Surface Adsorption and Corrosion Resista PDF
Surface Adsorption and Corrosion Resista PDF
Surface Adsorption and Corrosion Resista PDF
The object of this study is to experimentally evaluate the inhibition properties of Acacia concinna (A. concinna) extract
in a 0.5 M sulphuric acid media for mild steel. The protective film-formation study was done using UV–Vis spectroscopy.
Surface film composition and morphology were examined by scanning electron microscope and atomic force microscope.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic spectroscopy (PDS) were carried out to explain the
combined (cathodic and anodic) nature and cathodic dominance of A. concinna. Results of electrochemical analyses showed
that 250 mg/L inhibitor concentration had the highest performance and efficiency (proved to be 94% by EIS and 92% by PDS
results). The formed film in this sample showed the highest hydrophobicity and literally no obvious forms of corrosion. The
theoretical results showed the comparative adsorption of phytochemicals on the steel. All acquired outcomes confirmed that
A. concinna extract can develop an efficient protective layer and resist the corrosion procedure.
Keywords EIS · PDS · Green corrosion inhibitor · SEM · AFM · Acacia concinna
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 1 a A. concinna pods image and their main chemical components, b Acacia acid, c Acacidiol, and d Acacigenin-B
the surface of steel were examined using AFM and SEM conditions. From this technique, around 9% of yield was
which give important information about the surface mor- obtained, with a pH value of 7.5. 1 cm × 1 cm × 0.03 cm
phology. UV–Vis spectroscopy was used to examine the steel coupons were utilized in weight-loss estimates. The
adsorption. The theoretical study is an add-on to compare chemical composition of steel coupon was recorded as
the film-formation activeness of the main phytochemical. (wt%) Ni = 0.27, Si = 0.39, Cr = 0.45, Cu = 0.43, P = 0.12,
Using A. concinna is an eco-friendly, cost-effective corro- C = 0.08, Mn = 0.43, and balance Fe. The steel coupons
sion inhibitor. were abraded with different grades of emery papers
(100–1200) and then washed with acetone followed by
distilled water, dried in oven, and then placed in a desic-
2 Experimental Studies cator. The corrosive solution was prepared by diluting sul-
phuric acid to 0.5 M. The corrosive media were prepared
2.1 Preparation of Extract and Electrochemical Cell at different concentrations (50–250 mg/L) by diluting A.
concinna extract with 0.5 M sulphuric acid.
Dry A. concinna, as verified by Dr. A. A. Bhatt at Lovely
Professional University, Punjab (INDIA), were thoroughly
washed with tap water followed by sterile distilled water 2.2 Weight‑Loss Measurement
and then dried under shade. Their leaves were crushed to
a powdered form. Static extraction was performed using This measurement was taken according to the ASTM stand-
approximately 350 g of dry A. concinna in methanol ard G 31–72 for 24 h [14]. All evaluations were carried out
(350 ml) in a round-bottom flask connected to a Soxhlet at 298 ± 0.5 K thermostat. The average value was taken by
apparatus for 94 h at 69 °C. The filtrate was gathered and repeating the experiment three times. The following formula
concentrated utilizing the rotary evaporator at controlled was employed to obtain the corrosion rate:
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
( )
CR0 − CRi 1
ZCPE = [(j𝜔)n ]−1 (8)
𝜃= (3) Y0
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
𝜒 − 𝜒inh for example, C=O. These results reveal some clear evidences
ΔN = ( Fe (14) about the possibility of complex formation between iron and
2 𝜂Fe − 𝜂inh
phytochemicals of A. concinna extract [18].
𝜎= (15) 3.2 Weight‑Loss Experiment and Adsorption
ΔEBack Donation = − (16) The weight-loss technique is the important and easiest pro-
cedure to calculate corrosion-inhibition efficiency of the
natural corrosion inhibitor at different concentrations.
