Internship Report On "Staff Performance Appraisal System" of

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Internship Report On “Staff Performance Appraisal System”



“A Case Study On City University Branch”

Prepared By:

Md Masud Rana

ID: 12129309

BBA Program (29th)

Major: Human Resource Management

A Report Submitted to the Department of Business Administration, City

University in partial fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Bachelor
of Business Administration (BBA).

Date of submission: 10th March, 2016

This report is based on my internship work with First Security Islami bank Ltd, City
University Branch for the period of twelve weeks with effect from December10, to March 10,
2016. At the beginning, I would like to express my gratitude to Almighty God for whose
kindness I am enough sound mentally and physically to prepare this report.

I must offer my special thanks and gratitude to my internship supervisor Munshi Muhammad
Abdul Kader Jilani, Assistant Professor of HRM, Department of Business Administration,
City University, Dhaka for his scholastic guidance, advice and encouragement during the
whole period of the work. His suggestions and comments were really a great source of spirit
to make this report.

I would like to give my heartiest gratitude to Professor and Dean, Dr. Mihir Kumar Roy,
Internship coordinator of Department of Business Administration, City university, Dhaka. I
am also thankful to Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Business
Administration, Md. Abdus Salam Sarker, City University, Dhaka.

I would also like to express special gratitude to Mr. Bhim Chondra Malakar, Assistant
General Manager (AGM), First Security Islami Bank Ltd, City University Branch, for
providing me an opportunity to work at the Bank as an intern.

Finally, I would like to thank all the officers of First Security Islami Bank Ltd, City
University Branch for their co-operation, support and love. This was truly an excellent
environment to work with and gained practical experience. I would like to thank from the
bottom of my heart to those people who had contributed in making this report a huge success.
I am grateful to all for their supportive and friendly behavior. I am also grateful to the Human
Resource Development Division of First Security Islami Bank Limited for granting me the
opportunity to make my internship program in this organization.

Md Masud Rana
ID: 12129309
BBA (29th)
Major: Human Resource Management
Department of Business Administration
City University

I do hereby declare that the work submitted as the internship report titled Staff
Performance Appraisal System of First Security Islamic Bank Limited. A
Case Study on City University Branch” is carried out by me and has not been
previously to any other University, College, and Organization for academic
qualification, certificate, degree or recognition. The work that I submitted here
does not break any existing copyright and portion of the report from any work
done earlier for a degree or otherwise.

I also declare that this research is original and prepared for academic purpose.

Md Masud Rana
ID: 12129309
BBA (29th)
Major: Human Resource Management
Department of Business Administration
City University, Dhaka

Supervisor’s Certificate
This is to certify that the Internship Report on Staff Performance Appraisal System of First
Security Islamic Bank Limited. A Case Study on “City University Branch.” Submitted for
the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, City University, with major
in Human Resource Management, is a record of original work carried out by Md Masud Rana
under my supervision. No part of this Internship Report has been submitted for any Degree,
Diploma, Title or Recognition Before.

I recommended the report for submission to the Department of Business Administration, City

Munshi Muhammad Abdul Kader Jilani
Assistant Professor of HRM
Department of Business Administration
City University, Dhaka

Letter of Transmittal
05, March, 2016

Munshi Muhammad Abdul Kader Jilani

Assistant Professor of HRM
Department of Business Administration
City University, Dhaka.

Subject: Submission of Internship Report on, “First Security Islami bank Ltd, City
University Branch”.

I am a grateful to you for the submission of the report on “First Security Islami bank Ltd”:
A Case Study of City University Branch” that in the completion of the requirement for
internship. This is an excellent opportunity for me to acquaint more closely with the
organization and staffs during the period of internship. I have obtained more practical
knowledge, experience, and skill. I have tried my level best to express my ideas, findings as
accurately as I could within the time and resources constraints.

I hope this report will attract your kind appreciation.


Md Masud Rana
ID: 12129309
Batch: 29th
Major: Human Resource Management
Department of Business Administration
City University, Dhaka

Executive summary
In this report I have done a detailed analysis on the performance Appraisal of First Security
Islamic Bank Ltd. (City University Branch). Here, I have covered all the sections of the
performance Appraisal process using balanced scorecard as the basis of developing a brand new
performance evaluation of all the departments of Islamic Bank. I have developed a balance
scorecard based performance Appraisal for Marketing, Accounts, internal Audit, HR & Admin,
Brand, IT and Supply Chain Management.

