Removing Organics With IX Resin
Removing Organics With IX Resin
Removing Organics With IX Resin
It is not too often that a water known as tannins and are high region. They are present in water
treatment problem can be fixed molecular weight humic and folic that comes in contact with partially
without spending money on new acids. They are aromatic decomposed plants. The most
equipment, but when treating hydrocarbons with carboxylic common types are tannic acid
water for the removal of organics, groups with multiple benzene (from wood and tree bark) and
the answer may be as simple as rings. Tannins do not pose a health humic acid (from leaves). Tannins
adding a small amount of anion hazard. However, these organics tend to be yellowish or straw
resin to an existing softener. can act as precursors to colored, while humic acid tends to
trihalomethanes (THM's) which be brown to black in color. Humic
Organic materials can cause are formed after an organic substances can form complexes
unwanted tastes, colors or odors in containing water is chlorinated. with iron; when iron is complexed
potable water supplies, and can Tannins are usually found in with the organic, it is referred to as
stain clothes washed in water surface water supplies and shallow "heme" iron or organic iron.
containing these compounds. wells, and can vary widely Methods for removal
Chemically these substances are depending on the geographic The organics in water can be ox
iodized by chlorine or ozone, after The organics are strongly The presence of other inorganic
which the water is passed through attracted to anion resin. The ions (sulfate, alkalinity, nitrate, etc.)
granular activated carbon. However, selectivity or degree of attraction is can influence the removal of
chlorine or ozone systems may not about the same as is that for the organics by competing for the
be the most convenient choice for sulfate ion. However, the size of the exchange sites on the resin, with
small home units. Activated carbon, organic molecules can present a sulfates representing the strongest
when used alone, has a very limited kinetic hindrance because it is competition. Also, the rate of
capacity for organic removal and
can actually function as a breeding
ground for microbial growth.
Reverse osmosis systems can do a
good job of organic removal by OH
X ( C )X O
special types of anion resins, OH
3 OH
sometimes called organic O O O
scavengers, can remove the organics
safely and economically.
F ig u r e 1 P r o p o s e d s t r u c tu r e o f c o lo r e d h u m u s m o le c u le
Anion resins in the chloride
form exchange for the organics,
which are present in water as weak difficult for the large organic to exchange for organics is slower than
acids. Anion resins will also penetrate inside of the bead to the that of the inorganics.
exchange with other negatively interior exchange sites. This means
charged ions, such as sulfates, that the ion exchange reaction Types of resins
nitrates and bicarbonates. between the resin and the organic Styrene-based gel or
For an anion resin to be occurs quickly at the surface of the macroporous anion resins can be
successful in removing organics, it resin, but proceeds slowly as the used to remove organics. However,
must not only be able to remove the organic gradually penetrates the only certain types of these resins
organic acid by ion exchange, it beads. Since most of the ion can be used for successful
must also be able to elute the exchange sites are not on the surface operation. An important
organic off of the resin during of the bead, there is a limit to the characteristic of the resin is the
regeneration. Several types of anion rate at which the resin can exchange moisture retention, as an anion resin
resins operating in the chloride form with organics. with a high moisture content is
are capable of this. structurally less dense. This means
that the ions being exchanged have
more room or water to move around
in, which is beneficial for large 3 -2 n