.....................................................................................................................36
Annex D (normative) Measurement of air velocities.............................................................................................40
Annex E (informative) Classification of material's reaction to the fire - National standards ...........................44
prEN 12215:2004 (E)

Annex F (informative) Reference to national exposure limit values ...................................................................45

Annex G (informative) Diagrams relative to spray booth classification.............................................................46
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 98/37/EC ....................................................................................................47
Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................................................48

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

This document (prEN 12215:2004) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 271 “Surface treatment
equipment — Safety”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This document is currently submitted to the Formal Vote.

This document is one of a set of standards devoted to the health and safety requirements of coating plants for the
application and drying of organic liquid coating material and varnishes.

This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European
Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU-directives 98/37/EC and 94/9/EC.

NOTE Although a spray booth, as an integral whole, formally does not fall under the scope of the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC,
the standard is based upon a fundamental risk analysis according to this directive.

For relationship with EU Directives, see informative annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.

The annexes A, B, C and D are informative. The annexes E, F and G are informative.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

This document is a type C standard as stated in EN 1070.

The equipment concerned and the extent to which hazards, hazardous situation and events are covered are
indicated in the scope of this document.

When provisions of this type C standard are different from those which are stated in type A or B standards, the
provisions of this type C standard take precedence over the provisions of the other standards, for machines that
have been designed and built according to the provisions of this type C standard.

The specific requirements which manufacturers are included in the information for use are given in clause 7.

1 Scope
This European Standard is applicable to spray booths as well as multizone spray booths for the application of
organic liquid coating materials (paints, varnishes....), and deals with all significant hazards relevant to spray
booths or multizone spray booths, when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the
manufacturer (see clause 4).

A spray booth is an assembly of the following linked components: forced ventilation by one or more fans; dry air
filtering and/or wet air washing systems, measuring and control devices, ventilation air heating system, automatic
fire extinguishing equipment, warning devices, electrical apparatus, joined together within or at a partially or totally
enclosed structure (limited by walls, called space) for the controlled processing of spray application of organic liquid
coating material.

NOTE Spray booths are classified in annex G.

This standard describes methods of verification of safety measures, information labels to be affixed to the spray
booth and minimum usage requirements contained within the operators handbook.

This standard does not cover:

 spraying areas (spaces for application of organic liquid coating materials which are limited only by one side
wall used for extraction of exhaust ventilation).

 combined spray booths according to definition given in 3.2;

NOTE See prEN 13355.

 the limiting walls of spray booths if they are constituent parts of a building are not to be considered part of the
machinery assembly;

 the workroom or building used for the spraying of large size items (example: air-liner);

 spraying equipment used in spray booths which is covered by EN 1953, EN 50050, and EN 50176.

 Spray booths which are part of complex installations.

NOTE complex installations may include additional hazards.

This standard is not applicable to spray boots which are manufactured before the date of publication of this
standard by CEN.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies (including amendments).

EN 292-1:1991, Safety of machinery — Basic concepts, general principles for design — Part 1: Basic terminology,

EN 292-2:1991 + EN 292-2/A1:1995, Safety of machinery — Basic concepts, general principles for design — Part
2: Technical principles and specifications.

EN 525:1997, Non-domestic direct gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space heating not exceeding a net
heat input of 300 kW.

EN 563:1994, Safety of machinery — Temperatures of touchable surfaces — Ergonomics data to establish

temperature limit values for hot surfaces.

EN 746-1:1997, Industrial thermoprocessing equipment — Part 1: Common safety requirements for industrial
thermoprocessing equipment.

EN 746-2:1997, Industrial thermoprocessing equipment — Part 2: Safety requirements for combustion and fuel
handling systems.

EN 954-1:1996, Safety of machinery — Safety-related parts of control systems — Part 1: General principles for

EN 971-1:1996, Paints and varnishes — Terms and definitions for coating materials — Part 1: General terms.

EN 982:1996, Safety of machinery — Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components —

EN 983:1996, Safety of machinery — Safety requirements for fluid power systems and their components —

EN 1070:1998, Safety of machinery — Terminology.

EN 1088:1995, Safety of machinery — Interlocking devices associated with guards — Principles for design and

EN 1127-1:1997, Explosive atmospheres — Explosion prevention and protection — Part 1: Basic concepts and

EN 1838:1999, Lighting applications — Emergency lighting.

EN 1953:1998, Atomising and spraying equipment for coating materials — Safety requirements.

EN ISO 3746:1995, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure —
Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane (ISO 3764:1995).

EN ISO 4871:1996, Acoustics — Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and equipment
(ISO 4871:1996).

EN ISO 11202:1996, Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Measurement of emission sound
pressure levels at the work station and at other specified positions — Survey method in situ (ISO 11202:1995).

EN 13463-1:2001, Non-electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres — Part 1: Basic method and
prEN 12215:2004 (E)

EN 13463-5:2003, Non-electrical equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres — Part 5:
Protection by constructional safety “c”.

EN 13478:2001, Safety of machinery — Fire prevention and protection.

EN ISO 14122-2:2001, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 2: Working
platforms and walkways (ISO 14122-2:2001).

EN ISO 14122-3:2001, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 3: Stairs,
stepladders and guard-rails (ISO 14122-3:2001).

EN ISO 14122-4:2004, Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 4: Fixed ladders
(ISO 14122-4:2004).

EN 50014:1997, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres — General requirements —

Amendment A1.

EN 50015:1998, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres — Oil immersion "o",

EN 50016:2002, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres — Pressurised apparatus "p".

EN 50017:1998, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres — Powder filling "q".

EN 50018:2000, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres — Flameproof enclosure "d".

EN 50019:2000, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres — Increased safety "e".

EN 50020:2002, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres — Intrinsic safety "i".

EN 50021:1999, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres — Type of protection "n".

EN 50028:1987, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres — Encapsulation “m”.

EN 50039:1987, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres — Intrinsic safety "i" systems.

EN 50050:2001, Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres — Electrostatic hand-held spraying

EN 50176:1996, Automatic electrostatic spraying installations for flammable liquid spraying material.

EN 60204-1:1997, Safety of machinery — Electrical equipment of machines.

EN 60529:1991, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) (IEC 60529:1989).

WI 003050661, Design of fans working in potentially explosive atmospheres.

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions given in EN 971-1:1996, EN 1070:1998 and
the following apply.

spray booth
assembly of linked components such as forced ventilation by one or more fans; dry air filtering and/or wet air
washing systems, measuring and control devices (e.g. interlocking of forced ventilation and spraying device),

1 To be published.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

ventilation air heating system (e.g. burner), automatic fire extinguishing equipment, warning devices, electrical
apparatus, joined together within or at a partially or totally enclosed structure (limited by walls, called space) for the
controlled processing of spray application of organic liquid coating material

enclosed spray booth (see annex G – Figures G.1 and G.3)
spray booth enclosed on all sides during spray process except the openings for ingress and egress of workpieces
and ducts for ventilation

open top spray booth (see annex G - Figure G.2)
spray booth enclosed on all sides during spray process except the top entrance side for ventilation air, the
openings for ingress and egress of workpieces and ducts for exhaust ventilation

open fronted spray booth (see annex G – Figure G.4)
spray booth enclosed on all sides during spray process except openings provided in the side walls for ingress and
egress of workpieces and ducts for exhaust ventilation. The open front side is used as entrance of ventilation air
and access for operator

combined spraying and drying booth
assembly of linked components such as fan(s), ventilation air heating system (e.g. heat exchanger or burner),
power driven dampers, forced ventilation ducting, dry air filtering and/or wet air washing systems, automatic fire
extinguishing equipment and additional specific electrical equipment, control and power circuits joined together for
the spraying and drying process of liquid coating material in a space totally enclosed provided with a forced

NOTE The combined booth can be provided with a working pit.

organic liquid coating material
organic product, in liquid form, that when applied to a substrate forms a film possessing protective, decorative
and/or other specific technical properties, e.g. paints, varnishes, including their solvents and thinners
(see EN 971-1)

non-volatile part of the medium which forms the film (see 1.6 of EN 971-1:1996)

single liquid, or blends of liquid, volatile under specified drying conditions, and in which the binder is completely
soluble (see 1.4.5 of EN 971-1:1996)

NOTE Solvents are also contained in liquids used as cleaning or washing agents.

action of putting organic liquid coating material on a substrate so that it adheres to the surface to be coated

spray processes
atomisation of liquid organic coating materials by different means

pneumatic process
sprayed organic coating material by a flow of compressed air

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

airless or under hydrostatic pressure processed
sprayed organic coating material through a suitable nozzle under high pressure

combined process
combination of several processes such as hydrostatic pressure associated with compressed air

electrostatic process
sprayed organic coating material electrostatically charged and attracted by the surface of the earthed workpiece

flammable (combustible) substance
substance in the form of gas, vapour, liquid, solid or mixtures of these, able to undergo an exothermic reaction with
air when ignited (see 3.1 of EN 1127-1:1997)

NOTE "Combustible materials" and "flammable substances" are equivalently used terms in this standard. Examples are
paint aerosols and solvents.

evaporation of liquids from the materials being processed (see 3.5 of EN 1539:2000)

forced ventilation
air circulation achieved by one or several fans

fresh air
air drawn from a clean source inside or outside the building into the spray booth

circulated air
air extracted from the volume and reintroduced into it

NOTE In this standard, the volume is the spray booth.

explosive atmosphere
mixture with air, under atmospheric conditions, of flammable substance(s) in the form of gas, vapour, mist or dust,
in which after ignition has occurred, combustion spreads to the entire unburned mixture (see 3.17 of
EN 1127-1:1997)

lower explosion limit (LEL)
lower limit of explosion range (see 3.8 and 3.13 of EN 1127-1:1997)

NOTE “Explosion limit” and “Ignition limit” are equivalent. In accordance with international usage, only the term “Explosion
limit" is used in this standard.

exposure limits
concentration limits of hazardous substances in air required by worker health legislation

NOTE Limits are different according to the countries (see annex F).

