Cs349 Networks Lab - Assignment 1: Roopansh Bansal (150101053)

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Roopansh Bansal (150101053)


 The option required to specify the number of echo requests to send with ping is ‘c’.
 The time interval between two successive ping requests can be set using ‘i’ option (time in seconds).
 We can send packets to the destination one after another without waiting for a reply by using the ‘–l’ option. The normal
users can only send 3 packets using this. Alternatively, The destination can be flooded with ping requests without waiting
using ‘-f’ option. Also time interval can be set 0 seconds using ‘i’. Normal users have a limit of 200ms.
 The packet size can be set with the ‘s’ option (size in bytes). The actual packet size will be slightly larger than what we
enter due to the addition of the ICMP header(8 Bytes) and IP Headers(20 Bytes). Hence, total packet size will be 92 bytes
if size is set as 64 bytes.

 The readings are taken at 1.00pm, 7.00pm and 1.00am (IST) respectively.
 Test PC was connected to DIGITALOCEAN VPN (Bangalore,India) while performing the experiment.
 ‘justpakit.com’ is chosen for experimenting with packets of size from 64 bytes to 2048 bytes.
HOST ADDRESS (ms) (ms) (ms) RTT (ms)
digitalocean.com Arizona, United States 76.061 91.875 85.680 84.539
iitg.ac.in Guwahati, India 114.658 127.167 121.000 120.942
Justpakit.com Bangalore, India 61.091 70.817 60.193 64.034
Seedr.cc Amsterdam, Netherlands 331.955 358.695 247.127 312.592
Youtube.com California, United States 68.653 90.701 75.473 78.276
Table 1: Round Trip Times of 5 Hosts
Size (Bytes) 64 256 512 768 1024 1280 1536 1792 2048
Avg. RTT 1 (ms) 62.097 56.879 61.477 56.938 58.868 61.406 111.777 112.239 116.622
Avg. RTT 2 (ms) 83.886 70.155 84.152 79.518 79.684 74.881 166.073 131.965 141.431
Avg. RTT 3 (ms) 64.798 59.951 60.219 60.438 65.219 62.550 132.313 120.825 119.195
Table 2: Round Trip Time vs Packet Size
above table, we can conclude that
there exists weekly positive
correlation between the
Geographic distance and Round
Trip Time (RTT). They are
correlated because of reasons like
increased number of hops and
increased propagation delay.
Larger the distance, longer it takes
for a packets to
propogate(Propagation delay).
Also, the packets have to go
through more number of nodes
and at each nodes there may be a
delay(processing delay). Hence,
more the routers, the longer is the
RTT. It’s a week relation because
Figure 1: Round Trip Time of 5 Hosts
there are many other factors on which it depends like network traffic and the server
capacities. PACKET LOSS : In my experiment, no cases of packet loss greater than 0% was found. But, in general packet loss can be
greater than 0% because of network congestion and traffic. Some packets may collide with other packets in the network and result

1| P a g e
in packet loss. The ICMP Packets have lower priority. So they might take longer time to process in some destination server’s queue.
Sometimes, there may be 100% packet loss. In such cases, generally the destination server drops all the ping ICMP packets. RTT
V/S DAY OF TIME: From both the above tables, we observe that RTT’s vary with time of the day. At different times, the congestion
in network is different. From the observations, we can say that RTT is least at 1:00 am and maximum at 7:00pm. Around 1:00pm,
RTT is little less than that at 7:00pm. Hence,
we can conclude that the network traffic is
high around 7:00pm.

