Title of The Communication: J. Smith, B. Autor, C. Autor

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Instructions for preparation of papers to submit to CINCOS’16

Title of the Communication

J. Smith1*, B. Autor2, C. Autor 3

Institution, Address, country (Arial 9, normal, align left)
Institution, Address, country
Institution, Address, country
(*corresponding author email)
(if needed place additional lines)

The abstract dimension should be less than 200 words. It should refer the work purpose, what
was done and how, as well as the main findings.
Keywords: place here 3 to 5 words (alphabetical order)
Theme: Please indicate the subject/theme of the congress you feel your paper is related.
If you wish that your communication is only presented but not published in the Congress
Proceedings, just submit your communication filled until this point (Abstract).

These instructions explain how the paper should be formatted in order to be submitted by e-mail
([email protected]) to CINCOS’16.
The paper dimension is expected to be around 4 to 8 pages.
Typical paper format include, in terms of sections: Introduction, Experimental, Results and
Discussion and, finally, Conclusions. Other paper organization structure can be accepted if it
represents better the nature of the work.
There should also be a References section at the end of the paper where the used bibliography
is numbered.
There can also be (optional) before this last one an Acknowledgements section.

Fonts and Spaces (This is the style for the subsections)

The font to be used is Arial. In this template you can find the styles for the paper.
Space between lines in the text should be single. Between Sections and subsections there
should be a free space left.
Before main sections there should be 2 single spaces. Between text and tables or figures there
should be one single space left free above and below the table or figure.

Figures, images and tables

Figures and tables should be centred regarding the text body and placed exactly in the position
in the text. They should be not wrapped by the text. Example:

Table 1: Title of table

Sample X Y … …

Images (photos or others) should also have a legend as figures, should present a good printing
quality and should be black & white.
In figures and images the legend should be placed below and centred. Example:

Congresso de Inovação na Construção Sustentável
Congress of Innovation on Sustainable Construction
Instructions for preparation of papers to submit to CINCOS’16



T (Nmm)



0 50 100 150 200
tempo (min)

Figure 1: Example of figure.

References should be quoted in text as numbers in square brackets [1-4]. Footnotes are not
In this section references should also be numbered sequentially with the following format:
1. Smith, J., Title of book in italic, Editor, location, publication year (2008).
2. Smith, J., Title of chapter in book in italic, book title, Editor, Location, pages, (2007).
3. Smith, J. et al., Title in italics, Journal Title, Volume nº, issue nº, pages, (2008).
4. Smith, J. et al., Title in italics, Proceedings of X Conference, Local, Volume nº, pages, (2008).
5. Smith, J., Title of thesis in italic, Thesis (PhD or MSc), University of XYZ, Local, (2005).

Submission of papers
The paper should be submitted online until 15/07/2016 as a Word file or sent by e-mail to:
[email protected].
Please name your file in order to include the author name, such as:
“John Smith paper1 CINCOS 16.doc”

Congresso de Inovação na Construção Sustentável
Congress of Innovation on Sustainable Construction

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