heba mousa paper 2024
heba mousa paper 2024
heba mousa paper 2024
Keywords: The release of harmful organic dyes from different industries besides its degradation products is a major
Organic dyes contributor to environmental contamination. The catalytic reduction of these organic pollutants using nano
Eco-friendly catalyst composites based on polymeric material presents potential advantages for the environment. In this study, novel
Cellulose acetate
nanocomposite based on cellulose acetate (CA)-derived from discharged cigarette butts and zinc oxide nano
Cigarette butts waste
Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposite
particles (ZnO NPs) was prepared utilizing a very simple and low-cost solution blending method and used as
Antibacterial action support for silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs). A simple reduction method was used to anchor different percentages of
Ag NPs on the ZnO@CA nanocomposite surface via utilizing sodium borohydride as a reducing agent. The Ag-
ZnO@CA nanocomposite was characterized using X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The TEM analysis showed spherical Ag
NPs, with an average diameter of ~17.6 nm, were uniformly anchored on the ZnO@CA nanocomposite surface.
The prepared nanocomposites were evaluated as catalysts for the reduction of organic dyes in water. It was found
that 10 % Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposite showed a remarkable reduction of Rhodamine B (RhB), Rhodamine 6G
(Rh6G), Methylene Blue (MB), and Sunset Yellow (SY) dyes in short time. In the presence of this nanocomposite,
the rate constant, kapp values for RhB, Rh6G, MB, and SY were 0.3498 min− 1, 1.51 min− 1, 0.2292 min− 1, and
0.733 min− 1, respectively. This nanocomposite was recovered and reused in five successive cycles, with a
negligible loss of its activity. Furthermore, the nanocomposites demonstrated moderate antibacterial activity
toward Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Thus, this study directed attention on recycling of waste ma
terial to a valuable nanocomposite and its applications in environmental protection.
1. Introduction pollutants and eliminate or reduce harmful substances from water and
wastewater. Conventional treatment approaches frequently rely on
Organic dyes find extensive application across several sectors, physical processes such as adsorption, filtration, and flotation to remove
encompassing the cosmetics, textile, paper, pigment, and plastics in organic chemicals from water without breaking them down. Despite
dustries. The release of such colored pollutants from these industries is a their effectiveness, physical treatment methods have some drawbacks,
major contributor to environmental contamination [1,2]. The degrada including elevated expenses, inadequate remediation, and the potential
tion of these compounds is particularly difficult, and the harmful effects generation of secondary contaminants [7,8]. As a result, there is a need
of these compounds are not limited to humans, and they can also pose a for methods that can completely transform organic pollutants, and this
threat to aquatic life, animals, and plants [3–6]. It is therefore essential can be accomplished with the help of efficient catalysts.
to create effective treatment methods that can degrade organic Metal nanoparticles (MNPs) are effective catalysts for transforming
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.S. Abd El-Hay).
Received 23 November 2023; Received in revised form 14 December 2023; Accepted 17 December 2023
Available online 21 December 2023
0141-8130/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Mousa et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 258 (2024) 128890
organic contaminants because of their large surface area, high catalytic using several characterization techniques. Different kinds of dyes were
efficiency, simplicity of manufacturing, and high selectivity toward reduced catalytically within a few minutes. The ability to reuse the Ag-
specific processes. They have been utilized in a diverse set of chemical ZnO@CA nanocomposite was also demonstrated. Moreover, the anti
processes, such as coupling, electrochemical, oxidation, and reduction bacterial activity of the prepared nanocomposites was evaluated against
reactions [9]. Nevertheless, a primary drawback of many readily exist S. aureus and E. coli bacteria.