Besides these I have also incorporated the history, Brief about the company and its performance,
vision and mission, values and products of M. I. Cement Factory Ltd. (Crown Cement) and most
importantly I have incorporated a brief of how HR & Admin Department does their job in M. I.
Cement Factory Ltd. (Crown Cement).

While making the analysis on Performance Appraisal Process I have provided detailed
information about performance evaluation and I have covered all the related factors with it and in
addition to that I have tried to incorporate the theories that I have learned with the practices I
have seen. This report also provides a brief overview on different tasks I had to perform during
my internship, the responsibilities I had to handle during the internship, my personal observation
regarding the critical issues, the lacking of the HR Department and my recommendations for
improving the total HR practices of M. I. Cement Factory Ltd. (Crown Cement).

Then I have presented the detailed analysis of how I have conducted the performance Appraisal
in the light of Balance Scorecard, by analyzing workload, Job Description, quantitative data
analysis and by analyzing business processes of M. I. Cement Factory Ltd. (Crown Cement).
Then I have drawn conclusion which sum up all the analysis and finally I present the format I
have successfully introduced at M. I. Cement Factory Ltd. (Crown Cement) and which will be
implemented as official performance Appraisal Method from now on

Table of Contents

Topic Pages
Acknowledgements 2
Declaration 3
Supervisor’s Certificate 4
Letter of Transmittal 5
Executive Summary 6
Table of Contents 7-8
Chapter-I : Introduction
1. Background of the Study 9
2.Literature Review 9-10
3. Importance of the study 10
4. Objectives of the study 11
4.1 General Objectives 11
4.2 Specific Objectives 11
5. Methodology 13
5.1 Sources of Data 13
5.2 Sampling Method 13
5.3 Research Design 13
5.4 Target population 13
5.5 Sample Size 14
6. Limitation of the study 14
Chapter-II: Overview of Sonali Bank ltd
2.1 Historical Background of Sonali Bank Limited 15
2.2 Vision 15
2.3 Mission 15
2.4 Sonali Bank Ltd at a glance 15
2.5 Profile of sonali Bank Limited 16
2.6 Organogram of SBL 17
2.7 Employee Hierarchy of SBL savar Branch 18
Chapter-III: Findings and Analysis
3.1 Analysis and Findings 19-35
Chapter –IV Summary, Recommendations & Conclusions
1. Summary 36
2. Recommendations 36
3. Conclusion 37
4. References 38
Appendix 40-41

List of Tables List of Figures

No of Table Pages
No Of Figures Pages
Table-1 17
Figure- 1 19
Table-2 18
Figure-2 19
Table-3 19
Figure-3 20
Table-4 19
Figure-4 21
Table-5 20
Figure-5 22
Table-6 21
Figure-6 23
Table-7 22
Figure-7 24
Table-8 23
Figure-8 25
Table-9 24
Figure-9 26
Table-10 25
Figure-10 27
Table-11 26
Figure-11 28
Table-12 27
Figure-12 29
Table-13 28
Figure-13 30
Table-14 29
Figure-14 31
Table-15 30
Figure-15 32
Table-16 31
Figure-16 33
Table-17 32
Figure-17 34
Table-18 33
Figure-18 35
Table-19 34
Table- 20 34

Chapter- I
1. Background of the Study
Job Satisfaction has been an important concern in the world of professional commitments as
so far it has been undoubtedly believed, the outcome of the industry, to a large extent,
depends on the job satisfaction of the employees. When an employee finds his or her job
interesting, rewarding and reliable this state of the employee is that he or she is satisfied in
his or her job.

Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards one’s job, the difference between the amount of
reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive. Employee is a back
bone of every organization, without employee no work can be done. So employee’s
satisfaction is very important. Employees will be more satisfied if they get what they expect.
Job satisfaction relates to inner feelings of workers. Employees who have higher job
satisfaction are usually less absent, less likely to leave, more productive, more likely to
display organizational commitment, and more likely to be satisfied with their lives. Job
satisfaction of industrial workers is very important for the industry to function successfully.
Sonali Bank Limited wants to make their employees satisfied.