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

hazardous areas
areas where hazards due to explosive atmosphere may exist. The probability of occurrence of explosive
atmosphere is classified in zones.
Limit of hazardous zones are given in annex A

zone 0
place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with air of flammable substances in the form of gas,
vapour or mist is present continuously or for long periods or frequently (see 6.3.2 of EN 1127-1:1997)

zone 1
place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with air of flammable substances in the form of gas,
vapour or mist is likely to occur in normal operation occasionally (see 6.3.2 of EN 1127-1:1997)

zone 2
place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with air of flammable substances in the form of gas,
vapour or mist is not likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for a short period only
(see 6.3.2 of EN 1127-1:1997)

Equipment category
Equipment Group II Category 1
equipment in this category is intended for use in areas in which explosive atmospheres caused by mixtures of air
and gases, vapours or mists are present continuously for long periods or frequently
(see 3.2.3 of EN 13463-1:2001)

NOTE Equipment of category 1 is suitable for use in zone 0.

equipment Group II Category 2
Equipment in this category is intended for use in areas in which explosive atmospheres caused by mixtures of air
and gases, vapours or mists are likely to occur (see 3.2.4 of EN 13463-1:2001)

NOTE Equipment of category 2 is suitable for use in zone 1.

Equipment Group II Category 3
equipment in this category is intended for use in areas in which explosive atmospheres cause by mixtures of air
and gases, vapours or mists are unlikely to occur, or, if they do occur, are likely to do so only in frequently and for a
short period only (see 3.2.5 of EN 13463-1:2001)

NOTE Equipment of category 3 is suitable for use in zone 2.

ground excavation covered or open. For example a suction pit, a working pit

working pit
ground excavation, illuminated and ventilated in which the operator works while painting the underside of an item

multizone spray booth
spray booth including a number of sections for manual and/or automatic spraying and forced ventilated flash off

NOTE In flash off spaces no spraying takes place.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

4 List of significant hazards

4.1 General

This clause contains all significant hazards, hazardous situation and events, as far as they are dealt with in this
standard, identified by risk assessment as significant for one or more, or all types of spray booths included in the
scope and which require action to eliminate or reduce the risk.

NOTE 1 Examples for classifications are given in annex G.

NOTE 2 Hazards can occur from combinations of ancillary equipment (e.g. atomising and spraying equipment, paint heaters,
pumps, pipes for coating materials, robots, reciprocators, conveyors, platforms) and other parts of the spray booth.

4.2 Mechanical hazards

4.2.1 Shearing, crushing and drawing-in hazards

These hazards may occur especially in spray booths for automatic spraying equipment/systems, e.g. by means of:

 unexpected actuation of conveyor (during maintenance);

 fans and automated damper adjusters (e.g. injuries caused by over-running of fan blades during maintenance);

 moving parts of the spray booth (e.g.; doors, gates);

 installed automatic spraying equipment or system (e.g.; spraying reciprocator, atomising and spraying system
and revolving tables for workpieces).

4.2.2 Entrapment hazard

This hazard can occur, for instance:

 when obstacles or obstructions can impede a quick evacuation by the operator(s) from the spray booth in case
of mechanical accident or fire;

 when there is an accidental significant lowering of pressure inside an enclosed spray booth (i.e.: obstruction of
air inlet) capable:

 of clamping the doors by mechanical deformation of the structure of the spray booth;

 to increase the door opening effort beyond human capability.

4.2.3 High pressure fluid ejection hazards

Such hazard can occur, for instance, in case of the failure of high pressure equipment.

4.2.4 Personnel's slip, trip and fall hazards

Such hazards can occur, for instance:

 on gangways, platforms, ladders and stairs within the spray booth;

 on gratings at floor level;

 on ground rendered slippery from paint deposits or other substances;

 falling down into the working pit of the spray booth.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

These hazards may be increased as a result of poor lighting.

4.3 Electrical hazards

4.3.1 Electrical shock (by direct or indirect contact)

Such hazards can occur, for instance by touching:

 electrically live parts that are non insulated for operational reasons;

 conductive parts which are not at a dangerous voltage under normal operation, but in the case of failure could

 electrically live parts when the insulation is damaged by contact with solvents or by mechanical parts.

4.3.2 External influence on electrical equipment hazard

Such hazards can occur, for instance when interaction of the electrostatic high voltage equipment with construction
elements of the control and safety systems can cause dangerous malfunctions for instance, short circuits on
electronic safety circuits, entrance guards, alarm units.

4.4 Thermal hazards

Such hazards can for instance be generated by:

 contact with hot surfaces;

 fire or explosions (see 4.7.1. and 4.7.2. specific to these hazards);

 hot spraying systems.

4.5 Hazards generated by noise

These hazards may occur inside and outside the spray booth.

They can be generated by noises emitted for instance by:

 fans;

 excessive air velocity in ducts and accessories;

 wet air washing systems;

 air operated equipment (nozzles of atomising and spraying equipment, pumps, valves, etc.).

Noise hazards are only partly dealt with. They will be fully covered in a future revision of the standard.

4.6 Hazards resulting from dangerous substances

4.6.1 Hazards resulting from contact with/or absorption of organic liquid coating materials

Such hazards can be generated by contact with/or absorption of organic liquid coating materials, solvents, cleaning
agents causing skin and eye damage, dermatitis or allergies.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

4.6.2 Hazards resulting from inhalation of organic liquid coating materials

Such hazards can be generated by inhalation of aerosols and solvent vapours released by organic liquid coating

4.6.3 Hazards resulting from inhalation of gases

Such hazards can be generated by inhalation of toxic gases released by the heating device (heating gases, gases
from combustion).

4.6.4 Hazards resulting from inhalation of gases and vapours

Such hazards can be generated by inhalation of dangerous gases and vapours emitted by automatic fire
extinguishing equipment.

4.7 Fire and explosion hazards

4.7.1 Fire hazards

Such hazards can be generated by, e.g.:

 ignition of flammable paint and varnish deposits inside the spray booth, in exhaust ducts and filtration units;

 when the spray booth is in operation a misuse or mechanical or electrical defects can cause ignition of
these deposits. This is especially valid in electrostatic spray booths;

in maintenance operations requiring use of cutting or welding tools, energy released can also initiate a

The fast propagation of fire induces a risk for the neighbouring areas.

 failure of liquid coating material or solvent or combustible liquid pipes or fittings with exit of flammable liquids
inside the spray booth;

 ignition of cleaning rags containing solvents;

 auto-ignition created from chemical reactions between different types of liquid coating materials;

 electrostatic equipment, badly driven items or control system malfunction causing electric arcs between items
to be painted and machinery parts at high voltage. Hence electric arcs can provoke the ignition of the paint
aerosol. This can especially occur in plant using robots or automated machines;

 heating devices capable of igniting solvents.

NOTE Examples of ignition sources are:

 hot surfaces e.g. of heating systems and electrical equipment;
 sparks created by mechanically induced energy e.g. fans, conveyors, etc.;
 electrostatic discharges;
 electrical sparks;
 welding and other sources of thermal energy used during maintenance and cleaning.

4.7.2 Explosion hazards

Such hazards can occur when the concentration of the flammable substances in air exceeds the lower explosion
limit (LEL) and if an effective ignition source is present.

NOTE 1 Examples of flammable substances which increase concentration above the normal:
prEN 12215:2004 (E)

 solvent vapours from the flash off process;

 gases from fuels and/or product by the combustion of the heating system;
 gases released from deposits;
 combustible heating gases;
 solvent vapours from any leakage from broken pipes or fittings;
 cleaning fluids;
 solvent vapours from recirculating process in automatic spraying booth.

NOTE 2 Examples of sources of ignition see NOTE of 4.7.1.