ing MNPs is their lack of stability [10], due to the agglomeration process
[11]. The high surface energy of MNPs makes them thermodynamically 2. Materials and method
unstable, despite their large number of active sites. This leads to a
diminution in the quantity of adsorption sites and, subsequently, a 2.1. Materials
decline in the number of active sites on the NPs, which in turn reduces
the interfacial contact area between the MNPs and the materials. To All components were of analytical grade. All the solutions were
address this, MNPs are often placed on appropriate support materials. produced with bi-distilled water. (Zn (CH3COO)2.2H2O; 99.5 %),
However, these support matrices can sometimes hinder the efficiency of (NaOH; 99 %), (NaBH4; 98 %), Starch (99 %) were purchased from
MNPs due to their limited surface area, which might reduce the cata Research-Lab Fine Chem Industries (India). AgNO3; 98 %), Rhodamine
lyst’s exposure to reactants [12]. Consequently, there is an ongoing push 2B, Rhodamine 6G, and Sun set yellow dyes were supplied by Sigma
to innovate and design superior support materials for MNPs catalysts. Aldrich (Germany), Research -Lab Fine Chem Industries (India). Ethanol
The aim is to find a balance between stability, top-notch catalytic effi (Assay 95 %) and acetone (Assay 95 %) were supplied by Alpha
ciency, simplicity in separation from solutions, and the capability to Chemika. The collection of discarded cigarette filters was conducted by
reuse multiple times [13]. It has been commonly noted that the support us from the streets (Zagazig, Egypt), and sent to our Laboratory in
materials are crucial not just for the stability of the catalyst but also for Zagazig University, Egypt, where the cigarette butts underwent a ster
its activity. They can act as a metal receptor, dispersing the active metal ilization process, and treated to extract CA.
or participating directly in the reaction [12]. According to research,
polymer composites and hybrids are frequently utilized to fulfill this
need [4]. 2.2. Synthesis of ZnO NPs
Researchers have extensively investigated composites made from
various metallic, semi-conducting, and polymer compounds for waste ZnO NPs have been manufactured via a chemical precipitation
water treatment applications [14]. Cellulose acetate (CA), a novel class technique followed as outlined by Ali et al. [10]. During this procedure,
of carbohydrate polymer produced by esterifying natural cellulose fi Zn (CH3COO)2.2H2O (13.50 g) was broken down in approximately 500
bers, has been the focus of research because of its small size, practical mL of ethanol, producing solution A. Ethanol used here as a solvent
morphology, simple surface chemistry, increased surface area, enhanced because it acts as a controlling agent for crystal growth and this plays a
sustainability in the environment, and relatively affordable production critical role in reducing the particle size to nano-level [23]. For solution
cost [15]. The profusion of plenty hydroxyl and carboxylate groups on B, NaOH (14.76 g) was dissolved in a 78:1 ratio of ethanol to water by
the CA surface has allowed for a variety of surface changes and reactions volume. Solution B was then slowly introduced into solution A with
to be carried out [16]. Various nanocomposites which contain CA vigorous stirring for 3 h at 60 ◦ C. Afterward, the precipitate that had
polymer are described in the literature for eliminating organic con been generated was separated through filtration and washed meticu
taminants from water. For instance, Bakhsh et al. [7] have prepared Cu, lously using both bi-distilled water and ethanol after it had reached
Ag, and Ni NPs supported on CA/Fe2O3 for reduction of organic pol ambient temperature. The precipitate was subjected to drying at 80 ◦ C
lutants from water. They found that Ag@CA/Fe2O3 was able to overnight and subsequently was calcined in a static air atmosphere oven
decompose 4-nitrophenol and methyl orange dye in a short time. Khan at 500 ◦ C for 1 h.
et al. [15] investigated the use of Cu and Ag-NPs@CA nanocomposite for
the reducing of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP). Khan et al. [11] investigated the
use of Cu and Ag-NPs/ZnO/carbon black-CA sheets for the purpose of 2.3. Extraction of cellulose acetate (CA)
reducing nitroarene and azo dyes. They assumed that the incidence of
ZnO NPs prevents the agglomeration of the MNPs and enhances thermal, CA extraction from cigarette butts waste was performed based on the
mechanical, and magnetic characteristics of the composite material. The method that was used by Fenzo et al. [24]. After peeling away the outer
catalytic degradation of organic pollutant over CA-Ce/Zr@Cu0 catalyst paper, the used cigarette butts (CBs) were cleaned in hot water at 50 ◦ C
was investigated by Khan et al. [17]. The properties of the catalysis of for an hour. Subsequently, the CBs were rinsed with frigid water for 3
Ag-NPs anchored on the films of porous CA and wet-spun fibers for times to elongate the CA fiber. To eliminate possible organic contami
hydrogenation of the 2,6-dinitrophenol were studied [18]. Albukhari nants, the cigarette ends were rinsed twice in 99 % w/w ethanol. Lastly,
et al. [19] have synthesized Ag- NPs@ cellulose acetate filter paper for the extracted CA pieces were subjected to a drying process in an oven at
the catalytic degradation of nitrophenols and dyes. CA-ZA@Ni NPs were 60 ◦ C for an hour.
