Ngovinda@nmsu Edu
Ngovinda@nmsu Edu
Ngovinda@nmsu Edu
Nalini Govindarajulu
Ph.D. Student
Management Dept., MSC 3DJ
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003
Phone: (505) 646-5053, Fax: (505) 646-1372, [email protected]
Shalini Devi
Ph.D. Student
Computer Science Dept., MSC CS
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003
Phone: (505) 646-3723, Fax: (505) 646-1002, [email protected]
Yiling Ge
Ph.D. Student
Management Dept., MSC 3DJ
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003
Phone: (505) 646-1201, Fax: (505) 646-1372, [email protected]
Maria Gonzalez
Ph.D. Student
Industrial Engineering Dept., MSC 3449
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003
Phone: (505) 646-7234, Fax: (505) 646-3549, [email protected]
David T. Loyd
Chief, Quality Assurance, Reliability & Safety Office
NASA JSC White Sands Test Facility
NS3, PO Box 20, Las Cruces, NM 88004
Phone: (505) 524-5282, Fax: (505) 524-5544, [email protected]
Bonnie Daily
Associate Professor
Management Dept., MSC 3DJ
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003
Phone: (505) 646-2015, Fax: (505) 646-1372, [email protected]
Second World Conference on POM and 15th Annual POM Conference, Cancun, Mexico,
April 30 - May 3, 2004.
Towards Theory Building in E-Commerce: Identification of Pertinent Research Streams
managers in the 21st century. Despite this keen interest, the literature on e-commerce remains
fragmented and ambiguous. Furthermore, an in-depth literature review shows that only few
studies have examined major competencies in e-commerce that are relevant to the field of
operations management.
formulate strategies and invest resources appropriately, when the specific factors that enhance
Hence, the objective of this study is to highlight potential e-commerce research themes
within the realm of operations management. This article reviews relevant literature on e-
commerce in manufacturing and service operations. Employing focus group methodology, this
paper also identifies pertinent research questions that are suitable for further conceptual
Rapid changes in technology, products, processes, employee and customer needs, severe
competition, and trends towards globalization, force organizations to do business in new ways in
order to survive and be successful. One of these new trends is e-commerce, a form of
entrepreneurial activity, which transforms the manner in which firms operate using the Internet.
This introduction of technology has been used mostly as a tool to deliver value to the customer
(Starr, 2003) as a way to increase the core competencies. E-commerce has changed the
communication (Steward, Callaghan, & Rea, 1999) and increased information-sharing among its
members (Vakharia, 2002). Apparently, this new topic has attracted the attention of several
Some researchers have focused on investigating the factors leading to the success of B2C
e-commerce (Kendall & Kendall, 2001; Wolfinbarger & Gilly, 2001; Wu, 2003). Others have
been more interested in studying how to increase the performance of supply chains through B2B
e-commerce (e.g. Barnes, Hinton, & Mieczkowska, 2003; Hackney, Griffiths, & Ranchhod,
2002). However, researchers have pointed out that it is necessary for organizations to integrate
demand chain and supply chain to be successful (Walters, 2002). Despite the recognizing the
importance of integrating supply and demand chains, very few studies have considered the
simultaneous implementation of e-commerce in B2C and B2B. In addition, few studies have
Moreover, existing studies have not clearly captured the concept of e-commerce. Finally, the
Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to provide a research outline for future studies in
e-commerce. This framework includes determination of key factors that possibly influence e-
commerce success by simultaneously considering suppliers and customers in the value chain.