4.8 Hazards caused by failure of energy supply

Such hazards can be generated by:

 failure of ventilation resulting in a rapid increase of flammable substances vapour concentration requiring
immediate evacuation by the operator;

 failure of emergency exit lighting;

 failure of energy supply to the safety control devices.

4.9 Hazards generated by unhealthy postures

Such hazards can be caused in the working pit if its dimensions are not suitable for operator’s ergonomics.

5 Safety requirements and/or measures

5.1 General

Machinery shall comply with the safety requirements and/or protective measures of this clause. In addition, the
machine shall be designed according to the principles of EN 292 for hazards relevant but not significant which are
not dealt with by this document (e.g. sharp edges).

NOTE Hazards generated by spraying equipment for organic liquid coating materials and their ancillary devices are
covered by EN 1953.

5.2 Mechanical safety requirements

5.2.1 Measures against shearing, crushing and drawing-in

The design shall avoid injury due to shearing, crushing or drawing-in by movement of machinery and/or parts of
equipment. Contact with dangerous moving parts shall be prevented by the following measures:

 fitting of distance guards (e.g. for fans and automated dampers adjusters);

 protective devices (e.g. mechanical, light sensitive);

 hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical interlocks.

NOTE 1 If automatic devices for spraying systems like robots or reciprocators or similar systems are installed, access to
dangerous areas requires interlocking with doors or protective devices (e.g. mechanical, light sensitive) see also

NOTE 2 Robots are dealt with in EN 775.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

5.2.2 Measures against entrapment

This section is restricted to spray booths operated with an operator inside. Enclosed spray booths shall be
designed so that in case of an emergency an operator can find his way out of the spray booth in a minimum time,
without obstacles or obstructions on his way.

The doors provided for personnel:

 shall be capable of being opened from inside and outside;

 shall be capable of being opened from inside by a push, independent of the air pressure (high or low) within
the spray booth;

 shall not be locked by bolts or locks but can be lockable from outside provided that the doors can be opened
from inside by a mere push;

 shall be self closing;

 shall have a minimum 800 mm width and 2 000 mm height.

For access and egress of persons, spray booths for manual application shall be designed so that the operator does
not need to travel more than 10 m to an operator door.

Spray booths of which examples are given as Figures G.1, G.2 and G.3 of annex G shall be equipped at least with
two accessible doors as far apart as possible and not adjacent. If the operator has less than 5 m to reach an exit,
taking into account any obstacles, a single door is permitted.

If the loading door complies with the requirements for doors provided for operator, a single personnel door is

If a permanent opening for loading workpieces is used as well as operator door, a clearance of 800 mm exceeding
maximum workpiece width shall be provided.

Spray booths of which examples are given as Figures G.1 and G.3 of annex G shall be designed to prevent an
accidental severe lowering of pressure inside the spray booth, capable of hindering the opening of the doors either
by increase of opening effort or by deformation of the structure.

5.2.3 Measures against high pressure fluid ejection

Fluid piping and pressurised systems shall comply with the requirements of EN 982 and EN 983.

Spraying equipment shall comply with the specifications laid down by EN 1953.

5.2.4 Measures against slip, trip and fall of personnel

Ladders, gangways and railings that equip the spray booths shall comply with the standards EN ISO 14122-2,
EN ISO 14122-3 and EN ISO 14122-4.

Floor grating joints shall not have projections or cavities capable of hindering the operator.

The spray booth floor and all gangways shall be non-skid.

Working pits shall be illuminated.

The spray booth shall be provided with adequate lighting, with 600 lux minimum.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

5.3 Electrical safety requirements

5.3.1 General

Electrical equipment shall comply with EN 60204-1.

All supply disconnecting devices shall be lockable.

5.3.2 Measures against contact with electrical parts

Protection against electrical shock shall comply with requirements of clause 6 of EN 60204-1:1997.

The insulation of electrical equipment shall be resistant against solvents and other fluids. Electrical equipment shall
be protected against outside mechanical influence.

All mechanical conductive parts shall be earthed (see EN 60204-1).

Access to dangerous areas where automatic electrostatic equipment is located shall be prevented during
operation. This can be achieved by e.g.:

 Interlocking device


 Interlocking device with guard locking

with the high voltage energy supply of the automatic spraying equipment (see EN 50176).

NOTE 1 For requirements against electrostatic hazards of atomising and spraying equipment, see EN 1953, EN 50050 and
EN 50176.

NOTE 2 Appropriate category according to EN 954-1, see

5.3.3 Measures against external influence on electrical equipment

All systems and apparatus relevant for safety shall be constructed in such way that they cannot be influenced by
interaction with electromagnetic fields.

According to 4.4 of EN 60204-1:1997, physical effects of environmental and operating conditions have to be taken
into account.

5.4 Safety requirements and measures against thermal hazards

The protection against burns by contact with very hot surfaces easy to reach shall be assured by insulation or by
guards. According to EN 563 every exposed hot surface likely to be touched shall be less than 60 °C. For very
small surfaces exceptions are possible (see EN 563).

In case of flames or explosion the operator shall be able to quickly evacuate the spray booth in complete safety.
Doors for operator shall be in compliance with the requirements of 5.2.2.

5.5 Safety requirements and measures against noise

A spray booth as defined in 3.1 shall be so designed and constructed that risks resulting from the emission of
airborne noise are reduced to the lowest level taking account of technical progress and the availability of means of
reducing noise, in particular at source.

For example the following measures can be adopted:

 equipment set on anti-vibratory supports;

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

 flexible connections between the ducts and especially between fans and ducts;

 choice of fan speed according to the most favourable noise curves;

 air velocity reduction in ducts;

 ducts soundproofing;

 other means able to avoid vibrations, resonances and any other noise generated by ancillary equipment
permanently installed and connected to the spray booth that should not propagate to the spray booth structure.

NOTE 1 EN ISO 11688-1 gives general technical information on widely recognised technical rules and means to design low-
noise machinery. EN ISO 11688-2 gives useful information on noise generation mechanisms in machinery.

NOTE 2 Concerning noise emitted by air compressors and spraying equipment refer to EN 1012-1 and EN 1953.

5.6 Safety requirements against dangerous substances

5.6.1 Measures against contact with/or absorption of organic liquid coating materials, solvents, cleaning

Contact with or absorption of dangerous substances sprayed shall be reduced by forced ventilation as far as
possible (see 5.6.2). See also further requirement on instruction handbook in 7.2.2.

5.6.2 Measures against inhalation of aerosols and solvent vapours General

In spray booths for manual application, prevention of inhalation of aerosols and solvent vapours shall be performed
by reducing the concentration in the operator working area below exposure limits (see annex F). This shall be
achieved by a forced ventilation to the spray booth adequate to type of application, size and shape of workpiece to
be coated, amount of dangerous substance sprayed, their exposure limits, and all application conditions.

In spray booths without operator inhalation hazards exist only when the operator shall enter inside the spray booth
for adjustment, control or maintenance purposes. Adequate safety devices shall be provided (see c)).

Air escaping containing solvent vapours in hazardous amounts or concentrations from the spray booth to the
workshop shall be avoided. Air flow direction

The following requirements shall be applied to spray booths for manual application:

 the air flow shall be directed to ensure that the operator does not inhale air contaminated by organic liquid
coating materials at dangerous levels. If technical measures do not meet these requirements, refer to clause 7;

 the air flow shall be as homogeneous as possible over the whole working area of the operator;

 when it is required that the operator has to move around an workpiece positioned at a fixed spot, the
ventilation shall be vertical;

 to avoid turbulence, the length and the width of vertically ventilated spray booths with operator shall be at least
1 m more on each side than the length and the width of the biggest object or workpiece to be painted. The size
of the latter shall be indicated by the manufacturer in the instruction handbook (7.2);

 regarding vertically ventilated spray booths, the air flow shall be downwards.

prEN 12215:2004 (E) Air velocity

Spray booths for manual application shall be designed for air velocities specified for empty booth conditions
under a), b), c) and d).

a) Enclosed spray booth (Figure G.1 of annex G):

 the average of measured air velocities shall be at least 0,30 m/s;

 single measured values shall be at least 0,25 m/s. Corresponding measurement points are specified
in D.2.1.

b) Open top spray booth (Figure G.2 of annex G):

 the average of measured air velocities shall be at least 0,30 m/s;

 single measured values shall be at least 0,25 m/s. Corresponding measurement points are specified
in D.2.1.

c) Enclosed spray booth (Figure G.3 of annex G):

 the average of measured air velocities shall be at least 0,30 m/s;

 single measured values shall be at least 0,25 m/s. Corresponding measurement points are specified
in D.2.2.

d) Open fronted spray booth (Figure G.4 of annex G):

 the average of measured air velocities shall be at least 0.50 m/s;

 single measured values shall be at least 0,40 m/s. Corresponding measurement points are specified
in D.2.2.

e) Vertically ventilated spray booth to spray only one large well-defined workpiece at a time (for instance:
wagon, container).