𝜋 = −𝜒 (17) Table 1 shows that with the increment of inhibitor con-
where 𝜒inh and 𝜂inh represent the electronegativity and hard- centration the corrosion rate gradually decreases and the
ness of inhibitor molecule, whereas 𝜒inh and 𝜂Fe mean the inhibition ability increases. This happens because of the
electronegativity and hardness of iron, respectively. adsorption of phytochemicals on the MS surface. When
inhibitor concentration is zero, the highest corrosion rate
(11.33 mm year−1) was observed; on the other hand, when
3 Results and Discussion the concentration of inhibitor was highest (250 mg/L), the
lowest corrosion rate (1.32 mm year−1) was observed. The
3.1 Spectroscopic Studies highest corrosion inhibition effectiveness of 91.13% was
achieved at 250 mg/L. For further confirmation of adsorp-
UV–Vis absorption spectrum (Fig. 2) was obtained for solu- tion mechanism of A. concinna, Langmuir isotherms were
tions containing the extract of A. concinna in 0.5 M sulphu- used.
ric acid, before and after the corrosion test, to detect the In the previous study, M. fragrans showed 83.27% inhibi-
presence of organic compounds and identify the possible tory effect at 500 mg/L with Kads (9.95 Lg−1) [19] whereas
adsorption of phytochemicals on the steel surface. Maxi- A. concinna showed a 94% inhibitory effect at 250 mg/L
mum values of intense absorption peaks recorded for solu- with Kads (41.09 Lg−1), which confirms its better perfor-
tion containing A. concinna extract and 0.5 M sulphuric acid mance in the same corrosive medium (Fig. 3).
appeared at 278 nm. The peak assigned at 278 nm corre-
sponded to the n − π* transitions attributed to the functional 3.3 Potentiodynamic Polarization Technique (Tafel)
groups of phytochemicals present in the A. concinna extract,
The corrosion rates of the inhibitor concentrations and polar-
ization curves are provided after 1 h immersion time of the
MS coupons (Fig. 4). The lowest corrosion current density
was recorded at 250 mg/L concentration of A. concinna
extract which confirmed its highest inhibitory effect. The
slight shift of Tafel slope towards cathodic side shows the
predominant cathodic inhibitory action of the A. concinna
extract. Cationic and anion reaction rates at the surface of
steel are explained by the curves of different concentrations
of sample. It is found that the cathodic reaction was highly
0 11.33 – –
50 1.93 82.94 0.8294
100 1.76 84.44 0.8444
150 1.53 86.45 0.8645
200 1.15 89.76 0.8976
Fig. 2 UV–Vis spectra of A. concinna extract after and before the
250 1.00 91.13 0.9113
corrosion test
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Table 2 Polarization parameters Inhibitor −Ecorr (mV Icorr (μA cm−2) βa (mV/dec) −βc (mV/dec) Inhibition θ
for mild steel in 0.5 M H
2SO4 concentration vs. SCE) efficiency (%)
without and with different (mg/L)
concentrations of A. concinna
at 298 K 0 465 890.90 141.66 164.26 – –
50 461 138.60 53.23 138.56 84.44 0.8444
100 465 101.90 49.20 132.34 88.56 0.8856
150 459 90.60 45.47 131.42 89.83 0.8983
200 462 74.48 48.27 132.06 91.63 0.9163
250 455 64.75 37.84 152.13 92.73 0.9273
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Fig. 5 a An equivalent circuit, b Nyquist and Bode (c) plots of mild steel in 0.5 M H
2SO4 solution in the absence and presence of A. Concinna
extract for 1 h
deduced that blocking the active sites via extract compo- molecules of A. concinna extract is the main reason for the
nents protected the metal surface from corrosion attacks, Cdl decrement, and therefore, corrosion inhibition effect
and because shape of semicircles is same the mechanism increases. The obtained results show chemisorption of A.