This paper is organized as follows: The first section discusses the methodology employed
problems and placing these issues within the relevant literature review. The research streams
identified are organized into the following sections: (i) definition and conceptualization of e-
commerce, (ii) e-commerce issues in B2B and B2C, (iii) e-commerce in manufacturing, and
(iv) e-commerce in services. The last section concludes the paper with some helpful guidelines
A focus group involves a small group of six to eight participants who engage in
structured but open-ended discussions about a particular topic. The focus group process has been
popular in marketing research (Goldman, 1962). This study used such a focus group procedure
to discuss the future research agenda for e-commerce in operations. Accordingly, a group of six
people with diverse academic and managerial expertise, including national and international
operations management faculty member, two senior doctoral students from operations
management, two senior graduate students from industrial engineering, and a senior graduate
student from computer science. All the group members had in-depth knowledge of the e-
commerce and operations management literature. In addition, all the members were aware of the
purpose of the focus group. The brainstorming session took place as part of a 3-hour doctoral
The group analyzed the definition of e-commerce and the ambiguities associated with
several descriptions in the literature. Next, the group focused on the manufacturing-end and
outlined aspects of e-commerce (e.g., EDI, ERP, and intranet) that are currently utilized or could
moved to logistics issues (e.g., shipping, handling, & warehousing) to identify specific aspects of
e-commerce that can improve logistics operations. Subsequently, the focus was on issues related
to the final customer (e.g., website design, web-based responsiveness, and web-based reliability).
Finally the focus was on back-end operations and technical issues related to e-commerce. Here,
the group discussed involvement of the workforce and online service providers in offering
Discussion of each area involved the following: (i) current research in the field, (ii) gaps
arbitrary. Besides, a single, clear definition delineating all the dimensions of e-commerce does
not exist in the literature. This section lists some of the various definitions present in the
defined by different organizations. For example, The U.S. Census Bureau defines e-commerce
as “the value of any monetary transaction completed over a computer-mediated network that
involves the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods and services.” This conceptualization
includes the Internet, Intranet, Extranet, and EDI transactions. Similarly, eMarketer defined e-
commerce as “Internet transactions in which the buyer completes the purchase order or
transactional contract via the Internet.” This description includes only Web-based EDI. Another
description given by Zwass (1996) includes e-commerce as “the sharing of business information,
transactions. Similarly, (Garrett & Skevington, 1999) describe e-commerce as “trading by means
of new communication technology”, which “includes all aspects of trading, including
commercial market making, ordering, supply chain management, and the transfer of money.” In
their thesis, e-commerce is not only defined as a new way of doing business, but also as a
strategy which is associated with business models and practices enabling continuous
business (B2B), which comprises electronic transactions among business that cover business-to-
business activities across supply chains; business-to-consumer (B2C), which links electronic
transactions and communication between a firm and its final consumers; government-to-
business, which emerges as an important policy and implementation instrument for global e-
commerce market and global information society expansion; and government-to-citizen, which
comprises the strategic use of the Internet as a channel for the provision of information and
services to the citizens in public service sections. In addition, General Accounting Office (year)
identified a new type of online interaction that is Consumer-to-consumer (C2C), such as eBay.
and practitioners alike to take further steps in studying the factors influencing e-commerce and
literature suggests various dimensions of the concept. Some of the ambiguous issues in the
literature include the following questions: (i) Is there a concept called e-commerce (i.e., does it
(ii) What are the specific technologies that are required for e-commerce? (iii) Are these
videoconferencing media? (iv) Does e-commerce entail information sharing among business
partners only, or does it include consumers? (v) Does the conceptualization of e-commerce
specify different dimensions for B2B, B2C, and C2C users? (vi) Is e-commerce considered to be
an operation, marketing, or business strategy, or a mere tool to aid information flow? (vii) Do e-
commerce transactions have to be based on monetary value? (viii) Besides, does money have to
data or product designs that will ultimately result in exchange of money) of the transaction?
of the concept. This should include specific dimensions that can be empirically measured with a
validated scale. In this regard, we strongly encourage authors to study the literature carefully,
conduct interviews with managers and users of e-commerce, and adopt rigorous qualitative and
According to the UCLA Center for Communication Policy, (2003), the number of
Internet users in the U.S. increased from 66.9% in 2000 to 72.3% in 2001. However, the number
who shopped online decreased from 50.7% in 2000 to 48.9% in 2001 and dropped even more to
44.5% in 2002. In order to narrow the gap between the stable increase in Internet access and
commerce to identify the factors that influence customers’ intentions to purchase online. For
example, Wolfinbarger & Gilly (2001) identified four specific attributes that attract most e-
sociality. All these attributes could provide customers with freedom and control. Similarly, Park
& Kim, (2003) surveyed 602 customers online and indicated that information quality, user
interface quality, and security perceptions affect information satisfaction and relational benefits.