If the workpiece reduces the air flow measurement plan by more than 30 %, minimum values as required under
above a) and b) shall be maintained for loaded spray booth.

Such spray booth shall not be used for small workpieces.

Corresponding measurement points are specified in annex D.

f) Vertically ventilated spray booth with working pit

Air velocities specified below shall be measured with a well-defined workpiece inside the spray booth over the
working pit:

 the average of measured air velocities inside the working pit shall be at least 0,30 m/s;

 single measured values inside the working pit shall be at least 0,25 m/s. Corresponding measurement
points are specified in annex D.

g) Special processes

Lower air velocities than those required above in a), b), c), d) e) and f) should be accepted in any case when it is
proved that the health of the operator is ensured.

Such cases may occur:

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

 if the organic liquid coating material used does not contain any toxic substances;

 if high air velocities are in contradiction with technical application process requirements.

In these cases the conditions for the health of the operator inside the spray booth shall be evaluated. The use of
breathing protective device may be necessary. Safety devices and control systems

Electrical control, monitoring and measurement systems which are used in safety related functions to avoid the
formation of

 dangerous gases and vapours (limitation of hazardous substances concentration in air)


 explosive atmospheres ( limitation of flammable substances concentration)

shall fulfil the requirements of EN 954-1 category 3 and EN 1088. When using computers (e.g. Process computer)
or PLC (Programmable Logic Control) for safety-related functions all malfunctions shall be detected and lead to a
power cut off which leaves the spray booth in a safe condition.

a) Control of ventilation performance losses

Spray booths shall be provided with a device to detect any deterioration in the ventilation system performance, e.g.:
differential pressure switch

The device with audible and visual alarm shall indicate any performance loss (such as that caused by clogging of
filters) below the forced ventilation velocity specified in Performance loss shall not exceed 10%.

b) Interlocking of forced ventilation, heating and spraying device

The spray booth shall be provided with a device which interlocks the forced ventilation, heating and spraying

The interlocking device shall ensure that:

 the spraying device can operate only if forced ventilation is working effectively;

 in the event of forced ventilation failure the spraying operation is stopped immediately and can only be reset
when the forced ventilation is restored;

 the heating device can operate only if the forced ventilation is working effectively unless the heating is
provided by hot water radiators, heat transfer fluid radiators or catalytic heating systems which are proved to
be unable to ignite paints and solvents;

 if the forced ventilation fails, the heating device (specified in above paragraph) stops immediately and cannot
be reactivated unless the forced ventilation is made fully operational.

The interlocking device shall not prevent the forced ventilation from running after normal coating until the exposure-
or explosion limits have been reached, to allow exchangers to cool and exhaust any residual solvent vapours.

c) Spray booths without operator

Adequate devices shall allow access for adjustment, maintenance and verification of equipment such as:

 timer set to provide a period of continued forced ventilation after spraying stops until the internal atmosphere is

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

 breathing protection (see 7.2.2).

This is also applicable to recirculated air systems.

5.6.3 Measures against inhalation of dangerous gases released by the heating device General (direct and indirect heating device)

Heating devices using combustible substances shall comply with specific standards EN 746-1, EN 746-2, and
EN 525.

Fresh air intake and combustion gas exhaust ducts shall be located so that any risk of circulation is avoided.

A device which interlocks ventilation and gas admission to the burner shall be provided. Direct fired air make-up system

If a direct make-up heating system is used, the dangerous gas concentration from combustion shall be below the
exposure limits required by worker health legislation.

Circulation air ducts shall be connected down-stream of the burner to avoid the formation of dangerous combustion

5.6.4 Measures against inhalation of dangerous gases and vapours emitted by fire extinguishing

When an automatic fire extinguishing system is installed, a warning device shall be provided, which sounds before
discharge of dangerous fire extinguishing materials.

5.7 Safety requirements and measures against fire and explosion

5.7.1 Fire

All spray booths processing organic flammable substances shall be equipped with a manually operated or
automatic fire extinguishing system.

Additionally the following requirements apply:

 heating devices located in the spray booth shall not ignite the paint aerosol and solvent vapours (e.g. the
burner flame shall be installed outside of the spraying area and outside of zone 2);

 air generator parts shall be installed outside the spraying area (including the ducts for exhaust air containing
paint aerosols).

Installation of automatic fire extinguishing equipment depends on the size of the spray booth, the presence of
operator and the risk of fire (nature of coating material, spray processes). EN 13478 shall be taken into account.

All automatic spray booths shall be equipped with an automatic fire warning system. In case of fire, forced
ventilation shall be automatically stopped, the liquid coating material supply shall be interrupted, and, when
applicable, the fire dampers shall be closed.

Automatic spray booths where electrostatic spray application is performed shall be equipped with an automatic fire
extinguishing system (see EN 50176).

To preclude the fast propagation of fire, all elements of construction of the spray booth and its equipment shall
comply with the requirements for fire prevention and protection of machine as described in EN 13478.

NOTE See annex E.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

The following constituent elements shall be non flammable:

 fixed elements of construction (walls, ceilings) shall be easy to clean;

 floors and gratings (shall be removable for cleaning purposes);

 movable elements (loading and personnel doors, gates, etc.);

 ventilation ducts and chimneys which shall not affect the fire resistance of any wall traversed.

The heat insulation and small components parts material properties shall not support a fire or increase the risk of

Materials for filters for air inlet and cleaning of exhaust air, flexible connections and sealing mastics shall at least be
non easily flammable.

NOTE See annex E.

5.7.2 Explosion General

The requirements shall allow:

 to maintain the flammable substances concentration below LEL by forced ventilation;

 to eliminate or reduce ignition sources.

Furthermore, precautions shall be taken to eliminate combustible gases leakages to avoid possibilities of
explosions for instance: natural convection, pre or post ventilation, leak testing on gas train. Limitation of flammable substances concentration

The limit values of concentration given hereafter in a) and b) shall only be used for classification in hazardous
zones (see and determination of electrical equipment (see and

For calculation (see annex B), if the LEL of solvents is unknown, a value of 40 g/m3 shall be used.

a) In spray booths with operator the concentration of flammable substances shall be limited to a value of 25 %
LEL maximum;

b) In spray booths without operator the concentration of flammable substances shall be limited to a value of 50 %
LEL maximum; this also applies to circulated air systems. Classification in hazardous zones (according to 3.16)

The classification of hazardous zones is an integral part of the safety concept for explosion prevention. The ignition
prevention category of equipment and components implemented to spray booth is dependent on limitation of
flammable substance concentration by forced ventilation.

a) In case of values of flammable substances concentration below 25 % of LEL in the internal volume of this spray
booth including ducts for recirculated and exhaust air and in external volumes but within a distance up to 1 m
from permanent openings, are classified as zone 2.

b) In case of values of flammable substances concentration between 25 % and 50 % of LEL the internal volume
of the spray booth including ducts for recirculated and exhaust air, are classified as zone 1;

c) In case of values of flammable substances concentration between 25 % and 50 % of LEL, external volumes,
but within a distance up to 1 m from permanent openings, are classified as zone 2.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

NOTE 1 See annex A.

NOTE 2 Doors are not considered to be permanent openings. Spray booth with flammable solvents concentration equal or above 25 % of LEL

If the calculated concentration of flammable solvents, according to annex B, is equal or above 25 % of LEL, the
spray booth shall be equipped:

 either with explosion relief;

 or with a device for concentration measurement shutting down the supply of flammable substances if the
concentration is equal or above 50 % of LEL. Avoidance or reduction of ignition sources General

In order to prevent hazards by explosive atmospheres, the design and selection of electrical and non-electrical
equipment shall ensure that ignition sources are avoided in any part of the system, where areas with explosion
hazard are classified (see If electrical and non-electrical equipment is implemented according to their
manufacturer’s instruction, then the completed system is of the same category of protection. Electrical equipment

Electrical equipment installed and located in zone 1 shall be at least of category 2 complying with EN 50014,
EN 50015, EN 50016, EN 50017, EN 50018, EN 50019, EN 50020, EN 50028 and EN 50039 as appropriate.

Electrical equipment installed and located in zone 2 shall be at least of category 3 complying with EN 50014 and
EN 50021.

In particular the following measures shall be considered:

 all conductive components shall be interconnected and earthed according to EN 60204-1;

 for lighting devices fitted behind transparent impact resistant panels sealed to the booth structure, so that
solvent vapour inside the booth cannot ingress, IP 54 of EN 60529 is sufficient;

 For motor outside the spray booths at least IP44 of EN 60529 shall be used. Motors shall not be positioned
within an exhaust air duct;

 Undesirable static discharges shall be avoided by adopting the earthing and interconnecting measures
specified in EN 50176. Non electrical equipment

All non electrical equipment and components installed and located in potentially explosive atmosphere shall be
designed and constructed according to good engineering practice and shall be subjected to an ignition hazard
assessment in accordance with 5.2 of EN 13463-1:2001 to provide the protection required. The equipment shall
satisfy the requirements of EN 13463-1 and EN 13463-5.