The concept of job satisfaction has been developed in many ways by many different
researchers and practitioners. One of the most widely used definitions in organizational
research is that of (Locke, 1976) who defines job satisfaction as "a pleasurable or positive
emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences". Job satisfaction
can defined as extent of positive feelings or attitudes that individuals have towards their jobs.
When a person says that he/she has high job satisfaction, it means that he really likes his job,
feels good about it and values his job dignity. Job satisfaction is important technique used to
motivate the employees to work harder. It is often said that “A HAPPY EMPLOYEE IS A
PRODUCTIVE EMPLOYEE”. A more recent definition of the concept of job satisfaction is
from (Hulin and Judge, 2003) who have noted that job satisfaction includes
multidimensional psychological responses to an individual's job, and that these personal
responses have cognitive (evaluative), affective (or emotional), and behavioral components.

The main aim of this study is to analyze the job satisfaction level of the employees of Sonali
Bank Limited, Savar Branch. This study will help the policy maker of Sonali Bank Limited to
identify the factors which are affecting on employee’s job satisfaction of Sonali Bank
Limited, Savar Branch. They will also get idea that which sector are very strong and which
sector are need to update of this branch to make the employee satisfied.They can use this
study method in conducting their own research paper.

2. Literature Review
Employee satisfaction is an important success factor for all organizations. Employee
satisfactions have been recognized to have a major impact on many economic and social
phenomena, such as economic growth and higher standard of living. Companies must
continuously employee satisfaction in order to stay profitable.
Edwin A. Locke’s Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most famous job
satisfaction model. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction is determined by a
discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Further, the theory
states that how much one value a given fact of work moderates how satisfied/dissatisfied one
becomes when expectations are/aren’t met. When a person values a particular fact of a job,
his satisfaction is more greatly impacted both positively (when expectations are met) and
negatively (when expectations are not met), compared to one who doesn’t value that fact.

A significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the Core Self-
evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge, Edwin A. Locke, and Cathy C. Durham
in 1997. Judge et al. argued that there are four Core Self-evaluations that determine one’s
disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, general self-efficacy, locus of control, and
neuroticism. This model states that higher levels of self-esteem (the value one places on
his/her self) and general self-efficacy (the belief in one’s own competence) lead to higher
work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control (believing one has control over her\his
own life, as opposed to outside forces having control) leads to higher job satisfaction. Finally,
lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher job satisfaction.
Herzberg's (1968) theory effectively delineates the reasons job satisfaction. According to his
two-factor theory, there are motivational and hygiene factors present in one's job. Rewards
and benefits are hygiene factors, so if they are not present, they will bring dissatisfaction, but
their presence will not necessarily bring job satisfaction.

(Hackman & Oldham, 1975) Hackman and Oldham‘s Job Characteristic Model (JCM) has
been used to determine the level of job satisfaction. The model focuses on five cores job
dimensions, skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback, which in
turn influence three key psychological states: experienced meaningfulness of the work,
experienced responsibility for the work, and knowledge of results. These psychological states
then influence job satisfaction. (Marcson,1960) presented an argument and findings
suggesting that one of the best ways to increase productivity in organizations was to provide
employees with jobs that are more demanding and challenging. (Bolton, 1991) at corporate
level, employee satisfaction is affected by many factors such as lighting, furniture, noise,
temperature and other arrangement. It is also dependent on the physical environment and its
effect on health and employees satisfaction. (Witt & Nye, 1992) individuals who perceive
their promotion decisions are made in a fair and just manner are likely to experience
satisfaction with their jobs. (Wagner and Hollenbeck, 1998) job satisfaction, on the other
hand, can be defined as a pleasurable feeling that results from the perception that one‘s job
fulfills or allows for the fulfillment of one‘s important job values.

(Lease, 1998) employees who have higher job satisfaction are usually less absent, less likely
to leave, more productive, more likely to display organizational commitment, and more likely
to be satisfied with their lives. Siebern-Thomas’s (2005) cross-sectional analysis on the
European Community Household Panel shows that the correlation between wage and job
satisfaction is significant and positive.
(Sahnawaz and Juyal, 2006) focus on investigating the impact of job involvement and job
satisfaction on organizational commitment. Organizational commitment is considered to be
one of the most important and crucial outcomes of human resource strategies. Furthermore
employee commitment is seen as the key factor in achieving competitive performance. (De
Varo, Li, & Brookshire,2007) focus on the contextual factors that are provided by the
organization to ascertain job satisfaction. (Samad, 2007) also tried to determine the level of
influence job satisfaction facets will have on organizational commitment. (Singh & Kohli,
2006), (Thakur, 2007) and (Jha et al. ,2008) shows that organizational contextual factors such
as pay, growth opportunities, job security, among others, influence an employee's perception
of job satisfaction. (Green & Heywood, 2008) performance-related pay allows opportunities
for worker optimization and does not crowd out intrinsic motivation, thus increasing overall
satisfaction, satisfaction with pay, and satisfaction with job security. (Borzaga & Depedri,
2005) observe that, even in a sector characterized by low average salaries like the social-
services sector, employees are more satisfied when their wages increase up to a threshold, but
not above that threshold.