RTT V/S PACKET SIZE : From the above

table, we can clearly observe that the
Round Trip Time(RTT) is almost the same for
packets upto size 1280 Bytes. After that, we
observe a sudden jump in the RTT (almost
Doubles). This can be explained by the fact
that Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)is
1500 Bytes by default. If the packet size is
less than 1500 Bytes, then the data is
padded to make the size 1500 Bytes. Hence,
for packets with size less than 1500 Bytes,
the RTT is same. If packet size is more than
1500 Bytes, then the packet is broken into
two frames of size 1500Bytes. Hence we
observe an almost twice the RTT for packets of size 1536 bytes to 2048 bytes. Figure 2: Round Trip Time VS Packet Size


Command Packets Packets Packet Minimum Max Mean Median
Sent Received Loss Rate Latency Latency Latency Latency
$ ping –n –c 1000 1000 1000 0.0% 1.552ms 18.984 1.988 1.68ms
$ ping –p ff00 –c 1000 1000 998 0.2% 1.546 14.484 2.087 1.71ms
Table 3: Question 3 Readings

Figure 3: Histogram - $ ping -n

On plotting the curves as histograms, we observe that they resemble the shape of Normal Distritbution. Note that a Log-Normal
Distibution Curve would have better depicted the latencies. The two cases are very similar to each other except in two aspects.

Firstly, no attempt will be made to lookup symbolic names for host addresses when using ‘-n’, hence it will be faster. So, the mean
Latency is higher in second case than the mean latency in the first case. Secondly, ‘-p ff00’ will cause the sent packet to be filled
with the pattern 11111100000000 which is useful for diagnosing data-dependent problems in a network. This will cause problems
with the synchronisation of the clocks because only one transition is present in the padding, from 1 to 0. Hence, the clocks are
more likely to go out of synchronisation in second case and we observe that the packet loss is higher in the second case.

Figure 4: Histogram - $ ping -p ff00


The command ‘ifconfig’ shows details of the network interfaces that are up and running in the computer. In my machine, I get the
output as show in Error! Reference source not
found.. My machine has a wired ethernet interface
(eno1), a loopback interface (lo) and a wireless
ethernet interface (wlo1). Link encap - Ethernet
denotes that the interface is an Ethernet related
device and Loopback indicates that interface is local
loopback related. Hwaddr is the Hardware Address
or the MAC address. inet addr & inet6 addr indicates
the machine IPv4 and IPv6 address associated with
that network interface respectively. Bcast denotes
the broadcast address (The address required to
broadcast on the network connected through that
interface of the machine). Mask is the network mask
which decides the potential size of the network.
Scope is the scope of the area where the address is
valid. Link means valid only on this device and host
Figure 5: ifconfig
means valid only inside the host(my machine). UP flag indicates that the kernel modules related to the Ethernet
interface has been loaded. BROADCAST & MULTICAST denotes that the Ethernet device supports broadcasting and multicasting
respectively. RUNNING means that the interface is ready to accept data. MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit) is the size of each
packet received by the Ethernet card. Metric take a value of 0,1,2… It decides the priority of the device. Lower the value the more
leverage it has. RX Packets, TX Packets show the total number of packets received and transmitted respectively. It also shows the
number of packets dropped and the overruns. Collision shows the number of packets that are colliding while traversing the

network due to network congestion. RX bytes, TX bytes indicates the total amount of data that has passed through the interface
either way. Txqueuelen denotes the length of the transmit queue of the device.

The ‘route’ command

shows the routing table
of the device. Error!
Reference source not
found. shows the routing
table of my machine. The
Figure 6: route Destination column identifies the destination network or destination host. The Gateway column identifies the
defined gateway for the specified network. An asterisk (*) appears in this column if no forwarding gateway is needed for the
network. The Genmask column shows the netmask for the network. The Iface column shows the network interface. ‘eno1’ is for
the Ethernet device and ‘wlo1’ is for the Wireless Ethernet device. Under the Flags section, the U flag means the route is up, and
the G flag means that specified gateway should be used for this route. Metric is the distance to the target (usually counted in
hops). Ref is the number of references to this route. Route command has many options – ‘-n’ is used to display the numerical IP
address, list the kernel’s routing cache information by using ‘-C’, ‘-v’ to select verbose operation, ‘del’ to delete a route and ‘add’
to add a route, ‘-net’ specifies that the target is a network and ‘-host’ specifies that the target is a host.