Category 3 equipment for installation in zone 2 shall not contain any effective ignition source in normal operation.
Category 2 equipment for installation in zone 1 shall not contain any effective ignition source in normal operation or
expected malfunction.

In particular the following requirements shall be observed:

 hot surfaces of all apparatus inside the spray booth shall not be able to ignite paint aerosols and solvent
vapours. The admissible temperatures of these hot surfaces are described in 6.4.2 of EN 1127-1:1997;
prEN 12215:2004 (E)

 electrostatic charges shall be avoided according 7.4 of EN 13463-1:2001;

 fans for exhaust and recirculation air shall be protected in accordance with WI 00305066 ”Design of fans
working in potentially explosive atmospheres".

5.8 Safety requirements and measures against failure of energy supply

All spray booths shall be equipped with luminous warnings and lighting for emergency exit and automatic fire
extinguishing system (when appropriate) and shall fulfil the requirements of EN 1838.

5.9 Safety requirements and measures against unhealthy postures

Working pit shall have at least the following dimensions:

 depth: 1,4 m;

 width: 0,8 m.

6 Verification of the safety requirements and/or measures

6.1 General

Safety requirements detailed in clause 5 shall be checked by testing, calculation, inspection or other methods
according the following clauses.

Verification shall be checked before or during commissioning.

6.2 Verification of the mechanical safety requirements

The provision and efficiency of protection devices, according to standards and specifications relevant to this type of
spray booth for application of organic liquid coating materials will be made by checking their presence and function.

The requirement of 600 lux minimum described in 5.2.4 can be checked by measurement. This measurement may,
for instance, be taken at the point of 1 m above the centre of the spray booth’s floor with the luxmeter reading
vertically upwards.

6.3 Verification of the electrical safety requirements

6.3.1 Measures against contact with electrical parts

Compliance with requirements of EN 60204-1 and EN 50050 shall be checked.

Make sure that guards are fitted to prevent access to dangerous zones and that interlocking devices are

6.3.2 Measures against external influence on electrical equipment

Check if electronic and electrical parts are installed according to the manufacturers specifications.

The functions of electrical equipment shall be tested, particularly those related to safety and safeguarding, see 19.6
of EN 60204-1:1997.

6.4 Verification of the safety requirements and measures against thermal hazards

Verification of these requirements shall be made by measuring temperatures of touchable surfaces with calibrated
contact thermometer.
prEN 12215:2004 (E)

6.5 Verification of the safety requirements and measures against noise

The measurement of emission sound pressure levels at operator’s positions and of sound power level shall be
carried out according to annex C.

6.6 Verification of the safety requirements against dangerous substances

6.6.1 Measures against contact with/or absorption of liquid coating materials, solvents, cleaning agents

Compliance with instructions given in 7.2.2 shall be checked.

6.6.2 Measures against inhalation of aerosols and solvent vapours

6.7 Air flow direction

Place a smoke generator in the paint application zone and check that all the smoke is extracted by the equipment
provided for this purpose. Air velocity measurement

Verification of required air velocities shall be made according to annex D. Safety device

The presence of function and labelling of safety device shall be checked by visual inspection.

6.7.2 Measures against inhalation of toxic gases released by the heating device

Verification of compliance of heating devices with specific standards shall be done before start-up.

The direct gas fired air heater manufacturer shall provide a declaration of conformity with tests required in
EN 746-2 for the burner.

Visual inspection and testing shall be carried out to ensure that an effective interlock is fitted between the forced
ventilation and gas admission to the burner.

Verification of the correct position of the recirculated air duct in relation to the burner.

6.7.3 Measures against inhalation of dangerous gases, vapours emitted by fire extinguishing equipment

Correct functioning of the warning system is to be checked to ensure sufficient time is available to allow the
operator to exit from the spray booth before activation of automatic fire extinguishing system when existing.

6.8 Verification of the safety requirements and measures against fire and explosion

6.8.1 Fire

The following points shall be checked by visual and test inspection:

 materials used for the construction of the spray booth comply with the requirements defined in 5.7.1;

 the wall elements are easy to clean;

 the automatic fire warning or extinguishing equipment is efficient.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

6.8.2 Explosion Limitation of flammable substances concentration

In spray booths with an operator, compliance with air velocity requirements ( a), b), c), d), e) and f) shall be

 in these cases, measurement of flammable substances concentration is not required;

 when air velocities are in contradiction with technical application process ( g)), the measurement of
flammable substances concentration may be needed.

In spray booths without an operator, the concentration of flammable solvents expressed in percentage of LEL
(CLEL) shall be calculated according to annex B.

According to the calculated value of CLEL the following concentration measurements shall be performed:

 if calculated CLEL ≤ 10%: no measurement required;

 if 10 % < calculated CLEL ≤ 25%: the measurement(s) shall be effected into the air exhaust duct(s);

 if 25 % < calculated CLEL ≤ 50%: the measurement shall be performed:

 inside the spray booth at the points defined for air velocity measurement (see annex D );

 in the air exhaust duct (s).

If the spray booth is a multizone spray booth, each section shall be considered separately for calculation of CLEL.
The concentration of the most unfavourable section shall be used.

The measurement shall be performed by using an explosimeter:

 the explosimeter shall be safe type complying with use in explosive atmosphere according to the current

 this explosimeter shall be calibrated with a suitable solvent.

Measurements shall be performed in the conditions on use (temperature, pressure, humidity...) as specified by the
manufacturer of the apparatus.

Measurements shall not be performed between spray gun and workpiece and in its vicinity.

If technical reasons do not allow the concentration measurement as defined above, procedures by calculation and
air flow verification shall be followed. Classification in hazardous zones (according to 3.16)

To verify characteristics of used solvents during commissioning comply with assumption data. Spray booth with flammable solvents concentration equal or above 25 % of LEL

Visual inspection or test. Measures to avoid or reduce ignition sources

Compliance of electrical and non-electrical equipment with required categories for ignition protection shall be
checked before commissioning.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

All other requirements shall be checked visually.

The good functioning of safety devices described in shall be checked.

6.9 Verification of the safety requirements and measures against failure of energy supply

The presence of luminous warnings and lighting for emergency exits shall be checked visually.

6.10 Verification of the safety requirements and measures against unhealthy postures

The dimensions of the working pit shall be checked.

7 Information for use

7.1 General

Information for use shall be drawn up in accordance with clause 5 and in particular with 5.5 of EN 292-2:1991 +
EN 292-2:1991/A1:1995 for instruction handbook.

It shall be written in the user's language and shall preferably be accompanied by the same manual written in the
language of the country where the manufacturer is located.

It shall provide specifications for the commissioning, the use and the maintenance of the spray booth and include,
as the case may be, information and safety instructions to the user for the correct and safe use of the spray booth,
and notably the following:

7.2 Instruction handbook

7.2.1 General

(See annex A of EN 292-2:1991 + EN 292-2/A1:1995).

When application is manual or an operator is present inside the booth, solid particles and dangerous substances
concentration shall be, in any moment and any position of the breathing organs of the worker, below exposure
limits requested by worker health legislation.

User's attention is drawn to the problem of choosing the type of ventilation according to the shape of the workpiece
to be painted. Some workpieces cause the paint jet to reverse towards the operator. The working conditions are
rarely improved when only ventilation is applied (especially air velocity). It is necessary to modify the coating
process at the working conditions to resolve the problem, for example by putting the workpiece on a turntable or by
using a positioning or rocking device.

Instruction handbook shall contain, at least, the following indications:

 to prohibit any storage of flammable substances or their empty containers or any other materials which have
been in contact with these products (rags, paper, etc) in the spray booth and in front of the doors;

 to prohibit any use in the spray booth of halogenated products for the cleaning;

 to prohibit any use in the spray booth of naked flames, incandescent objects, equipment or items capable to
generate sparks (tools, equipment, etc);

 to display a "No smoking" placard on all entrance doors of the spray booth, inside and outside, or on external
walls of open front spray booths;

 to use qualified and authorised personnel to realise the adjustments concerning the spray booth for the
operating conditions according to the manufacturer's specifications;
prEN 12215:2004 (E)

 to locate the operator's workplaces in the non-contaminated atmosphere (in the case of spray booths with
horizontal ventilation);

 to use positioning devices for workpieces in order to keep the operator in a healthy atmosphere when

 to adopt guards, protection and/or other safety measures to avoid falling of personnel in the pits;

 to get portable and suitably sized fire extinguishing equipment, easy to reach and safe;

 in case of beginning of fire, stop immediately the forced ventilation and (if fitted) close the fire dampers;

 types and maximum amounts of flammable solvents contained in the coating material applied in one hour and
any other safety requirements limiting the use. In case of changing use, the users shall verify that additional
hazards do not occur;

 temperature limits of the air inside the spray booth during the application step;

 noise emission values according to EN 292-2:1991 + EN 292-2/A1:1995, annex A, 1.7.4 f, i.e. the A-weighted
emission sound pressure level at the operator’s position and, if relevant, the A-weighted sound power level,
both determined according to the method given in annex C.

 maximum allowed pressure drop through filtration system (e.g. waterwash type, dry filter type ...).