3. Importance of Study
Employees who have higher job satisfaction are usually less absent, less likely to leave, more
productive, more likely to display organizational commitment, and more likely to be satisfied
with their lives. To know the satisfaction level is very important for the industry to function
successfully. Apart from managerial and technical aspects, employers can be considered as
backbone of any industrial development. To utilize their contribution they should be provided
with good working conditions to boost their job satisfaction. It is generally understood that
unfavorable conditions of office environment can have negative influences on employee’s
satisfaction, cause health problems and increase short-term sick leave. Job satisfaction is very
important because most of the people spend a major portion of their life at working place.
Moreover, job satisfaction has its impact on the general life of the employees also, because a
satisfied employee is a contented and happy human being. A highly satisfied worker has
better physical and mental well being. Job satisfaction may serve as indicators of
organizational activities. Through job satisfaction evaluation different levels of satisfaction in
different organizational units can be defined, but in turn can serve as a good indication.

4. Objectives of the study

4.1 General Objective

The broad objective of the study is to analysis the job satisfaction level of the employees of
First Security Islamic Bank Limited, City University Branch.

4.2 Specific objectives

In specific term, the objectives of the study are as follows:

• To study the overview of Sonali Bank Ltd

• To analyze the satisfaction level of the employees working conditions

• To analyze the satisfaction level of the employees rewards

• To suggest some measures for improving the satisfaction level of the employees

5. Methodology of the study

5.1 Sources of Data: Data has been collected from two sources.

A. Primary source:
• Interview of the officers
• Respondent answer
• With questionnaire
• Survey
• Observation

B. Secondary Source:
• Annual Reports of Sonali Bank Ltd.-2014
• Office circular and other published papers, documents and reports.
• Website of Sonali Bank Ltd.

5.2 Sampling Method

Stratified Random sampling method has been used for selecting samples.

5.3 Research Design

Exploratory research has been used for the study.

5.4 Target Population

All the employees of Sonali Bank Limited Savar branch. There are 34 employees in SBL
Savar Branch.

5.5 Sample size
There are 18 respondents among 34 employees.

SL Designations Number of Employees

01 Senior Principal Officer 01
02 Principal Officer 01
03 Senior Officer 03
04 Officer 09
05 Junior Officer 02
06 Assistant Officer 01
07 Supporting Officer 01

6. Limitations of the study

To prepare the internship I encountered some limitations. The limitations are given below.

• Inadequate reporting because of shortage of time.

• At period the respondents felt troubled to give time on this survey.
• The survey was accomplished only on Savar Branch. If there was a probability
to go away other branches of SBL, then the outcome would have been more
• There are plenty of other issues like but I could not take in them in the study
because period of the report writing.


Overview of Sonali Bank Limited, Savar Branch

1. Historical Background of Sonali Bank Limited

Sonali Bank Limited, the largest & leading commercial bank of the country, came into being
in 1972 immediately after the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state. A fully
state-owned enterprise, the bank has been discharging its nation-building responsibilities by
undertaking government entrusted different socio-economic schemes as well as money
market activities of its own volition, covering all spheres of the economy. Sonali Bank
Limited singularly enjoys the prestige of being the agent of the Central Bank of Bangladesh
in such places where the guardian of the money market has chosen not to act by itself. Sonali
Bank Limited is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 9 (nine) members headed by
a Chairman. The Bank is headed by the Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, who
is a well-known Banker and a reputed professional. The head office of the bank along with its
corporate structure is located at Motijheel, Dhaka, and the main commercial center of the
capital. Sonali Bank Limited extends all the major personal banking facilities and services to
its customers with its skilled manpower and largest network of around 1187 branches
covering all the urban and remote rural areas of Bangladesh.

2. Vision
Socially committed leading banking institution with global presence.

3. Mission
Dedicated to extend a whole range of quality products that support divergent needs of people
aiming at enriching their lives, creating value for the stakeholders and contributing towards
socio-economic development of the country.