synthesized for nitrophenols hydrogenation and dye decomposition by
Khan et al. [20]. Ni nanoparticles deposited on CA coated Ce/Zr com
posite were synthesized by Khan et al. [21] for reducing nitrophenol 2.4. Synthesis of ZnO@CA nanocomposite
isomers and degraded azo dyes. Gul et al. have prepared nanocomposite
of PES-CA-Ag2O supported on Cu-NPs to reduce 4-NP and antibacterial The ZnO@CA nanocomposite was created using the solution
applications [22]. The cellulose acetate that was used for the synthesis of blending method detailed by Khan et al. [21]. In this approach, 10 g of
the previously reported nanocomposites is commercial. Consequently, the extracted CA were initially dissolved in a 43:7 ratio of acetone to
there is a great demand for the development of new nanocomposites water, with persistent stirring. Once a uniform CA solution was ach
based on the effective transformation of solid wastes into materials that ieved, 10 g of ZnO NPs were incorporated and consistently mixed
are beneficial for water treatment. However, to the greatest extent of our through vigorous stirring. This mixture was then spread onto a pristine
current understanding, this is the first suggested method for using glass substrate and left to set for 24 h at ambient temperature in an open
composites containing Ag NPs, ZnO NPs, and CA derived from cigarette setting. Following this, the resulting film was carefully removed from
butts waste to reduce organic dyes in water with the aid of sodium the glass surface, dried, and subsequently ground using a Fritsch Mini-
borohydride (NaBH4) and study their antibacterial applications. Mill pulverisette 23, GmbH, Duisburg, Germany for a duration of 10
The formation of the Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposite was established min.
H. Mousa et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 258 (2024) 128890
H. Mousa et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 258 (2024) 128890
Table 1
The crystal structure and lattice parameters, average crystallite size (D), the active surface area (SA), micro-strain (ε), and the dislocation density (δ) of the prepared
3 3
Sample Phases Crystal structure a b c ρ D Dav SA ε × 10− δ × 10−
(Å) (Å) (Å) (g/cm3) (nm) (nm) (m2/g) (nm− 4)
ZnO ZnO Hexagonal 3.2585 3.2585 5.2200 5.61 23.7 23.7 45.10 3.62 1.78
ZnO@CA ZnO Hexagonal 3.2689 3.2689 5.2340 3.45 16.5 16.5 105.4 5.28 3.67
5 % Ag-ZnO@CA ZnO Hexagonal 3.2862 3.2862 5.2600 3.80 18.6 18.9 83.54 4.72 2.89
Ag Cubic 4.1240 4.1240 4.1240 19.2 4.71 2.71
10 % Ag-ZnO@CA ZnO Hexagonal 3.2966 3.2966 5.2800 4.15 23.1 21.2 68.19 3.78 1.87
Ag Cubic 4.1378 4.1378 4.1378 19.3 4.39 2.68
15 % Ag-ZnO@CA ZnO Hexagonal 3.2943 3.2943 5.2700 4.51 23.2 21.7 61.31 3.73 1.86
Ag Cubic 4.1344 4.1344 4.1344 20.3 4.04 2.43
1 h2 + k2 + l2
= (3)
d(hkl) a2
where, ρ is the density of the samples and D is the average crystallite nanocomposites [36]. While the active surface area follows this trend:
size. ZnO@CA > 5 % Ag-ZnO@CA > 10 % Ag-ZnO@CA > 15 % Ag-ZnO@CA
The microstrain (ε) was estimated using the Williamson–Hall > pure ZnO. The variations of the dislocation density and the micros
approach [35] (Eq. (6)): trian for the ZnO phase follow this order: ZnO@CA > 5 % Ag-ZnO@CA
> 10 % Ag-ZnO@CA > 15 % Ag-ZnO@CA > pure ZnO. While the var
βcosθ =
+ 4εsinθ (6) iations in the dislocation density and the microstrain values for the Ag
D phase are followed this trend: 5 % Ag-ZnO@CA > 10 % Ag-ZnO@CA >
By plotting βcosθ against 4sinθ, straight lines are produced. The 15 % Ag-ZnO@CA.
microstrain of the samples was then deduced from the slope of these Fig. 2 displays the FTIR spectra of ZnO NPs, ZnO@CA, and 1–15 wt%
lines. Additionally, the influence of dislocation density on crystallo Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposites. The FTIR spectrum of pure ZnO displayed
graphic properties is noteworthy. The dislocation density (δ) was band at 3378 cm− 1 may be attributed to the O–H stretching vibration of
determined using Eq. (7). adsorbed water molecules [37]. In addition, the band at 1552 cm− 1 is
ascribed to the C––O symmetric stretching vibration, potentially related
to the zinc acetate precursor. While the band at 1429 cm− 1 may be
δ= (7)
D2 belonged to the methyl group (CH3) in-plane bending vibrations [38].