7.2.2 Normal operation

The instruction handbook shall indicate to the user that:

 the forced ventilation shall be maintained until dangerous substances concentration is below exposure limits
before entering an automatic spray booth for any adjustment, repair or maintenance works;

 the forced ventilation shall be maintained during cleaning operation with dangerous solvents;

 a personal protection or a breathing mask connected to fresh air shall be worn when an operator shall work in
an insufficient purified atmosphere (for instance working pit, inside of container...);

 when contact with materials used for spraying or cleaning can cause dermatitis or other skin complaints,
appropriate arrangements shall be made for example provision of suitable protective clothing;

 when equipment used in the construction or materials used in the spraying process are able to create
microbiological problems, particularly humidity control, appropriate arrangements shall be made, for example:

 provision of protective clothing and fresh air breathing equipment;

 easy access for cleaning ductwork and/or plenum chambers;

 chemical water treatment or water change to be adopted as laid out in manufacturers instructions;

 antistatic foot-wear for operator is advised.

7.2.3 Maintenance

a) Prevention maintenance

 The user shall:

 check at regular intervals the clogging of filtration and exhaust systems as well as the deposits of coating
materials on equipment, walls and floor of the spray booth;

 check at regular intervals the earthing of the spray booth and workpieces;

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

 apply the safety precautions to be taken in non-operating steps if a naked flame, incandescent object or
equipment or item capable of generating sparks is brought into the spray booth for maintenance work, (for
instance entire cleaning of the spray booth to remove paint deposits);

 be in accordance with precise instructions for maintenance of heating devices and notably the periodicity of

 be in accordance with indication about the periodicity of filter replacement and exhaust ducts cleaning;

 check the compliance with the requirements for water treatment and with the instructions for correct use of
products for the waterwash system or damper adjusters;

 if necessary to avoid injuries requirements to switch off the conveyor;

 use materials and tools as recommended by the manufacturer.

b) Corrective maintenance

Corrective maintenance shall only be carried out by a competent, qualified person following the specifications of
the manufacturer. The specification shall mention:

 means to detect and correct breakdowns and failures which might occur;

 methods to identify all parts or materials that are replaceable;

 provision to switch off the power circuit before working on the ventilation system or automated damper
adjusters with security measures according to EN 60204;

 if necessary to avoid injuries, provision to switch off the conveyor;

 causes of breakdowns or failures and how they appear.

7.3 Marking

Whatever the type of spray booth, the following information shall be mentioned on an indelible identification placard
fixed in a permanent way on one of the booth walls.

This information shall be written in one of the languages of the user’s country.

 Name and address of the manufacturer.

 Type of spray booth (see clause 3).

 Year of manufacture .......... modified on .................... year of modification(s).

 Serial number.

 Method of paint application for which the spray booth is designed (example: compressed air, electrostatic, etc.,
automatic or manual shall be mentioned).

 Air flow output ......... m3/h

 Power installed:

 Electric .................. (kVA)

 Other .....................

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

 Maximum amount of flammable solvent contained in the coating material applied in one hour with indication of
LEL of solvent taken in reference in annex B.

 Maximum sizes of the workpieces;

 Air velocity (measured according to this standard): .................... (m/s).

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

Annex A

Diagrams relative to hazardous zones of potentially explosive atmosphere

Refer to for the classification of hazardous zones in zone 1 or 2.


A No permanent opening (e.g. doors)

B Permanent opening (e.g. opening for operator)
Vint Internal volume of the spray booth which shall include ducts for recirculated and exhaust air,
classified as:
zone 1, if concentration of flammable substances is limited to > 25 % of LEL and < 50 % of LEL
zone 2, if concentration of flammable substances is limited to < 25 % of LEL
Vext External volume formed around permanent openings, classified as:
zone 2 in any case

Figure A.1 — Example for classification of zones in open fronted spray booth

prEN 12215:2004 (E)


A No permanent opening (e.g. doors)

B Permanent opening (e.g. opening for operator)
C Permanent opening (e.g. opening for charging)
D Permanent opening (e.g. opening for decharging)
E Permanent opening (e.g. filter)
Vint I nternal volume of the spray booth which shall include ducts for recirculated and exhaust air,
classified as:
zone 1, if concentration of flammable substances is limited to > 25 % of LEL and < 50 % of LEL
zone 2, if concentration of flammable substances is limited to < 25 % of LEL
Vext External volume formed around permanent openings, classified as:
zone 2 in any case

Figure A.2 —– Example for zoning in open top spray booth

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

NOTE The zone classification for areas with potentially explosive atmosphere is corresponding to categories of ignition
protection according EN 13643-1.

Designed for Also applicable in zone

Category Designed for zone
type of explosive atmosphere
gas/air mixture
1 resp. 0 1 and 2
vapour/air mixture resp.
mist/air mixture
gas/air mixture
2 resp. 1 2
vapour/air mixture resp.
mist/air mixture
gas/air mixture
3 resp. 2 -
vapour/air mixture resp.
mist/air mixture

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

Annex B

Determination of concentration of flammable solvents in terms of LEL

B.1 Equations
In order to simplify the comparison with the lower explosion limit (LEL), the concentration is expressed as CLEL
(percentage of LEL):

100 × C
C LEL = (1)
The average concentration (mass) inside the spray booth depends on solvents input and air flow:

M max × k1 × k 2 × k 3
C= (2)


CLEL Calculated value of the maximum concentration of flammable solvents as a in %

function of LEL in %

C Average concentration of flammable solvents (in air) in the spray booth in g/m3

LEL Lower Explosion Limit of solvents or solvents mixtures at 293 K. in g/m3

If the component parts of the solvents mixtures are known, but the LEL of the
mixture is unknown, then the LEL of the solvent component with the lowest
value should be taken if the data is not available, then the value of 40 g/m 3
shall be used.

M max Maximum quantity of liquid organic coating material sprayed per hour in g/h

k1 Mass percentage of flammable solvents content in the liquid organic coating in %

material at spraying conditions

k2 Estimated percentage of flammable solvents evaporated inside the spray in %


k3 Safety factor taking into account the solvents concentration heterogeneity and,
in particular, the high concentration between spray gun and workpiece and its

Qmin Minimum fresh air flow drawn in the spray booth which dilutes the released in m3/h
flammable solvents to the required concentration level

NOTE If the spray booth is a multizone spray booth, each section shall be considered separately for the CLEL calculation

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

B.2 Examples of calculation

B.2.1 Determination of concentration of flammable solvents on base of a given mean design air


Spray booth (or section of application) parameters for air flow (vertically ventilated):
width w = 4m
length l = 8m
mean design air velocity v = 0,35 m/s.
coating material input M max = 20 000 g/h

lower explosion limit LEL = 40 g/m3

flammable solvent content k1 = 85 % (0,85)

fraction of evaporation k2 = 80 % (0,80)

safety factor k3 = 3

The minimum air flow Qmin can be calculated from the air velocity v and the width w and length l of the cross
section of air flow:

Qmin = v × w × l (3)

according to (3):

Qmin = 0,35m / s × 4m × 8m × 3 600 s / h = 40 320 m 3 /h

according to (2):

20 000 g / h x 0,85 x 0,8 x 3

C = = 1,01 g/m 3
40 320m³ / h

according to (1):

1,01g / m³
C LEL = 100 × = 2,53%
40 g / m³

Result: If the forced ventilation of a spray booth is designed for a mean air velocity of v = 0,35 m/s, (and further
assumptions described above are valid) then a nominal concentration of CLEL = 2,53 % is maintained. However the
safety factor used in the calculation may lead to a true average concentration of 1/3 of that nominal value.

Comparison of the nominal value with threshold values of concentrations 10 %, 25 % or 50 % of LEL given in to and then selects further requirements.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

B.2.2 Determination of fresh air flow on base of a design concentration value

Equations (1) and (2) of B.2.1 can also be used for calculations of fresh air flow.


CLEL,max : maximum concentration (design value) in terms of LEL.