These factors are in turn significantly related to customers’ commitment to the website and actual
purchase behavior. Also, Wu (2003) identified 9 factors which will significantly influence
customers’ attitudes towards online shopping: effectiveness and modern, purchase convenience,
information abundance, multiform and safety, service quality, delivery speed, homepage design,
B2B e-commerce manages a company’s internal operations and supply chain cooperation
activities in a wide range of industry (Steward, Callaghan, & Rea, 1999). Those business
activities include order processing, invoicing, inventory control, collaborative product promotion
and distribution, procurement, and supply chain management, (Poulymenakou & Tsironis, 2003).
Based on the U.S Census Bureau (2003), B2B transactions account for 93% e-commerce revenue
Basically, e-commerce provides companies the chance to collect, access, and analyze
2002). Studies showed that implementing e-commerce could help organizations and supply
chains increase inventory turnover, lower costs, and faster delivery (e.g., Gavirneni, Kapuscinski,
& Tayur, 1999; Iyer & Bergen, 1997; Lee, So, & Tang, 2000; Thonemann, 2000). As a result,
some studies in B2B area focused on how to utilize real-time information sharing to improve the
Studies in B2B e-commerce tend to be relatively broader in scope. For example, some
Hinton, & Mieczkowska, 2003; Hackney, Griffiths, & Ranchhod, 2002). Others have
investigated the application of different information systems and technology (Bensaou, 1997;
Heart & Pliskin, 2002). Also, researchers have analyzed the influence of real-time information
Even though many studies on e-commerce exist, their focus is either on final customers
(demand chain activities) or on suppliers (supply chain activities). Very few studies have tried to
integrate B2C and B2B ecommerce. This is contrary to value chain theory, which suggests that
integrating supply chain management and demand chain management will provide all enterprises
in the chain with new opportunities to create market value (Walters, 2002). Furthermore,
implementation of value chain management will facilitate customer satisfaction and competitive
advantage in today’s competitive business world (Walters, 2002). As a result, it is necessary for
researchers need to investigate factors determining success of the whole value chain, rather than
Based on the brainstorming session, we identified pertinent research questions that need
to be examined in the future. These include: (i) what type of e-commerce technology will be
most effective in communicating and integrating the final customer’s needs with all traders in the
value chain (i.e, enhance B2B and B2C transactions and information flow simultaneously)? (ii)
What are the barriers to effective implementation of e-commerce technology in the entire value
producing and consuming products and services. Also, how can organizations minimize or
eliminate these obstacles? (iii) What factors impede information flow across the value chain?
How can organizations reduce or remove these impediments? (iv) What factors hinder co-
ordination efforts in the value chain? How can organizations reduce or remove these barriers? (v)
What is the most effective combination of ‘brick’ (offline) and ‘click’ (online) factors to enhance
productivity or other measures of performance? (vi) Is e-commerce technology the panacea for
all operations problems? Specifically, are some types of value chains more efficient/effective
competency among manufacturing firms (Soliman & Youseff, 2001). Firms have been
management strategy in the current globalized market (Silveira, 2003). Seeking e-commerce
strategies has allowed firms to evolve into a flexible manufacturing environment in which the
customer can ask for specific features in the design of the product (Soliman & Youseff, 2001).
This evolution requires the transformation of the firm into a well-organized business
characterized by the dynamic flow of information with both internal and external customers
(Frazier, 1998). In order to achieve such transformation, a firm should determine a knowledge
base of the company, structural, upstream and downstream competencies (Silveira, 2003).
