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Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College

Term paper
“Training & Development Process of Janata Bank Limited”

Supervised By:
Md. Sariful Alam
Assistant Professor
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College

Submitted By:
Sathi Afrin
MBA (Final)
Reg. No: 18326154444
Class Roll No: 10724
Session: 2018-2019
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College

Date of Submission: 13-01-2022

Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College
62, Nazimuddin Road, Dhaka-1100

Term Paper Registration Form

Registration No: 16326100305 Admission year: 2022

Name of the applicant: Jayanto Das

Roll No: 10348 Session: 2016-2017 Program: MBA (Final)

Preferred Supervisor: Md. Sariful Alam

Proposed topic- “Training & Development Process of Janata Bank Limited”

Area of Concentration: Management


Student’s Signature Date: 01/04/2019

Approved by:

………………................ …………………………….
Supervisor’s Signature Chairman’s Signature
Letter of Transmittal

Dated: 01-04-2019

Md. Sariful Alam

Assistant Professor
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College

Subject: Submission of the Term paper

Dear Sir
I am pleased to submit the term paper which you asked me to prepare as a partial
requirement for the fulfillment of MBA (Final) degree.

The topic of the term paper is “Training & Development Process of Janata Bank Limited”
In this study I tried to find out how much effective of Janata Bank Limited. Recruitment
and Selection process is.

I thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to prepare a term paper on Training
& Development Process of Janata Bank Limited. Which contributed a lot to add high
value to my knowledge and experience levels. Any query regarding the term paper will be

Yours Sincerely,

Jayanto Das
MBA (Final)
Reg. No:16326100305
Class Roll No:10348
Session: 2016-2017
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College
Student's Declaration

I hereby declare that the term paper on “Training & Development Process Janata Bank
Limited” by me after the completing inspection with Janata Bank Limited, and a
comprehensive study of the existing activities of Janata Bank Limited, and its

I also declare that this term paper is my original worked and prepared for academic
purpose which is a part of MBA (Final) and the term paper May not be used in actual
market scenario.

Jayanto Das
MBA (Final)
Reg. No:16326100305
Class Roll No:10348
Session: 2016-2017
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College
Supervisor's Declaration

I here declare that the term paper entitled on “Training & Development Process Janata
Bank Limited” is an original work by Jayanto Das, a student of MBA (Final).
Department of Management, Shaikh Burhanuddin College, 62, Nazimuddin Road, Dhaka-
1100, has completed her term paper under my supervision and submitted for the partial
fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of MBA (Final) at Shaikh Burhanuddin
College under National University.

Md. Sariful Alam
Assistant Professor
Department of Management
Shaikh Burhanuddin Post Graduate College

It is high time for me to express my deepest gratitude and humble submission to the
almighty Allah but for whose support I would not be able to complete a huge task of
preparing this Internship Report within the schedule time.

I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to my term paper supervisor
Md. Sariful Alam, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Shaikh
Burhanuddin Post Graduate College Whose direction, guidance and support helped me
a lot in writing this term paper.

I am also thankful to Abdul Kader Mridha (Assistant Manager), Md. Billal Hossen
(Senior Officer) at Dhaka Medical College Hospital Corporate Branch of Janata Bank

This report suffers from many short comings although I have exerted my best effort while
preparing this report. I seek excuse for the errors that might have occurred in spite of the
best of my effort.
Executive Summary

Without being competitive no organization can survive and be successful in this global
company. Employee Training & Development Program is one of the major factors
underlying organizational competitiveness. To be competitive, an organization must pay
attention to attract and retain the competitive workforce by offering competitive training to

To offer competitive training and development an organization must conduct job analysis
and job evaluation carefully to find out the content of jobs, duties, responsibilities of the
jobs and necessary skills, knowledge, education, mental qualifications and experiences
required to perform the jobs successfully. After conducting jobs analysis the organization
need to go for training and development program to evaluate the jobs.

In this paper training and development practices is Submitted with a pay policy line by
programmatically evaluating and surveying of banking sector. In preparing the training
and development practice, the bench mark jobs are grouped, analyzed, evaluated all those
jobs by using Lott’s method and got different points for each key jobs. In training and
development practices each grade are then equally distributed to all the positions.

Under this report I tried to find out the activities executed by the Training and
Development. There are large numbers of differences exists in the theoretical analysis and
the practices maintain by the Training and Development.
Table of Contents
Particulars Page
Chapter-01: Introduction 01
1.1 Introduction 01
1.2 Objectives of the Report 01
1.3 Methodology 02
1.4 Sources of Collecting Data 02
1.5 Limitation of the Report 03
Chapter-02: Overview of the Janata Bank Limited 04
2.1 Corporate Profile 04
2.2 Products 04
2.3 Services 06
2.4 Department of Janata Bank Limited 07
2.5 Mission 09
2.6 Vision 09
2.7 Goal 09
Chapter-03: Conceptual Fretwork 10
3.1: Definition of Training and Development 10
3.2: The Role of Training and Development 10
3.3: Training, Learning, and Motivation 10
3.4: Training Needs Analysis (TNA) 11
3.5 When and Why to Conduct Training Needs Analysis 12
3.6: Training Methods 13
Chapter-04: Findings of the Study 17
4.1 HRM Practices in Janata Bank 17
4.2 Main Objectives of T&D Program of Janata Bank 17
4.3 HR Policy of Janata Bank 18
4.4 Aims of HR Policy of Janata Bank 18
4.5 Introduction to HR in Janata Bank Limited 18
4.6 Overview of Training of Janata Bank 20
4.7 Staff Development of Janata Bank 24
4.8 Analysis of Employee Survey 25
4.9 Findings 28
Chapter-05: Recommendations & Conclusions 29
5.1 Recommendations 29
5.2 Conclusion 30
Bibliography 31

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