Qnew , min : minimum fresh air flow drawn in the spray booth to maintain C max inside,

according to (1):

C LEL ,max × LEL

C max = (4)
according to (2):

M max × k 1 × k 2 × k 3
Q new, min = (5)
C max


Spray booth (or section of application) parameters (vertically ventilated):

width w = 4m
length l = 8m

design value of
maximum concentration C LEL, max = 25 % LEL
coating material input M max = 25 000 g/h

lower explosion limit LEL = 40 g/m3

flammable solvent content k1 = 85 % (0,85)
fraction of evaporation k2 = 80 % (0,80)
safety factor k3 = 3

according to (4):

25 × 40 g / m³
C max = = 10g/m 3
according to (5):

25 000 g / h × 0,85 × 0,80

Qnew ,min = × 3 = 5100m 3 /h
10 g / m³
Result: To maintain a nominal maximum concentration (design value) of solvent of CLEL,max = 25 % (with the
assumptions described above including a safety factor) a minimum fresh air flow of Qnew,min = 5 100 m /h drawn in
the booth is necessary.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

Annex C

Noise test code

C.1 General
Applicable requirements are:

 equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level measurement shall be effected according to
specifications given in C.2 or C.3;

 peak C-weighted instantaneous sound pressure level is not taken into account in this standard because spray
booths do not generate impulsive noise capable of reaching the level indicated in EN 292-2:1991 + EN 292-

 sound power level determination shall be carried out only if the A-weighted sound pressure level at the
operator’s position determined according to C.2 exceeds 85 dB.

C.2 Measurement of emission sound pressure level at the operator’s position(s)

C.2.1 General

The measurement method shall be that provided by EN ISO 11202 with the following deviations. The requirement
on the environmental factor K2 shall not be considered and the local environmental correction K3 shall not be

C.2.2 Spray booth operating conditions

The following conditions shall be applied during measurement:

 all connections to the outside of the spray booth shall be in place;

 the heating and ventilation systems in compliance with this standard (especially for air velocities) shall be in
normal operation, as well as any other additional equipment such as those defined in 3.1 and needed for the
normal operation of the spray booth;

 spraying equipment shall be stopped.

 Background noise levels shall be measured with ventilation, heating and additional equipment such as those
defined in 3.1 switched off.

C.2.3 Operator’s positions

C.2.3.1 General

For spray booths with an operator’s position inside the booth, A-weighted sound pressure levels shall be measured
in a section of the horizontal plane at 1,6 m above the floor and at more than 1 m from the walls of the spray booth
as well as from any large noise reflecting surface:

 at the operators position(s) defined in the manufacturer’s instructions, if any,

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

 or, at one or more points in the central zone of the spray booth as defined in C.2.3.2 and in C.2.3.3.

For open fronted spray booths with no operator’s position inside the booth, measurements shall be carried out at
the position defined in C.2.3.2.

In all cases, measurements shall be carried out with the booth empty and with no operator present.

The position(s) where measurements have been carried out shall be indicated in the test report and in the noise
emission declaration.

C.2.3.2 Open fronted spray booth

Measurements shall be carried out at one single point defined as follows:

A single measurement point in the opening plane of the spray booth along the vertical symmetrical axis of the spray
booth at a height of 1,6 m + 0,03 m, see Figure C.1.


Opening plane

Measuring point

Figure C.1 —Measurement point in an open fronted spray booth

with the operator’s position outside the booth

C.2.3.3 Open top and enclosed spray booth

For spray booth not exceeding 16 m length, measurements shall be carried out at one single point located at the
centre of the spray booth, 1,6 m ± 0,03 m above the floor (see Figure C.2). For booth exceeding 16 m length
additional measurement points shall be located on each direction every 7 m from the central point. The highest
measured value and the measuring position shall be reported.
prEN 12215:2004 (E)


Opening plane

Measuring point

Figure C.2 — Measurement point in open top and enclosed booth (not exceeding 16 m length)

prEN 12215:2004 (E)


Opening plane

Measuring point

Figure C.3 —Measurement points in open top and enclosed booth (exceeding 16 m length)

C.3 Determination of the sound power level

If the A-weighted sound pressure level at the operator’s position determined according to C.2 is higher than 85 dB,
the sound power level of the spray booth shall be determined using the method given in EN ISO 3746. The
measurement surface shall be a parallelepiped and the measurement distance “d” shall be 1 m or less.

NOTE EN ISO 3746 provides data with grade 3 of accuracy. This is the lowest grade of accuracy. Grade 2 methods given
by EN ISO 3743-1, EN ISO 3744, EN ISO 3747 and EN ISO 9614-1 and EN ISO 9614-2 give more accurate data and can be
used whenever practical.

If the largest dimension of the spray booth exceeds 7 m, the determination of the sound power level shall be
replaced by that of equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure levels at a set of points located on a path at
1,6 m ± 0,03 m above the floor and 1 m from the external surface of the booth. The location of these points and the
sound pressure levels measured shall be indicated in the test report and in the noise declaration.

C.4 Declaration of noise emission values

The noise emission declaration obtained according to this annex shall have the format of a dual-number
declaration (measured value and associated uncertainty given separately) as defined in EN ISO 4871.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

Annex D

Measurement of air velocities

D.1 Instrumentation
The chosen equipment shall be directional and shall allow a measurement with an incertitude below or equal to
0,05 m/s of the measurement in the range from 0,25 m/s to 0,50 m/s.

 a measurement threshold of 0,10 m/s;

 an air velocity indicator giving the value with two decimals;

 an operating range as closed as possible of measurement range;

 an average air velocity calculation system;

 a temperature compensation system for apparatus affected by temperature variations (e.g. thermal

In addition, the apparatus used shall have been calibrated around the measuring range within the past year.

Only the read and corrected value using the calibration graph shall be taken into account.

D.2 Measurement conditions

D.2.1 General

Measurements shall be performed in empty spray booth without workpieces to be coated, except in e) and f) of

When recording measurements the spray booth shall be in its normal operating state (heating in operation during
cold periods).

All doors and windows opening on to the outside, capable of altering the ventilation shall be closed.

The duration of measurement for the average air velocity at each point shall be at least 30 s.

All these conditions shall be registered in the test report.

D.2.2 Measurement points for vertically ventilated spray booth

(Figures G.1 and G.2 of annex G).

Applicable to all downwards air flow directions from ± 45 ° to the vertical direction.

The measurement plane is an horizontal plane located at 1 m from the ground of the spray booth, whose
dimensions are equal to the ground dimensions of the spray booth decreased by 0,25 m on all sides (see
Figure D.1).

The measurement plane is divided in N equal rectangular areas (area over or equal to a 1 m square side and less
than or equal to a 1,5 m square side).
prEN 12215:2004 (E)

The centre of each area determines a measurement point (single point).

The distance between measurement points of two adjacent areas shall be less than or equal to 1,5 m.

Only the nearest value to 1,5 m shall be retained.

For small spray booth, the number of measurement points shall be at least two in the length and two in the width.

1 Measurement points

Figure D.1 —Measurement points for air velocity of vertically ventilated spray booth

At each measurement point, air velocity shall be measured in the air flow direction, seeking the maximum value
which shall be retained.

In the case of an operator inside the spray booth, average and single measured values shall comply with
requirement given in a) and b).

D.2.3 Measurement points for horizontally ventilated spray booth (Figures G.3 and G.4, annex G)

Applicable to all air flow directions from horizontal up to + 45 °.

The measurement plane shall be (see Figure D.2) either:

 at the entrance of fresh air plane when the operator does not work into the spray booth;

 or in a vertical plane located at 0,5 m from the entrance of fresh air plane when the operator works inside the
spray booth; this vertical plane is parallel to the actual surface of exhausted air.

The dimensions of this vertical plane are equal to the internal dimensions of the spray booth decreased by 0,25 m
on all sides.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

The measurement plane is divided in N equal rectangular areas (area over or equal to 1 m square side and less
than or equal to 1,5 m square side).

The centre of each area determines a measurement point (single point).

The distance between measurement points of two adjacent areas shall be less than or equal to 1,5 m.

Only the nearest value to 1,5 m shall be retained.

For small spray booths where calculation gives only one measurement point, the number of measurement points
shall be minimum two in the height and two in the width.

1 Entrance of fresh air plane 6 Workpiece be coated
2 Measurement plane 7 Measurement plane
3 Measurement points 8 Operator
4 Exhaust fan 9 Entrance of fresh air plane
5 Actual surface of exhausted air

Figure D.2 —Measurement points for air velocity of horizontally ventilated spray booth

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

At each measurement point, air velocity shall be measured in the air flow direction, seeking the maximum value
which shall be retained.
In the case of an operator inside the spray booth, average and punctual measured values shall comply with
requirement given in c) and d).

D.2.4 Measurement points for vertically ventilated spray booth used for spraying only one large
well-defined workpiece at a time
Air flow direction shall be vertical.
They are located as indicated in Figure D.3 and at 1 m above floor.

1 Spray booth wall
2 Well defined workpiece
3 Measurement points

Figure D.3 —Measurement points for vertically ventilated spray booth used for spraying only one large
well-defined workpiece at a time

In the case of an operator inside the spray booth, average and single measured values shall comply with
requirement given in e).