Subsequently, the adoption of technical tools such as CAD/CAM systems for manufacturing and
design, business software as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), and EDI (Electronic Data
Interchange) can ease the firm’s operations in every aspect including managing orders, inventory,
accounting, logistics and training (Min & Galle, 1999). As a result the firm will experience an
actual improvement in current activities performed such as just-in-time policies (Min & Galle,
1999), as well as an evolution from a brick company into a network of virtual teams in which the
The literature on e-commerce in manufacturing highlights the importance of electronic
commerce tools in facilitating information flow, reducing inventories, speed of delivery, and
implementation of other techniques such as just-in-time practices. The literature also suggests
ease in usage of virtual teams with e-commerce. Finally, theory highlights the significance of e-
commerce tools in providing customer value, satisfying the customer, and creating a competitive
While the research points out the impacts of e-commerce on organizational goals and
outcomes, little research exists in the following areas: (i) how can e-commerce tools aid ‘virtual’
factories? (ii) Which e-commerce tool(s) (e.g., Internet versus EDI) is most effective for
manufacturing firms? (iii) What are the specific e-commerce tools required for the creation,
maintenance, and easy usage of a ‘knowledge’ base? (iv) Does e-commerce promote better
quality relationships among traders (e.g., suppliers, manufacturers, carriers, wholesalers, &
retailers) in the value chain? (v) What are the shortcomings or limitations of e-commerce
applications in the virtual factory? (vi) How can compatibility issues between different e-
commerce tools (e.g., EDI used by suppliers & web-based technology used by producers) be
solved? (vii) What are the specific types of employee training needed for effective
technology, specifically web-based medium become a requirement (like ISO 9000) for suppliers
and other traders to do business in the future? (ix) How can e-commerce technology enhance the
selection, evaluation, and formation of partnership agreements with potential suppliers, buyers,
and other traders in the value chain? (x) What challenges will manufacturers and other traders
face in dealing with paperless transactions across the globe? The last two questions are
Research on E-commerce in Services:
In the new world of e-commerce, perhaps the greatest challenge lies in understanding how to
identify and capture the newest breed of customers. Many of the same service quality
characteristics remain, but nuances are evolving every day with respect to the “e-customer’s”
elusive mood, demographic, economic strength, and enthusiasm filtered through the keyboard
and mouse.
To understand this new e-customer we must explore the basics of customer service before
the home computer age. The most prominently cited characteristics of service quality is
provided by Parasuraman et al (1985), who identify five attributes of service quality: Reliability,
consisting of these dimensions continues to be used by academics and practitioners till date.
Additionally, Voss (2003) proposed that the most obvious difference between typical service
quality and “e-Service” is the lack of the human element – he dismisses “empathy” as a viable
mean the death of less empathetic e-businesses. Voss cites Bill Gates warnings about the
necessity of human interaction in services. In the end, intelligent and empathetic qualities may
be irreplaceable for services that emphasize: building trust and reassurance; providing diagnostic
services, some fruitful research questions were identified. These include: (i) Which e-commerce
tool (e.g., Internet versus EDI) is most effective for service firms? (ii) Do the SERVQUAL
dimensions have the same impact and importance to customers operating in a vastly different
“virtual” environment? (iii) Is empathy a service element that can be dismissed in order to
achieve the greatest possible understanding of the e-customer? We believe dismissing any
service quality elements is limiting the potential scope of e-commerce as a whole. Hence, further
commerce technology. (iv) Who are e-customers and what factors determine the growth of this
market? (v) What does the e-customer value most in e-commerce? (vi) What opportunities can e-
commerce seize to achieve e-customer loyalty? (vii) What are specific types of employee
training needed for effective implementation and use of e-commerce technologies within
limited in its focus and scope. One of the evolving theories in operations is the concept of value
chain. However, few studies have examined e-commerce implementation issues in the value
chain. Since extant research has stressed on either upstream (supply chain) or downstream
(customer/demand chain) activities, we call for an integrated research agenda that studies both
service operations in the value chain. We have also identified four streams of research that are
suitable for future research. We believe the development of a theoretical framework, the main
contribution of this paper, will encourage debate about the direction of future scholarly research
in this field. Besides, this research outline will help provide a focus and guide future research
Most of these research questions identified in this paper require analysis of either: purely
technical issues (e.g., web design or online security), behavioral issues (e.g., motivation or
intention to shop online), organization design issues (e.g., structural design within and across
organizations in the value chain), strategy and policy making issues (e.g., which types of
products should be sold online), performance issues (e.g., what factors impact profitability the
It must also be noted that analysis of e-commerce issues across the value chain are
understand and assess the impact of e-commerce issues when they are presented in an integrated
methods in analyzing these research questions. These include but are not limited to best practices
research, case studies, interviews, and survey research. Researchers can also use mathematical
modeling such as simulation or optimizing techniques when addressing these issues. Given the
global expansion of e-commerce, it would also be valuable to study these research questions in
other countries. Finally, explicit consideration of type of product, process, and service, and firm
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