4. Sonali Bank At a glance

Sonali Bank Ltd is one of the largest public banks in Bangladesh. Recently it is going to
introduce shares. It operates through One Head Office, 33 main divisional offices, 10 General
Manager’s Office, 42 Principal Office, 19 Regional Office and 198 fully computerized
branches, ensuring best possible and fastest services to its valued clients and efficient

5. Profile of Sonali Bank Limited

Name of the Company Sonali Bank Limited

Chairman Mr. Fazle kabir

Managing Director & CEO Mr. Pradip Kumar Dutta

Company Secretary Mr. A.K.M. Sajedur Rahman Khan

Legal Status Public Limited company

Genesis Emerged as Nationalized Commercial Bank in 1972,

following the Bangladesh Bank (Nationalization)
Order No.1972 (Po NO. 26 of 1972)

Date of Incorporation 03 June, 2007

Date of Vendor’s Agreement 15 November, 2007

Registered Office 35-42, 44 Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka

Authorized Capital Taka 6000.00 Crore

Paid-up capital Taka 3830.00 Crore

Number of Employee 22,446

Number of Branches 1207

Pone-PABX 9550426-31,33,34,9552924

FAX 88-02-9561410,955207



E-mail [email protected]

6. Organogram of Sonali Bank Limited
Table no.1

7. Employee Hierarchy of Sonali Bank Ltd. Savar Branch
Table no. 2

Assistant General Manager (AGM)

(Bhim Chandra Malaker)

Senior principle officer (SPO)

(Saroar Hossain Ansary)

Principle Officer (PO)


Senior Officer (SO)

Employee- (06)

Employee- (17)

Junior Officer (JO)

Employee- (03)

Assistant officer (AO)

E- (02)

Supporting Sub
Staff (SSS)
E- (02)

Analysis and Findings
(Survey Findings)
Analysis of Respondent’s opinion

1. Marital status of the employees

Table no.3
Marital status No. of Percentage
Single 01 5.56%
Married 17 94.44%
Total 18 100

Marital Status



94.44% maried

Table shows only 5.56 % respondents are single and others else are married.

2. Employee’s Age

Table no.4

Age No of Employee Percentage

18-24 0 0%
25-30 0 0%
31-40 8 45%
41-50 6 33%
51-60 4 22%
Total 18 100


Employee’s Age

0% 0% 18-24
22% 25-30

33% 41-50

From above table and Pie Chart show that maximum employee’s age range is from 31-40

3. Employee’s Designation
Table - 5
Designation No of Employee Percentage
Senior Principal Officer 1 5.56%
Principal Officer 1 5.56%
Senior Officer 3 16.67%
Officer 9 50%
Junior Officer 2 11.11%
Assistant Officer 1 5.56%
Supporting Sub Staff 1 5.56%
Total 18 100

Figure - 3

Employee’s Designation

6% 6% 5% 5% Senior Principal Officer

Principal Officer
11% 17%
Senior Officer
50% Junior Officer
Assistant Officer
Supporting Sub Staff

From above table and pie chart show that maximum respondents are Officer and lowest
respondents are SPO & PO.

Statement No-1

Salary matches with the responsibility and the level of satisfaction.

Table no.6
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0% 5.94 3.6
Neutral 3 16.67%
Agree 14 77.78%
Strongly Agree 1 5.55%
Total 18 100 5.94 3.6

Figure no. 4

Salary matches with the responsibility and the level of


Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

0% 0%
5% 16.67%


From the above Table & Pie chart, the researcher has found out that among 18 employees,
77.78% employees are Agreed, 16.67% employees are Neutral, 5% employees are Strongly
Agreed and 0% employees Strongly Disagree & Disagree with this statement. Standard
Deviation is 5.94 & mean is 3.6. Although majority of the employees are satisfied but Neutral
percentage is also large. This result may be a worrisome factor for the bank since inadequate
salary or perception of being under-paid may lead to job dissatisfaction.

Statement No-2

My co-workers are very friendly and helpful.

