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Impact of effective training on employee’s job performance:
A study on Royeltex Ltd..

An Internship Report Presented

to the Faculty of Business Administration in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Master of Business Administration.

Supervised by: Jubayer Ahmed

Supervisor and Assistant professor
Department of Business Administration
City University

Submitted by: Md. Abdur Rahaman

ID: 1849907075
Batch: 49th
Major: Human Resource Management

Date of Submission: 20/11/2019

Impact of effective training on employee’s job performance:
A study on Royeltex Ltd.


First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the almighty Allah for fruitfully
preparing this internship report. It was a great pleasure to prepare an internship report on the
various aspects of HRM activities focusing on Impact of effective training on employee’s job
performance: A study on Royeltex Ltd." I would like to thank and convey my gratitude to
honorable supervisor Jubayer Ahmed, Assistant professor, Department of Business
Administration, City University, Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka. for letting me to prepare this report. I
would also like to express my sincere appreciation to him for his wholehearted support and
I would like to give my heartiest gratitude. Professor, Dr. Mihir Kumar Roy, Dean, Faculty of
Business Administration, City University. I am also thankful to Md. Shahriar Parvez, Associate
Professor and Head of the Department of Business Administration, City University, Dhaka.

My sincere gratitude goes to Md. Muhsin Uddin, Head of Human Resource (HR) Department.
Trust Bank Ltd. Ashulia , Dhaka, who gave special attention to me from very beginning and

I went there. I was closely attached with them during my internship tenure. Without them this
project would have been very difficult. I must mention the wonderful working environment and
group commitment of this organization that has enabled me to deal with a lot of things.

And finally, I express my sincere gratitude to all those participated to prepare the report. Most of
them were busy employees of Trust Bank Ltd.

Md. Abdur Rahaman
ID: 1849907075
Major: Human Resource Management (HRM)
Batch: 49th
Program: MBA

Declaration of the Student

I do hereby solemnly declare that the work presented in this report has been carried out by mean
has not been previously submitted to any other university for an academic qualification
/certificate/ diploma degree. This work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright
and no portion of this report is copied from any work done earlier for a degree or otherwise.

I further undertake to indemnify the department against any loss or damage arising from breach
of the forgoing obligation.

Md. Abdur Rahaman
ID: 1849907075
Major: Human Resource Management (HRM)
Batch: 49th
Program: MBA

Supervisor's Certificate

This is to certify that the Internship Report on " Impact of effective training on employee’s job
performance: A study on Royeltex Ltd.." is the authentic record and the repot has been done by
Md. Abdur Rahaman under my direct supervision as a partial fulfillment of the requirement of
Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, major in HRM from the Department of
Business Administration, City University.

So far, I know, Md. Abdur Rahaman has prepared this report by her and is not copied or
borrowed from anywhere without proper acknowledgement.

I wish her every success in life.

Jubayer Ahmed
Assistant professor
Department of Business Administration
City University

Letter of Transmittal

20 November 2019
Jubayer Ahmed
Supervisor & Assistant professor
Department of Business Administration,
City University,
Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka

Subject: Submission of Internship Report on " Impact of effective training on employee’s job
performance: A study on Royeltex Ltd.. ".

Dear Sir,

With best respect and honor, I would like to inform you that I have completed my internship
report on “Impact of effective training on employee’s job performance: A study on Royeltex
Ltd.." It is an immense pleasure for me to place the same before you.

I made every endeavor to prepare this dissertation and tried my level best to accumulate relevant
and insightful information. It is a great experience for me to work on this topic. I have tried to
make the report vivid and comprehensive within the scheduled time and limited resources.

I sincerely hope that this report will help you to evaluate me.

I will be obliged to clarify any matter or to provide any further information regarding this report.
Thanking you for your kind supervision.

Sincerely yours,

Md. Abdur Rahaman
ID: 1849907075
Major: Human Resource Management (HRM)
Batch: 49th
Program: MBA

Executive Summary

The internship report is on “Impact of Effective Training on Employees Job Performance

Trust Bank Ltd”. The objective of the report is to analyze the training and development
processes of Royeltex Ltd.. In the report the types of trainings given to the different level
of employee of Trust Bank are identified. After that, the purpose and the topics covered
in the In-House training programs are given in details. In the latter part, the development
methods and the evaluation process are discussed. Method of findings and analysis
include both primary and secondary data. The method of analysis includes frequency
distribution of the collected data. The primary data was collected by face to face
conversation with officers and customers and the secondary data was collected from
company’s annual reports, website and other yearly reports. This report also includes
overview of Royeltex Ltd., services and products, working experience during the
internship period and operation of foreign exchange department of the organization. The
report also includes the fact that the analysis conducted has limitations. Based on the
data, this report finds that most of the customers are satisfied with quality of service
provided by the foreign trade department of Trust bank ltd.

Royeltex Ltd. is one of the fast-growing Bank. One of the reasons is they maintains a
continuous process of development and training of their employees. They invest a huge
amount of money in the training programs. These training expenses are treated as
investments by them. Which helps them to achieve their goals with more ease. According
to Bangladesh Bank, Royeltex Ltd. has the best training academy in the country.

Serial No Topic Name Page(s)
Acknowledgement II
Declaration of the Student III
Internship’s certificate
Supervisor's Certificate IV
Letter of Transmittal V
Executive Summary VI
Table of Content VII

Chapter: 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study 2
1.2 Objectives of the Study 3
1.3 Scope of the study 3
1.4 Methodology of the study 3
1.5 limitations of the study 5

Chapter: 2 Organizational overview

2.1 History of Royeltex Ltd. 7
2.2 Corporate information of Trust Bank 9
2.3 Organizational Royeltex Ltd. 10
2.4 Branch Hierarchy 11
2.5 Products and Services of Trust bank 12

Chapter: 3 Data Analysis and Finding of the Study

3.1 Demographic Characteristics 15
3.2 Training and Development process 18
3.3 Reliability Statistics 25
3.4 One Sample t-test 26
3.5 Correlation Test 27

Chapter: 4 Recommendations and Conclusion

4.1 Recommendations 29
4.2 Conclusion 30
4.3 References 31

Table of Content


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