Table 1 summarized the results of the crystal structure, lattice pa The detected bands at 841 cm− 1, 754 cm− 1, and 694 cm− 1 are related to
rameters, average crystallite size, active surface area, micro-strain, and the metal‑oxygen bond (Zn–O) stretching vibrational mode [10,39].
dislocation density of the nanocomposites. It was found that the lattice The FTIR spectrum of ZnO@CA observed besides the characteristic’s
parameters for ZnO phase in the ZnO@CA and Ag-ZnO@CA nano bands of ZnO, new bands at 1738 cm− 1, 1224 cm− 1, and 1030 cm− 1, and
composites are slightly higher compared to pure ZnO. In addition, the 899 cm− 1. The observed bands at 1738 cm− 1, 1224 cm− 1, 1030 cm− 1,
lattice parameters for Ag phase in the 5 % Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposite 899 cm− 1 are ascribed to C– –O stretching, C–O carboxylate group
are slightly lower compared to 10 % and 15 % Ag-ZnO@CA nano asymmetric stretching, C-O-C ether group in the pyranose ring asym
composite. The average crystallite size of the samples takes the metric stretching, and C–H out of plane deformation, respectively [40].
following order: pure ZnO > 15 % Ag-ZnO@CA > 15 % Ag-ZnO@CA > This result confirmed the successfully loaded ZnO on the surface of CA
5 % Ag-ZnO@CA > ZnO@CA. The average crystallite size of ZnO NPs is polymer. The FTIR spectra of 1–15 wt% Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposites
23.7 nm which is higher than that of all the nanocomposites. The showed FTIR bands are typically of that observed in the spectrum of
observed decrease in the crystal sizes of the nanocomposites was due to ZnO@CA nanocomposite. In addition, the intensities of the character
that the interaction of functional groups (CA) on ZnO has reduced the istic bands of ZnO and CA gradually decrease by increasing the per
crystallinity and increased the broadening patterns of the centages of Ag NPs loading. Our findings align with those of Bakhsh
H. Mousa et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 258 (2024) 128890
Fig. 3. XPS spectra of the 10 % Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposite: (a) full survey spectrum, (b) Zn 2p spectrum, (c) Ag 3d spectrum, (d) O 1 s spectrum, and (e) C 1
s spectrum.
et al. [7], they observed no significant differences in the spectra of CA/ [41,42]. The high-resolution XPS spectrum of the silver (Ag) 3d doublet
Fe2O3 and metal nanoparticle-loaded CA/Fe2O3. This suggests that the (Fig. 3c) showed two peaks at binding energies of 367.3 eV (Ag 3d5/2)
loading of metal nanoparticles did not alter the chemical composition of and 373.3 eV (Ag 3d3/2), which were spaced apart by 6 eV [43]. These
the CA/Fe2O3 composite. two peaks demonstrated the presence of Ag0 on the surface of the
XPS technique was utilized to investigate the electronic structure and ZnO@CA nanocomposite [44]. Furthermore, the spectrum showed also
chemical composition of a 10 % Ag/ZnO@CA nanocomposite as seen in another two peaks at 367.7 eV (Ag 3d5/2) and 374.4 eV (Ag 3d3/2),
Fig. 3(a-c). Fig. 3a displays survey of the whole spectrum, indicating the indicating the presence of Ag+ ions [45]. This suggests that both Ag2O
presence of zinc (Zn), silver (Ag), oxygen (O), and carbon (C) in the and Ag0 coexist in the nanocomposite, probably due to the oxidation of
nanocomposite. The high-resolution Zn 2p area spectra (Fig. 3b) display Ag0 by ambient oxygen [46]. Fig. 3d shows the O 1 s spectrum, which
two peaks at binding energies of 1044.3 eV and 1021.3 eV, corre has two peaks, peak at 529.9 eV (from the oxygen atoms in ZnO), and
sponding to the Zn 2p1/2 and Zn 2p3/2 states, respectively. The spin- peak at 531.9 eV (from the oxygen atoms in the hydroxyl groups (C-OH)
orbital splitting of ~23.0 eV indicates that Zn with +2 oxidation state in CA) [47]. One can see three apparent peaks in the C 1 s curve (Fig. 3e),
H. Mousa et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 258 (2024) 128890
Fig. 4. TEM images of (a, b) ZnO NPs, (c-d) ZnO@CA, and (e) 10 % Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposites.