D.2.5 Measurement points for vertically ventilated spray booth with working pit

Air flow direction in the working pit shall be vertical.

Measurement points shall be distributed along the longitudinal working pit axis.

The distance between measurement points shall be less than or equal to 1,5 m.

Measurement points shall be more than, or equal to 0,5 m from the working pit useful ends (access stairs

Height of measurement points shall be 1 m above working pit floor circulation.

Average and single measured values shall comply with requirements given in f).
prEN 12215:2004 (E)

Annex E

Classification of material's reaction to the fire - National standards

According to 5.7.1 of this standard, the specific properties for the materials of construction are necessary for fire
prevention and protection.

Currently, there are no harmonised EN-standards for the fire behaviour of materials for construction for the fire
prevention and protection of machines.

National standards prevail until harmonised CEN standards are available.

They are:

Austria ÖNorm B 3800-1 Behaviour of building materials and components

in fire; building materials: requirements and
ÖNorm B 3800-2 Behaviour of building materials and components
in fire — Components: Definitions, requirements,
ÖNorm B 3800-3 Behaviour of building materials and components
in fire — Special components: Definitions,
requirements, tests.
ÖNorm B 3800-4 Behaviour of building materials and components
in fire; components: assignation to the classes of
fire resistance.
United Kingdom H.F.L '72 Highly flammable liquids and liquefied petroleum
gases regulations.
and relevant parts of BS 476 Fire tests on building materials and structures"
France NF P 92-501 Safety against fire. Building materials. Reaction
to fire tests, radiation test used for rigid
materials, or for materials on rigid substrates
(flooring and finishes) of all thickness, and for
flexible materials thicker than 5 mm.
NF P 92-507 Safety against fire — Materials for
construction — Reaction to fire tests —
Classification according to the reaction against
Germany DIN 4102-1 Fire behaviour of materials and components for
construction — Materials for construction —
Definitions, requirements and tests.
Italy UNI 9177 Classification of materials — Reaction to fire of
combustible materials.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

Annex F

Reference to national exposure limit values

Exposure limit values are commonly defined by member states regulations. The national references - as far as
known - are as follows:

References to national exposure limit values for hazardous
Country terms for
A Amtliche Mitteilungen des Bundesministeriums für soziale Verwaltung (2/93) MAK, TRK
Koninklijk Besluit tot wijziging van Bijlage II van Titel II, Hoofdstruk II bis van het VLE
ARAB wat de vaststelling van de grenswaarden voor blootstelling aan
chemische agentina betreft
Order in council on the modification of annex II of title II, chapter II bis from the VLE
ARAB that stablishes the limit of exposure to chemical agents
Ordonnance prise en conseil prive sur la modification de l’annexe II du titre II, VLE
chapitre II bis de l’ARAB qui établit les limites d’exposition des agents
CzR Directive of Ministry of Health No. 58/1981 Coll., about principal hygienic NPK
requirements for maximum permitted concentration of the most important NPK-P
injurants in air and assessment of Level of pollution
DK Instruction No, December 1996, Exposure Limit Values for Substances GV
and Materials
SF At present unknown
Ministère du Travail: Décret 84-1093: aération et assainissement des locaux de VME
INRS ED 633: Guide pratique de ventilation — 9.Ventilation des cabines et VLE
postes de peinture
Technische Regeln für Gefahrstoffe MAK, TRK
TRGS 900 "Luftgrenzwerte" BAT
G At present unknown
ISL At present unknown
IRL At present unknown
Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices published by (ACGIH) TLV
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
L At present unknown
NL Min. v. sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid P145: de nationale MAC-lijst 1996 MAC
N Administrative normer for forurensing i arbeidsatmosfaere 1996 AT 361
P At present unknown
ES At present unknown
(Threshold Limit values) AFS 1996:2 NGV, TGV
Hygieniska Gränsverden KTV
CH Suva Publikation: Grenzwerte am Arbeitsplatz 1997; Maximale MAK
Arbeitsplatzkonzentrationswerte gesundheitsgefährdender Stoffe. Biologische BAT
Arbeitsplatztoleranzwerte – Arbeitshygienische Grenzwerte für physikalische
Health and Safety Executive MEL,
H&SE EH 40/97, Part 2: "List of occupational exposure limits and other tables" OES

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

Annex G

Diagrams relative to spray booth classification

The figures only describe examples for spray booths. Different air flow directions (arrows) are possible.

Figure G.1 — Enclosed spray booth Figure G.2 —Open top spray booth
(vertically ventilated) (vertically ventilated)

Figure G.3 —Enclosed spray booth Figure G.4 —Open fronted spray booth
(horizontally ventilated) (horizontally ventilated)

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

Annex ZA

Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU

Directive 98/37/EC

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association to provide a means of conforming to Essential Requirements of the New
Approach Directive Machinery 98/37/EC, amended by 98/79/EC.

Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Communities under that Directive and has been
implemented as a national standard in at least one Member State, compliance with the normative clauses of this
standard confers, within the limits of the scope of this standard, a presumption of conformity with the relevant
Essential Requirements of that Directive and associated EFTA regulations.

WARNING — Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the
scope of this standard.

prEN 12215:2004 (E)


[1] EN 294:1992, Safety of machinery — Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by upper

[2] EN 349:1993, Safety of machinery — Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body.

[3] EN 418:1992, Safety of machinery — Emergency stop equipment, functional aspects — Principles for

[4] EN 574:1996, Safety of machinery — Two-hand control devices — Functional aspects — Principles for

[5] EN 614-1:1995, Safety of machinery — Ergonomic design principles — Part 1: Terminology and general

[6] EN 775:1992, Manipulating industrial robots — Safety (ISO 10218:1992, modified).

[7] EN 811:1996, Safety of machinery — Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the lower

[8] EN 953:1997, Safety of machinery — Guards — General requirements for the design and construction of
fixed and movable guards.

[9] EN 999:1998, Safety of machinery — The positioning of protective equipment in respect of approach
speeds of parts of the human body.

[10] EN 1012-1:1996, Compressors and vacuum pumps — Safety requirements — Part 1: Compressors.

[11] EN 1050:1996, Safety of machinery — Principles for risk assessment.

[12] EN 3740:2000, Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources — Guidelines for the use
of basic standards (ISO 3740:2000).

[13] EN ISO 3743-1:1995, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources — Engineering
methods for small, movable sources in reverberant fields — Part 1: Comparison method for hard-walled test
rooms (ISO 3743-1:1994).

[14] EN ISO 3744:1995, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound
pressure. Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane (ISO 3744:1994).

[15] EN ISO 3747:2000, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound
pressure — Comparison method for use in situ (ISO 3747:2000).

[16] EN ISO 5167-1:2003, Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in
circular cross-section conduits running full — Part 1: General principles and requirements (ISO 5167-

[17] EN ISO 9614-1:1995, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound
intensity — Part 1: Measurement at discrete points (ISO 9614-1:1993).

[18] EN ISO 9614-2:1996, Acoustics — Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound
intensity — Part 2: Measurement by scanning (ISO 9614-2:1996).

[19] EN ISO 11200:1995, Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Guidelines for the use of
basic standards for the determination of emission sound pressure levels at a work station and at other
specified positions (ISO 11200:1995).

prEN 12215:2004 (E)

[20] EN 12464-1:2002, Light and lighting — Lighting of work places — Part 1: Indoor work places.

[21] prEN 13355:1998, Coating plants — Combined booths — Safety requirements.

[22] EN 1760-1:1997, Safety of machinery — Pressure sensitive protective devices — Part 1: General principles
for the design and testing of pressure sensitive mats and pressure sensitive floors.

[23] EN 1760-2:2001, Safety of machinery — Pressure sensitive protective devices — Part 2: General principles
for the design and testing of pressure sensitive edges and pressure sensitive bars.

[24] EN ISO 11688-1:1998, Acoustics — Recommended practice for the design of low noise machinery and
equipment — Part 1: Planning (ISO/TR 11688-1:1995).

[25] EN ISO 11688-2:2000, Acoustics — Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and
equipment — Part 2: Introduction to the physics of low-noise design (ISO/TR 11688-2:1998).

[26] EN 61000-6-4:2001, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) — Part 6-4: Generic standards — Emission
standard for industrial environments.

[27] EN 60079-10:2003, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres — Part 10: Classification of
hazardous areas.

[28] EN 60079-14:1997, Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres — Part 14: Electrical installations in
hazardous areas (other than mines).

[29] IEC 61260:1995, Electroacoustics — Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters.

[30] EN 60034-5:2001, Rotating electrical machines — Part 5: Degrees of protection provided by the integral
design of rotating electrical machines (IP code) — Classification (IEC 60034-5:2000).

[31] PTB-report:1994 W 57, Flammability characteristics of sprays of water-based paints (Ulrich Pidoll/Helmut
Krämer) Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig – Februar 1994.


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