Questionnaire Analysis

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Questionnaire Analysis

1. Age


0-13 14-30
The age of the respondents was between the age of 14-30 with a 100% answering between
14-30 years of age.

2. Gender


Male Female Prefer not to say

The majority of the respondents were male with 80% answering as male and 20% answering
as female.
3. Who introduced Carnival in Malta?

Who introduced Carnival in Malta?

The Knights of St. John The Arabs The byzantines

All of the respondents answered that the Knights of St. John introduced the Carnival in
Malta (100%). From the charts presented it is clear that the respondents thought that
Carnival in Malta was started by the Knights and this is because the majority of respondents
are students who were taught this. Evidence from the chart matches with research found on
this topic although the Carnival could also be traced back to the 1400s so it could be that it
was started before. The results found from this question prove the common knowledge that
the Carnival was started in Malta by the Knights.

4. Was meat allowed during this feast?

Was meat allowed

Yes No
From the results obtained from this question it was concluded that 80% replied ‘Yes’ to this
question whilst the remaining 20% replied ‘No’. The reason for the majority of the people
answering ‘Yes’ is because it is taught in school that meat is allowed during Carnival. Such
results from the majority of answers from this question match with research found on this

5. What does the term ‘Carne Vale’ mean?

What does it mean

Meat is allowed Meat is delicious Meat is not allowed

The majority of people (60%) said that the term ‘Carne Vale’ meant that meat is allowed. It is
evident from the charts presented that the majority of people knew what the Italian term
meant. The reason for not having a greater majority in favour of the answer ‘meat is
allowed’ could be due to the misconception that meat isn’t allowed and for this reason the
majority wasn’t that big with 26.7% answering ‘meat isn’t allowed’. Results from the
question agree with research found on this topic.

6. Carnival is celebrated after Ash Wednesday. True or False

Carnival is celebrated after Ash Wednesday

Yes No
73.3% of people answered true to this statement. It is evident from the charts presented
that the respondents didn’t know that Carnival was celebrated before Ash Wednesday with
only 26.7% answering correctly. The results obtained differ from the research found on this
topic as Carnival is celebrated before Ash Wednesday.

7. Was Carnival celebrated before the start of Christianity?

Was it celebrated before Christianity?

Yes No
60% of people answered yes to this question. It is evident from the chart presented that the
majority of people knew that Carnival was in fact celebrated before Christianity. The results
obtained from this question match with the research found on this topic since carnival was
celebrated before the start of Christianity.

8. Do you look forward to the Carnival feast and why?

Do you look forward to Carnival

Yes No
The majority of people enjoy the Carnival feast with 66.67% of people replying that they
enjoy going to this feast. Reasons for this mostly included that the Carnival feast has a great
atmosphere, because of the delicious food and because the feast is fun and enjoyable to go
to. On the other hand, the 33.33% of people who don’t like this feast, mostly gave reasons
that they aren’t into the carnival celebrations with some saying it has lost its traditions and
one person saying “it has been commercialised to a point where it has lost all meaning”.


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