H. Mousa et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 258 (2024) 128890
Scheme 1. The chemical structures of (a) RhB, (b) Rh6G, (c) MB, and (d) SY.
which represent three different chemical environments. The cellulose- reasons that rhodamine is chosen as a sensor are its extended absorption
derived polymer contains three types of carbon atoms, each with a and emission wavelengths, in addition to its high fluorescence quantum
different binding energy: aliphatic carbons (284.7 eV), carbons from CA: yield and high extinction coefficient. Additionally, RhB serves as a
C–O (286.3 eV), and carbon in the cellulose ring linked to two oxygen pathological marker in laboratory tests. Though widely used in textile
atoms (287.9 eV) [48]. manufacturing, RhB is known to be a carcinogenic substance potentially
Fig. 4 displays TEM images of ZnO NPs, ZnO@CA, and 10 % Ag- leading to tissue sarcoma and can affect neurological and reproductive
ZnO@CA nanocomposites. ZnO NPs are showed in Fig. 4(a, b), as functions. Ingesting RhB can be harmful, and it can irritate and burn the
spherical particles with an average diameter of ~62.6 nm. Meanwhile, eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Its harmful effects, including carci
the TEM image of the ZnO@CA nanocomposite (Fig. 4c, d) shows some nogenicity, chronic toxicity, and neurotoxicity, have been confirmed
agglomeration and spherical particles with an average diameter of through experiments [52]. Some nations have banned RhB in food items
~40.9 nm. This result is aligning with the XRD data, which indicates due to its risks, yet its unauthorized inclusion in food and other sectors
that the ZnO@CA nanocomposite has a smaller crystallite size than pure remains a challenge due to its durability, vibrant color, and affordable
ZnO NPs. This result is in agreement with that obtained by Gurunathan production [53].
et al. [36], they found that the particles size of ZnO NP are larger than The catalytic reduction of RhB in the context of NaBH4 was chosen as
that of ZnO/CA nanocomposite. This behavior may be attributed to that the first model reaction to test the efficacy of Ag-ZnO@CA nano
the CA covered on ZnO further prevents the agglomeration of ZnO and it composites as catalysts. RhB dye is a type of water-soluble basic red
decreases the particle size. The TEM image of the 10 % Ag-ZnO@CA xanthene that is commonly employed as a coloring agent in the indus
nanocomposite (Fig. 4e) reveals a mixture of larger particles (grey in trial sector [54]. The presence of RhB dye in industrial effluents is
color) with an average diameter of ~60.3 nm, representing the ZnO@CA harmful to the environment and humans. At 555 nm, an aqueous RhB
nanocomposite [49], and smaller spherical particles (darker in color) dye produced in the visible area a single high absorption peak. Even
corresponding to Ag NPs with ~17.6 nm particle size. This result further following the introduction of NaBH4, the peak intensity at 555 nm
confirms an efficient loading of Ag NPs onto the surface of the ZnO@CA remained constant over 1 h (Fig. 5a). Nevertheless, upon the introduc
nanocomposite. tion of the catalyst in the reaction mixture, the intensity of the peak
decreased. The UV–vis spectrophotometer was employed to follow up
3.2. Catalytic reduction studies the decrease in peak intensity over time. According to the literature, in
the existence of an active catalyst NaBH4 de-ethylates the RhB molecule
3.2.1. Assessment of various Ag-ZnO@CA for the reduction of RhB at the -N(C2H5)2 site by creating aromatic amines. The UV–Vis absorp
RhB (Scheme 1), a commonly used synthetic dye, belongs to the tion behavior of RhB dye over ZnO NPs, ZnO@CA, and 5–15 % Ag-
methylxanthene family, and can dissolve in water up to 50 g L− 1 [50]. It ZnO@CA nanocomposites catalysts in the presence of NaBH4 is pre
has multiple applications, including as a tracer, a cell fluorescence re sented in Fig. 5(b-g). In the context of ZnO NPs as a catalyst, only ~6.3 %
agent, and a coloring agent for materials like glass, wool, silk, leather, activity for RhB reduction was observed after 1 h. This result confirmed
herbicides, jute, sprays and cotton. Industries such as paper, textiles, that ZnO NPs has a little catalytic performance for the reduction of the
pulp, paint, rubber and tannery often release effluents tainted with the RhB, aligning well with the existing literature [10,55]. An improvement
dye directly into water sources without adequate treatment [51]. The in the reduction of RhB about 29.2 % was observed using ZnO@CA
H. Mousa et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 258 (2024) 128890
Fig. 5. UV–Vis absorption spectra for the reduction of RhB (a) without the nanocomposite, (b) utilizing ZnO NPs, (c) utilizing ZnO@CA, (d) using 5 % Ag-ZnO@CA
as a catalyst, (e) using 7 % Ag-ZnO@CA as a catalyst, (f) using 10 % Ag-ZnO@CA as a catalyst, (g) using 15 % Ag-ZnO@CA as a catalyst (h) plots of (At/A0) vs.