Table no.7
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Neutral 6 33.33% 4.83 3.6
Agree 11 61.11%
Strongly Agree 1 5.56%
Total 18 100 4.83 3.6

Figure no.5

My co-workers are very friendly and helpful

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

5.56% 0% 0%



Interpersonal relations among the officers and clerical staff play a major role in the job
satisfaction of both the categories. In response to the above question 61.11% employees are
Agreed, 33.33% are Neutral, 5.56% employees are Strongly Agreed and 0% employee is
Strongly Disagreed & Disagreed with the statement. Standard Deviation is 4.83 & Mean is
3.6. We can say that employees appear to be satisfied with the interpersonal relationships

Statement No-3

I can receive the directions and advices from others in my organization.

Table - 8

Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean

Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 2 11.11%
Neutral 12 66.67% 5.40 3.6
Agree 4 22.22%
Strongly Agree 0 0%
Total 18 100 5.40 3.6

Figure no.6

I can receive the directions and advices from others in my

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree


22.22% 11.11%


Above Table & Pie chart show that among 18 employees, 66.67% employees are Neutral,
22.22% Agreed, 11.11% Disagreed And 0% employee is Strongly Agreed & Strongly
Agreed. Standard Deviation is 5.40 & mean is 3.6. Maximum respondents are Neutral about
this statement.

Statement No-4

I am satisfied with my regular assigned activities.

Table no.9
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Neutral 0 0% 6.06 3.6
Agree 14 77.78%
Strongly Agree 4 22.22%
Total 18 100 6.06 3.6

Figure no.7

I am satisfied with my regular assigned activities

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

0% 0% 0%



From the Table and Pie Chart the researcher has found that among 18 employees 77.78 %
employees Agreed, 22.22% Strongly Agreed, 0% employee is Neutral, Disagreed and
Strongly Disagreed. Standard Deviation is 6.06 and mean is 3.6. So researcher got that
maximum employees are satisfied with their regular assigned activities.

Statement No-5

Rewards and benefits are given by the company for good performance.

Table no.10
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 6 33.33%
Neutral 9 50% 3.78 3.6
Agree 2 11.11%
Strongly Agree 1 5.56%
Total 18 100 3.78 3.6

Figure no.8
Rewards and benefits are given by the company for good

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

5.56% 0%

11.11% 33.33%


Table and Chat show that among 18 employees, 50% are Neutral, 33.33% Disagreed, 11.11%
Agreed 5.56% Strongly Agreed and 0% is Strongly Disagreed with the statement. Standard
Deviation is 3.78 and Mean is 3.6. Maximum employees are Neutral. 50% respondents say
that rewards and benefits are not properly given for good service.

Statement No-6

I can share my ideas and thoughts to make a variation or to add to the overall
achievement of the organization.

Table no.11
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 10 55.56%
Neutral 6 33.33% 4.34 3.6
Agree 2 11.11%
Strongly Agree 0 0%
Total 18 100 4.34 3.6

Figure no.9

I can share my ideas and thoughts to make a variation or to

add to the overall achievement of the organization.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

0% 0%


33.33% 55.56%

It is inferred from the above Table and Pie Chart 55.56% employees Disagreed, 33.33% are
Neutral. 11.11% employees Agreed and 0% employee is Strongly Agreed & Strongly
Disagreed with this statement. Standard Deviation is 4.34 and Mean is 3.6. Most of the
respondents are disagreed with this statement.

Statement No-7

The organization provides sufficient benefits & salaried leave.

Table no.12
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Neutral 0 0% 5.37 3.6
Agree 6 33.3%
Strongly Agree 12 66.67%
Total 18 100 5.37 3.6

Figure no.10

The organization provides sufficient benefits & salaried

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
0% 0% 0%



It is inferred from the above Table and Pie Chart Among 66.67% employees Strongly
Agreed, 33.33% employees Agreed, and 0% employee is Strongly Disagreed, Disagreed and
Neutral with this statement. Standard Deviation is 5.37 and Mean is 3.6, 66.67% say
sufficient benefits and salaried leave provides the organization.

Statement No-8

The operational environment is excellent and secure.

Table no.13
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Neutral 4 22.22% 4.51 3.6
Agree 11 61.11%
Strongly Agree 3 16.67%
Total 18 100 4.51 3.6

Figure no.11

The operational environment is excellent and secure.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

0% 0%

16.67% 22.22%


In response to the above question among 18 employees, 61.11% employees Agreed, 22.22%
are Neutral, 16.67% Strongly Agreed, 0% employee is Strongly Agreed and Disagreed with
the statement. Standard Deviation is 4.51 and Mean is 3.6. From the analysis the researcher
found that operational environment is excellent.

