Harmonized System of Ship Survey and Certification
Harmonized System of Ship Survey and Certification
Harmonized System of Ship Survey and Certification
➢ Conventions: SOLAS, MARPOL, Load Lines, BWM, Tonnage 69, COLREG 72, AFS 2001, etc;
➢ Codes: ISM, ISPS, HSC 1994/2000, IBC/BHC, IGC/GC, POLAR, MODU, SPS Codes, etc; and
➢ Other instruments:
• Global and uniform implementation of the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC)
(resolution A.883(21));
• OF SURVEY AND CERTIFICATION (HSSC), 2017 (resolution A.1120(30))
• Survey guidelines under the Harmonized System on Survey and Certification (HSSC), 2011 (resolution
A.1053(27), as amended by A.1076(28));
• International Code on the enhanced programme of inspections during surveys of bulk carriers and oil
tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code) (resolution A.1049(27), as amended);
• Revised Guidelines on the implementation of the international Safety Management (ISM) Code by
Administrations (resolution A.1071(28))etc.
All these instruments require the issuing of certificates
to show that requirements have been met and this
has to be done by means of a survey which can
involve the ship being out of service for several days.
Harmonized The harmonized system alleviates the problems
caused by survey dates and intervals between surveys
which do not coincide, so that a ship should no longer
system of have to go into port or repair yard for a survey
required by one convention shortly after doing the
ship survey same thing in connection with another instrument.
certification A harmonized system of survey and certification
covering international shipping regulations adopted by
the International Maritime Organization entered into
force on 3 February 2000.
Initial survey - A complete inspection of all the items relating to the
particular certificate before the ship is put into service to ensure they
are in a satisfactory condition and fit for the service for which the ship
is intended.
Types of Renewal survey - As per periodical survey but leads to the issue of a
new certificate.
Intermediate survey - Inspection of specified items
Annual survey - General inspection of the items relating to the
particular certificate to ensure that they have been maintained and
remain satisfactory for the service for which the ship is intended.
the content of each annual survey should any doubt arise as to the
is given in the respective maintenance of the condition of
guidelines; the thoroughness and the ship or its equipment, further
stringency of the survey should examination and testing should
depend upon the condition of be conducted as considered
the ship and its equipment; and necessary.
The Administration, the nominated surveyor or recognized organization responsible for issuing
the relevant certificate should then initiate an investigation to determine whether a survey, as
required by the regulations applicable to the particular certificate, is necessary.
This additional survey, which may be general or partial according to the circumstances, should
be such as to ensure that the repairs and any renewals have been effectively made and that the
ship and its equipment continue to be fit for the service for which the ship is intended.
Additional surveys
Definition (For the purpose of these regulations )
• Short voyage - means a voyage where neither the distance from the
port in which the voyage begins to the final port of destination nor
the return voyage exceeds 1,000 miles.
• Any five-year period - is the five-year period of validity of the Cargo
Ship Safety Construction Certificate or the Cargo Ship Safety
• Examining except where used in "examining the plans" or
"examining the design" should be understood as an examination,
using appropriate techniques, of the components, system or
appliance in question for satisfactory provision, arrangement and
condition and for any signs of defects, deterioration or damage. The
extent of this examination shall be adapted by the surveyor
considering the type of survey performed (e.g. initial, annual,
renewal) and the actual maintenance condition of the ship and its
• Testing should be understood as a functional test of the system or
appliance in question, to confirm its satisfactory operation and
performance for its intended use.
Resolution A1120
The harmonized system
In practice, many Administrations and classification societies already operate a form of
harmonized survey and certification.
Moreover, a resolution adopted by the IMO Assembly in 1991, and amended in 1993 (Resolution
A.718(17), as modified by resolution A.745(18)), allowed for Governments which had ratified the
1988 SOLAS and Load Lines Protocols to implement the harmonized system ahead of the entry
into force date of the protocols.
The harmonized system provides for:
• a one-year standard interval between surveys, based on initial, annual, intermediate,
periodical and renewal surveys as appropriate;
• a scheme for providing the necessary flexibility for the execution of each survey with the
provision that the renewal survey may be completed within three months before the expiry
date of the existing certificate with no loss of its period of validity;
• a maximum period of validity of five years for all certificates for cargo ships;
• a maximum period of validity of 12 months for the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate;
• a system for the extension of certificates limited to three months to enable a ship to complete
its voyage (or one month for ships engaged on short voyages);
• when an extension has been granted, the period of validity of the new certificate is to start
from the expiry date of the existing certificate before its extension.
You are responsible for the
technical management of a
product oil tanker.
Date Keel Laid: 14th Nov 2011
Date delivered: 14th Jun 2012
Gross Tonnage: 28877
Deadweight: 49999 t
Length Overall x Breadth Extreme:
183.07m × 32.03m