reaction time in the presence of different catalysts.
H. Mousa et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 258 (2024) 128890
H. Mousa et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 258 (2024) 128890
Fig. 7. UV–vis spectra of reduction of (a) Rh6G, (b) MB, (c) SY dyes and (d) plots of ln (At/A0) vs. reaction time in the presence of 10 % Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposite
as a catalyst.
RhB reduction. Hence, the current study is deemed more favorable disappeared after 2, 5, and 6 min, respectively. In our experiment, dyes
owing to its enhanced catalytic efficacy activity and high reusability, as were used at lower concentrations (0.05 mM) because their large mo
shown in Table 2. lecular structures and strong absorption of UV–visible light make them
less sensitive to detection by these spectrometers at high concentrations.
3.2.2. Efficiency of 10%Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposite for various This can lead to increased noise in the measurements [7]. Fig. 7d il
compounds lustrates the plot of lnAt/Ao versus time for Rh6G, MB, and SY. The rate
The degradation of different dyes Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G), Sunset of the reaction (kapp) was determined from the linear fitting of lnAt/Ao
Yellow (SY), and Methylene Blue (MB) (Scheme 1)) was investigated and versus time, as described by Eq. (6). The kapp values for Rh6G, MB, and
compared to RhB. The UV–visible spectra of the dyes as a function of SY reduction were found to be 1.51 min− 1, 0.2292 min− 1, and 0.733
time with and without the 10%Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposite and NaBH4 min− 1, respectively. The reaction rate difference of Rh6G, MB, and SY
are shown in Figs. 7(a-c). The absorbance peaks of the Rh6G, MB, and SY dyes may be ascribed to their different chemical structures, charges,
dyes, which are located at 527 nm, 668 nm, and 490 nm, respectively, donor atoms, hydrophobicity, reduction potentials, and other factors.
were observed to gradually decrease over time, and completely These factors affect the activation energy of the catalytic reduction re
action, which is the minimum amount of energy needed to start the
reaction [59].
Table 3
The antibacterial activity of pure ZnO, pure CA, and Ag-ZnO@CA nano
composites against S. aureus and E. coli bacteria. 3.3. Antimicrobial activity of Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposites
Samples Antibacterial activity inhibition zone diameter (mm)
S. aureus is a Gram-positive bacterium with a high peptidoglycan
S. aureus E. coli
concentration in its cell wall. It may live under a variety of environ
ZnO 18 25
mental circumstances, such as low pH or hunger. It is regarded as a
ZnO@CA 20 20
5 % Ag-ZnO@CA 14 18 significant human pathogen, which capable of causing serious skin in
7 % Ag-ZnO@CA 12 17 fections or interior infections when it penetrates the defense barriers
10 % Ag-ZnO@CA 21 20 [68]. E. coli is a Gram-negative bacterium with a cell wall that is
15 % Ag-ZnO@CA 20 18 completely different from Gram-positive bacteria in that it is bordered
CA 0.0 0.0
on the exterior by a lipid membrane. It is a type of bacteria that can
H. Mousa et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 258 (2024) 128890
Fig. 8. The growth inhibition S. aureus and E. coli in the absence of treatment (control), with ZnO, ZnO@CA and (5–15 %) Ag-ZnO@CA nanocomposites.
H. Mousa et al. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 258 (2024) 128890
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Supervision, Project administration. Samar Abd El-Ghaffar: Resources, Eng. Asp. 577 (2019) 548–561, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.05.058.
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The authors declare that they have no known competing financial dyes through zero-valent Ni nanoparticles anchored on cellulose acetate coated Ce/
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