‘netstat’ (network statistics) is a command line tool for
monitoring network connections both incoming and
outgoing as well as viewing routing tables, interface
statistics etc. It is one of the most basic network service
debugging tools, which tells us which ports are open
and whether any programs are listening on ports.

$ netstat –at # All the TCP Connections

The Proto column tell us if the socket listed is TCP or

UDP (Protocol). The Recv-Q and Send-Q columns tell us
how much data is in the queue for that socket, waiting
to be read or sent. The Local Address and Foreign
Address columns tell to which hosts and ports the
listed sockets are connected. The local end is my
machine on which we run netstat, and the foreign end
is the other computer (could be somewhere in the local
network or on the internet). The state of the socket can
be listen (waiting for an incoming connection),
established (connections which are established), and Figure 7: All TCP Connections
time wait (the foreign or remote machine has already closed the connection, but that the local
program somehow hasn’t followed suit). If the Foreign Address is *:* (with TCP sockets & LISTEN state), a socket is usually waiting
for some remote host to send the first data. When connecting to a foreign host, a program on the computer usually doesn’t care
which local port is used for the connection. That’s why the port on the local side isn’t usually recognized and translated to a
protocol like “https” or “www”.

$ netstat –r # Routing Table

It shows the Kernel Routing

Table of the Machine. The
Destination column indicates
the pattern that the
destination of a packet is
compared to. When a packet
Figure 8: Kernel IP Routing Table
has to be sent over the
network, this table is examined top to bottom, and the first line with a matching destination is
then used to determine where to send the packet. The Gateway column tells the computer where to send a packet that matches
the destination of the same line. An asterisk (*) here means send locally.The Genmask column tells how many bits from the start
of the ip address are used to identify the subnet. As a rule of thumb, it is 255 for non-zero part and 0 for other parts of the

destination. The Flags column displays the flags that describe the route - G(route uses a gateway), U(interface is up), H(Only a
single host can be reached through the route), D(route is dynamically created), M(route is set if the table entry was modified by an
ICMP redirect message), !(route is a reject route and datagrams will be dropped). The next three columns show the MSS, Window
and irtt that will be applied to TCP connections established via this route. The MSS(Maximum Segment Size) is the size of the
largest datagram the kernel will construct for transmission via this route. The Window is the maximum amount of data the system
will accept in a single burst from a remote host. The acronym irtt is the initial round trip time. The Iface column tells which network
interface should be used for sending packets that match the destination.

$netstat –i # Network Interface Status

My machine has 3
interfaces, which are eno1
(Wired Ethernet), lo
(loopback device), wlo1
Figure 9: Kernel Interface Table (Wireless Ethernet).
The MTU and Met fields show the current MTU and metric values for that interface.
The RX and TX columns show how many packets have been received or transmitted error-free(RX-OK/TX-OK), damaged(RX-
ERR/TX-ERR), dropped(RX-DRP/TX-DRP) and lost because of an overrun (RX-OVR/TX-OVR). The last column shows the flags that
have been set for this interface- B(broadcast address has been set), L(it is a loopback device), M(all packets are received, i.e.
promiscuous mode), O(ARP is turned off for this interface), P(This is a point-to-point connection), R(Interface is running),
U(Interface is up).