of corrosion does not change during the process. Another concinna extract on the MS surface with the help of coor-
result that can be perceived from Table 3 is the decrement of dination bond formation. This is due to sharing of hetero-
Cdl value in the presence of A. concinna extract. This shows atomic non-bonding electrons of A. concinna phytochemical
that the molecules of inhibitor successfully adsorbed on the to the vacant d orbital of Fe. The physisorption process is
metal surface and decreased the local dielectric constant. due to electrostatic interaction between protonated phyto-
By enhancing the extract concentration, the surface cov- chemical and anionic steel surface. These results confirm the
erage was improved based on suitable physisorption and synergic inhibition effect of A. concinna extract on steel in
chemisorption of phytochemicals of A. concinna extract 0.5 M sulphuric acid solution [36–38]. In a previous study,
[34, 35]. The replacement of water molecules with inhibitive M. fragrans showed 87.88% inhibitory effect at 500 mg/L
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
with Rct (128.88 Ω cm2) [39] whereas A. concinna showed 0.5 M sulphuric acid for 24 h. The SEM and AFM images
94% inhibitory effect at 250 mg/L with Rct (313.00 Ω cm2), of MS surface were badly corroded by the sulphuric acid. In
which confirms its better performance towards the same cor- this case, maximum surface roughness (138.81 nm) appears
rosive medium. due to formation of iron hydroxide and oxide on the metal
surface, while Fig. 6c displays the AFM and SEM images of
3.5 AFM and SEM Studies the MS specimens dipped for the same period of time inter-
val in 0.5 M sulphuric acid solution containing 250 mg/L
Figure 6a displays the AFM images along with SEM micro- of A. concinna extract with a lower surface roughness
graph of polished MS with a smooth surface and minimum (32.37 nm), because of blocking of active site and protect-
surface roughness (2.99 nm). Figure 6b displays the AFM ing metal from oxide and hydroxide formation or corrosion.
and SEM images of MS coupon dipped in a solution of The surface roughness value of steel was drastically reduced
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
after adding extract in aggressive media. This result supports main phytochemical components. Figure 7 shows the opti-
the weight-loss data, where, in the presence of 250 mg/L mized, HOMO, and LUMO orbitals of the Acacia acid,
inhibitor concentration, highest inhibition efficiency was Acacidiol, and Acacigenin-B.
observed [16, 39–41]. Table 4 shows a high value of EHOMO for Acacigenin-
B (− 0.19 eV) indicating its high capacity to donate the
electrons to steel. Acacigenin-B has the lowest values
4 Computational Study Explanation of E LUMO (− 4.73 eV) showing the highest capacity to
accept electrons from Fe. Acacigenin-B (4.54 eV) shows
Plant extracts have lots of phytochemical components. the lower value of ΔE indicating its strong influence of
There are three main components of A. concinna selected the [Fe-Acacigenin-B] complex. Figure 8 shows the sug-
for the theoretical study as per literature. A. concinna pod gested mechanism for the adsorption procedure on the MS
contains Acacia acid, Acacidiol, and Acacigenin-B as the surface.
Fig. 7 Optimized structures and frontier molecular orbital density distributions (HOMO & LUMO) of Acacia acid, Acacidiol, and Acacigenin-B
obtained by DFT/B3LYP/6-31G+(d,p) method
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Table 4 Quantum chemical parameters calculated for the Acacia acid, Acacidiol, and Acacigenin-B molecules by the method DFT/B3LYP/6-
Molecule EHOMO (eV) ELUMO (eV) ΔE (eV) ΔN (e) ΔEBack-Donation η (eV) σ (eV−1) χ (eV) π (eV)
Acacia acid − 7.07 0.53 7.61 0.49 − 0.95 3.80 0.26 3.26 − 3.26
Acacidiol − 9.00 − 2.68 6.32 0.18 − 0.79 3.16 0.31 5.84 − 5.84
Acacigenin-B − 4.73 − 0.19 4.54 0.99 − 0.56 2.27 0.43 2.46 − 2.46
Fig. 8 Suggested mechanism
of adsorption behaviour of the
Acacigenin-B molecule on a
mild steel surface
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
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