Statement No-9

Job security and level of satisfaction are good.

Table no.14
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Neutral 0 0% 5.36 3.6
Agree 6 33.33%
Strongly Agree 12 66.67%
Total 18 100 5.36 3.6

Figure no.12

Job security and level of satisfaction are good.

0% 0%

Strongly Disagree

66.67% Neutral
Strongly Agree

It is inferred from the above Table and Pie Chart among18 employees, 66.67% employees
Strongly Agreed, 33.33% Agreed, 0% employee is Strongly Disagreed, Disagreed, Neutral
with this statement. Standard Deviation is 5.36 and Mean is 3.6. Maximum respondents agree
with that this job is secured.

Statement No-10

The organizational supports for satisfaction are good.

Table no.15
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Neutral 1 5.56% 6.42 3.6
Agree 15 83.33%
Strongly Agree 2 11.11%
Total 18 100 6.42 3.6

Figure no.13

The organizational supports for satisfaction are good.

0% 0%

11.11% 5.56%

Strongly Disagree
83.33% Strongly Agree

It is inferred from the above Table and Pie Chart among18 employees, 83.33% Agreed,
11.11% Strongly Agreed, 5.56% Neutral and 0% is Strongly Disagreed, Disagreed. Standard
Deviation is 6.42 and mean is 3.6. Standard Deviation is 6.42 and Mean is 3.6.

Statement No-11

My organization is better compared to others.

Table no.16
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Neutral 1 5.56% 6.42 3.6
Agree 15 83.33%
Strongly Agree 2 11.11%
Total 18 100 6.42 3.6

Figure no.14

My organization is better compared to others.

0% 0% 5.56%


Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

It is inferred from the above Table and Pie Chart among18 employees, 83.33% employees
Agreed, 11.11% Strongly Disagreed, 5.56% are Neutral and 0% employee Strongly
Disagreed, Disagreed. Standard Deviation is 6.42 and Mean is 3.6. Respondents are satisfied
in this factor.

Statement No-12

Working hours and level of satisfaction are good.

Table no.17
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Neutral 0 0% 6.09 3.6
Agree 14 77.78%
Strongly Agree 2 11.11%
Total 18 100 6.09 3.6

Figure no.15

Working hours and level of satisfaction are good.

0% 0%


Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

It is inferred from the above Table and Pie Chart among18 employees, 77.78% employees
Agreed, 11.11% Strongly Agreed, 0% employee Neutral, Disagreed, Strongly Disagreed.
Standard Deviation is 6.09 and 3.6 is Mean. Respondents are satisfied with working hours.

Statement No-13

Recognition for contribution and level of satisfaction.

Table no.18
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 2 11.11%
Neutral 11 61.11% 4.62 3.6
Agree 5 27.78%
Strongly Agree 0 0%
Total 18 100 4.62 3.6

Figure no.16

Recognition for contribution and level of Satisfaction.

0% 0%


27.78% Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree

Table and Chat show that among 18 employees, 61.11% employees are Neutral, 27.78%
Agreed, 11.11% employees Disagreed and 0% employee Strongly Agreed & Strongly
Disagreed with the statement. Standard Deviation is 4.62 & Mean is 3.6. Recognition for
work in the organization is poor.

Statement No-14

Administration understands the importance of matching my effort and

individual life.

Table no.19
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 4 22.22%
Neutral 9 50% 3.7 3.6
Agree 5 27.78%
Strongly Agree 0 0%
Total 18 100 3.7 3.6

Figure no.17

Administration understands the importance of matching my

effort and individual life.
0% 0%

27.78% Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree


Table and Chat show that among 18 employees, 50% employees are Neutral, 27.78%
employees Agreed, 22.22% employees Disagreed and 0% employee is Strongly disagreed &
Strongly Agreed with this statement. Standard Deviation is 3.7 & Mean is 3.6. Maximum
employees are neutral about this factor. Lack of proper Administrative support to employee
in an organization leads to a greater degree of dissatisfaction with the job.

Statement No-15

It feels proud to tell others that I am a part of my organization.

Table no.18
Opinion No of Percentage Standard Mean
Employees deviation
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
Neutral 0 0% 4.98 3.6
Agree 8 44.44%
Strongly Agree 10 55.56%
Total 18 100 4.98 3.6

Figure no.17
It feels proud to tell others that I am a part of my

0% 0% 0%

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

Table and Chat show that among 18 employees 55.56% employees Strongly Agreed, 44.44%
Agreed, 0% employee is Strongly Disagreed, Disagreed, And Neutral. Standard Deviation is
4.98 Mean is 3.6. Employees are satisfied in this factor.