The loopback device is a special, virtual network interface that the computer uses to communicate with itself. It is used mainly
for diagnostics and troubleshooting, and to connect to servers running on the local machine. When a network interface is
disconnected, no communication on that interface is possible, not even communication between the computer and itself. The
loopback interface does not represent any actual hardware, but exists so applications running on the computer can always connect
to servers on the same machine. For example, if you run a web server, you have all your web documents and could examine them
file by file on the local machine. For IPv4, the loopback interface is assigned all the IPs in the address block
(i.e. through

 The readings are taken at 1.00pm, 7.00pm and 1.00am (IST) respectively.
 Test PC was connected to DIGITALOCEAN VPN (Bangalore,India) while performing the experiment.

digitalocean.com iitg.ac.in Justpakit.com Seedr.cc Youtube.com

Hop Count #1 8 12 3 8 10
Hop Count #2 8 12 3 9 10
Hop Count #3 8 12 3 8 10
Table 4: Hopcounts of 5 Servers
The obvious common hops found were – (My machine) and Service Provider’s IP) which were common
in all the experiments. was also a common hop between all the hosts except justpakit.com. & was a common hop between digitalocean, seedr and youtube. was a common hop found between
digitalocean.com & youtube.com. Hops are common because of the reason that routes to these destinations pass through the
same internet circles and hence overlap.

The route to the hosts changes at different times of the day in the experiments because of network congestion. The packets are
redirected by the nodes to take a route having less traffic. The load balancing is done to reduce the load of congested path.

Sometimes, traceroute might not find a complete path to some host. Some servers/hosts along the path may have not been
configured to respond to the ICMP Traffic or may have set up firewalls which block the ICMP Traffic. However, they still send the
data to the next hop as there are results that follow. Many network providers disable ICMP traffic if their network is under heavy

It is possible to find the route to certain hosts which fail to respond with ping experiment. The ping and traceroute both use the
ICMP Packets but there working is different. Ping is straight ICMP from point A to point B, that traverses networks via routing rules
and expects a ICMP Reply from the host. Most probably the server is blocking the reply. On the other hand, Traceroute sends
packets with TTL values that gradually increase from packet to packet. Routers decrement TTL values of packets by one and discard
packets whose TTL value has reached zero, returning the ICMP error (ICMP Time Exceeded). Traceroute looks for the ICMP Time
exceeded packet and not the ICMP Reply Packet, and that is why it might be possible.

ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol. $
arp –a shows the complete ARP Table of the
machine. It shows the IP-Address, the
corresponding MAC Address and the Network
Interface. When we try to ping an IP address on
our local network, say, the system has
to turn the IP address into a MAC
address. This involves using ARP Table to
resolve it. An entry for the IP address can be
deleted from the ARP table using the
command “$ arp –d <address>”. If you want to
make a specific MAC address be used for an IP,
use the command: “$ arp -s <ip_addr>
<MAC_addr>”. You need to run it as a root
user(use sudo).

Entries stay cached in the ARP table for 60

Figure 10: Adding Entries in ARP Table seconds. A trial & error method to discover the timeout value is to add a temporary entry
in the arp table and keep on checking the arp table after fixed intervals of time (say 5 seconds). The time after which it dissapears
is approximately the required cache timeout. For a better appproximation, decrease the interval length. Alternatively, one can
use binary search also for finding the cache time, for e.g. – Add a temporary entry in ARP and check after 5000ms. If then entry
has been deleted, then add the entry again and check after 2500ms. Continue in Binary sense to find the cache time.

The scenario where two IP’s can map to same Ethernet Address is when a router or a gateway connects two or more subnet
ranges. When communicating with machines on the same subnet range, MAC address is used for directing the packages. In the
ARP Table, the IP’s of the devices which are connected in the other subnet range have the ethernet address/MAC address as that
of the Router or Gateway which connects the two subnet ranges. ARP table is referred to convert these IP addresses to the MAC
address and packets are sent to it(router/gateway). The router then uses it’s routing table and sends the packet further to the
correct device.

The following command is used for this question. The IP’s analysed are that of Dihing Hostel.

$ nmap -n -sP

From the above graph, one can easily notice that the number of hosts are low in the early morning around 11.00 AM and steadily
increase till the afternoon (around 4.00PM). After that there is slight decrease or almost same number of hosts online till evening
around 11:00PM. The number of hosts online starts to decrease after that.


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