Summary, Recommendations and Conclusion

1 Summary
From these findings researcher describes that employees working in respective area mostly
belongs to the age group of 31-40 and most of them are married. Female employees are
working in respective area. Factors like working environment of the employees, assigned
activities, working environment, are contributing towards job satisfaction as satisfaction.
Sufficient benefits & salaried leave and job security in these factors employees are strongly
satisfied. On the other hand there are some factors in which employees are neutral including
directions and advice from others, recognition for work caused by these factors are almost
negligible. These Findings and Analysis shows that employees are almost satisfied with their
job. But there are some factors such as lack of directions and advice from others, recognition
for work, share of new ideas and thoughts which not only affect job productivity but also
reduce their job satisfaction levels.

2 Recommendations
The study finds that every employee wants to see his or her place in good condition. But the
good condition of his or her largely depends on his or her harmonious relation with the
organization. So, it can be suggested that the Bank‘s policies should be made to give equal
opportunities for all employees. It is realized that financial security from the job really
motivates the employee to be more professional and dedicated to their service. Some
probable solutions were found of the identified problems on the basis of collected data,
observation, expert employee’s opinion and own knowledge and judgments.
The necessary steps are recommended below:

• Sonali Bank Ltd should give more attention to personal accomplishment and
recognition of the employee to increase the level of job satisfaction.

• Sonali Bank Ltd can give attention to the office decoration so that employee can stay
with comfort and relax to work there as a place.

• Managers should concern about the facility and demand of junior level of employee
rather than selective officers by removing biasness.

• Sonali Bank Ltd Should give more attention to the directions and advice toward

• This Organization should have a good system to receive employee’s ideas, opinions.

Overall an organization should try to take every possible step to enhance job satisfaction
among employees because if employees are satisfied then customers associated with it will
also be satisfied.

3 Conclusion
Job satisfaction is always important in the present day business world. Job satisfaction can
help the organization motivate the working team but to determine the level of job satisfaction
is dependent on a wide range of variables. These variables are not same at all organizations
and institutions. Even patterns of organizations and policies determine the job satisfaction of
the employees. Unlike organizations in the developed world, in Bangladesh the study of job
satisfaction has not attracted the potential employers, significant number of companies have
realized the fact that the growth and timely assurance of the investment, to a large extent,
depends on how the employer has succeeded in ensuring the job satisfaction of the
employees. This report was based on the findings that the researcher found and gained
through his/her association with the Sonali Bank Ltd. Savar branch, Dhaka. It is found in this
study that job is inevitable part of the employees. Despite differences in their works and
support, they are satisfied in their job.


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Appendix: 1

(Questionnaire on)

Employee’s Job satisfaction of Sonali Bank Ltd. Savar Branch.


Good day, I am a BBA student of City University. I am conducting a research to find out the
“Employee Job Satisfaction of Sonali Bank Ltd. Savar Branch”. For the research purpose I
am conducting a survey upon the staffs and management of Soanli Bank Ltd, Savar Branch,
Dhaka. In this regard I will be glad if you give me some of your valuable time.

Name : …………………………………
Age : 18 to 24 25 to 30 31 to 40 41 to50 50 to 60

Designation: Senior Principal Officer Principal Officer Senior Officer Officer

Junior Officer Assistant Officer Supporting Sub Staff

Marital Status: Single Married

[please tick (√) your opinion about the following range]

1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

Sl. Statements 1 2 3 4 5
1 Salary matches with the responsibility & the level of

2 My co-workers are very friendly and helpful.

3 I can receive the directions and advices from others in my


4 I am satisfied with my regular assigned activities.

5 Rewards and benefits are given by the company for good


6 I can share my ideas and thoughts to make a variation or
to add to the overall achievement of the organization.

7 The organization provides sufficient benefits & salaried


8 The operational environment is excellent and secure.

9 Job security and level of satisfaction are good.

10 The organizational supports for satisfaction are good.

11 My organization is better compared to others.

12 Working hours and level of satisfaction are good.

13 Recognition for contribution and level of satisfaction.

14 Administration understands the importance of matching

my effort and individual life.

15 It feels proud to tell others that I am a part of my




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